Trouble launching Eclipse Juno - eclipse

This is silly, but I am running out of ideas.
I downloaded the latest eclipse (EE) 64 bit package for my mac, untarred it and upon launching it, got an error message. Reopening it, of course did not work.
I tried:
Downloading package from multiple mirrors
Downloading non-EE version fails with same error
Downloading Indigo version - starts up and runs fine.
I have already installed:
Standard Juno installed (non EE). It can run without any issues. Could there be a conflict with anything here?
New non-EE version Juno install fails with the same error as EE version
I am not sure what else to try or how this behavior can be explained. Any ideas?
I am running on 10.8.2 OSX (Mountain Lion) with security settings enabled to

The problem was the Unarchiver. As part of untarring, it corrupted something.
Once tarball was untarred manually, everything worked like a charm. No magic.

I had the same trouble in the same situation.
After the latest update eclipse.ini file was lost in folder.
I recovered it and restarted eclipse(eclipse -clean). Successfully it started working.

I just ran into the same problem, took forever to figure it out because I just updated eclipse.ini then it was gone again after an update.
A recent bug about Eclipse Update removing the eclipse.ini in Mac OS X (Sept 29, 2012)
"Bug 390756 - Juno SR1 update is removing the eclipse.ini file"
See comment: David Williams 2012-10-10 16:15:52 EDT:
Starting fresh from SR0 or SR1 works fine, but starting with the already
broken version (even with eclipse.ini restored) does indeed delete the


Mac OS: can't install Eclipse [duplicate]

I have formatted my Mac due to some storage issues. Before this, I used Eclipse in a proper way. Now i have installed the JDK
Then, i have installed Java
Until now everything seems to be correct but when I open the Eclipse installer...
What can I do to fix this? I need to work with this the soon as possible.
Eclipse on macOS will not start with Java 14 installed, this is being tracked in Eclipse bug 561273.
Installing Java 8 as well does not help. You need to remove the Java 14 install. You could use the Java 13.0.2 release instead.
Eclipse have determined that the root cause of this issue is a change in Java 14 which is described in this bug report JDK-8238225. The fix for this should be in Java 14.0.1
Update: Eclipse runs fine with Oracle Java 14.0.1 so the issue has been fixed.
I also asked this question which was closed, that's why I answer what I have found out: Eclipse will not install on Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4, saying the above error message
Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine.
Deinstalling jdk and install an older one wouldn't help on its own because Eclipse is refusing to install in the first place (as mentioned above). What I have done:
i´ve installed an JDK with boost (you can try several, mine worked with Version 13)
I edited the installer:
Download the dmg file
convert the dmg-file with "hdiutil convert /dev/disk3s1 -format UDRW -o devimage"
mount the converted dmg-file with: "hdiutil attach -owners on devimage.dmg -shadow"
Edit the /Volumes/Eclipse/ there is a section which is commented and there you can try the jdk version. You have to give the full path to the java executable, for example:
Then my eclipse started from the (already) mounted Eclipse image without complaining
I had the same issue myself a while back. In your Eclipsepedia it provided an example of what the eclipse.ini file looks like when your trying to specify a JVM. So just change the eclipse.ini file and then make sure that you have all of the correct documents in that path to match the example.

eclipse.exe stop working in windows 10

I recently update my Windows7 to Windows10 by free Microsoft reservation and upgradation.
Before upgradation eclipse started normally and didn't has any problem but since I upgrade my windows I can't run it , when I try to open it I get the "eclipse.exe stop working" error.
I too got the same error. I tried following steps.
Reinstalled JDK (JDK 1.8 update 60 - 64 bit)
Installed fresh copy of eclipse (latest version - Eclipse 4.5 Mars)
Installed 32 bit version of JDK
None of these worked for me.
Finally I opened the eclipse by right clicking and Run As Administrator option - found this option in another forum. This worked for me.
Try to open eclipse via the commandline. (Open cmd, go to the eclipse folder, run eclipse.exe). You might get more information about the crash there and we can try to resolve the error.
I'm also facing this issue between Windows 10 and Eclipse Luna 4.4.2.
It was working just fine for several weeks and one day it begins.
I try to upgrade my JDK to 1.8.66 without success; try older JDK 1.7.80 and same problem.
I was able to run eclipse after adding JAVA_HOME environment variable and launching eclipse ide as administrator, as #Shyamkumar suggested above.
Another really ANNOYING thing is how the moderators of StackOverflow evaluate some questions posted here. Please Do Not downgrade questions if the answers may help other people. It is not about you, but the others !
In eclipse.ini file at VM, if it looks like:
-vm C:/Users/Nitin/.p2/pool/plugins/org.eclipse.justj.openjdk.hotspot.jre.full.win32.x86_64_14.0.2.v20200815-0932/jre/bin
try replacing it with the following:
-vm C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.1\bin\javaw.exe
Note: The folder depends on the JDK version you have installed.
Try this. It worked for me.

PyDev installation problems with Kepler and Mac OS

I have Eclipse (Kepler) installed on OS X and updated recently to Maverick. Since then I didn't start Eclipse. Yesterday I did and it told me that there are update available. I installed them, with the result that Eclipse didn't remember to have a perspective for PyDev.
I uninstalled PyDev, reinstalled it and since then it doesn't even appear in the preferences. I can uninstall it again, meaning Eclipse knows it is there, but there is simply no way to configure it.
Today I trashed the whole Eclipse, downloaded a fresh one and installed PyDev via the update site... Same story!
Has anybody the same problem on OS X?
Cheers, Tom
I've seen this on Windows 7, after a recent update to Eclipse Kepler and PyDev 3.0.x. The PyDev site states that the latest PyDev requires Java 7. If you don't have Java 7, use PyDev 2. (, under the "Release 3.0" title"). I'm using Java 6 to launch Eclipse.
I would check the versions of Java and PyDev you're running.
Not enough rep to comment on Gerry Kuhn's answer so I'll make a new one.
You can install java7 but retain your current version and not affect your current set up by specifying which JVM Eclipse should use using the command line -vm option.
All is explained here
Same problem on my Mac here with
Eclipse Version: Kepler Service Release 1
solved by using 2.x version
just download zip here and extracted folder in the dropin directory and restart is ok now
I solved this problem by changing the eclipse.ini file.
I changed from this value
to this value.
But of course you must have jdk 7 installed previously.

Pydev missing after upgrading Eclipse on FreeBSD

I recently updated my ports on my FreeBSD 9.0 release machine and I think eclipse was upgraded due to a port upstream forced Eclipse to be rebuilt. Now Pydev is gone. I tried uninstalling then reinstalling Eclipse, then installing Pydev using inside Eclipse. It appears to install ok but I can't create a Pydev project or use the Pydev view. I tried removing my ~/.eclipse folder to force the creation of a new one, and reinstalling Eclipse and Pydev to no avail. What am I doing wrong? I'm running Eclipse Indigo version 3.7.1 build id: R3_7_1
This question was most similar to mine, but the solution didn't work for me. I also tried pointing my install site as: per another question on StackOverflow, to no avail.
After some more testing I finally got the newest FreeBSD port to work. I had to launch and install the plugins as root. It didn't work another time I ran it but, this great troubleshooting document helped out. I methodically went through each step one by one, and the logs indicated there was an error on my /usr/local/lib file it was trying to unzip. My user doesn't have write access to that directory but root does. I don't know why it didn't work the last time I ran it as root, perhaps I didn't install the plug-in as root. It works now, so I'm happy. Thanks Fabio, for your input.
I'm not sure how FreeBSD packages things, so, maybe an easy way out would be getting Eclipse from and installing PyDev on that fresh install (or if you're also doing web stuff, I'd suggest grabbing Aptana Studio 3, which comes with PyDev preinstalled, so, you don't have to worry about configuring it).
See: for details

Eclipse Indigo Update from SR1 to SR2

How can I update Eclipse to the newest service release SR2?
I have selected as my only update site. At some point during the update I get the following error.
What worked for me was to just download the new eclipse package. Deleted my old eclipse installation directory and unzipped the new archive to the same location. Then I just had to set my workspace directory again and finally I had to install all plugins I previously had installed.
Only small problem was to get the proper version (x86 or x64) because I could not check which Version I had previously installed. So I 1st got x64-eclipse but on that one I couldn't got subclipse to work. The x86-version worked like a charm.
Dunno why x64-subclipse didn't worked because my suite runs on windows-x64 with a x64 jdk but I don't care for the moment because I just write x86 programs atm anyway.
I didn't change anything but it is working now. Looks like someone has finally added all missing dependencies on the update servers.