Facebook "Like" button is posting old information - facebook

The Facebook "Like" button is posting old information for my website; opticaljump.com. It shows up on Facebook as "Sarasota Graphic Design" when it should say, "International Graphic Design". I have changed the meta tags on my page and ran it through the Facebook debugger as recommended elsewhere on this site, but it still shows up wrong. Any ideas?

That's because facebook has cached old meta data, you need to lint your page so it updates their cached data. Here's a similar question asked before and the answer is posted there: Refresh meta data in posted URL


Is it possible to update Facebook opengraph data on posts that have already been posted?

I have made an FB post on a page that I manage. The posted contained a link to a website I manage. FB has scraped the opengraph data from the website, and posted the data on the timeline of my page, as expected.
I have since edited the opengraph data on my website. I want to find a way to tell Facebook to refresh the opengraph data it read from my website in the existing post on my timeline. I do not want to delete the existing post, because it has lots of likes associated with it.
Is this possible?
Ok, I found it. Click on the timestamp associated with the post. This will take you to a view of the Facebook object. Click the down arrow menu activator in the top right. Select "More options". Select "Refresh share attachment". Done :)

Problem with open graph when posting to facebook

I'm trying to integrate open graph in my website, so that I can post a link to my relevant facebook page and it will display the relevant information (title, description etc).
Yet, even though it worked for some time, now it only displays my domain name regardless of the link I post. No images, no descs, nothing.
I've created a test page to find out what's wrong, but I've come to a dead end.
The test page is W3C valid, the Facebook debugger is parsing all the information correctly, the preview before I post the link to facebook is correct, but when I hit post it displays nothing, just the url.
I've tried several actions such as different doctypes, commenting out the open graph metas, moving js after the metas, removing the meta content-type to no avail, but if you can help me post the test page correctly to facebook, I think I'll be able to find what's wrong with my site.
My website: http://www.accorda.info
The test page: http://www.accorda.info/test.html
My facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/accorda.info
Replace the meta tag or delete some. I don't understand… Facebook OpenGraph Debug tool show IMBb info for your page.
Remember, Facebook don't update page info real-time. New meta tags can be visible in 2 days.

Having a issue with the "Share" feature Facebook Fan page

My friend has created about 20 Facebook fan page for the website. www.AvailDiscounts.com
Now the issue is, when we click on the wall post to "share" with other friends, its taking to another page where it displays the meta tags and the title of the login page instead of displaying the exact post.
Please find the fan page of the website:
How to over come this issue.
The Query can be found in the following link with images:
Please help
As far as i have checked this seems to be an issue with the RSS Graffiti application in Facebook.
You have two issues here:
1) Are you posting the correct link in RSS Graffiti?
It seems all of your fan page links redirect me to the Avail-Discounts-Chicago home page. It's either it is non-existent, deal closed or bad URL supplied.
2) RSS Graffiti posts differently than Share button
RSS Graffiti prepares your data, image link title and description before posting to the page stream. The default Facebook Share button does not. What it does is get the URL, scrape that URL with information, which can be defined through opengraph tags. Make sure your links / deals have their meta:og's.
Your question is a bit vague, and the passing of the auth information is kind of scary, but anyway, I'd make the href of the post something along the lines of this:
More information is available here:

Why is Facebook returning the wrong page (affects Facebook Like and Share URL)?

When we first put up a blog post, Facebook often (but not always) gets confused about what the page is. Specifically, if you try to use the Like button on the blog page OR if you try to share via the Share link on your profile, Facebook will see the root blog page rather than the actual post page.
For example, we recently posted:
If the user "likes" it, it returns the title for:
When you run the post URL through the FB Linter, you can see the problem.
In the Debug section it shows an extra og:title, og:url, description and og:image (the last 4 rows of the Debug section). This is the meta data from the root directory. What we cannot figure out is why. Why is Facebook seeing the correct meta data on the page and then also pulling the meta data from the root directory (and using that incorrectly to populate the data for the Like button and the Share URL tool)?
One other oddity. FB "figures it out" after a few days. Of course, by that time relatively few people are viewing the post.
UPDATE -- I want to thank Peter Bailey again for his answer, but we also discovered that there was another issue that we had to resolve before the Like button worked.
The issue was that we were displaying the Facebook the Like button on a post that was not yet published. The problem with this is that FB then can't resolve the URL and "guesses" as to the correct URL. In our case, it always guesses thisorthat.com/blog. Unfortunately, it then caches that guess for a number of days and that cache cannot be cleared by the Linter. So the ultimate solution was to both fix the og:type as Peter suggested, but also to remove the Like button from the blog post preview. It's very important that you don't show FB a page before it's published or if you do, change the URL.
Pretty sure it's your Open Graph type that's the problem.
<meta content="website" property="og:type"/>
Per the documentation
Use article for any URL that
represents transient content - such as
a news article, blog post, photo,
video, etc. Do not use website for
this purpose. website and blog are
designed to represent an entire site,
an og:type tag with types website or
blog should usually only appear on the
root of a domain.

meta information not being picked up by facebook

I've asked this question on the facebook and ping.fm developer forums, but they don't seem to be very busy at the moment. So lets see what you lot can do...
I have included meta tags for title, description and image_src on my site so facebook can pick this information up and display it on users's posts on facebook. I am using ping.fm to make the post to facebook. The meta data appears to work fine on a 'pages' page on facebook, but on individual user's walls it doesn't show any of the meta data in the post.
Any ideas why this is?
I'm not really a facebook developer, but would like this to work so if there is something that I need to do let me know.
The link that is being posted to facebook is a ping.fm tinyurl, but as I said it works on 'pages'.
Not sure how you're sharing/posting this on Facebook, but maybe the URL Linter will help? Maybe you can share the URL for the page in question.
I found that it was actually a ping.fm setting in the users account which was preventing this.