List of Cloudfoundry Services not showing Mongo 2.0 - mongodb

In my deployments config directory I see two versions of MongoDB (1.8 and 2.0). However when I run
vmc services
from my client, only 1.8 shows up (presumably because it is default). I tried changing the default in mongodb_gateway.yml (and node.yml), but after a restart the list is unchanged.
Any idea how I can get Mongo 2.0 to show up as a provisionable service?

If I removed 1.8 from the mongodb_node.yml and mongodb_gateway.yml files and then restarted cloud foundry, 2.0 (and 1.8) appeared. The problem is that there's no way to differentiate the two, so it appears to use what you have set as the default version in the yml files. At any rate it shows up now.


JBOSS Logging per deployment issue

we've an application, running in JBOSS EAP 6.4, generating a lot of logs. So we decided to give the application its own log, rotating each hour.
The application uses SFL4J, which is compatible with JBOSS Logging.
As we can't change parameters on JBOSS config we decided to use the logging per deployment feature and added, following the developers manual, a file in the classpath, with the File Handler set up as below
While in DEV station everything works as expected (JBOSS Developer Studio 7.1.1 with JBOSS EAP 6.1), in production and test JBOSS generates correctly the pfl.log file and the hourly backups, BUT the pfl.log is never made empty. So it's growing indefinitely (and so the hourly files). Also we noted that the same behavior happens using dayly rotating logs
This is getting us crazy.. How can we solve this ? Where can be the problem ? Did we make any config mistakes ?

Manual rollback of an application / service

I have a Service Fabric application with a few services underneath it. They are all currently sitting at version 1.0.0.
I deploy an update out to the cluster for version 2.0.0. Everything is running fine and the deployment succeeds. I notice a very large but in the version. Is there a way to manually rollback to version 1.0.0? The only thing I have found is automatic rollback during an upgrade.
Matt's answer is correct, but I'll elaborate a bit on it here.
The key is in understanding the different steps during application deployment:
Visual Studio rolls these up into single "publish" and "upgrade" operations to make it easy and convenient. But these are actually individual commands in the Service Fabric management API (through PowerShell, C# or HTTP). Let's take a quick look at what these steps are:
This just takes your compiled application package and copies it up to the cluster. No big deal.
This is the important step in your case. Register basically tells the cluster that it can now create instances of your application. Most importantly, you can register multiple versions of the same application. At this point, your applications aren't running yet.
This is where instances of your registered applications are created and start running.
Before we get to upgrade, let's look at what's on your cluster. The first time you go through this deployment process with version 1.0.0 of your application (call it FooType), you'll have just that one type registered:
FooType 1.0.0
Now you're ready to upgrade. You first copy your new application package with a new version (2.0.0) up to the cluster. Then, you register the new version of your application. Now you have two versions of that type registered:
FooType 1.0.0
FooType 2.0.0
Then when you run the upgrade command, Service Fabric takes your instance of 1.0.0 and upgrades it to 2.0.0. If you need to roll it back once the upgrade is complete, you simply use the same upgrade command to "upgrade" the application instance from 2.0.0 back to 1.0.0. You can do this because 1.0.0 is still registered in the cluster. Note that the version numbers are in fact not meaningful to Service Fabric other than that they are different strings. I can use "orange" and "banana" as my version strings if I want.
So the key here is that when you do a "publish" from Visual Studio to upgrade your application, it's doing all of these steps: it's copying, registering, and upgrading. In your case, you don't actually want to re-register 1.0.0 because it's already registered on the cluster. You just want to issue the upgrade command again.
For an even longer explanation, see: Blue/Green Deployments with Azure ServiceFabric
Just follow the same upgrade procedure, but targeting your 1.0.0 version instead. "Rollback" is just an "upgrade" to your older version.

Liberty Packaged Server Deployments

I have an application that was pushed to the Liberty runtime via the packaged server deployment method and I understand that some of the default features provided by Liberty will change in one of the upcoming buildpack updates. Will this change in default features provided adversely affect my packaged server deployment?
If you're deploying/restaging your application in a manner other than a packaged server or a server directory, then the change in the default feature set might affect your application. This is due to the changes in spec levels in the new default feature sets. However, if you used the "packaged server" or the server directory method for deploying your app then you will not be affected. This is because the features you put in your server.xml will still get picked up due to the fact that the buildpack will provide Java 6 & 7 features.
If you need more information about the new default features added to the buildpack, how to make your app resilient to the changes, and even how to "preview" the new buildpack for testing purposes, see the link below:

Deploying Play 2.3 on production

I have developed a Scala/Play webapp and now I am trying to deploy it on production.
What is the recommended "best way" of doing that?
The documentation mentions only runnig it from play console, which does not seem very robust (in case of machine restarts etc).
There are apporaches to wrap the app into a war file and deploy on Tomcat7 (e.g. play2war), but they do not seem to be actively developed (e.g. there is only beta support for 2.3, the plugin is not available from maven repo etc).
What is the right way of doing this?
If you host the application on Windows then take a look at Yet Another Java Service Wrapper which wraps the application in a Windows service that will keep it running, even after restarts.
If you run it on Linux then take a look at Supervisord and Monit, which monitors the application and starts, restarts and stops it when needed.
See the following links for tutorials:
How do I run a Play Framework 2.0 application as a Windows service?

Heroku-like services for Scala?

I love Heroku but I would prefer to develop in Scala rather than Ruby on Rails.
Does anyone know of any services like Heroku that work with Scala?
UPDATE: Heroku now officially supports Scala - see answers below for links
As of October 3rd 2011, Heroku officially supports Scala, Akka and sbt.
Heroku has just announced support for Java.
Update 2
Heroku has just announced support for Scala
Check out Amazon Elastic Beanstalk.
To deploy Java applications using
Elastic Beanstalk, you simply:
Create your application as you
normally would using any editor or IDE
(e.g. Eclipse).
Package your
deployable code into a standard Java
Web Application Archive (WAR file).
Upload your WAR file to Elastic
Beanstalk using the AWS Management
Console, the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse,
the web service APIs, or the Command
Line Tools.
Deploy your application.
Behind the scenes, Elastic Beanstalk
handles the provisioning of a load
balancer and the deployment of your
WAR file to one or more EC2 instances
running the Apache Tomcat application
Within a few minutes you will
be able to access your application at
a customized URL (e.g.
Once an application is running,
Elastic Beanstalk provides several
management features such as:
Easily deploy new application versions
to running environments (or rollback
to a previous version).
built-in CloudWatch monitoring metrics
such as average CPU utilization,
request count, and average latency.
Receive e-mail notifications through
Amazon Simple Notification Service
when application health changes or
application servers are added or
Access Tomcat server log
files without needing to login to the
application servers.
Quickly restart
the application servers on all EC2
instances with a single command.
Another strong contender is Cloud Foundry. One of the nice features of Cloud Foundry is the ability to have a local version of "the cloud" running on your laptop so you can deploy and test offline.
I started working on the exact same thing as what you said a few weeks ago. I use Lift, which is a great framework and has a lot of potential, on top of Linux chroot environment.
I'm done with a demo version, but Linux chroot is not that stable (nor secure), so I'm now switching to FreeBSD jail on Amazon EC2, and hopefully it'll be done soon.
There are also other Java hosting environment including VMForce mentioned above.
If you are looking for a custom setup which also has the ease of deployment that heroku offers: They are invite only right now but I was given access in under three days. I am working on a Lift/MongoDB project there and it works well.
Off the top of my head, only VMForce comes to mind, but its not available yet. This will be a Java-oriented service, so that probably means you'll have to spend a wee bit of time figuring out how to package the app.
For more discussion, there was a debate about this in 2008.
I'm not entirely sure if it's really suitable or not, but people have deployed Scala applications to Google App Engine, for example
Actually you can run scala on heroku right now. You don't believe it?
I'm not sure the tricks lstoll has used are legit but using the
new cedar platform where you can run custom processes and some
ingenious Gemfile hacking he has managed to bootstrap the Java
play platform into a process. Seems to work as he has a live
site running a test page.
Stax cloud service offers preconfigured lift project skeleton. Also, there is a tutorial on how to deploy lift project to appengine.