FDW seems to lock table on foreign server - postgresql

I try to use foreign table to link 2 postgresql databases
everything is fine and I can retrieve all data I want
the only issue is that the data wrapper seems to lock tables in foreign server and it's very annoying when I unit test my code
if I don't do any select request I can initialize data and truncate both tables in local server and tables in remote server
but I execute one select statement the truncate command on remote server seems to be in deadlock state
do you know how I can avoid this lock?
I use this data wrapper to link 2 postgresql databases: http://interdbconnect.sourceforge.net/pgsql_fdw/pgsql_fdw-en.html
I use table1 of db1 as foreign table in db2
when I execute a select query in foreign_table1 in db2, there is an AccessShareLock for table1 in db1
the query is very simple: select * from foreign_table1
the lock is never released so when I execute a truncate command at the end of my unit test, there is a conflict because the truncate add an AccessExclusiveLock
I don't know how to release the first AccessShareLock but I think it would be done automatically by the wrapper...
hope this help

AccessExclusiveLock and AccessShareLock aren't generally obtained explicitly. They're obtained automatically by certain normal statements. See locking - the lock list says which statements acquire which locks, which says:
Conflicts with the ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock mode only.
The SELECT command acquires a lock of this mode on referenced tables.
In general, any query that only reads a table and does not modify it
will acquire this lock mode.
What this means is that your 1st transaction hasn't committed or rolled back (thus releasing its locks) yet, so the 2nd can't TRUNCATE the table because TRUNCATE requires ACCESS EXCLUSIVE which conflicts with ACCESS SHARE.
Make sure the 1st transaction commits or rolls back.
BTW, is the "foreign" database actually the local database, ie are you using pgsql_fdw as an alternative to dblink to simulate autonomous transactions?


Lock table on postgresql 9.6

i'm new in postgres administration and when developper run LOCK TABLE tab1; with PREPAREDstatement , postgres use ACCES EXCLUSIVE BY DEFAULT. My probelem is that the lock in table is still here after one week in view pg_prepared_xact and pg_locks even after restart of postgres and in pg_lock is like:
vXID mode
-1/192836 AccessExclusiveLock
Name DATABASE Owner XID prepared at
db1 postgres 192836 20-07-2021
I would know why the LOCK is still here?? and how to solve it? and what is mean -1 in vXID?? because i can't even show my data on tab1
with PREPARED statement
Prepared transactions and prepared statements are very different things. What you have here is a prepared transaction. Surviving a restart is what prepared transactions are for. You need to find its "gid" in pg_prepared_xacts and then either manually commit it or roll it back. If you are not intentionally using prepared transactions, the you should set max_prepared_transactions =0, so this can't recur. If you are intentionally using them, you need to learn how to handle them.

Postgres add column on existing table takes very long

I have a table with 500k elements. Now I want to add a new column
(type boolean, nullable = false) without a default value.
The query to do so is running like for ever.
I'm using PostgreSQL 12.1, compiled by Visual C++ build 1914, 64-bit on my Windows 2012 Server
In pgAdmin I can see the query is blocked by PID 0. But when I execute this query, I can't see the query with pid = 0
FROM pg_stat_activity
Can someone help me here? Why is the query blocked and how can I fix this to add a new column to my table.
UPDATE attempt:
FROM pg_prepared_xacts
It works after rollback all prepared transaction.
ROLLBACK PREPARED 'gid goes here';
You have got stale prepared transactions. I say that as in "you have got the measles", because it is a disease for a database.
Such prepared transactions keep holding locks and block autovacuum progress, so they will bring your database to its knees if you don't take action. In addition, such transactions are persisted, so even a restart of the database won't get rid of them.
Remove them with
ROLLBACK PREPARED 'gid goes here'; /* use the transaction names shown in the view */
If you use prepared transactions, you need a distributed transaction manager. That is a piece of software that keeps track of all prepared transactions and their state and persists that information, so that no distributed transaction can become stale. Even if there is a crash, the distributed transaction manager will resolve in-doubt transactions in all involved databases.
If you don't have that, don't use prepared transactions. You now know why. Best is to set max_prepared_transactions to 0 in that case.

Can not execute select queries while making a long lasting insert transaction

I'm pretty new to PostgreSQL and I'm sure I'm missing something here.
The scenario is with version 11, executing a big drop table and insert transaction on a given table with the nodejs driver, which may take 30 minutes.
While doing that, if I try to query with select on that table using the jdbc driver, the query execution waits for the transaction to finish. If I close the transaction (by finishing it or by forcing it to exit), the jdbc query becomes responsive.
I thought I can read a table with one connection while performing a transaction with another one.
What am I missing here?
Should I keep the table (without dropping it at the beginning of the transaction) ?
DROP TABLE takes an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock on the table, which is there precisely to prevent it from taking place concurrently with any other operation on the table. After all, DROP TABLE physically removes the table.
Since all locks are held until the end of the database transaction, all access to the dropped table is blocked until the transaction ends.
Of course the files are only removed when the transaction commits, so you might wonder why PostgreSQL doesn't let concurrent transactions read in the mean time. But that would mean that COMMIT may be blocked by a concurrent reader, or a SELECT might cause a system error in the middle of reading, both of which don't sound appealing.

truncate on one table blocked by select of another

Postgres 9.4, Ubuntu 10
I have been unable to find this exact problem here, so here it goes:
For each table t in my database, I have a table t_audit. Each delete, insert, and update on table t triggers a function that inserts a record to table t_audit.
Each night, a process truncates each t_audit table.
Last night, a select on table t prevented the truncate on t_audit from proceeding. I did not save what was in pg_stat_activity at the time, but I did save the output from blocking_locks().
Blocking pid: RowExclusiveLock, t, select * from t where ...,
Waiting pid: AccessExclusiveLock, t_audit, truncate table t_audit,
I am uncertain as to why a select on t would block the truncate on t_audit. As I did not save pg_stat_activity, the best that I can assume is that the select was "idle in transaction". I asked the person who was running the query at the time, and he said he was not running the update as part of a transaction. He did update table t just prior to the select. He did not close his connection as the pid was still active until I ran pg_terminate_backend on the pid.
Has anyone experienced this issue before? Is there a recommended procedure for this other than running pg_terminate_backend on any pids which are "idle in transaction" just prior to calling truncates?
Thank you for reading and taking time to respond.
Are there any triggers in place that might cause even something as innocuous as a SELECT on the audit table at the same time as the TRUNCATE (although the fact that it's a Row Exclusive lock indicates that whatever is being triggered is something like an UPDATE instead)? From the PG 9.4 locking documentation, SELECT and TRUNCATE would indeed block each other as expected behavior. The relevant tidbits are these:
Conflicts with the ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock mode only.
The SELECT command acquires a lock of this mode on referenced tables. In general, any query that only reads a table and does not modify it will acquire this lock mode.
Conflicts with locks of all modes (ACCESS SHARE, ROW SHARE, ROW EXCLUSIVE, SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE, SHARE, SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE, and ACCESS EXCLUSIVE). This mode guarantees that the holder is the only transaction accessing the table in any way.
Acquired by the DROP TABLE, TRUNCATE, REINDEX, CLUSTER, and VACUUM FULL commands. Many forms of ALTER TABLE also acquire a lock at this level.
And even more specifically telling is this explicit tip on that page:
Tip: Only an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock blocks a SELECT (without FOR UPDATE/SHARE) statement.
As for what to do in this scenario, if your use case is tolerant of unceremonious terminations of (possibly idle) connections, that is certainly a straightforward way of ensuring that the TRUNCATE succeeds.
A more flexible alternative may be to clear out the table with DELETE instead, and then follow up with some variation of VACUUM afterwards (DELETE and SELECT will not block each other, but it will block UPDATE). The suitability of this approach would depend a lot on things like the growth pattern of the table from day-to-day (simply VACUUM may be suitable if its maximum size is not that different day-to-day) and how badly you need that space reclaimed in the short term if it is a huge table - you may need to VACUUM FULL that table during a quiet window if you need the space quickly and badly, but VACUUM FULL is not a gentle hammer to swing by any means.

Online backup blocking truncate table

It´s documented that in DB2 the TRUNCATE statement is not compatible with online backup because it gets a Z lock on the table and prevents an online backup from running concurrently.
The lock wait happens when a truncate tries to get a shared lock on an internal online backup object.
Since this is by design in the product I will have to go for workarounds, so this thread is not about a solution, but why they can´t work together. I didn´t find a reasonable explanation why there is such limitation in db2.
Any insights?
Luciano Moreira
from http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/techarticle/dm-0501melnyk/
When a table holds a Z lock, no concurrent application can read or
update data in that table.
So now we know that a Z lock is and exclusive access to a table denying read and write access to the table.
from http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v10r5/topic/com.ibm.db2.luw.sql.ref.doc/doc/r0053474.html
Exclusive Access: No other session can have a cursor open on the table, or a lock held on the table (SQLSTATE 25001).
from https://sites.google.com/site/umeshdanderdbms/difference-between-truncate-and-delete
Delete is logging operation, where as Truncate is makes the table empty on container level.
(Logging operation – DML operation are logged into logs (redo log in oracle, transaction log in DB2 etc). It is stored in logs for commit or rollback operation.)
This is the most interesting part. Truncate just 'forgets' the content of the table whereas deletes removes line by line processing all triggers, bells, and whistles. Therefore when you truncate all reading cursors will get invalid. To prevent stupid stuff like that you can only completely empty a table when nobody tries to access it. Online backup obviously needs to read the table. Therefore it is not possible to have both accessing the same table at the same time.