I have the following method:
def save(entity: A): Either[List[Error],A] + {....
which I want to test using specs2
I want to test for the existence of a specific error when a required field is not specified, like this:
val noNickname = User(
nickname = "",
name = "new name",
noNickname.save must beLeft.like {
case errors => {
atLeastOnceWhen(errors) {
case error => {
error.errorCode must equalTo(Error.REQUIRED)
error.field must equalTo("nickname")
It works fine, but I'd like to define my own matcher to make it less verbose, like this:
noNickname.save must haveError.like {
case error => {
error.errorCode must equalTo(Error.REQUIRED)
error.field must equalTo("nickname")
I had a look at the documentation (http://etorreborre.github.com/specs2/guide/org.specs2.guide.Matchers.html#Matchers) but I can't figure out how to define a custom matcher like haveError.like
Here your code with a few changes to make it compile:
case class Error(errorCode: String, field: String)
def save[A](entity: A): Either[List[Error],A] = Left(List(Error("REQUIRED", "nickname")))
case class User(nickname: String, name: String)
val noNickname = User(nickname = "", name = "new name")
"save noNickName" >> {
save(noNickname) must haveError.like {
case error => {
error.errorCode must equalTo("REQUIRED")
error.field must equalTo("nickname")
def haveError[T] = new ErrorMatcher[T]
class ErrorMatcher[T] extends Matcher[Either[List[T], _]] {
def apply[S <: Either[List[T], _]](value: Expectable[S]) =
value.description + " is Left",
value.description + " is not Left",
def like[U](f: PartialFunction[T, MatchResult[U]]) =
this and partialMatcher(f)
private def partialMatcher[U](f: PartialFunction[T, MatchResult[U]]) =
new Matcher[Either[List[T], _]] {
def apply[S <: Either[List[T], _]](value: Expectable[S]) = {
// get should always work here because it comes after the "and"
val errors = value.value.left.toOption.get
val res = atLeastOnceWhen[T, U](errors)(f)
value.description+" is Left[T] and "+res.message,
value.description+" is Left[T] but "+res.message,
Notice that the matcher is defined on Either[List[T], _] everywhere.
I'm also wondering about the failure messages that are returned in case you don't find the expected error message, they might not be very explicit when the partial function fails.
So you may want to aim for using a contain matcher. Like this:
"save noNickName" >> {
save(noNickname) must haveError.containing(Error("REQUIRED", "nickname"))
// I'm reusing the beLeft matcher here
def haveError[T]: Matcher[Either[List[T], _]] = beLeft
// and using an implicit conversion to extend it
implicit def toErrorListMatcher[T](m: Matcher[Either[List[T], _]]): ErrorListMatcher[T] =
new ErrorListMatcher[T](m)
class ErrorListMatcher[T](m: Matcher[Either[List[T], _]]) {
def containing(t: T) =
// the 'contain' matcher is adapted to take in an
// Either[List[T], _] and work on its left part
m and contain(t) ^^ ((e: Either[List[T], _]) => e.left.toOption.get)
The first solution (using atLeastOnceWhen and a partial function) can be combined with the second one (using an implicit) and the beLike matcher, to get maximum reusability of existing specs2 code:
def haveError[T]: Matcher[Either[List[T], _] = beLeft
implicit def toErrorListMatcher[T](m: Matcher[Either[List[T], _]]): ErrorListMatcher[T] =
new ErrorListMatcher[T](m)
class ErrorListMatcher[T](m: Matcher[Either[List[T], _]]) {
// beLike checks one element
// beLike.atLeastOnce transforms that matcher on a
// matcher on a sequence of elements
def like[S](f: PartialFunction[T, MatchResult[S]]) = {
m and beLike(f).atLeastOnce ^^ ((e: Either[List[T], _]) => e.left.toOption.get)
Just trying to propagate my tracing context inside Kleisli as it was done originally in the next tutorial.
object TraceLogger {
def log(msg: String): Kleisli[IO, UUID, Unit] = Kleisli { traceId => IO(println(s"[$traceId] $msg")) }
trait ServiceStub {
def request(arg: String): Kleisli[IO, UUID, _]
trait ClientStub {
def get(arg: String): Kleisli[IO, UUID, _]
case class FirstServiceExample(clientStub: ClientStub) extends ServiceStub {
override def request(arg: String): Kleisli[IO, UUID, _] = Kleisli { (context: UUID) =>
val requestComputation = clientStub.get("calling second service!")
case class FirstClientExample(service: FirstServiceExample) {
def request(): IO[_] = {
val traceId = UUID.randomUUID()
And now I need to run execution:
val exampleClientStub = new ClientStub() {
override def get(arg: String): Kleisli[IO, UUID, _] = Kleisli.ask
val exampleClientService = FirstServiceExample(exampleClientStub)
But, unfortunately, I don't see any logs here. Would you kindly help me to find an issue?
TraceLogger.log(arg) This returns an IO which is just a description of computation; it is doing nothing.
And since you just leave that value alone it is equivalent to just having a 1 in the middle of your code, it is simply discarded.
You need to chain your IOs together to create new IOs that represent "do this and then do that", that is basically what the flatMap method does.
Kleisli { (context: UUID) =>
val requestComputation = clientStub.get("calling second service!")
TraceLogger.log(arg)(context) >> // >> is equivalent to flatMap(_ => )
(There is probably a better way to write this, I am not used to Kliesli)
Fabio's series on "Programas as Values" may be very useful: https://systemfw.org/archive.html
If we define the following function:
def methodWithImplicit(explicit: String)(implicit imp: String) = {
println(explicit + imp)
we can call it as follows:
methodWithImplicit("abc")("efg") //abc - explicit, efg - imp
And it works fine. Now consider the following TypeClass:
trait MyTypeClass[T] {
def accept(t: T): T
which is going to be used inside extractor object:
object TestExtractor {
def unapply(str: String)(implicit myTypeClass: MyTypeClass[String]): Option[String] =
if (!str.isEmpty)
So if we use it as follows:
implicit val myTypeClass:MyTypeClass[String] = new MyTypeClass[String] {
override def accept(t: String): Unit = t
"123" match {
case TestExtractor(str) => println(str)
It works ok. But how to pass the parameter explicitly when using with pattern matching? I tried
"123" match {
case TestExtractor(str)(myTypeClass) => println(str) //compile error
"123" match {
case TestExtractor(myTypeClass)(str) => println(str) //compile error
But it does not compile.
Since the left hand side seems to accept essentially nothing but trees built from stable identifiers, constant literals, and lower-case letters for variable names, I don't see any way to get closer to the desired syntax than this:
val `TestExtractor(myTypeClass)` = TestExtractor(myTypeClass)
"hello" match {
case `TestExtractor(myTypeClass)`(str) => println(str)
This of course requires that you define the weirdly named value TestExtractor(myTypeClass) (in backticks) right before the match-case, so you can use it as a single symbol.
Full code:
trait MyTypeClass[T] {
def accept(t: T): T
object TestExtractor { outer =>
def unapply(str: String)(implicit myTypeClass: MyTypeClass[String]): Option[String] =
if (!str.isEmpty)
class ExplicitTestExtractor(tc: MyTypeClass[String]) {
def unapply(t: String) = outer.unapply(t)(tc)
def apply(tc: MyTypeClass[String]): ExplicitTestExtractor =
new ExplicitTestExtractor(tc)
implicit val myTypeClass:MyTypeClass[String] = new MyTypeClass[String] {
override def accept(t: String): String = t.toUpperCase
val `TestExtractor(myTypeClass)` = TestExtractor(myTypeClass)
"hello" match {
case `TestExtractor(myTypeClass)`(str) => println(str)
I am playing with scalameta and I want to have a generic measurement annotation which sends measurements about how long the method execution took.
I used Qing Wei's cache annotation demo.
It works for non async methods but my attribute doesn't match on methods which return Future due to the ExecutionContext argument list.
My annotation looks like this:
package measurements
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.meta._
class measure(name: String) extends scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation {
inline def apply(defn: Any): Any = meta {
defn match {
case defn: Defn.Def => {
this match {
case q"new $_($backendParam)" =>
val body: Term = MeasureMacroImpl.expand(backendParam, defn)
defn.copy(body = body)
case x =>
abort(s"Unrecognized pattern $x")
case _ =>
abort("This annotation only works on `def`")
object MeasureMacroImpl {
def expand(nameExpr: Term.Arg, annotatedDef: Defn.Def): Term = {
val name: Term.Name = Term.Name(nameExpr.syntax)
annotatedDef match {
case q"..$_ def $methodName[..$tps](..$nonCurriedParams): $rtType = $expr" => {
rtType match {
case f: Future[Any] => q"""
val name = $name
println("before " + name)
val future: ${rtType} = ${expr}
future.map(result => {
println("after " + name)
case _ => q"""
val name = $name
println("before " + name)
val result: ${rtType} = ${expr}
println("after " + name)
case _ => abort("This annotation only works on `def`")
I use the annotation like this:
def test(x: String): String = x
def testMultipleArg(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
I would like to use it with async methods like this:
def testAsync(x: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) : Future[String] = {
but I get the following error:
exception during macro expansion:
scala.meta.internal.inline.AbortException: This annotation only works on `def`
I assume the issue is MeasureMacroImpl matching but I am not sure how to match on multiple argument groups. Could you guys help me? Any ideas or sample code would be greatly appreciated. I am pretty new to scala and scala meta so apologies if I asked a trivial question.
You are getting error because MeasureMacroImpl does not match curried parameters.
It's fairly trivial to match curried params, simply use
case q"..$_ def $methodName[..$tps](...$nonCurriedParams): $rtType = $expr"
Notice the ...$nonCurriedParams instead of ..$nonCurriedParams
I'm trying to implement an implicit materializer as described here: http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/macros/implicits.html
I decided to create a macro that converts a case class from and to a String using quasiquotes for prototyping purposes. For example:
case class User(id: String, name: String)
val foo = User("testid", "foo")
Converting foo to text should result in "testid foo" and vice versa.
Here is the simple trait and its companion object I have created:
trait TextConvertible[T] {
def convertTo(obj: T): String
def convertFrom(text: String): T
object TextConvertible {
import language.experimental.macros
import QuasiTest.materializeTextConvertible_impl
implicit def materializeTextConvertible[T]: TextConvertible[T] = macro materializeTextConvertible_impl[T]
and here is the macro:
object QuasiTest {
import reflect.macros._
def materializeTextConvertible_impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[TextConvertible[T]] = {
import c.universe._
val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]
val fields = tpe.declarations.collect {
case field if field.isMethod && field.asMethod.isCaseAccessor => field.asMethod.accessed
val strConvertTo = fields.map {
field => q"obj.$field"
}.reduce[Tree] {
case (acc, elem) => q"""$acc + " " + $elem"""
val strConvertFrom = fields.zipWithIndex map {
case (field, index) => q"splitted($index)"
val quasi = q"""
new TextConvertible[$tpe] {
def convertTo(obj: $tpe) = $strConvertTo
def convertFrom(text: String) = {
val splitted = text.split(" ")
new $tpe(..$strConvertFrom)
which generates
final class $anon extends TextConvertible[User] {
def <init>() = {
def convertTo(obj: User) = obj.id.$plus(" ").$plus(obj.name);
def convertFrom(text: String) = {
val splitted = text.split(" ");
new User(splitted(0), splitted(1))
new $anon()
The generated code looks fine, but yet I get the error value id in class User cannot be accessed in User in compilation while trying to use the macro.
I suspect I am using a wrong type for fields. I tried field.asMethod.accessed.name, but it results in def convertTo(obj: User) = obj.id .$plus(" ").$plus(obj.name ); (note the extra spaces after id and name), which naturally results in the error value id is not a member of User.
What am I doing wrong?
Ah, figured it out almost immediately after sending my question.
I changed the lines
val fields = tpe.declarations.collect {
case field if field.isMethod && field.asMethod.isCaseAccessor => field.asMethod.accessed
val fields = tpe.declarations.collect {
case field if field.isMethod && field.asMethod.isCaseAccessor => field.name
which solved the problem.
The field you get with accessed.name has a special suffix attached to it, to avoid naming conflicts.
The special suffix is scala.reflect.api.StandardNames$TermNamesApi.LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING, which has the value, you guessed it, a space char.
This is quite evil, of course.
Inspired by my C# implementation of generic Strategy pattern I want to do the same in Scala. I want also make some functional programming to encapsulate Strategy algorithms inside a inherited class.
So what I've done yet is:
trait Strategy {
type T <: Strategy
type O
def Call(victim: T): O = {
var strategy: (this.T => this.O)
This is a trait which is a base of scaldfolding. I have also a StrategyFactory class:
case class StrategyFactory[T <: Strategy, O](str: T) {
def Call(x: (T => O)) = x(str)
object StrategyFactory {
And finally in my code I can create concrete Strategy:
class DownloadStrategy(path: String) extends Strategy {
type T = DownloadStrategy
type O = String
strategy = (dw: DownloadStrategy) => path + "aaaa"
object DownloadStrategy {
def apply(s: String) = new DownloadStrategy(s)
In my application code I have this:
var ds = DownloadStrategy("j")
val m = StrategyFactory[DownloadStrategy, String](ds)
var output = m.Call(ds.strategy)
Here works everything good.
I want to have functional strategies thus there is m.Call(ds.strategy)
But It is very dummy design because I cannot create a set of classes which will be extending DownloadStrategy. For example:
class ImageDownloadStrategy(w: String, h: String, path: String) extends DownloadStrategy(path){
type T = ImageDownloadStrategy
type O = String
strategy = (ids: T) => path + ":ImageDownloadStrategy"
class VideoDownloadStrategy(w: String, h: String, path: String) extends DownloadStrategy(path){
type T = VideoDownloadStrategy
type O = String
strategy = (ids: T) => path + ":VideoDownloadStrategy"
And so on. Basically I want to have one base class of some default strategy and subclasses are more specific implementations.
This brings me to application code where I would like to code something like this:
var ds: DownloadStrategy = null
request.getQueryString("t") match {
case "1" => ds = ImageDownloadStrategy("","","")
case "2" => ds = VideoDownloadStrategy("","","")
case "3" => ds = RawFileDownloadStrategy("","","")
case _ => ds = DownloadStrategy("")
var output = (StrategyFactory[DownloadStrategy, String](ds)).Call(ds.strategy)
I thought that when I write StrategyFactory[DownloadStrategy, String](ds) the compiler will be so smart enought that can figure if ImageDownloadStrategy is subclass of DownloadStrategy will could allow me to do some polimorphic calls but i cannot do it.
Another fact is that I need to overrides type T and type O in delivered class from DownloadStrategy but I dont have any idea how to do it.
Please give me some advices how to model this kind of behaviour.
EDIT(for pagoda_5b details)
As I have mentioned I have functional var strategy in trait Strategy which is var strategy: (this.T => this.O). This variable need to be overriden in classes implementing this trait. Also I have 2 generic types which T means subclass of concrete strategy and O indicate result type from def Call(...).
What I want to achive is having functional strategies inside subclass of Strategy and then make polimorphic calls. Here I have got DownloadStrategy which is default strategy and I have some subclasses with specicif algorithms. I want cast ImageDownloadStrategy to DownloadStrategy and use it as I showed in switch case statement.
Ok, I'll try to take a shot.
Since you can have function objects, you probably can simply do without any of the machinery of a Strategy hierarchy or factory whatsoever.
You can for example
//this is sort of a factory
object Strategies {
//a type alias to better define your selected functions
type Strategy[T, O] = T => O
//a set of methods to obtain the correct strategy "on demand"
def imageDownload[T](w: String, h: String, path: String): Strategy[T, String] =
(t: T) =>
path + ":ImageDownloadStrategy"
def videoDownload[T](w: String, h: String, path: String): Strategy[T, String] =
(t: T) =>
path + ":VideoDownloadStrategy"
def rawFileDownload[T](w: String, h: String, path: String): Strategy[T, String] =
(t: T) =>
path + ":RawDownloadStrategy"
//this is the fallback default
def download[T](path: String): Strategy[T, String] =
(t: T) =>
path + "aaaa"
object Client {
//make the strategies visible
import Strategies._
//processes the request
def process(request: Request): String = {
//here val means that the strategy variable won't be reassigned, ever
val strategy = selectStrategy[T](request.getQueryString("t")) //here we miss the type of the input value
//this assignment could be omitted if it's just returned
val output = strategy(??) //Here I'm missing the input to the strategy
//a method to select the strategy to use
def selectStrategy[T](selector: String): Strategy[T, String] =
selector match {
case "1" => imageDownload("","","")
case "2" => videoDownload("","","")
case "3" => rawFileDownload("","","")
case _ => download("")
As you can see, I'm missing what is the input value passed from the request to the strategy, so there are a couple holes in the process method
I don't know if this is what you need, but it could give you an idea why the strategy pattern is not so useful in functional languages, but rather needlessly cumbersome.
Finally I found time to post real life example of downloading strategy in playframework.
object Download{
object Type extends Enumeration {
type Type = Value
val Image = "1"
val Video = "2"
val Pdf = "3"
val File = "4"
object Strategies {
type Strategy[T, O] = T => O
def imageDownload[T](): Strategy[T, java.io.File] =
(t: T) => {
//Receive download strategy information
val dw = t.asInstanceOf[DownloadStrategy]
//juicy code goes here
java.io.File.createTempFile("", "")
def videoDownload[T](): Strategy[T, java.io.File] =
(t: T) =>
java.io.File.createTempFile("", "")
def rawFileDownload[T](): Strategy[T, java.io.File] =
(t: T) =>
java.io.File.createTempFile("", "")
//this is the fallback default
def download[T](): Strategy[T, java.io.File] =
(t: T) => {
java.io.File.createTempFile("", "")
//a method to select the strategy to use
def selectStrategy[T](selector: String): Strategy[T, java.io.File] =
selector match {
case Download.Type.Image => {
case Download.Type.Video => {
case Download.Type.Pdf => {
case Download.Type.File => {
case _ => download()
case class DownloadStrategy(request: Request[AnyContent], path: String, file: Option[File]) {
//Controller code
def download(path: String) = Action {
implicit request =>
val file: Option[File] = FileStore.byPath(path, true)
val ds = DownloadStrategy(request, path, file)
//request.getQueryString("t") - Download type
val str = Strategies.selectStrategy[DownloadStrategy](request.getQueryString("t").getOrElse(""))
val x = str(ds)
content = x