add more than 1 video player in iphone - iphone

Is there any way to add more than 1 video player in a single View? I am getting the .m4v list from server adn have to display that much videos in single page.
It doesnot matter if I play 1 video at a time but which ever video I want must play there itself.
So the videos are placed one below other.
I have tried using mpmoviecontroller but it's drawback is it can have only one instance in the whole applicaiton So if i try to alloc 2 players in a view then the first one does not work and only one player works..
Is there any legal alternate way for the same?

MPMoviePlayerController will allow multiple instances, but only one of them can be playing their movie at any given time.
Please check the link :

I used AVPlayer class (which also MPMoviePlayerController uses under the hood) to successfully play multiple videos from multiple source.
The process of using it is more involved than MPMoviePlayerController, but I would say it is definitely worth to look at if you want some customized behavior in your player. The official programming guide is a good start.


Combine two audio files together and play them in iPhone

I do not want any code but want to get a reference about my question mentioned below...
There is background music available and there is recording option in my app...
Once I start recording , application records my sound and when play button clicks , It will play the recording along with the background music...
I had use this Link but can not get as I want...
I think there is a mechanism like merging two audio files and make it one before playing....
How can I achieve this by coding... Is there any reference link or any sample code available?
Thnx in advance...
Most people mistake the one instance of AVAudioPlayer as the unit that plays the sound directly, but it doesnt. Mixing is done by the OS, not by the instance of AVAudioPlayer.
With other words:
No one says you can't have more then one AVAudioPlayer.
Create one for you background and let it play. Create another instance of AVAudioPlayer for you recorded sound and let it play. Voila

Multy Video Player using monotouch

Here is the question:
Can a View in iPad to handle two different MpMoviePlayerView in the same Time
I have read that the moviePlayer is a singleton and I have to fix the observer with hard Code.
I am triying to do multiple Movie player in the same View??
Is it possible???
Any one have an idea???
MPMoviePlayerControllers won't let you play back two videos simultaneously. Sorry! Whilst you can create two MPMoviePlayer objects if you try and play two streams back at the same time it will just break. This is mentioned in the documentation for that class, buried away somewhere.

Why does my MPMoviePlayerController suddenly change load state to unknown?

My app is a digital magazine consisting of many pages. Some pages have video embedded in them.
I am using MPMoviePlayerViewController for the video playback.
The problem is that once I get to any page where the next page also contains a video then the video appears briefly then blanks out.
I've switched out video files, so I know it isn't the files themselves.
When the page loads offscreen ready to be scrolled into view the load state changes to 3 = MPMovieLoadStatePlayable + MPMovieLoadStatePlaythroughOK (all good). Then when a second MPMoviePlayerController is loaded, the load state of the original suddenly changes to 0 (MPMovieLoadStateUnknown).
In the docs for MPMoviePlayerController it says
Note: Although you can create multiple
MPMoviePlayerController objects and
present their views in your interface,
only one movie player at a time can
play its movie.
I read this to mean I can't play more than one at a time but does this it also mean I can't even load up more than one movie at a time?
It turns out you can't even load more than one MPMoviePlayerController at a time. You can create the object but if you supply a URL to more than one then one will get unloaded.

How to record a video automatically in Iphone app without user interaction

I am working an iphone app that needs to record a vedio automatically.
I used mobile coreservices framework and using that. I made it to came into video mode and clicking on record option its start capturing a vedio. But I want it automatically that is.. I should able to record a video without clicking on record option. That is when video mode comes up its automatically start record video.
Could any one help?
You can look at UIImagePickerControllers startVideoCapture method which is used to start taking video from the camera, this is to be used when you arent using the camera standard controlors and you provide and overlay view. Here is a reference UIImagePickerCOntroller ref. If this is not enough for you, you might want to look into AVFoundation framework which gives you a lot more control over video capturing process...hope that helps

Play two videos with MPMoviePlayerView Controller

I am developing an application for IPAD and I need to play two videos one after another but can not find how. I'm using MPMoviePlayerViewController to do it and do not know how to launch a share after the first video to be played and start the second. Can someone help?
what about using MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification from documentation ?
In that method:
[..] you can also change the currently playing movie by changing the value in the contentURL property. [..]
(still from documentation)
hope it helps