I'm not sure whether to call this a need for multi-threading, job-based, or async, but basically I have a Powershell script function that takes several parameters and I need to call it several times with different parameters and have these run in parallel.
Currently, I call the function like this:
Execute "param1" "param2" "param3" "param4"
How can I call this multiple times without waiting for each call to Execute return to the caller?
Currently I'm running v2.0 but I can update if necessary
EDIT: here's what I have so far, which doesn't work:
$cmd = {
Execute $vmxFilePath $machineName $username $password $scriptTpath $scriptFile $uacDismissScript $snapshotName
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $cmd -ArgumentList $vmxFilePath, $machineName, $username $password, $scriptTpath, $scriptFile, $uacDismissScript, $snapshotName
I get an error:
cannot convert 'system.object[]' to the type 'system.management.automation.scriptblock' required by parameter 'initializationscript'. specified method is not supported
EDIT2: I've modified my script but I still get the error mentioned above. Here's my mod:
$cmd = {
Execute $vmxFilePath $machineName $username $password $scriptTpath $scriptFile $uacDismissScript $snapshotName
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $cmd -ArgumentList $vmxFilePath, $machineName, $username $password, $scriptTpath, $scriptFile, $uacDismissScript, $snapshotName
No update necessary for this. Define a script block and use Start-Job to run the script block as many times as necessary. Example:
$cmd = {
param($a, $b)
Write-Host $a $b
$foo = "foo"
1..5 | ForEach-Object {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $cmd -ArgumentList $_, $foo
The script block takes 2 parameters $a and $b which are passed by the -ArgumentList option. In the example above, the assignments are $_ → $a and $foo → $b. $foo is just an example for a configurable, but static parameter.
Run Get-Job | Remove-Job at some point to remove the finished jobs from the queue (or Get-Job | % { Receive-Job $_.Id; Remove-Job $_.Id } if you want to retrieve the output).
Here's a quick bogus scriptblock for the purpose of testing:
$Code = {
param ($init)
$start = Get-Date
(1..30) | % { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1; $init +=1 }
$stop = Get-Date
Write-Output "Counted from $($init - 30) until $init in $($stop - $start)."
This scriptblock can then be passed on to Start-Job, with for example 3 parameters (10, 15, 35)
$jobs = #()
(10,15,35) | % { $jobs += Start-Job -ArgumentList $_ -ScriptBlock $Code }
Wait-Job -Job $jobs | Out-Null
Receive-Job -Job $jobs
This creates 3 jobs, assign them to the $jobs variable, runs them in parallel and then waits for these 3 jobs to finish, and retrieves the results:
Counted from 10 until 40 in 00:00:30.0147167.
Counted from 15 until 45 in 00:00:30.0057163.
Counted from 35 until 65 in 00:00:30.0067163.
This did not take 90 seconds to execute, only 30.
One of the tricky parts is to provide -Argumentlist to Start-Job, and include a param() block inside the ScriptBlock. Otherwise, your values are never seen by the scriptblock.
You can use an alternative which may be faster than invoking jobs if the function is not a long running one. Max thread is 25 and I'm only invoking this function 10 times, so I expect my total runtime to be 5 seconds. You can wrap Measure-Command around the 'results=' statement to view stats.
$ScriptBlock = {
Param ( [int]$RunNumber )
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Return $RunNumber
$runNumbers = #(1..10)
$MaxThreads = 25
$runspacePool = [RunspaceFactory ]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $MaxThreads)
$pipeLines = foreach($num in $runNumbers){
$pipeline = [powershell]::Create()
$pipeline.RunspacePool = $runspacePool
$pipeline.AddScript($ScriptBlock) | Out-Null
$pipeline.AddArgument($num) | Out-Null
$pipeline | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'AsyncResult' -Value $pipeline.BeginInvoke() -PassThru
#obtain results as they come.
$results = foreach($pipeline in $pipeLines){
$pipeline.EndInvoke($pipeline.AsyncResult )
#cleanup code.
$pipeLines | % { $_.Dispose()}
$pipeLines = $null
if ( $runspacePool ) { $runspacePool.Close()}
#your results
I'm sorry that everyone missed your issue - I know it is far too late now, but...
This error is caused because you are missing a comma between $username and $password in your list.
You can test it out with this snippet, which I modelled off of the previous answers:
$cmd = {
param($a, $b, $c, $d)
$foo = "foo"
$bar = "bar"
start-job -scriptblock $cmd -ArgumentList "a", $foo, $bar, "gold" #added missing comma for this to work
I've made a very versitile function to do this for you, and unlike the other answers you dont need to rejig your code to get it to work.
Just pass your function as a parameter to Async and pipe your input in, each item on the pipeline will run your scriptblock in parallel asynchronously, and emit them as each one is completed.
For your question specifically it would look something like this
) `
| Async `
-Func { Process {
Execute $_.vmxFilePath $_.machineName $_.username $_.password $_.scriptTpath $_.scriptFile $_.uacDismissScript $_.snapshotName
} }
On top of this my function supports not only automatic construction of [powershell] (#binarySalt's answer) but also Jobs (utilised in #Joost's, but dont use these as they are much slower than runspaces) and Tasks if you're using other people's code that already spawn them (use the -AsJob flag, which I explain at the bottom of this answer).
So, that's not useful for new visitors to this question, lets do something more demonstrable that you can run on your machine and see real-world results.
Take this simple code for example, it just takes in some test data for websites and checks if they're up.
$in=TestData | ?{ $_.proto -eq 'tcp' }
$in `
| %{
$_ `
| Add-Member `
-PassThru `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name result `
-Value $(Test-NetConnection `
-ComputerName $_.address `
-Port $_.port `
-InformationLevel Quiet
} `
| Timer -name 'normal' `
| Format-Table
Here's the test data, just a good few of the same websites on repeat.
And also a timing function to see how performant it is.
Function TestData {
1..20 | %{
[PsCustomObject]#{proto='tcp' ; address='www.w3.org' ; port=443},
[PsCustomObject]#{proto='https'; address='www.w3.org' ; port=443},
[PsCustomObject]#{proto='icmp' ; address='www.w3.org' ; },
[PsCustomObject]#{proto='tcp' ; address='developer.mozilla.org' ; port=443},
[PsCustomObject]#{proto='https'; address='developer.mozilla.org' ; port=443},
[PsCustomObject]#{proto='icmp' ; address='developer.mozilla.org' ; },
[PsCustomObject]#{proto='tcp' ; address='help.dottoro.com' ; port=80 },
[PsCustomObject]#{proto='http' ; address='help.dottoro.com' ; port=80 },
[PsCustomObject]#{proto='icmp' ; address='help.dottoro.com' ; }
Function Timer {
Param ($name)
Begin {
Process { $_ }
End {
' '
($timer.Elapsed.Seconds -replace '^(.)$','0$1')
) -join '' | Out-Host
Okay, 15seconds, so how much faster can this get if we use Async?
And how much do we have to change to get it to work?
$in=TestData | ?{ $_.proto -eq 'tcp' }
$in `
| Async `
-Expected $in.Count `
-Func { Process {
$_ `
| Add-Member `
-PassThru `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name result `
-Value $(Test-NetConnection `
-ComputerName $_.address `
-Port $_.port `
-InformationLevel Quiet
} } `
| Timer -name 'async' `
| Format-Table
It looks basically identical..
Okay, what's the speed?
Wow, cut it by two thirds!
Not only that, but because we know how many items are in the pipeline I wrote in some smarts to give you a progressbar and an ETA
Don't believe me? Have a video
Or run the code yourself :)
#Requires -Version 5.1
#asynchronously run a pool of tasks,
#and aggregate the results back into a synchronous output
#without waiting to pool all input before seeing the first result
Function Async { Param(
#maximum permitted simultaneous background tasks
[int]$BatchSize=[int]$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS * 3,
#the task that accepts input on a pipe to execute in the background
#because your task is in a subshell you wont have access to your outer scope,
#you may pass them in here
#the title of the progress bar
#your -Func may return a [Job] instead of being backgrounded itself,
#if so it must return #(job;input;args)
#optionally job may be a [scriptblock] to be backgrounded, or a [Task]
#if you know the number of tasks ahead of time,
#providing it here will have the progress bar show an ETA
#outputs of this stream will be #(job;input) where job is the result
#the time it takes to give up on one job type if there are others waiting
Begin {
$Parameters=$Parameters.GetEnumerator() `
| &{
Begin { $params=[ordered]#{} }
Process { $params.Add($_.Key, $_.Value) }
End { $params.AsReadOnly() }
#the currently running background tasks
#a lazy attempt at uniquely IDing this instance for Write-Progress
#a timer for Write-Progress
$pool=[RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $BatchSize)
#called whenever we want to update the progress bar
Function Progress { Param($Reason)
#calculate ETA if applicable
$total=[math]::Max(1, $counts.completed + $running.Count)
if ($Expected) {
$total=[math]::Max($total, $Expected)
if ($counts.completed) {
($total - $counts.completed) * `
$timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / `
$Reason=Switch -regex ($Reason) {
'^done$' { "Finishing up the final $($running.Count) jobs." }
'^(do|next)$' { "
jobs concurrently.
$(#('Adding','Waiting to add')[!($Reason -eq 'do')])
job #
$($counts.completed + $running.Count + 1)
" -replace '\r?\n\t*','' }
Default { "
Running $($running.Count) jobs concurrently.
$(#{1='st';2='nd';3='rd'}[$counts.completed % 10] -replace '^$','th')
" -replace '\r?\n\t*','' }
Write-Progress `
-Id $asyncId `
-Activity $Name `
-SecondsRemaining $eta `
-Status ("
jobs completed in
$($timer.Elapsed.Seconds -replace '^(.)$','0$1')
" -replace '\r?\n\t*','') `
-CurrentOperation $Reason `
-PercentComplete (100 * $counts.completed / $total)
#called with the [Job]'s that have completed
Filter Done {
if ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.Job]) {
$_ | Receive-Job
elseif ($_.pwsh) {
try {
catch {
finally {
elseif ($_.IsFaulted) {
else {
if ($PassThru) {
else {
$_ -is [System.Management.Automation.Job]
$_ -is [System.Threading.Tasks.Task]
$_ -is [IAsyncResult]
$_.IsCompleted -or `
$_.JobStateInfo.State -gt 1 -and
$_.JobStateInfo.State -ne 6 -and
$_.JobStateInfo.State -ne 8
Function Jobs { Param($Filter)
$running.Values | %{ $_.job } | ? $Filter
#called whenever we need to wait for at least one task to completed
#outputs the completed tasks
Function Wait { Param([switch]$Finishing)
#if we are at the max background tasks this instant
while ($running.Count -ge $BatchSize) {
Progress -Reason #('done','next')[!$Finishing]
$value=#('jobs', 'tasks', 'results') `
| %{ $counts.($_) } `
| measure -Maximum -Sum
$wait=if ($value.Maximum -lt $value.Sum) {
else {
$value=Switch -exact ($value.Maximum) {
$counts.jobs {
(Wait-Job `
-Any `
-Job (Jobs -Filter $isJob) `
-Timeout $wait
).Count -lt 1
Default {
(Jobs -Filter $handle | % $handle),
[math]::Max($wait * 1000, -1)
) -eq [System.Threading.WaitHandle]::WaitTimeout
(Jobs -Filter $isFinished) | Done
#accepts inputs to spawn a new background task with
Process {
Progress -Reason 'do'
if ($AsJob) {
Invoke-Command `
-ScriptBlock $Func `
-ArgumentList #($run) `
| Out-Null
if ($run.job | % $isJob) {
elseif ($run.job | % $isTask) {
#if we weren't given a [Job] we need to spawn it for them
elseif ($run.job -is [ScriptBlock]) {
$run.args | %{ $pwsh.AddArgument($_) } | Out-Null
$run.job | Add-Member `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name pwsh `
-Value $pwsh `
-PassThru `
| Add-Member `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name Id `
-Value $run.job.AsyncWaitHandle.Handle.ToString()
else {
throw "$($run.job.GetType()) needs to be a ScriptBlock"
$running.Add($run.job.Id, $run) | Out-Null
End {
#wait for the remaining running processes
Wait -Finishing
Write-Progress -Id $asyncId -Activity $Name -Completed
So you may have noticed three things above, I alluded to -AsJob (using a mix of Jobs, Tasks and scriptblocks), there are unused protocols mentioned in the test data, and the video had a third test in it.
Here it is. Instead of doing the basic tcp test, using the test data we will also do a http/s check and a icmp ping (idk, maybe the https fails, but you want to narrow down if it's because the machine is down or just the service).
Test-Connection -AsJob is a cmdlet that returns a Job and checks ping.
WebRequest.GetResponseAsync() which connects to a web resource, returning a Task
And finally Test-NetConnection, which will be the same as before, ran in what we programmed as a synchronous scriptblock, which will be ran asynchronously for us.
$in `
| Async `
-Expected $in.Count `
-PassThru `
-AsJob `
<#this would be accessible as a named parameter if needed#>`
-Parameters #{proxy=[System.Net.WebRequest]::GetSystemWebProxy()} `
-Func { Param([parameter(Position=0)]$x)
$x.job=Switch -regex ($x.input.proto) {
'^icmp$' {
Test-Connection `
-ComputerName $x.input.address `
-Count 1 `
-ThrottleLimit 1 `
'^tcp$' {
$x.params=#{address=$x.input.address; port=$x.input.port}
{ Param($address, $port)
Test-NetConnection `
-ComputerName $address `
-Port $port `
-InformationLevel Quiet
'^(http|https)$' {
) -join ''))
} `
| %{
$result.input `
| Add-Member `
-PassThru `
-MemberType NoteProperty `
-Name result `
-Value $(Switch -regex (#($result.input.proto, $result.job.message)[$result.job -is [Exception]]) {
'^icmp$' { $result.job.StatusCode -eq 0 }
'^tcp$' { $result.job }
'^(http|https)$' {
Switch ($result.job.StatusCode.value__) {
{ $_ -ge 200 -and $_ -lt 400 } { $True }
Default {$False}
Default { $False }
} `
| Timer -name 'async asjob' `
| Format-Table
As you may have seen, this did more than double the work of the original code, but still finished in around half the time at 8seconds.
I'm using the below code to display the results of PowerShell Jobs with a timeout of 120 seconds. I would like to enhance this code by incorporating Write-Progress (based on number of jobs completed). I tried using this example as a reference, however, when I try to incorporate that code, the progress bar displays briefly after all the jobs are all done already.
$Jobs = #()
$ForceStoppedIds = #{}
$Jobs += Get-Job
$Jobs | Wait-Job -Timeout 120 | Out-Null
$Jobs | ?{$_.State -eq 'Running'} | Stop-Job -PassThru | %{$ForceStoppedIds[$_.Id] = $true}
foreach ($Job in $Jobs) {
$Name = $Job.Name
$Output = (Get-Job -Name $Name | Receive-Job)
if ($ForceStoppedIds.Contains($Job.Id)) {
Write-Output "$($Name) - Device unable to process request within 2 minutes"
} else {
Write-Output $Output
Wait-Job -Timeout 120 will block the thread until the specified timeout or all jobs have completed, hence, is not possible to display progress and wait for them at the same time.
There are 2 alternatives that I can think of, the first one would be to create a proxy command / proxy function around this cmdlet to extend it's functionality.
These blogs demonstrate how to do it:
proxy function
You can also follow the indications from this helpful answer.
The other alternative is to define your own function that does a similar work as Wait-Job but, instead of blocking the thread, you can add a loop that will run based on 2 conditions:
That the elapsed time is lower than or equal to the Timeout we passed as argument to the function (we can use Diagnostics.Stopwatch for this).
And, that the jobs are still Running (the $jobs List<T> is still populated).
Note, the function below should work in most cases however is purely for demonstration purposes only and should not be relied upon.
First we define a new function that can be used to display progress as well as wait for our jobs based on a timeout:
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
using namespace System.Diagnostics
using namespace System.Threading
using namespace System.Management.Automation
function Wait-JobWithProgress {
[parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[object[]] $InputObject,
[double] $TimeOut
begin {
$jobs = [List[object]]::new()
process {
foreach($job in $InputObject) {
end {
$timer = [Stopwatch]::StartNew()
$total = $jobs.Count
$completed = 0.1
$expression = { $true }
if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TimeOut')) {
$expression = { $timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -le $TimeOut }
while((& $expression) -and $jobs) {
$remaining = $total - $completed
$average = $timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / $completed
$estimate = [math]::Round($remaining * $average)
$status = 'Completed Jobs: {0:0} of {1} - ETC: {2}s' -f $completed, $total, $estimate
$progress = #{
Activity = 'Waiting for Jobs'
PercentComplete = $completed / $total * 100
Status = $status
Write-Progress #progress
$id = [WaitHandle]::WaitAny($jobs.Finished, 200)
if($id -eq [WaitHandle]::WaitTimeout) {
# output this job
# remove this job
# Stop the jobs not yet Completed and remove them
$jobs | Stop-Job -PassThru | ForEach-Object {
Remove-Job -Job $_
"Job [#{0} - {1}] did not complete on time and was removed." -f $_.Id, $_.Name
} | Write-Warning
Write-Progress #progress -Completed
Then for testing it, we can create a few jobs with a random timer:
0..10 | ForEach-Object {
Start-Job {
Start-Sleep (Get-Random -Minimum 5 -Maximum 15)
Job = $using:_
Result = 'Hello from [Job #{0:D2}]' -f $using:_
} | Wait-JobWithProgress -TimeOut 10 |
Receive-Job -AutoRemoveJob -Wait | Format-Table -AutoSize
My Script has a lot of commands that taking time.
How to make powershell animation till the last commands runs. I don't want start-sleep
I tried Wait-Job but not working.
I just got this function and it uses Start-sleep I can change it if it will affect
function ProcessingAnimation($scriptBlock) {
$cursorTop = [Console]::CursorTop
try {
[Console]::CursorVisible = $false
$counter = 0
$frames = '|', '/', '-', '\'
$jobName = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock
while($jobName.JobStateInfo.State -eq "Running") {
$frame = $frames[$counter % $frames.Length]
Write-Host "$frame" -NoNewLine
[Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $cursorTop)
$counter += 1
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 125
# Only needed if you use a multiline frames
Write-Host ($frames[0] -replace '[^\s+]', ' ')
finally {
[Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $cursorTop)
[Console]::CursorVisible = $true
Write-Host "Getting System Information..."
ProcessingAnimation { Wait-Job -Name $WindowsVer }
$WindowsVer = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").ReleaseId
I have a basic script, which will shutdown Windows services and generate a report about their shutdown processes. I also want to include two more columns into my output variable ($table), which will be timestamp values i.e. when shutdown tasks were launched and when they finished. I have no idea how to implement this into my report.
$get = ''
$table = #{ }
$failed = 0
foreach ($proc in $processlist) {
stop-service -name $proc -force
#start-sleep -s 120
foreach ($proc in $processlist) {
$get = get-service $proc -Erroraction ignore
if ($get.Status -eq 'Running') {
$table += #{$proc = 'Running' }
else {
$table += #{$proc = 'Stopped' }
foreach ($value in $table.GetEnumerator()) {
if ($value.Value -eq 'Running') {
$failed += 1
if ($failed -gt 0) {
$err = 'FAILED'
else {
$err = 'SUCCESS'
$table.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object -Property Name, Value | export-csv appreport.csv -delimiter ";" -force -notypeinformation
(HTML part here...)
Instead of adding stuff into a Hashtable, I think it would be a lot easier to build an array of objects and write that as CSV file.
Something like this:
$maxAttempts = 10
# $result will become an array of PsCustomObjects you can easily pipe to Export-Csv
$result = foreach ($service in $serviceList) {
$shutStart = Get-Date
$svc = Get-Service -Name $service -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($svc) {
for ($attempt = 0; $attempt -lt $maxAttempts; $attempt++) {
$shutResult = 'Failed'
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
$svc | Stop-Service -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# test if the service has stopped. If so exit the loop
if (($svc | Get-Service).Status -eq 'Stopped') {
$shutResult = 'Success'
'ServiceName' = $svc.Name
'ServiceDisplayName' = $svc.DisplayName
'ShutDownStart' = $shutStart
'ShutDownEnd' = Get-Date
'Result' = $shutResult
else {
'ServiceName' = $service
'ServiceDisplayName' = ''
'ShutDownStart' = $shutStart
'ShutDownEnd' = Get-Date
'Result' = "Failed: Service '$service' could not be found."
# output on screen
# output to CSV
$result | Export-Csv 'D:\appreport.csv' -Delimiter ";" -Force -NoTypeInformation
The output on screen will look like this:
ServiceDisplayName :
ShutDownStart : 22-8-2019 16:47:40
ShutDownEnd : 22-8-2019 16:47:40
Result : Failed: Service 'SQLTELEMETRY$TESTDB' could not be found.
ServiceName : MSSQL$TESTDB
ServiceDisplayName :
ShutDownStart : 22-8-2019 16:47:40
ShutDownEnd : 22-8-2019 16:47:40
Result : Failed: Service 'MSSQL$TESTDB' could not be found.
ServiceName : SQLWRITER
ServiceDisplayName : SQL Server VSS Writer
ShutDownStart : 22-8-2019 16:47:38
ShutDownEnd : 22-8-2019 16:47:39
Result : Success
Hope that helps
I don't really know when you want to capture the time stamp for the services, but I suggest you take advantage of the below property and add it in the loop where you think its suitable.
(Get-Process -Name $proc).StartTime
Also you can use the below properties :
I hope this will help you to capture to time.
What is the correct way of determining if a process is running, for example FireFox, and stopping it?
I did some looking around and the best way I found was this:
if((get-process "firefox" -ea SilentlyContinue) -eq $Null){
echo "Not Running"
echo "Running"
Stop-Process -processname "firefox"
Is this the ideal way of doing it? If not, what the correct way of doing so?
The way you're doing it you're querying for the process twice. Also Lynn raises a good point about being nice first. I'd probably try something like the following:
# get Firefox process
$firefox = Get-Process firefox -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($firefox) {
# try gracefully first
# kill after five seconds
Sleep 5
if (!$firefox.HasExited) {
$firefox | Stop-Process -Force
Remove-Variable firefox
If you don't need to display exact result "running" / "not runnuning", you could simply:
ps notepad -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | kill -PassThru
If the process was not running, you'll get no results. If it was running, you'll receive get-process output, and the process will be stopped.
#jmp242 - the generic System.Object type does not contain the CloseMainWindow method, but statically casting the System.Diagnostics.Process type when collecting the ProcessList variable works for me. Updated code (from this answer) with this casting (and looping changed to use ForEach-Object) is below.
function Stop-Processes {
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $processName,
$timeout = 5
[System.Diagnostics.Process[]]$processList = Get-Process $processName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
ForEach ($Process in $processList) {
# Try gracefully first
$Process.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null
# Check the 'HasExited' property for each process
for ($i = 0 ; $i -le $timeout; $i++) {
$AllHaveExited = $True
$processList | ForEach-Object {
If (-NOT $_.HasExited) {
$AllHaveExited = $False
If ($AllHaveExited -eq $true){
Start-Sleep 1
# If graceful close has failed, loop through 'Stop-Process'
$processList | ForEach-Object {
If (Get-Process -ID $_.ID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
Stop-Process -Id $_.ID -Force -Verbose
To start with process-killing, here python, my 2 cents:
Get-Process python3.9|Stop-Process
Thanks #Joey. It's what I am looking for.
I just bring some improvements:
to take into account multiple processes
to avoid reaching the timeout when all processes have terminated
to package the whole in a function
function Stop-Processes {
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $processName,
$timeout = 5
$processList = Get-Process $processName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($processList) {
# Try gracefully first
$processList.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null
# Wait until all processes have terminated or until timeout
for ($i = 0 ; $i -le $timeout; $i ++){
$AllHaveExited = $True
$processList | % {
$process = $_
If (!$process.HasExited){
$AllHaveExited = $False
If ($AllHaveExited){
sleep 1
# Else: kill
$processList | Stop-Process -Force
$fullnamexp = ((net user $winxp /domain | Select-String "Full Name") -replace "Full Name","").Trim();
If $winxp cannot be found, the command will hang, is there a timeout I can use with this to make it move on after 5-10 seconds? Not sure where I would put it.
Edit- I use this to pull the username:
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $tag1)
$key = $reg.OpenSubKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon')
$winxp = $key.GetValue('DefaultUserName') -replace '^.*?\\'
$winxp is then a login name such as ajstepanik then I put it into: $fullnamexp = ((net user $winxp /domain | Select-String "Full Name") -replace "Full Name","").Trim();
1.21.2014 Update
$timeoutSeconds = 5
$code = {
((net user $winxp /domain | Select-String "Full Name") -replace "Full Name","").Trim(); # your commands here, e.g.
$j = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $code
if (Wait-Job $j -Timeout $timeoutSeconds) { $fullnamexp = Receive-Job $j }
Remove-Job -force $j
While #mjolinor may have indeed provided you an alternative approach, here is a direct answer to your general question: how do you force a timeout in PowerShell?
Wrap whatever you wish to time-limit in a script block, run that as a job, then use the Wait-Job cmdlet to time-limit the operation. Wait-Job will return either at the end of the timeout period or when the script block completes, whichever occurs first. After Wait-Job returns, you can examine the job state ($j.state) to determine whether it was interrupted or not, if it matters to you.
$timeoutSeconds = 5 # set your timeout value here
$j = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
# your commands here, e.g.
"job id = " + $j.id # report the job id as a diagnostic only
Wait-Job $j -Timeout $timeoutSeconds | out-null
if ($j.State -eq "Completed") { "done!" }
elseif ($j.State -eq "Running") { "interrupted" }
else { "???" }
Remove-Job -force $j #cleanup
2014.01.18 Update
Here is a bit more streamlining approach that also includes the practical step of getting information out of the script block with Receive-Job, assuming what you want is generated on stdout:
$timeoutSeconds = 3
$code = {
# your commands here, e.g.
Get-ChildItem *.cs | select name
$j = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $code
if (Wait-Job $j -Timeout $timeoutSeconds) { Receive-Job $j }
Remove-Job -force $j
You can use Start-Sleep to pause the script:
Start-Sleep -s 5
net doesn't explicitly allow you to set a time out on it's operations, but you could check out this link on changing the ipv4 timeout for your sockets:
The only thing else I could imagine is spawning a worker thread but I don't even know if that's possible in bash, I'm not fluid enough in it to answer that; plus it opens you up to sync problems and all sorts of multi threaded issues beyond what you're trying to accomplish quickly in a bash script to begin with! :P
Does this help?
$query = (dsquery user -samid $winxp)
if ($query) {$fullnamexp = ($query | dsget user -display)[1].trim()}
This solution doesn't work for me. remove-job -force $j takes over 5 seconds in this example.
$timeoutseconds = 1
$start = get-date
$j = start-job -scriptblock { Resolve-DnsName }
if (wait-job $j -timeout $timeoutseconds) { $fullnamexp = receive-job $j }
remove-job -force $j
(get-date) - $start
Days : 0
Hours : 0
Minutes : 0
Seconds : 5
Milliseconds : 342
Ticks : 53426422
TotalDays : 6.18361365740741E-05
TotalHours : 0.00148406727777778
TotalMinutes : 0.0890440366666667
TotalSeconds : 5.3426422
TotalMilliseconds : 5342.6422
Here's a simple timeout example with notepad:
if (-not $(wait-process notepad 10; $?)) { stop-process -name notepad }
$watchdog = 10 #seconds
$start_time = Get-Date
$j = Start-Job -ScriptBlock{
#timeout command
if ($true) {
$i = 0
while($true) {
Write-Host "Count: $i"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
write-host "Hello"
while($true) {
if ($j.HasMoreData) {
Receive-Job $j
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
$current = Get-Date
$time_span = $current - $start_time
if ($time_span.TotalSeconds -gt $watchdog) {
write-host "TIMEOUT!"
Stop-Job $j
if (-not $j.HasMoreData -and $j.State -ne 'Running') {
write-host "Finished"
Remove-Job $j