GWT - button inside v3 google maps infowindow - gwt

I am trying to figure out how to propagate events for components inside google maps InfoWindow.
I create anchor or a button and want to handle click event on any of those.
I have found solutions described here
but those both are using google maps wrappers for gwt.
I would like to avoid those libraries.
Do you know any way how can I propagate those events from info window to some GWT panel which wraps google maps?

Based on code found here:
I have created this class that solves problem with using no external library (you have to take Only InfoWindowJSO source from link given)
And then instead passing InnerHtml as string to setContent... you just pass Widget element.
public class InfoWindow
static class FakePanel extends ComplexPanel
public FakePanel(Widget w)
public boolean isAttached()
return true;
public void detachWidget()
/** */
InfoWindowJSO jso;
/** If we have a widget, this will exist so we can detach later */
FakePanel widgetAttacher;
/** Keep track of this so we can get it again later */
Widget widgetContent;
/** */
public InfoWindow()
this.jso = InfoWindowJSO.newInstance();
/** */
public InfoWindow(InfoWindowOptions opts)
this.jso = InfoWindowJSO.newInstance(opts);
/** Detaches the handler and closes */
public void close()
/** Detaches the content widget, if it exists */
private void detachWidget()
if (this.widgetAttacher != null)
this.widgetAttacher = null;
/** */
public void open(JavaScriptObject map)
public void open(JavaScriptObject map, JavaScriptObject marker)
{, marker);
/** */
public void setOptions(InfoWindowOptions value)
/** */
public void setContent(String value)
this.widgetContent = null;
/** */
public void setContent(Element value)
this.widgetContent = null;
/** */
public void setContent(Widget value)
this.widgetContent = value;
if (this.widgetAttacher == null)
// Add a hook for the close button click
this.jso.addListener("closeclick", new Runnable() {
public void run()
this.widgetAttacher = new FakePanel(value);
else if (this.widgetAttacher.getWidget(0) != value)
this.widgetAttacher = new FakePanel(value);
/** #return the widget, if a widget was set */
public Widget getContentWidget()
return this.widgetContent;
/** */
public JavaScriptObject getPosition()
return this.jso.getPosition();
/** */
public void setPosition(JavaScriptObject value)
/** */
public int getZIndex()
return this.jso.getZIndex();
/** */
public void setZIndex(int value)
/** */
public void addListener(String whichEvent, Runnable handler)
this.jso.addListener(whichEvent, handler);

A. Browser events bubble all the way to the top of the DOM tree. You can attach your click handlers to a widget that is parent to both the maps InfoWindow and your widget. Then, when a user clicks on your button, you need to check for the source of event to make sure it came from your button.
public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) {
Element e =;
// check if e is your button
B. You can create a regular GWT button, attach a ClickHandler to it. Do not put it inside the InfoWindow: place it on top it using absolute positioning and a higher z-index.

I use the static value nextAnchorId to uniquely generate IDs for each InfoWindow, and when the InfoWindow is ready (usually when you call;), I get the anchor by element ID and add my click handler to it. This is kind of what Manolo is doing, but this implementation doesn't require gwtquery, which means that I can run my code in Super Dev Mode.
private static int nextAnchorId = 1;
public InfoWindow makeInfo() {
InfoWindowOptions infoWindowOptions = InfoWindowOptions.create();
FlowPanel infoContentWidget = new FlowPanel();
final String theAnchorId_str = "theAnchor" + nextAnchorId;
HTML theAnchor = new HTML("<a id=\"" + theAnchorId_str + "\">Click me!</a>");
InfoWindow infoWindow = InfoWindow.create(infoWindowOptions);
infoWindow.addDomReadyListenerOnce(new InfoWindow.DomReadyHandler() {
public void handle() { muffinButton = ( Document.get().getElementById(theAnchorId_str);
DOM.sinkEvents(muffinButton, Event.ONCLICK);
DOM.setEventListener(muffinButton, new EventListener() {
public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
Window.alert("You clicked on the anchor!");
// This is where your click handling for the link goes.
return infoWindow

A very simple solution is to use gwtquery:
Identify the anchor in the map you want to add the click handler and define a css selector for that (for instance id=my_link)
Use gquery to locate it and to add the event.
$('#my_link').click(new Function() {
public boolean f(Event e) {
return false; //false means stop propagation and prevent default
Note that gwtquery is not a wrapper of jquery but an entire gwt implementation of its api, so including it in your project will not overload it, and the compiler will pick up just the stuff you use.


My selection listener doesn't seem to be registering properly

I am creating an Eclipse RCP application with multiple views. One of my views is a multi-page editor view. Each of those pages has a a master/details block. I need to register all of those TableViewers as selection providers for my other view to listen to.
After much research online, I came across this article about multiple selection providers in a single view. I followed the instructions to create this selection provider for multiple viewers.
class MyMultipleSelectionProvider implements ISelectionProvider {
private final ListenerList selectionListeners = new ListenerList();
private ISelectionProvider delegate;
private final ISelectionChangedListener selectionListener = new ISelectionChangedListener() {
public void selectionChanged(final SelectionChangedEvent event) {
if (event.getSelectionProvider() == AdaptabilityProfileSelectionProvider.this.delegate) {
fireSelectionChanged( event.getSelection() );
* Sets a new selection provider to delegate to. Selection listeners
* registered with the previous delegate are removed before.
* #param newDelegate new selection provider
public void setSelectionProviderDelegate(final ISelectionProvider newDelegate) {
if (this.delegate == newDelegate) {
if (this.delegate != null) {
this.delegate = newDelegate;
if (newDelegate != null) {
public void addSelectionChangedListener(final ISelectionChangedListener listener) {
public ISelection getSelection() {
return this.delegate == null ? null : this.delegate.getSelection();
public void removeSelectionChangedListener(final ISelectionChangedListener listener) {
public void setSelection(final ISelection selection) {
if (this.delegate != null) {
protected void fireSelectionChanged(final ISelection selection) {
fireSelectionChanged(this.selectionListeners, selection);
private void fireSelectionChanged(final ListenerList list, final ISelection selection) {
final SelectionChangedEvent event = new SelectionChangedEvent(this.delegate, selection);
final Object[] listeners = list.getListeners();
for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
final ISelectionChangedListener listener = (ISelectionChangedListener) listeners[i];
I added a focusListener on all of the edior's viewers so they become the delegate:
tree.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() {
public void focusGained(final FocusEvent e) {
And I registered this as the selection provider for my editor:
site.setSelectionProvider( this.selectionProvider );
Then, within my view that needs to hear about the selection, I registered a selection listener for this editor:
getSite().getPage().addSelectionListener(MyEditor.ID, this.selectionListener);
When I run the application, I see that the delegate is being changed and the selection events are being fired. However, the listener list is empty.
I am never calling addSelectionChangeListener() directly. I was under the impression that that was what the selection service is for. Am I wrong? Should I be calling it? If so, when? If not, who is supposed to be adding the listener, and why isn't it happening?
If your code is based on FormEditor (or MultiPageEditorPart) then the selection provider is set to MultiPageSelectionProvider at the end of the init method. This may be overriding your site.setSelectionProvider call.
public void init(IEditorSite site, IEditorInput input)
throws PartInitException {
super.init(site, input);
should make sure your provider is the one used.

How to remove "no data" labels from empty nodes in GWT?

I have a widget that inherits from CellTree. If the node not have the child elements, this node can be opened and shows "no data" label.
I'd like to see nodes without child's displayed as empty.
That's how I fill the tree. My DictionaryTreeDataProvider class (relevant part):
public class DictionaryTreeDataProvider extends ListDataProvider<MValue> {
private final DictionariesServiceAsync service = GWT.create(DictionariesService.class);
public void onRangeChanged(HasData<MValue> result) {
service.queryDictionaryValues(range, query, new AsyncCallback<SubsetResult<MValue>>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
public void onSuccess(SubsetResult<MValue> result) {
for (MValue value : result.items) {
On the server side I make EJB call which fills SubsetResult.
I found that this problem fixed in version of GWT-2.5.0-rc2 (see!topic/google-web-toolkit/d-rFUmyHTT4).
Now everything is OK, thanks to #moutellou.
I did as he suggested:
public void onSuccess(SubsetResult<MValue> result) {
if (result.length == 0) {
updateRowCount(-1, true);
} else {
for (MValue value : result.items) {
// some checks here
Some alternative solution. Can be defined interface that extends the interface CellTree.Resources.
In this interface must specify the path to the CSS, which override the desired style.
Interface CellTree.Resources:
public class CellTree extends AbstractCellTree implements HasAnimation,
Focusable {
* A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {
* An image indicating a closed branch.
#ImageOptions(flipRtl = true)
ImageResource cellTreeClosedItem();
* An image indicating that a node is loading.
#ImageOptions(flipRtl = true)
ImageResource cellTreeLoading();
* An image indicating an open branch.
#ImageOptions(flipRtl = true)
ImageResource cellTreeOpenItem();
* The background used for selected items.
#ImageOptions(repeatStyle = RepeatStyle.Horizontal, flipRtl = true)
ImageResource cellTreeSelectedBackground();
* The styles used in this widget.
Style cellTreeStyle();
Interface CustomCellTreeResources, based on CellTree.Resources:
public interface CustomCellTreeResources extends CellTree.Resources {
static final String STYLE_PATH = "components/common/client/static/custom-cell-tree.css";
#ClientBundle.Source({CellTree.Style.DEFAULT_CSS, STYLE_PATH})
CellTree.Style cellTreeStyle();
Overriding rule:
.cellTreeEmptyMessage {
display: none;
Create an instance:
private final static CellTree.Resources customCellTreeResources =
And next need to explicitly pass customCellTreeResources to the CellTree class constructor.
Message is not displayed more.
Mandatory: before filing the list, ie, before clicking on a node, the list should be cleaned( getList().clear();):
public void onRangeChanged(HasData<MValue> result) {
service.queryDictionaryValues(range, query,
new AsyncCallback<SubsetResult<MValue>>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {}
public void onSuccess(SubsetResult<MValue> result) {
for (MValue value : result.items) {
This is how I removed the no data label in my DataProvider
//Fetch children
int size = children.size();
if (size == 0) {
updateRowCount(-1, true); //Method called on AsyncDataProvider
In the TreeViewModel, make sure that the isLeaf method returns true if the argument value has no children. Example:
public boolean isLeaf(Object value) {
if (value instanceof DepartmentDto) {
DepartmentDto department = (DepartmentDto) value;
return department.getEmployees().isEmpty();
} else if (value instanceof EmployeeDto) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
In this case, a department should declare itself as a leaf only if it has no employees, an employee will declare itself as a leaf, and default to false.
Note that value many also be an internal GWT node. In this example, it might not necessarily be just DepartmentDto and EmployeeDto.

How to add a JDialog in to desktop pane or just call from an internal frame

I am working on a project that uses MDI form in java. I have created a frame and then added a desktop pane to it. My project uses lot of internal frames. Also those internal frames require to show custom dialogs that i have created on my own. for it to be clear, i say, one jdialog has a table asking the user to select one row. but the problem is when i call the jdialog from the internal frame (with modality=true), the dialog is show on the top of main frame and not just on the top of internal frame. This makes it impossible to minimize the window when the jdialog is showing.
In my view there are 2 possible solutions (which may not possible!!).. Either the jdialog should be shown inside the dektop pane or i should create an internal frame instead of jdialog and make it appear to be modal to the parent internal frame. i.e, when i want to show the dialog, i may disable the internal frame and set the form unable to focus and then show a new internal frame on the top of this internal frame. I have been searching the forums for weeks.. but i couldn't find an answer. I hope you would have a solution. Thanks in advance, sir.
I also had the same problem, while working on a java project that works quite fine in java 6 but shown the same problem when changed to java7.
I found a solution.
I added a
dialog.setVisible(false) followed by a dialog.setVisible(true).
Then the dialog is responding to keyboard.
I am also working on an MDI app that uses a lof internal frames which show custom dialogs. I make my dialogs non-modal so that the internal frames can be iconified and/or the whole desktoppane can be minimized while the dialogs remain visible.
If you absolutely need modal behavior (i.e., you want to require the user to interact with a dialog before doing anything else) perhaps you can leave the dialog modeless but code in de facto modality.
Also, have you looked at the behavior of
Wow!! I got the answer from webbyt... Just avoid using internal frames.. try using the class ModalityInternalFrame (subclass of JinternalFrame).. and everything works fine.. Here is the class
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter;
import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent;
* An extended
* <code>JInternalFrame</code> that provides modality in a child/parent
* hierarchy
* #author webbyit
public class ModalityInternalFrame extends JInternalFrame {
protected JDesktopPane desktopPane;
protected JComponent parent;
protected ModalityInternalFrame childFrame;
protected JComponent focusOwner;
private boolean wasCloseable;
public ModalityInternalFrame() {
init(); // here to allow netbeans to use class in gui builder
public ModalityInternalFrame(JComponent parent) {
this(parent, null);
public ModalityInternalFrame(JComponent parent, String title) {
this(parent, title, false);
public ModalityInternalFrame(JComponent parent, String title, boolean resizable) {
this(parent, title, resizable, false);
public ModalityInternalFrame(JComponent parent, String title, boolean resizable, boolean closeable) {
this(parent, title, resizable, closeable, false);
public ModalityInternalFrame(JComponent parent, String title, boolean resizable, boolean closeable,
boolean maximizable) {
this(parent, title, resizable, closeable, maximizable, false);
public ModalityInternalFrame(JComponent parent, String title, boolean resizable, boolean closeable,
boolean maximizable,
boolean iconifiable) {
super(title, resizable, closeable, maximizable, iconifiable);
if (parent != null && parent instanceof ModalityInternalFrame) {
((ModalityInternalFrame) parent).setChildFrame(ModalityInternalFrame.this);
* set focus to the new frame and show the frame Code added by Jasir
try {
((ModalityInternalFrame) parent).setSelected(false);
} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(ModalityInternalFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// Add glass pane
ModalityInternalGlassPane glassPane = new ModalityInternalGlassPane(this);
// Add frame listeners
// Add frame veto listenr
// calculate size and position
private void setParentFrame(JComponent parent) {
desktopPane = JOptionPane.getDesktopPaneForComponent(parent);
this.parent = parent == null ? JOptionPane.getDesktopPaneForComponent(parent) : parent; // default to desktop if no parent given
public JComponent getParentFrame() {
return parent;
public void setChildFrame(ModalityInternalFrame childFrame) {
this.childFrame = childFrame;
public ModalityInternalFrame getChildFrame() {
return childFrame;
public boolean hasChildFrame() {
return (childFrame != null);
protected void addFrameVetoListener() {
addVetoableChangeListener(new VetoableChangeListener() {
public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) throws PropertyVetoException {
if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(JInternalFrame.IS_SELECTED_PROPERTY)
&& evt.getNewValue().equals(Boolean.TRUE)) {
if (hasChildFrame()) {
if (childFrame.isIcon()) {
throw new PropertyVetoException("no!", evt);
* Method to control the display of the glass pane, dependant on the frame
* being active or not
protected synchronized void addFrameListener() {
addInternalFrameListener(new InternalFrameAdapter() {
public void internalFrameActivated(InternalFrameEvent e) {
if (hasChildFrame() == true) {
} else {
public void internalFrameOpened(InternalFrameEvent e) {
try {
} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(ModalityInternalFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public void internalFrameClosing(InternalFrameEvent e) {
if (parent != null && parent instanceof ModalityInternalFrame) {
((ModalityInternalFrame) parent).childClosing();
* Method to handle child frame closing and make this frame available for
* user input again with no glass pane visible
protected void childClosing() {
if (focusOwner != null) {
java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
* Method to handle child opening and becoming visible.
protected void childOpening() {
// record the present focused component
wasCloseable = isClosable();
focusOwner = (JComponent) getMostRecentFocusOwner();
public void show() {
if (parent != null && parent instanceof ModalityInternalFrame) {
// Need to inform parent its about to lose its focus due
// to child opening
((ModalityInternalFrame) parent).childOpening();
protected void init() {
javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING).addGap(0, 394, Short.MAX_VALUE));
layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING).addGap(0, 274, Short.MAX_VALUE));
public void calculateBounds() {
Dimension frameSize = getPreferredSize();
Dimension parentSize = new Dimension();
Dimension rootSize = new Dimension(); // size of desktop
Point frameCoord = new Point();
if (desktopPane != null) {
rootSize = desktopPane.getSize(); // size of desktop
frameCoord = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(parent, 0, 0, desktopPane);
parentSize = parent.getSize();
//setBounds((rootSize.width - frameSize.width) / 2, (rootSize.height - frameSize.height) / 2, frameSize.width, frameSize.height);
// We want dialog centered relative to its parent component
int x = (parentSize.width - frameSize.width) / 2 + frameCoord.x;
int y = (parentSize.height - frameSize.height) / 2 + frameCoord.y;
// If possible, dialog should be fully visible
int ovrx = x + frameSize.width - rootSize.width;
int ovry = y + frameSize.height - rootSize.height;
x = Math.max((ovrx > 0 ? x - ovrx : x), 0);
y = Math.max((ovry > 0 ? y - ovry : y), 0);
setBounds(x, y, frameSize.width, frameSize.height);
* Glass pane to overlay. Listens for mouse clicks and sets selected on
* associated modal frame. Also if modal frame has no children make class
* pane invisible
class ModalityInternalGlassPane extends JComponent {
private ModalityInternalFrame modalFrame;
public ModalityInternalGlassPane(ModalityInternalFrame frame) {
modalFrame = frame;
addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
if (modalFrame.isSelected() == false) {
try {
if (modalFrame.hasChildFrame() == false) {
} catch (PropertyVetoException e1) {
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255, 100));
g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
But there are some problems still with focus and something else..

Getting header column names in Cell table on click in GWT

I am using Cell Table of GWT 2.2 version. I want to get the name of the header column on which I have clicked. I didn't get any click event on the same.
Is there any work around by which I can accomplish my task.
Something like this? ;)
public class CellTableExample implements EntryPoint, ClickHandler {
private static class SomeEntity {
/* ... */
private static class ClickableTextHeader extends TextHeader {
private ClickHandler handler;
public ClickableTextHeader(String text, ClickHandler handler) {
this.handler = handler;
public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, final Element elem,
final NativeEvent event) {
//maybe hijack click event
if(handler != null) {
if(Event.ONCLICK == Event.getTypeInt(event.getType())) {
handler.onClick(new ClickEvent() {
//default dom event handler
super.onBrowserEvent(context, elem, event);
CellTable<SomeEntity> cellTable;
TextColumn<SomeEntity> firstColumn;
TextColumn<SomeEntity> secondColumn;
TextColumn<SomeEntity> thirdColumn;
public void onModuleLoad() {
/* somehow init columns - it's not the point for this example */
cellTable.addColumn(firstColumn, new ClickableTextHeader("First column header", this));
cellTable.addColumn(secondColumn, new ClickableTextHeader("Second column header", this));
cellTable.addColumn(thirdColumn, new ClickableTextHeader("Third column header", this));
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
ClickableTextHeader source = (ClickableTextHeader) event.getSource();
Hijacking event could look simpler if we used "simple listener interface" - i just wanted to be "semanticaly compliant with out-of-the-box Handlers" :)

GWT 2.2.0 PopupPanel autoHide on TOUCH Events

PopupPanel is a class within GWT written (akhem) a long time ago (which is why it sucks so much) that allows for showing popups with content. One of the options is autoHide where if there's a certain event outside of the popup it closes the popup. It works well on anything EXCEPT Safari Mobil (SM). Reason is SM doesn't fire click events on touch. It fires touch events. PopupPanel is hard coded to look for ClickEvents.
Specifically, the code says:
if (!eventTargetsPopupOrPartner && autoHide) {
Obviously this isn't complete and it should also include Event.ONTOUCHSTART
Problem is, all the methods and fields are private so I cannot add this functionality. That's a big boo-boo on the part of GWT team but not really a concern since I could just make my own class and copy contents of PopupPanel. The big problem is that nativeEventPreview doesn't capture Touch Events!
I tried adding the following to Event Preview the following:
private static NativePreviewHandler nativePreviewHandler = new NativePreviewHandler() {
public void onPreviewNativeEvent(NativePreviewEvent event) {
Event nativeEvent =;
switch (nativeEvent.getTypeInt()) {
EventTarget target = nativeEvent.getEventTarget();
if (! || !popup.getElement().isOrHasChild( {
} break;
Where 'popup' is the PopupPanel I'm trying to get to close on outside touch events.
Sad thing is it works for mouse down when testing in any other browser on Earth, but not on iPad.
Another thing I tried was adding a TouchStartHandler to the glass of the PopupPanel (the gray looking thing behind it). I war hoping that I could catch the touch events that way, but I was unable to get events to fire on glass since it's attached to DOM in some funny way. My code:
private static class ProperPopupPanel extends PopupPanel {
public ProperPopupPanel() {
void setHideOnGlassTouch() {
TouchableLabeThatDoesntCrashOnWrap glass = new TouchableLabeThatDoesntCrashOnWrap(getGlassElement());
glass.addTouchStartHandler(new TouchStartHandler() {
public void onTouchStart(TouchStartEvent event) {
glass.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
private class TouchableLabeThatDoesntCrashOnWrap extends Label {
public TouchableLabeThatDoesntCrashOnWrap(Element element) {
In my mind this should work, but it doesn't. I don't know why. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
Not enough GWT users here... well I made my own class that adds touch handlers through JSNI ...
* Overwrite of the usual PopupPanel with a modification that this one
* works well on touch-enabled browsers.
* #author McTrafik
public class ProperPopupPanel extends PopupPanel {
/////////// OVERRIDES //////////////////////////////////////
public ProperPopupPanel() {
public void hide() {
public void show() {;
/////////// NANDLERS ///////////////////////////////////////
protected JavaScriptObject touchHandler;
* Handle a touch event that happened while the popup is open.
* #param event - The event to handle
protected void handleTouchEvent(Event event) {
// Check to see if the events should be firing in the first place.
if (!isShowing()) {
// Check if the event happened within the popup
EventTarget target = event.getEventTarget();
if (! || !getElement().isOrHasChild( {
// Stop event if the popup is modal
if (isModal()) event.preventDefault();
// Close the popup if the event happened outside
if (isAutoHideEnabled()) {
* Create a touchHandler that knows how to point to this instance.
* Without it there's a cast exception that happens.
protected native void setTouchListener() /*-{
var caller = this;
this.#[package].ProperPopupPanel::touchHandler = function(event) {
* Add a touch listener that will listen to touch events.
protected native void addTouchListener() /*-{
* Remove the touch listeners
protected native void removeTouchListener() /*-{