Where can I download the LuaEclipse plugin from - eclipse

Where can I download the LuaEclipse plugin from? The link on the luaeclipse.luaforge.net page is broken.
BTW, I can't use the eclipse update site http://luaeclipse.luaforge.net/update-site/site.xml due to firewall issues. So I need to download archive of the LuaEclipse plugin, which I than will extract locally and can point eclipse to.

The Lua Development Tools look like a new version of the eclipse plugin:
See : http://www.eclipse.org/koneki/ldt/

This link is working:
There you can download it as a zip file.

The below link is the latest URL for lua plugin for Eclipse (to be used from inside Eclipse):


Installing Groovy and Gradle plugins in Eclipse 4.17 (2020-09) offline

I am trying to add the latest groovy IDE plugin to Eclipse 4.17 (2020-09). The network security blocks access to eclipse marketplace and other sites like dist.springsource.org. Where can I download the appropriate zip archive for offline installation?
Thank you!
Each of the release notes pages on the groovy/groovy-eclipse github site have update site archive links at the bottom.

Using ESQL-Sonar plugin in IIB V10

I am trying to use the Sonar-ESQL plugin in IIB V10 for ESQL code scanning. I downloaded the plugin jar file from the website http://www.sonarplugins.com/esql, then added the jar file in the plugin folder for Eclipse and restarted Eclipse. But I dont see any difference in Eclipse. How do I use that plugin? There are no instructions on that site.
Please suggest something. Thank you very much!
The Sonar-ESQL-Plugin is only a plugin for sonarQube.
For a eclipse integration the plugin needs to support SonarLint, which it does not.
To analyse ESQL code you need to install SonarQube, add the ESQL-plugin to it and run the analysis using maven or SonarQube Scanner: https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SCAN/Analyzing+Source+Code
BTW: The website you used to download the plugin, doesn't provide the latest version. Try to download it for github: https://github.com/EXXETA/sonar-esql-plugin

How to install eclipse color theme plugin without eclipse itself

I use eclipse at work. Our internet is limited so I can't download plugins through eclipse itself. Anybody know a way I can download it at home, then install it from a flash drive or something of that nature? All I can find is info on the github and I have no idea how to use that. Still a noob
Thanks in advance
This should work.
Download the github zip file from here
The dropins directory should be used to install a plugin manually. The typical process is that you download a plugin and extract that archive to the dropins directory.
The plugins directory on the other hand is reserved for Eclipse's updater. You should not mess with it manually. Eclipse will store all plugins you install using "Help"->"Software Updates" or "Help"->"Install new software" (depending on your Eclipse version).
Please, let me know if this works for you.
See the stackoverflow question:

How to install GWT SDK 1.5 from zip?

I have Eclipse Indigo 3.7; I tried to install GWT SDK 1.5 to it but maybe I am doing something wrong here; Moreover, I've never installed gwt sdk from zip :(
The thing is the SDK is in zip file; I've tried to install it manually but I couldn't find any tips how to install older GWT SDK to new eclipse :(
So my question is how to install GWT SDK 1.5 to eclipse indigo 3.7?
Extract the ZIP file to a folder.
Open Window >> Preferences >> Google >> Web Toolkit then click the Add button.
Locate the folder. Click OK.
Hope it helps.
You can download the SDK+ Eclipse plugin from http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/download.html
The plugin can be placed in Eclipse_HOME\plugins and restarting will eclipse will put in place the plugin needed.
To add to the other answer about adding a new SDK through preferences:
If you want your new SDK to be in the same location as your old SDK, you can go into the eclipse plugins folder (should be at the same directory level as the Eclipse app), duplicate the old SDK folder (should be something like "/com.google.gwt.eclipse.sdkbundle_2.6.0"), then rename it, drop in your new sdk folder and delete the old one. Now it looks like you installed it using the plugin.
Also, when you add the SDK using the preferences route as explained above, be sure to check the box next to the new one if you want to use that one as a default in the future.
Hope this helps someone.

How to install Axis2 plug-in to Eclipse (for Android dev)?

I got my Eclipse (Indigo Service Release 1, Build id: 20110916-0149) installed and running for Android development. Now, I want to consume a WCF WebService (wsdl) in my Android app. As I learnt, this can easily be done using Axis2 plug-in for Eclipse. However, I had hard-time to install the Axis2 plug-in.
I understand there are similar questions already asked, but I couldn't make it work using all the suggestions, and there is no accepted answer either. That's why I created this new questions. It would be nice if somebody can tell which version is working one? or how to make the latest (1.6.1) work?
I do not understand the plug-in installation processs in Eclipse. I see p2 folder in my local drive under Eclipse, so I assume I could just extract the download to dropins folder, right?
#Andreas Veithen
Thanks for your answer buddy. The 1.6.1 version was driving me nuts. I tested it both in a Mac and a Windows machine and the result was the same. It just would not work. I took your advice and got the 1.6.2-SNAPSHOT version and it shows up just fine now.
No matter which version you are looking for, you need to get the Axis2 eclipse codegen plugin.
Here is the link to the page where you can find the 1.6.2-SNAPSHOT version:
Download the axis2.eclipse.codegen.plugin-1.6.2-SNAPSHOT.jar at https://builds.apache.org/job/axis2-1.6/lastStableBuild/org.apache.axis2$axis2.eclipse.codegen.plugin/artifact/org.apache.axis2/axis2.eclipse.codegen.plugin/1.6.2-SNAPSHOT/axis2.eclipse.codegen.plugin-1.6.2-SNAPSHOT.jar and drop it in your dropins folder. The latest version of Eclipse should already have a dropins folder after you extract the downloaded archive. You should now see the Axis wizards in Eclipse after restarting.
The above answers were not easily understood so I'm adding this for anyone reading this in the future.
Taken from the Axis2 website:
Download the ZIP file for the plugin you want to install.
Extract the content of the plugins folder in the ZIP archive into the dropins folder (i.e. do not create a plugins folder under dropins).
Ps: Get the 1.6.2 version from this link
The 1.6.1 version has a bug and doesn't work. Use 1.6.0 or 1.6.2-SNAPSHOT (which can be downloaded from here) instead.
All recent versions of Eclipse use p2. You need to put the JAR files into the dropins folder.