Access Sling's embbed Jackrabbit over RMI - rmi

I want to connect to the embedded Jackrabbit in Spring over RMI but can't figure out how. Is the RMI endpoint started? If not how do I start it?
Thank you,
Marty should provide the relevant info.


What changes require to make my Restful services only accessible through https instead http?

I am able to hit my web service with Below URL:
But I want to force the app to access REST resource using https only as:
FYI, I am using jboss wildfly 10 server.
It will be very helpful if anyone over here will let me know what are the different approaches and you can also suggest me some link to get more understanding of it. Thanks in Advance!
http vs https is not dependent on Rest webservices.
Enabling your application to be https need to be done at your server level. In your case - Jboss.
Im not familiar on how this can be done in Jboss, see if below helps:

Reading JBOSS system variable in CAMEL

Can someone explain how to read JBOSS system variables (e.g. jboss.bind.address) in CAMEL? We are using CAMEL as part of a web-service which talks to several other backend web-services and we want the piece of code that creates an endpoint to bind to a specific network interface. This information is
Well it should be working with

Apache CXF JMX monitoring for SOAP clients

According to, CXF provides JMX monitoring for Web Service providers. The documentation is silent about whether it works for SOAP clients or not. Metro, on the other hand, clearly says that client monitoring is supported as well. The only reason I am looking at CXF is because it provides connection pooling which Metro does not, to my knowledge.
So my question really is, does anyone know if CXF supports client side JMX monitoring for SOAP clients? If yes, can you give some pointers? If not, is there a way to achieve connection pooling with Metro?
To answer my own question, CXF does not support client side JMX monitoring. It has better support than Metro for server side monitoring, provided CounterRepository bean is configured.

How to access JBoss 5.1 GA 's MBeans?

I would like to access JBoss server's mbeans with my POJO class. I learned about mbeans in these site.But I'm not satisfied.Is there any ways to access JBoss server's mbeans with java class and how to apply these mbeans?
To get reference to local JBoss MBean server, the easiest way is to use MBeanServerLocator. Check this link:
If you want access to remote JBoss MBean server, then you can either use:
JMXConnectionFactory or
RMI adaptor
You can find plenty of examples for each approach if you Google it.

Jaas session replication on JBoss 4.2.0

I've looked the web through and through in the search of answer to my problem but with no result so I reckon that's the ultimate place when anybody can have a clue what the solution might be.
Long story short: we have a jsf web application running on JBoss 4.2.0 GA server. We are in the process of replicating the application to several servers which is generally a smooth ride with just one single exception: JAAS. We use Jaas as our security mechanism but can't get the Jaas session replicated. When load balancer switches user to different server, the user has to log on again (however the jsf session state is not lost, it's gets replicated with no problem). How can we get Jaas to replicate its session over several servers? Is it possible in a stright way?
Or do we have to tinker with programmatic authorisation, which in case of Tomcat, seems to be possible only by reflection?
You need to look in cookies. Better to use some HTTP protocol sniffer.