Why is the loop portion of this loop react block not "looping" the way I expect? - scala

I'm working on a homework assignment, modifying code created by my professor. Unfortunately, he's not available to me currently so I'm reaching out to the stackoverflow crowd.
This snippet is from a file "Peer.scala", which communicates with an actor from another class "RemoteActorChat.scala". I have only included the snippet that I believe is the cause of my issue, for the sake of brevity. Should the rest of the code be useful in finding a solution, I'll gladly post it.
My intent is to have the Peer capture input from the console in a continuous loop, while simultaneously reacting to any messages received from the RemoteChatActor.
def act {
loop {
val textInput = Console.readLine(name + ">").toString()
textInput match {
case "Unsubscribe" =>
case "Subscribe" =>
case "?" =>
println("Type any message to send it to the chatroom")
println("Type 'Unsubscribe' (without quotes) to leave the chatroom")
println("Type 'Subscribe' (without quotes) to re-join the chatroom")
case _ =>
react {
case Post(msg) =>
println(name + " got a post = " + msg)
When the inputText is matched to _ the post function is called, does it's thing and I get another prompt. I can post messages all day long like this if I want.
However, when inputText is matched to "Unsubscribe", "Subscribe", or "?", the behavior is different. The statements in the case are executed IE) the unsubscribe or subscribe functions are called and do their thing as expected. However, I don't get the prompt back to continue sending input from the console. The peer basically just hangs at this point. I expect another prompt but the console window is just empty and doesn't take any additional input.
Clearly my understanding of how this should work is flawed.
What am I misunderstanding, and how can I make this do what I intend?

The actor is waiting for a Post inside react. It won't continue until it gets one. Since you only send one in one case, only that case gets through.
If you want to make the other cases work, either have them also send a message that the react block can receive (at least as a case _ inside the react block), or move the react block so it will only be entered if there will in fact be a Post coming back its way at some point.


Outlook Addin Event handler clean up

I am having problems with the event handler in my office addin . Below is an example code i got from microsoft website to explain what i mean.
I have a manifest file that uses the on-send hook as well as a click-based event triggering.
My button calls appendMessageBodyOnClick and onsend i call appendMessageBodyOnSend. Both function primarily do the same thing. I never want to block sending emails regardless.
The problem is that the event object is not properly cleaned up i think.
Scenario 1
When i click my button ; which calls event.completed(), and then after i try to send the message, it says my app is blocking the message, but then when i try to send again it goes through.
Scenario 2
When i leave the subject empty and then send the message, as expected i am prompted that the subject is empty. If i cancel sending the message on this note and then click on my button, the message tries to send as though i clicked send.
I am supposing the is some sort or state clean up issue. What am i doing wrong here?
function appendMessageBodyOnClick(event) {
// Append string to message body
// In the following example, the checkMessage function has
// been registered as an event handler for ItemSend.
function appendMessageBodyOnSend(event) {
// Append string to message body
event.completed({allowEvent = true});
Not sure if this will help, but I also have faced some seemingly inconsistent behavior while understanding how to signal that event is fully completed. Once I got my edge cases fixed, then it worked.
One suggestion: Appending string to message body should be an async function. Call the event.completed() from inside the callback function. (i.e: make sure when you are calling event.completed(), nothing else is pending -like another async result)
Something like the following:
Office.context.mailbox.item.body.setAsync("new body", function(asyncResult) {
// handle success and failure
Same would be for your scenario 2, make sure event.completed() is called at the very end.

scalajs-react router. How to perform ajax request inside conditional route

I am trying to make some conditional routes. The condition resolves on the serverside.
Route rule example:
| (dynamicRouteCT("#user" / long.caseClass[User]) ~> dynRender((page: User) => <.div("Hello, " + page.id.toString)))
.addCondition((page: User) => checkPermissions(page.id))(_ => Some(redirectToPage(Page403)(Redirect.Push)))
checkpermissions body:
def checkPermissions(id: Long) = CallbackTo.future{
/*Ajax.get(s"http://some.uri/?id=$id") map (res =>
* if (something) true
* else false
* )
//the request before returns Future[XMLHttprequest] witch maps to Future[Boolean]
I got type missmatch here: (page: User) => checkPermissions(page.id)
Is it possible to perform ajax request inside conditional routes?
If we look at def addCondition(cond: Page => CallbackTo[Boolean])(condUnmet: Page => Option[Action[Page]]): Rule[Page] we can see that it requires a CallbackTo[Boolean]. Because of the nature of the JS env, there is now way to go from Future[A] to A. Although it's not a limitation from scalajs-react itself, it is an inherited reality that will affect your scalajs-react code; as this table in the doc shows, there's no way to go from a CallbackTo[Future[Boolean]] to a CallbackTo[Boolean].
This type-level restriction is actually a really good thing for user experience. The router is synchronous, it must determine how to render routes and route changes immediately. If it were allowed to be async and somehow supported Futures, then the user would experience noticable (and potentially huge) delays without any kind of visual feedback or means of interruption.
The "right way" to solve this problem is to use a model that covers the async state. This is what I would do:
Create an AsyncState[E, A] ADT with cases: Empty, AwaitingResponse, Loaded(value: A), Failed(error: E).(You can enrich these further if desired, eg. loadTime on Loaded, retry callback on Failed, timeStarted on AwaitingResponse, etc.)
Have an instance of AsyncState[Boolean] in your (local/client-side) state.
Optionally kick-off an async load on page startup.
Have the router pass its value to a component and/or check the value of this.(The router won't know the value because it's dynamic, use Callback in a for-comprehension to wire things up and satisfy the types.)
Depending on the value of AsyncState[Boolean], render something meaningful to the user. If it's AwaitingResponse, display a little spinner; if it's failed display an error and probably a retry button.
(It should also be noted that AsyncState[Boolean] shouldn't actually be Boolean as that's not very descriptive or true to the domain. It would probably be something more meaningful like AsyncState[UserAccess] or something like that.)
Hope that helps! Good luck!

Playframework User Actor with User Session

I'm pretty new to Scala, the Play Framework and Akka. In the project I currently work on, the user of the web application should be able to ask the server several things to do (like starting a particular computation) in an asynchronous way. If the server is done it should notify the user also async. I solve this demand by a WebSocket connection which is established when the user first connects with the Application and the WebSocket is handled by a UserActor, which is attached to the User Session:
def ws = WebSocket.tryAcceptWithActor[JsValue, JsValue] { implicit request =>
Future.successful(request.session.get(UID) match {
case None => Left(Forbidden)
case Some(uid) => Logger.info("WebSocket has accepted the request with uid " + uid)
Currently, the only thing the UserActor does is receiving messages from the WebSocket as JsValue. The UID of the session is generated when requesting index:
def index = Action { implicit request => {
val uid = request.session.get(UID).getOrElse {
counter += 1
Ok(views.html.index(uid)).withSession {
Logger.debug("create uid " + uid)
request.session + (UID -> uid)
The UserActor should represent the actual user on the Server and thus include the logic of all actions that the user can perform on the Server. This works fine as long as I send all user interaction over the WebSocket.
Now what is the case with other user input, like form submission? The application includes a form whose data should not go over the WebSocket, but rather be submitted with a POST request (perhaps with AJAX) and bound in a controller to the Model like described in the documentation.
def saveContact = Action { implicit request =>
formWithErrors => {
contact => {
val contactId = Contact.save(contact)
Redirect(routes.Application.showContact(contactId)).flashing("success" -> "Contact saved!")
This example is taken from the Playframework documentation.
Now, how do I link the Form Submission handler with the UserActor? Say I want to tell the user actor that a form has been submitted. A trivial example would be that the UserActor sends one value of the form back over the WebSocket to the client as soon it is received. So basically the problem reduces to the issue that I want to send the UserActor Messages from any Controller.
I might come up with the idea to send all form data over the WebSocket, but I also want to realize the upload of large data in the future, which I want to tackle like described in this blog post. Then one scenario I could imagine is that the UserActor should be messaged for each chunk it receives.
I guess one problem is that the UserActor and the WebSocketActor are the same and I rather should split their logic, such that the UserActor is only associated with the Session, but I have no idea how to accomplish this. Maybe I need another actor, say a UserManager, which keeps track of present UserActors and enables access to UserActors?
Do you have any suggestions, recommendations or perhaps an example application which also deals with this case? Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards
Don't use the actor that you pass to tryAcceptWithActor as a representation of the User. It should represent a particular session with that user. Possibly, one of many concurrent sessions (multiple browsers, or tabs) a user could have open at a particular time.
Create a separate actor to represent the user and all of the actions it can perform. Now the session actors should forward their messages to the user actor. Traditional controller methods can also forward requests to the corresponding user actors.

Update actor state only after all events are persisted

In the receive method of a persistent actor, I receive a bunch a events I want to persist, and only after all events are persisted, update again my state. How can I do that?
def receive: Receive = {
case NewEvents(events) =>
persist(events) { singleEvent =>
// Update state using this single event
// After every events are persisted, do one more thing
Note that the persist() call is not blocking so I cannot put my code just after that.
Update: Why I need this
These new events come from an external web-service. My persistent actor needs to store in its state the last event id, which will be used for the subsequent ws call when it receives a command. The thing is that these commands may come concurrently, so I need some kind of locking system:
Received ws call command: stash next commands until this one finishes (that is, to sum up, a boolean)
Received responses from ws: store them, update the state and save the last id, execute another, single ws call for all commands that are in the stash (I'm keeping the command senders to be able to respond to them all once done) otherwise don't stash commands anymore.
I haven't tried defer yet, my initial solution was to send myself a PersistEventsDone message. It works because the persist method will stash all incoming messages until all the events handlers are executed. If another command came in the process, it doesn't really matter if it's before or after PersistEventsDone:
def receive: Receive = {
case PersistEventsDone =>
case NewEvents(events) =>
persist(events) { singleEvent =>
// Update state using this single event
self ! PersistEventsDone
defer is a bit weird in my case because it requires an event I don't need. But it still looks more natural than my solution.

Implement timeout in actors

I am new to scala and actors. I need to implement such hypothetical situation:
Server wait for messages, if it does not get any in say 10s period of time, it sends message to the Client. Otherwise it receives messages incoming. If it is inside processing some message and another message comes, it needs to be queued (I suppose that is done automatically by scala actors).
The second problem I am encountering is Sleeping. I need the actor to sleep for some constant period of time when it receives the message. But on the other hand I can't block, as I want incoming messages to be queued for further processing.
How about this?
loop {
reactWithin(10000) {
case TIMEOUT => // send message to client
case work => // do work
Daniel has provided a better answer to the no-input condition part of the question. So I've edited out my inferior solution.
As to the delayed response part of the question, the message queue doesn't block while an actor sleeps. It can just sleep and messages will still accumulate.
However, if you want a fixed delay from when you receive a message to when you process it, you can, for example, create an actor that works immediately but wraps the message in a request for a delay:
case class Delay(when: Long, what: Any) { }
// Inside class DelayingActor(workingActor: Actor)
case msg => workingActor ! Delay(delayValue + System.currentTimeMillis , msg)
Then, the working actor would
case Delay(t,msg) =>
val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis
if (t>t0) Thread.sleep( t - t0 )
msg match {
// Handle message