isgl3d sphere not rendered completely - isgl3d

Trying to render a sphere using isgl3d. The problem is that only say 75% of the sphere is being rendered.
Here's the code:
[ setPosition:iv3(0, 3, 7)];
_container = [self.scene createNode];
Isgl3dTextureMaterial * ballMaterial = [Isgl3dTextureMaterial materialWithTextureFile:#"balltext.jpg" shininess:0.7 precision:Isgl3dTexturePrecisionLow repeatX:YES repeatY:YES];
_sphere = [Isgl3dSphere meshWithGeometry:1 longs:40 lats:40];
node = [ _container createNodeWithMesh:_sphere andMaterial:ballMaterial];
[self.scene addChild:node];

Please check the image size. I think it should be 32x32, 64X64, 128x128 or 256x256. By changing image size you may be able to solve the issue.


Crop Image texture on WorldSpace Canvas using RectTransform on Overlay Canvas

I've been trying for several days to crop an Image texture (Board - originalImage in the code example) on WorldSpace Canvas using RectTransform(CropArea - cropArea in the code example) on Overlay Canvas.
The problem is that I can't find the correct coordinates of the cropArea on the original image.
I've tried with this:
Texture2D croppedTexture = new Texture2D((int)cropArea.rectTransform.rect.width, (int)cropArea.rectTransform.rect.height);
Texture2D originalTexture = (Texture2D) originalImage.mainTexture;
croppedTexture.SetPixels(originalTexture.GetPixels((int)cropArea.rectTransform.anchoredPosition.x, (int)cropArea.rectTransform.anchoredPosition.y, (int)cropArea.rectTransform.rect.width, (int)cropArea.rectTransform.rect.height));
resultImage.texture = croppedTexture;
But the result image is not cropped properly. It is a bit to the left and a bit down.
Does anybody have an idea how can I achieve this?
I found I have to consider so many variables. Here is a simplified version.
Need a new field: worldCanvas
var cropRectTrans = cropArea.rectTransform;
var origRectTrans = originalImage.rectTransform;
var origRectSize = origRectTrans.sizeDelta;
var pivot = origRectTrans.pivot;
Texture2D originalTexture = (Texture2D)originalImage.mainTexture;
// Scale pivot to pixel unit.
// Get corners of the overlay rectangle in world space.
// The canvas is "Screen Space Overlay", so these positions are
// also the screen positions.
var cropCorners = new Vector3[4];
// Transform the left-bottom and right-top corners to the space
// of the original image. The translated position needs to be added
// with the scaled pivot, so that we can obtain the coordinates
// relative to the left-bottom corner of the image.
var cam = worldCanvas.worldCamera;
origRectTrans, cropCorners[0], cam, out Vector2 lb);
origRectTrans, cropCorners[2], cam, out Vector2 tr);
var point = lb + pivot;
var size = tr - lb;
// Scale the position and size if the image is scaled.
var scale = new Vector2(
originalTexture.width / origRectSize.x,
originalTexture.height / origRectSize.y
// Finally we get the correct position and size in the original image space.
Texture2D croppedTexture = new Texture2D((int)size.x, (int)size.y);
(int)point.x, (int)point.y, (int)size.x, (int)size.y));
resultImage.texture = croppedTexture;

Is it possible to define a 3d model/prefab size in unity?

Is there a way I can define a 3d model size in unity? Like height = 1, width = 3, depth = 3?
I want the model to take a defined space in unity's scene, no matter how big or small I make the fbx in Blender. So I can't use scale as changing the model size in Blender will break this scaling.
I need it to be a square 3 wide, 3 long and 1 high, not depending on the model's size that is exported from Blender. Is it possible?
The same question but from another angle - how to set model size in unity? There is only the scale setting, but no size setting. This looks weird.
So far I have found a workaround like getting object's rendered bounds and adjusting scaling quotient in a script, but this doesn't seem right to me.
You can use the Mesh.bounds to get the 3D model size without applied scaling.
Then you recalculate the scale according to your needs e.g.
// The desired scales
// x = width
// y = height
// z = depth
var targetScale = new Vector3(3, 1, 3);
var meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
var mesh = meshFilter.mesh;
// This would be equal to the 3D bounds if scale was 1,1,1
var meshBounds = mesh.bounds.size;
// This would make the model have world scale 1,1,1
var invertMeshBounds = new Vector3(1/meshBounds.x, 1/meshBounds.y, 1/meshBounds.z);
// Use this if you want exactly the scale 3,1,3 but maybe stretching the fbx
var finalScale = Vector3.Scale(invertMeshBounds, targetScale);
As I understand you want to keep the correct relative scales of the 3D model but make it fit into the defined targetScale so I would use the smallest of the 3 values as scaling factor
var minFactor = Mathf.Min(finalScale.x, finalScale.y);
minFactor = Mathf.Min(minFactor, finalScale.z);
transform.localScale = * minFactor;

How to fit a texture to a surface? ARKit SceneKit Swift

I am very new to scenekit and 3d development in general and I'm playing around with ARKit and trying to fit a texture to a plane (well really a scnbox but only the top surface) but I'm seriously failing and also failing to find anything helpful on the web.
I have a texture of a road that is a very long rectangular png image. width:height ratio is about 20:1
I want to apply this texture to the surface of a table, once arkit has found the plane for me. I do not know the dimensions of the table before the app starts.
I can currently apply a texture to this plane, and also rotate the texture as desired.
What I would like to accomplish is to stretch the texture (keeping original ratio) so that the short sides of the plane and texture line up and then the texture continues until the end of the plane, cutting off or repeating depending on the length or ratio of the plane.
Here is the function that gets the ScnMaterial Object
class func getRunwayMaterial() -> SCNMaterial {
let name = "runway"
var mat = materials[name]
if let mat = mat {
return mat
mat = SCNMaterial()
mat!.lightingModel = SCNMaterial.LightingModel.physicallyBased
mat!.diffuse.contents = UIImage(named: "./Assets.scnassets/Materials/runway/runway.png")
mat!.diffuse.wrapS = SCNWrapMode.repeat
mat!.diffuse.wrapT = SCNWrapMode.repeat
materials[name] = mat
return mat!
This is the function that should be doing the scaling and rotating of the texture on the plane.
func setRunwayTextureScale(rotation: Float? = nil, material: SCNMaterial? = nil) {
let texture = material != nil ? material! : planeGeometry.materials[4]
var m: SCNMatrix4 = SCNMatrix4MakeScale(1, 1, 1)
if(rotation != nil){
textureRotation = rotation! + textureRotation
m = SCNMatrix4Rotate(m, textureRotation, 0, 1, 0)
texture.diffuse.contentsTransform = m
Please help me fill in the blanks here, and if anyone has any links or articles on how to do this kind of manipulation please link me!
edit: btw I'm using xcode 9
Try using:
material.diffuse.wrapS = SCNWrapModeRepeat;
material.diffuse.wrapT = SCNWrapModeRepeat;
This would help the material not stretch, but simply keep adding more and more of the same png to itself.
You can also set the scale for the material by setting it to a width and height:
CGFloat width = self.planeGeometry.width;
CGFloat height = self.planeGeometry.length;
material.diffuse.contentsTransform = SCNMatrix4MakeScale(width, height, 1);
Sorry i'm working with Objective C here but should be pretty straightforward to translate this.
Also some good tutorials can be found on this link:

SpriteKit : calculate distance between two texture masks

I have two irregular shapes in SpriteKit, and I want to calculate the vertical distance from the base of a space ship and the (irregular) terrain right below.
Is there a way to do it ?
Thanks !
Place an SKPhysicsBody that is in a shape of a line at the center of your ship with a width of 1 and the height of your scene, then in the didBeginContact method, grab the 2 contact points. You now know 2 points, just use the distance formula (in this case it is just y2-y1) and you have your answer
I found a different way to solve my problem, but I think that KnightOfDragon's one is conceptually better (although I did not manage to make it work).
The terrain's texture is essentially a bitmap with opaque and transparent pixels. So I decided to parse these pixels, storing the highest opaque pixel for each column, building a "radar altitude map". So I just have to calculate the difference between the bottom of the ship and the altitude of the column right beneath its center:
CFDataRef imageData = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(terrain.texture.CGImage));
const UInt32 *pixels = (const UInt32*)CFDataGetBytePtr(imageData);
NSMutableArray *radar = [NSMutableArray new];
for (long col = 0; col < terrain.size.width; col++)
[radar addObject:#(0)];
for (long ind = 0; ind < (terrain.size.height * terrain.size.width); ind++)
if (pixels[ind] & 0xff000000) // non-transparent pixel
long line = ind/terrain.size.width;
long col = ind - (line*terrain.size.width);
if ([radar[col]integerValue] <terrain.size.height-line) radar[col] = #(terrain.size.height-line);
This solution could be optimized, of course. It's just the basic idea.
I've added an image to show the original texture, its representation as opaque/transparent pixels, and a test by putting little white nodes to check where the "surface" was.

how to avoid resizing texture in swift

I am adding the spritenode to the scene, the size is given.
But when I change the texture of the spritenode, the size automatically changes to the original size of the image(png) of the texture.
How can I avoid this?
My code:
var bomba = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "bomba2")
var actionbomba = SKAction()
bomba.size = CGSizeMake(frame2.size.width/18, frame2.size.width/18)
let bomba3 = SKTexture(imageNamed: "bomba3.png")
actionbomba.addObject(SKAction.moveBy(CGVectorMake(0, frame.size.height/2.65), duration: beweegsnelheid))
actionbomba.addObject(SKAction.setTexture(bomba3,resize: false))
bomba.runAction(SKAction.repeatAction(SKAction.sequence(actionbomba), count: -1))
Do not set the size explicitly. From your information sprite kit will not automatically find the scale factor for each texture and scale it.
Instead, you set the scale factor of the node and each texture will have that scale applied to it.
[playernode setScale: x];
Something like this. You only have to set it when you create the node and each texture will be the size you would expect, given that your textures are the same size.
I use this method for all of my nodes that are animated with multiple textures and it works every time.