Facebook fb:fan - Define the count of fans, that are displayed - facebook

I'm using the <fb:fan> tag of the XFBML, so that I can use a custom style for the like box. The problem with the <fb:fan> tag is, that it doesn't automatically calculate the count of the fans, that are displayed. Is there a way to set this count manually?

There is a parameter called connections that defines the count of fans are displayed.
e.g. connections="15" will display 15 fans.


Google Custom-Search-Ads: When and why it is needed to use maxTop?

According to the adsense documentation, maxTop is "Required when the ad unit is above the search results. Use this parameter to specify the number of ads to be shown on the top ad unit."
Why do we need to do so? What if there are contents, little or lengthy, before the TOP ad? Is this still required?
maxTop isn't technically required, but when you use that instead of number it tells CSA that that block is the TOP block. The TOP block is generally more valuable since it's more likely to be seen so it's best to tell the system when you have a block like that.
If you have some content before it (a nav bar, search bars, etc) that's probably fine. If you have a lot of content before it such that the user would have to scroll to see the ads then maxTop probably doesn't make sense.
Both number and maxTop will act as the max number of ads that should be shown in that block. The only difference is that it lets the system know which block is on the top of the page, and maxTop can only be used on the first block in the page. If you have multiple blocks all others must use number, regardless of what you use for the first block.

TYPO3 news hidePagination

I use this TYPO3 news extension.
I want to disable paging though typoscript. The option for it is plugin.tx_news.settings.hidePagination so I tried this
plugin.tx_news {
settings.hidePagination = 1
But this doesn't work. However setting plugin.tx_news.settings.list.paginate.itemsPerPage to a very large value does work. But that isn't a very nice solution.
Have I missed something on how to set hidePagination?
Theres a checkbox in the tx_news plugin.
Additional -> Hide the pagination
It seems to overwrite the TS (unchecked by default).
plugin.tx_news {
settings.hidePagination = 1
get called in your template?
You can always check this with
<f:debug><{settings}</f:debug> to see what get's parsed.
The option to hide the pagination only hides the pagination in the frontend and does not show all news entries at one page. You can only set a high number to the list View to show all entries at one page. I think, there is no other solution at this time.
To override the values set in the news plugin flexform, you have to add the field to plugin.txnews.settings.overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty.
To add the field in question to the news extension standard list add this to your TS:
plugin.txnews.settings.overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty := addToList(hidePagination)

Display category and its content in TYPO3

I am using TYPO3 6.2.9 CMS.I make category and assigned to page.But I don't know how to display the category when i am showing the page i want all the category assign to that page must display then after clicking that category the content which i have assign to that category must display
There is no out-of-the box solution for this.
But you can use the following :
Or create your own extension where you gather the categories of your page and render them on your page. You then can also create a sort of category menu.
You can use category collection :
cObject RECORDS has also a categories property, so you could also use typoscript for rendering.
For this purpose you can use extensions to your website.
Catalogue extension package
Which relates to categorisers and if you want to you can customize it in your own manner.
Use of these extensions make simple in listing category.
The usage is also given in its manual ans its simple to adopt it.

Facebook Open Graph Multiple objects per action

I have one custom action (add) and two custom objects (favorites list) and (tv show). I want to add TV shows to Favorites List and register it with the Facebook Timeline. I.E. these two objects are attached to the same action.
I would like the news feed to read:
"[Joe] added [Modern Family] to his [Favorites List]."
I can't seem to figure out how to attach two objects to the same action and have them display in the timeline together. I can either do one or the other.
Anyone have any experience in this? Is this possible?
I have also been searching for a way of doing this, and I've not been able to find anything useful.
I noticed that Spotify does this without issue (straight from the feed of a friend): [user] listened to [song] by [artist] on Spotify, though looking at the 'types' documentation on open graph: http://ogp.me/#types looks like it is a custom feature for listening to music.
Should favorites list really be an Open Graph object?
Can a user have several favorites lists with different names?
If each user only has one favorites list (called "Favorites list") there is no reason to have it defined as an Open Graph object.
Perhaps a descriptive App name could be used to make the aggregations readable.
[User] added [TV show] to [AppName]:
Joe added Modern Family to MyFavoritesList.
Joe added Modern Family and 3 other TV shows to MyFavoritesList.
Joe, Bob and 3 others added Modern Family to MyFavoritesList.
Change your action from [add] to [Favorite] and have [Favorite] inherit from [like] rather than [action]
Add [Favorites List] as a custom property on [Favorite]
The title will still come up with only the object and action so:
"[Joe] favorited [Modern Family] with YourApp"
However then in the Configure Story Attachment you can add a few extra bits to the attachment in a caption e.g.:
[Modern Family] added to their [Favorites List].
Though obviously with curly braces :-)
You can set [Favorite List] to be a property instead of a Connected Object Type and use braces on "Configure Sentences" to display it the way you want it

Changing Title of home page in Joomla

I am totally new to Joomla. I am trying to help a friend whose ISP has stopped support (for some internal reasons). We need to change the title of the home page.
1) The first place i made a change was in the 'Front Page Manager'. I changed the 'Title' column. The 'Show Title' parameter on this page is set to 'Global'. Yet the new title does not appear.
2) I then downloaded the entire site , consisting of 10,000 files and searched for the old title in all the files. I found the old title in one file which seemed to be used for SEO pruposes , since it had a whole lot of companies and their titles. I uploaded this file. No effect.
3) I then browsed through the database (MySQL) and changed old titles found in MetaKey and MetaDescription columns to new title. I think i checked all tables (almost 100 odd tables). No effect.
4) I found the old title in the 'Top Menu' item and changed it too.
I know this is a bit ambiguous but how could i troubleshoot the source of this title which does not get changed ?
Titles in Joomla come from several places. As Legycsapo said, the first place you should look is the default menu item. In the Parameters (System) the Page Title should override any other setting unless you have an extension that sets the page title. The Show Page Title option determines if the title shows up in the content, it does not affect the page title.
Try to change it in the menu options. In the mainmenu, click on the "Home" link, or whatever you write for Frontpage, and there are options in the right. The last one is the parameters, system, there is a "Website title" input box. Try there !
You need to change the home page title in the Control Panel Configuration.
In the Site tab you have the Site Name which is what will be written in the page title.
Another solution is, if you have SEF urls enabled, joomla has a native plugin called SEOsimple. Look under Plugin Manager, click on it and change the title to either disable so that it takes the title by default from global configuration or your custom one.