Styling the first option of a <select> input on iOS - iphone

I'm trying to style a select input on iOS. The first option or initial state should have smaller font-size but not the rest of the options.
I have the following html structure:
<select class="dropdown">
<option selected="" value="Navigation">Navigation</option>
<option value="some-link">Whatever</option>
<option value="some-link">Another option</option>
<option value="some-link">Why</option>
<option value="some-link">What</option>
My CSS for it looks like this:
select {
-webkit-appearance: none;
font-family: 'Custom-Font', sans-serif;
line-height:1.8em; // optical center
background-color: #ccc;
color: #333;
border: none;
padding: 6px 10px 4px 10px;
.dropdown {
background-image: url(img/assets.svg);
background-position: right 2px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
width: 100%;
option:not(:first-of-type) {
The <select> menu looks exactly like I want it to look. It says "Navigation" inside a light-gray box with a rather small font-size.
However when clicking/tapping the select on my iphone the native UI view of iOS shows all options also in a very small font-size.
How can I just make the selected option (or the box itself) use the custom formatting but not the options. I want my options to have a "normal" readable font-size.
Any ideas on that? I tried with option:not(:first-of-type) and increase the font-size but no effect!

Unfortunately, there isn't a way to do it. iOS Safari takes full control of styling select lists' internal contents. Here's a reference for verification: little link.
One way to achieve this this would be to simulate the dropdown/select menu using JavaScript.
It's not very preferable, but if you absolutely require to change the default styling, then I'm afraid it's the only way to go; here's a demo that should give you an idea on how to do the simulation: another little link.

Try this 100% worked for me
select {
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
appearance: none;

For what it's worth - I had a transparent <select> dropdown with a border radius when closed. On iOS (I'm not sure about android, I didn't test it) the default grey box for the <select> would appear inside of my custom border which was unappealing and unwanted.
To get rid of the inner grey box I used the following CSS:
-webkit-appearance: none;
And further more - pertaining to this OP's topic. Bootstrap offers a convenient solution with great documentation to enable custom dropdowns with Javascript. Check it out here.


Ionic Input Box Width

i have a problem with the input from ionic framework. input seem to fit to mobile device / small screen device, it cannot stretch to fit to medium or large device view port. is it deliberately or a bug there? and how make it fit to any screen at least to medium screen as i am writing an apps for tablet or ipad.
this pen explained the case, try to type along words / sentences in the your own content box.
input code
<input type="text" placeholder="Your own content" ng-model="customQuote" required>
It seems to me you find the bug. You should patch ionic.css:
.item-input-inset .item-input-wrapper input {
padding-left: 4px;
height: 29px;
background: transparent;
line-height: 18px;
// you should add the following:
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
or make your own style and add to your input

How to remove iPhone <button> styling?
On an iPhone, the button is round with a gradient. However, on every other desktop browser and Android that we've tested so far, it is square. I want the button to stay square. What CSS resets do I need for this?
This rounded corner is the default property of the Safari browser and iOS 5 devices. To overwrite it, use the following styling for your button:
-webkit-appearance: none;
border-radius: 0;
To keep your own border radius while removing the iOS styling
-webkit-appearance: none;
-webkit-border-radius: none;
border-radius: 10px;
You must remove webkit's border-radius to get your own style back, but you can still add your own border-radius after you remove theirs.
You could try to use this property on your button attribute.
border-radius: 0

CSS input button on iPhone

I have this site here and in the top right corner I have an input button and it looks weird on an iphone and I don't know why. It makes into a circle/bubble like button.
Heres the HTML for the input button
<input type="submit" id="button" name="button" class="searchBtn" value="GO"/>
and here is the CSS
Any help would be gratefully appreciated!
I fixed my problem but adjusting my css like this...
-webkit-appearance: none;
By adding -webkit-appearance: none; the button now looks good an iphone, this also works for the iPad.
If you have a lot of different buttons that this is an issue with on your site, try:
input[type="button"], input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"] {
-webkit-appearance: none;
That should reset all of your input buttons without causing problems with checkboxes and other inputs. Just leave the rest of your CSS as-is.
consider setting -moz-appearance and -ms-appearance to none as well...
If you have access to a mac you can turn on developer tools in Safari and put the browser into iPhone simulation mode and try to debug it that way.

How to give background images in select tag in pure css?

I want to do this
This is select drop down of form
My code is
border:solid 1px #13669b;
box-shadow:0 5px 2px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.06) inset;
font-family: 'LatoBold';
padding:0 14px;
I want to this only pure css. How?
There is no way to create a dropdown box like that with pure css (yet).
You can create your own js/css dropdown plugin or use one of the many jQuery/css plugins already available.
I am not sure if there is EASY cross browser way to do it but if you with combination of CSS + jQuery, you can get it working in all browsers in use:
Reinventing a Drop Down with CSS and jQuery
See the tutorial on how to do it and modify the CSS for the look you want.
This solution works with pure CSS but it's Chrome-related. See the following example:
select {
-webkit-appearance: button;
-webkit-border-radius: 2px;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
-webkit-padding-end: 20px;
-webkit-padding-start: 2px;
-webkit-user-select: none;
background-image: url(../images/select-arrow.png),
-webkit-linear-gradient(#FAFAFA, #F4F4F4 40%, #E5E5E5);
background-position: center right;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
border: 1px solid #AAA;
color: #555;
font-size: inherit;
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
Haven't tried to replace the -webkit prefix by a -moz one for it to be compatible with Firefox browsers, it might actually work as well, you should give it a go.
Dropdowns are implemented differently in different browsers, and styling is not widely supported. This has it's reasons. For one: consider the dropdowns on iPads/iPhones. They work radically different than desktop application dropdowns.
If you want a styled dropdown, you will have to build it yourself with lists and javascript. Or use one of numerous libraries available for this (which is further proof that no pure CSS solution is available).

The menu of my site doesn't look right when I view it on my iPhone

When I view on my iPhone, the menu overflows for some reason. See:
And it even looks worst on the other pages because of the title:
Anyone know why it's like this? And is there a way to fix it? Here's the CSS for the menu:
#menu {
#menu ul { /* remove bullets and list indents */
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#menu ul li {
#menu ul li a {
#menu ul li a:hover {
#menu ul li a.current_link {
As an iPhone user and developer - I wouldn't use a site like yours on the phone unless I really had to - it would require all sorts of zooming in before I could read or click on that menu.
If you have content that you would like to present via a menu on an iPhone, I would recommend detecting small-screen mobile browsers and redirecting them to a mobile specific menu at the very least - jQuery Mobile is so easy to use to create a menu.
This is just a response about iPhone or similar size screens - I'm sure you'd want to fix this on an iPad if it looks the same.
You're not setting an explicit width on the menu items which leaves their width at the mercy of the browser and how large the font-size + margins and padding end up being. In the case of mobile browsers (Android too), your width is just too much for the 450px that you have. Try dropping the font size a point or something.
You're discovering one of the downsides of relying on text/fonts within your menu system. There is way too much variability (OS, browser, device, etc.) to expect the text to always behave properly or even use the font you intended.
I use a graphically created menu system which never changes no matter what and a simple text menu in the footer as a fallback.
You could try adding this to your CSS file:
html { -webkit-text-size-adjust:none; -ms-text-size-adjust:none; }
This will stop Mobile Safari (and Windows Phone) from adjusting the size of your text in an attempt to make it more readable.
EDIT: If you only want to affect the text-size-adjust on mobile phones, you could use a media query:
#media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
html { -webkit-text-size-adjust:none; -ms-text-size-adjust:none; }
If you're feeling ambitious, you should consider adjusting the layout on a more fundamental level for smaller screen sizes. Any CSS you put inside that media query will get applied to devices that have a screen size of 480px or less.
For example, the buttons may be a bit too small for fingers to reliably tap on them. A better alternative would be to linearize the layout so that there's only one column and each link button takes up the full width of the screen.