Extract information from built-in calendar in iphone through my app - iphone

I'm a new xcode developer, and I want to ask how to get event that have been written by a user in iphone calender into my app?
Is it possible?

You have to look at Event kit for fetching details from built-in calendar


About iOS sdk sample example which can sync with facebook event

I want to develop iphone calendar app which can sync with facebook events. Im not able to understand from where should I start. Can you suggest me some ways to start with?
Any help will be appreciated.
First of all develop calender using this link: https://github.com/klazuka/Kal
This is similar to iPhone in built calendar & then display event using this with in your app.

how to sync my iphone application calendar to iphone in built calendar using iphone sdk?

Currently I am working on Calendar Application for iPhone. In this project i have to sync my application calendar to iphone in built calendar.
I created a calendar view which is similar to iPhone in built calendar but we can also place images with the date for recognize the event for this date.
I want to add an event on my application's calendar and it is also show on iphone in built calendar.
Please guide me, for the solution.
Thanks in Advance.
Apple provides this capability through Event Kit.
Refer to the Event Kit Programming Guide.

How to approach sqlite database of iphone calendar

guys. I'm developing iphone app. so, I want to read database of iphone calendar.
But I don't know how to read database of iphone calendar. Please tell me how to read.
Apple has provided the Event Kit Framework to access the iPhone calendar in iOS 4. Direct access using sqlite is not public.

How do I send a very simple status update with the iPhone SDK?

I'm building an app that will allow the user to send a status update to twitter about something they have done in the app.
What is the easiest way to authenticate the user in the settings and have the app update their status when they tap a button?
Any help/ sample code is greatly appreciated.
PHP/ iPhone SDK Developer
I think a lot of people use the source code from Matt Gemmell:
That should be a good starting point.

Is there any in built calendar view in iPhone sdk

I want to invoke a calendar as the calendar application does in iPhone. Is there any inbuilt framework which will help or we have to built the whole calendar on our own.
There is no built in calendar framework for the iPhone. Additionally, you can't access a users calendars as with the address book or iPod.
There are some 3rd party solutions:
Check out the below link. This may help you...