Configuring LAPACK in Eclipse-Photran for fortran compiler on Windows - eclipse

Thank you Vladimir for the usefull insights in libraries. I took another approach, developping first in ubuntu (which was a lot easier then messing around with Eclipse/Cygwin/... and now I'm trying to port to windows, which goes rather ok, however I have some questions about that too, posted here: Problems with porting a fortran program from ubuntu to windows
I currently have the following setup and can't get the lapack library configured so that my fortran code can compile:
Windows 7
Cygwin installation (for GNU fortran), added to the windows PATH
lapack and liblapack-devel installed with cygwin
resulting in liblapack.a and libblas.a in the folder C:/cygwin/lib
In my program I call the lapack library using the following code
program myProgram
!use lapack (stays commented now)
In Eclipse I used the following setup (with the Photran package):
Fortran Project: executable GNU fortran on Windows (GCC toolchain)
GNU fortran compiler: gfortran ${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} ${OUTPUT_FLAG} ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}${OUTPUT} ${INPUTS}
GNU fortran linker: gfortran ${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} ${OUTPUT_FLAG} ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}${OUTPUT} ${INPUTS}
I compiled the libraries libblas.a and liblapack.a, to use as a static library, for windows and they are located in the C:/cygwin/lib folder. In the GNU fortran linker properties, the libraries were called lapackand blasin the folder C:/cygwin/lib. This results in a part -L"C:/cygwin/lib" -llapack -lblas in the {$COMMAND} section of the compiler and linker. (thanx to #vladimir-f for the help)
In the output there are no error messages left anymore. Only I got now the following error in Eclipse and no final .exe or bins:
Errors occured during the build.
Errors running builder 'CDT Builder' on project 'Hamfem'
Internal error building project Hamfem configuration
Internal error building project Hamfem configuration
However, the result of the build is still an executable, in this case called Hamfem.exe. Running this file results in the error message (instead of the routine): The program can't start because cyglapack-0.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
That file is currently located in C:/cygwin/lib/lapack/ but I want that this file isn't needed to run the program, so I can run it on different computers. Can someone collaborate on this?
Second, when copy-pasting the .dll file in the folder where the .exe is located, it runs for a brief second, generating a stackdump file. I can't use the debugger in Eclipse-Photran due to the 'Building Workspace' error. Eclipse gives the message Binary not found when I want to run it in Eclipse as a local Fortran program. Any ideas how to resolve this problem?

The problem is here
L/lib/lapack –llapack
try to change it for
-L/lib/lapack –llapack
probably it is in you Makefile.
gfortran -funderscoring -O3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -L/lib/lapack -llapack -o
And make sure lapack.mod is really in /lib/lapack which is probably C:\cygwin\lib\lapack on Cygwin.


Compiling with icc and MAGMAmic cannot find "complex" system file

I am trying to compile a source file with icc compiler and MAGMAmic library. However I get the following error:
icc -c -o direct.o direct.c -O3 -openmp -DADD_ -Wall -DHAVE_MIC -I/opt/intel/mic/coi/include -I/usr/include/intel-coi -I/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/mkl/include:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/ipp/include:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/mkl/include:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/tbb/include:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/daal/include -I/home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include -I/home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/contol
icc: command line remark #10411: option '-openmp' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the replacement option '-qopenmp'
In file included from /home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include/magma_types.h(134),
from /home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include/magmablas_z.h(17),
from /home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include/magmablas.h(12),
from /home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include/magma.h(17),
from direct.c(21):
/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/compiler/include/complex(30): catastrophic error: cannot open source file "complex"
#include_next <complex>
The MAGMAmic library has compiled correctly and I can run it's test ok.
I have looked at the way testing_dgesv_mic.cpp example compiles and used the same includes and link, however in my case I get the above error.
I have added the following in my .bashrc file in order to get the Intel compilers' and libraries' enviromental variables:
#for MAGMA mic
export MAGMA_PATH=/home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0
source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64
source /opt/intel/mkl/bin/ intel64
Any ideas what might cause icc to be unable to include the "complex" file?
The file complex really exists in "/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/compiler/include/complex"
icc vesrion is:
[dslavchev#sl051 results]$ icc -v
icc version 17.0.2 (gcc version 4.4.7 compatibility)
magmamic version is magmamic-1.4.0
EDIT: Removed unnecessary code comment
EDIT2: Added version info.
MAGMAmic is a C++ library and it cannot be used with C code directly.
When icc detects that you want to compile .c++ file it automatically switches to icpc (Intel C++ compiler) which in turn results in the above error.
Solution: Either switch to icpc or rename your files to .c++
This question was answered by mark on the MAGMA forums. Link:

Problems compiling CUDA with MEX in Matlab2014a

I am trying to compile a CUDA program using MEX within Matlab2014a and can't get it to work.
I installed the newest CUDA toolbox (6.5) and driver (340.62) and the samples work correctly, so I guess it is correctly installed.
I also installed MS Visual Studio 2012 Professional and Matlab 2014a.
I followed the exact description in the Matlab Help in "GPU Computing -> Examples and How To -> Run MEX-Functions Containing CUDA Code".
My CUDA file ends with .cu (so I am trying to compile Matlab's standard example, but I get the same error with other .cu files), the mex_CUDA_win64.xml is in the same folder, the environment variable MW_NVCC_PATH is set correctly in the user variables and just to be sure I also called "setenv('MW_NVCC_PATH,...)" in Matlab.
If I try to compile a CUDA example with
mex -largeArrayDims
I get the following error:
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type '', object file assumed
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file '' ignored
cl : Command line warning D9021 : no action performed
D:\PROGRAMS\MATLAB~1\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Compile of '' failed.
Unable to complete successfully.
I also tried to set the compiler correctly using
mex -setup
and chose the MS Visual Studio Compiler.
The code itself works because I tested it on other systems.
I have no idea what I am doing wrong.
Any help is appreciated.
Matlab only supports CUDA 5.5 on R2014a, so your CUDA 6.5 by default cannot compile mex files under Matlab. Matlab R2014a supports VS 2012 now, but you need to verify you have VS 64-bit compiler if your Matlab is 64-bit. You can compile a normal .mex file with .cpp source file, (lots of these files under matlabroot/extern folder) to see whether Matlab works well with your VS.
Note that Matlab has a lag in supporting the latest compilers, both VS/gcc and Cuda. It is always good choice to check the compiler requirement by Matlab, before using the latest compilers.
Also check whether your Cuda kit and graphics drivers are correctly installed and work seamlessly with VS. You can compile and run some .cu files under the VS environment.
If you have finished all above and changed to the correct version of compilers, follow the instructions on matheworks website to compile the mexGPUExample file. If my memory is correct, you need to set environment variables and copy the XML file to the .mex file path. Then it should work.

Unknown Eclipse Errors using gfortran, Cygwin

Using Windows 7 64 bit. I've followed these instructions for installing Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers and Cygwin, the latter because I want gfortran to compile Fortran code. At 18:20 in the linked tutorial he compiles in Eclipse with no errors, but I get the following 2 errors (Project is called "example"):
Description Resource Path Location Type
make: *** [example] Error 1 example C/C++ Problem
recipe for target 'example' failed makefile /example/Debug line 29 C/C++ Problem
My code (main.f90, under project "example") is simply
program main
print*, "hello world"
end program main
I've also tried compiling through the terminal, but get the following:
>>gfortran main.f90
gfortran: fatal error: -fuse-linker-plugin, but cyglto_plugin.dll not found
compilation terminated
Any help is appreciated!
The tutorial, you linked, is 2 years old...
As far as I see from the content of the packages available from, you have to install gcc-fortran instead of gcc4-fortran, because the latter one is labeled as obsolete.
The library cyglto_plugin.dll, which is used for Link-Time-Optimization, can be found in the package gcc-core and should be installed as a dependency. You could try to disable this library by using -fno-use-linker-plugin, but this will disable some optimization.

Issues with g++ and Eclipse on Linux - unresolved symbols

I am running Ubuntu 64bit version, and downloaded the latest 64bit Eclipse.
Installed g++ along with build-essential. Tested g++ to make sure it works from terminal, and it works fine.
alex#ubuntu:~/Desktop$ g++ test.cpp -o test
alex#ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ./test
Hello World!alex#ubuntu:~/Desktop$
However, trying to build simple C++ Hello Word project(one of the default projects that comes with Eclipse), I am getting error.
Description Resource Path Location Type
Program "g++" not found in PATH Preferences, C++/Build/Settings/Discovery, [CDT GCC Builtin Compiler Settings] options C/C++ Scanner Discovery Problem
I have added Environment variable named g++ with value /usr/bin/g++ and the above error went away, however, now I am getting unresolved errors, though project compiles and in the Console shows !!!Hello World!!!
Description Resource Path Location Type
Symbol 'endl' could not be resolved test_hello.cpp /test_hello/src line 13 Semantic Error
Symbol 'cout' could not be resolved test_hello.cpp /test_hello/src line 13 Semantic Error
Symbol 'std' could not be resolved test_hello.cpp /test_hello/src line 10 Semantic Error
Have I correctly entered Environmental variable ?? How can I get fix the "unresolved" error ?? Thanks !
When compiling there are two important things to consider:
1.) Is my path up-to-date with executables?
2.) Is my library path correct?
It appears you satisfy 1.) but not 2.)
The unresolved symbol error means that Eclipse cannot find your library via LD_LIBRARY_PATH or some other medium. It's attempting to locate the standard compiled C++ library.
How did you install g++?
Kindly do this and post the results:
Project > Properties > C/C++ Build > Environment
If everything there appears nominal, you can try
which should hopefully re-parse your system library paths and might update your environment.


This is Subhash. I am having problem in linking fortran-matlab mex files.
I am running MATLAB R2010a. I am trying to mex fortran subroutines in MATLAB. I have installed MSYS, MinGW and gfortran. I have also downloaded and extracted gnumex in the c:\documents\MATLAB folder. I entered gnumex to run the installation settings.
At this point, I see a window pop-up and I entered the following:
MinGW's root directory ---> Pointed towards c:\mingw b) Cygwin's
root directory -----> left blank c)
Path to g95.exe ------> c:\mingw\bin
path to gfortran.exe ------> c:\program files\gfortran\bin e)
path to gnumex utilities ------> c:\users.....\matlab\gnumex
environment linking type ------> MinGW
generate mex dll or engine-----> mex
language for compilation -------> fortran 77
add stub ------> no
optimization level -----> -O3
path for libraries and .def files
Mex options file to create:
The above is my installation setup for mex with gnumex. When I hit make options file, an warning message pops out which says
" cannot corret .....
"cannot open c:...\R2010a\bin\ for writing"
and when I hit ok, again it pops out saying to confirm overwrite of mexopts.bat .
I hit confirm and the opt file is created.
At this point I should have my mex setup ready. But, when I run the fortran mex examples xtimesy.f, etc.. ( I use mex filename.f at the command prompt) and I get the following error
g77: getValidInputLinkLibraries: No such file or directory
c:\prog~1\MATLAB\R2010A\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'xtimesy.mexw32' failed.
Error using ---> mex at 222
unable to complete successfully.
I tried this uninstalling several times, but ended up with the same error.
Could anyone please let me know where am I going wrong. Is this not the correct procedure to link the g77? Please throw some light on this.
I appreciate your time..
I recently tried to mex some fortran routines and failed due to the poor support for fortran compilers by matlab in windows. I got around the problem by using f2c to convert the fortran to C code, then creating a gateway routine in C which calls the automatically generated C code functions and mexing the resul using the visual studio 2008 compiler which integrates nicely with matlab (the free express edition version is sufficient, you will also be able to use it for debugging).
You can get f2c from You must link the produced C code to the f2c library, which you may also have to build from the sources.
I know this all sounds very complicated, but it was easiest solution I found.