IPhone 4 and 5 different resolutions: problems - iphone

Sorry, perhaps because I'm not English, I don't know, but I cannot find any resource to a couple of questions; maybe I'm using not the correct words..
I would like to know something more about the different resolutions of the iPhone 4 and 5.
First of all: how can I tell my iPhone Simulator to simulate the "letterbox" graphics if I develop an app optimized for iPhone 4 resolution??
I would like to see how it appears but I have not the iPhone 5 yet
Second: what happens on the iPhone 4 if I design an app for the iPhone 5 resolution?
I mean, what does an iPhone 4 user see??
Can you please recommend me something article or similar to learn something more about these problematics?
I was making right!
The only things that makes the app running in letterbox mode with IOS 6 + iPhone 5 is the presence of the Default-568h#2x.png file for the splash screen.
I restar both the iPhone5 and Xcode, clean the project and compile it again. It works.

First: There are different simulators for each iPhone type. To change between them, open the simulator. Go to the Hardware menu bar item, then change which you want under device.
Second: You should be designing interfaces that scale however you can determine if you have a larger screen and change how it looks on the iPhone 5. If you are using standard components Xcode will try and upscale everything to look proper. However you should test to make sure it looks how you want on each device.


How to get a finished iPhone 5 app to display AS IF in "compatibility mode" on iPad with retina display?

This is my first iPhone app (iPhone 5), and it's basically ready to submit to Apple except...
I'm stumped on how to get my app to display on the iPad like it would in compatibility mode if it had a 3.5 inch screen. But it has a 4-inch screen, of course. It's an iPhone 5 app. And Apple has not yet provided a compatibility mode (that I am aware of) that will display the 4-inch screen properly in compatibility mode on the iPad. Instead, compatibility mode distorts and cuts off the 4-inch layout and smushes it into a 3.5-inch compatibility mode box.
I have read all of the stackoverflow Q&A's that I could find, plus many other web pages, tried numerous approaches, but all solutions end up with my iPhone storyboard layout distorted on the iPad and/or nailed to the top left portion of the iPad screen, or both.
I've been banging my head on this for days.
I sure hope someone can help.
You know how 3.5-inch iphone apps look on the ipad in compatibility mode? That is EXACTLY how I want my iPhone 5, 4-inch screen to look on the iPad, but with the 4-inch dimensions. I do not want the app to occupy nearly all of the iPad screen. Just a box that looks like the iphone 5 app, hanging right there centered in the iPad screen. I don't have a problem with figuring out how to connect things to my view controllers, fwiw.
I don't know how to put this any more specifically. If my question is unclear, perhaps someone could help me to restate it? This is NOT a duplicate of other stackoverflow topics I have been able to find. But I'm willing to be corrected.
Hellllp! :-) Thanks in advance for any light you may be able to shed. I'm hoping to avoid starting from scratch to create a usable iPad presentation for my iPhone 5 app.
iPad doesn't work like that. I believe the reason is that the 2x button would not scale properly for the 4 inch screen.
Either way, you need to make sure your app works well for the 3.5 inch screen anyway, this may be a good time to rethink some of the design of your app to make sure it works well in a 3.5 inch screen.

Is it possible to test your app on iPhone 5 using the 3.5 inch form factor in Xcode?

When I am building an application for both the iPhone 3.5 inch & iPhone 4 inch, is it possible to test both form factors using the iPhone 5, instead of having to keep switching between phones?
I know that the iPhone 5 automatically puts black bars beneath and above any app that is not iPhone 5 compatible, but it would be great to be able to test apps in that way.
I doubt it's currently possible, as I haven't found any options for that in Xcode myself, but it would be awesome if Apple would add that feature. Thanks in advance for any responses.
If you remove the Default-568h#2x.png from the project (just remove it's target membership) and clean the project you app is presented in 3.5 inch mode.
There is not way the set the run parameter too force it in 3.5 inch mode. You could also just connect both iPhones to you development machine and when you want to debug the app select the device you want to test on.
I think it should be enough to not supply a Default-586h#2x.png launch image. Just have Default.png and Default#2x.png, then the app should be letterboxed on the 4" simulator.

How to make iPhone4 and below version app compatible for iPhone5?

I have an application in iphone market which works for iPhone 4s and lower version. So now iPhone 5 has been launched which bigger size screen, my question is what all changes i have to do in my application so that it will be compatible with iPhone 5 also.
1) Do i have to rebuild my app for iPhone 5?
2) Do i have to make changes only in UI ?
3) Will the iPhone 5 will its make it compatible?
Your valuable replies will help me a lot. Thanks in advance.
Here is my answers,
1) Do i have to rebuild my app for iPhone 5?
If you want to utilize the complete screen space, you can add Default-568h#2x.png and rebuild the app and release it.
2) Do i have to make changes only in UI ?
You can utilize the complete screen space for iphone 5. You can code for screen modifications in case of other iPhones.
3) Will the iPhone 5 will its make it compatible?
Yes. It will make it automatically compatible. It will add a black strip on top and bottom to compensate for the extra space in the screen unless you add Default-568h#2x.png.
If your app uses the standard UIKit provided by Apple, you only need to add a 4 inch launch image to your app, and it will automatically resized itself. But if your app using custom controls or graphics-heavy like in games, you might want to adjust the images and take advantage of the larger screen.
You also have to make sure the methods you used do not deprecated on iOS6 to prevent the app from crashing. Some references if you need further reading.
To make older app compatible with iPhone 5 You need to look for Following things.
Latest Xcode version 4.5.
Open your project and select Upgrade settings for new version.
Add Default-568h#2x.png for new resolution .
For UI you have to change your xib's object autoresizing property.When you select View Go to
inspector and select size property It will show you None, Full Screen, Retina 4 options . Set autoresize property for all your Buttons , labels and check xib for retina 4 and None both.It is same like you set it for Landscape and portrait .
5.Some other changed will be in code because some method has been depreciated for ios 6.0.
6. After doing all this .You can run it on iphone 5 simulator for testing.
I have an app that was using GLKMatrix3 and its supporting functions. I found that the GLKMatrix3Multiply function would always crash on iPhone 5 hardware. Easy to workaround using GLKMatrix4 instead, but the point is that I would never have found the problem without actually trying my app on iPhone 5 hardware.
I was told to file a bug for the GLKMatrix3 problem, so maybe this will be fixed. But the code runs just fine in the iOS 6 simulator.
I learned from this that, whether or not you need to rebuild your app for iPhone 5, you do need to at least run your app on a device before advertising support for that device.

How to make an iPhone app and exclude iPhone 5?

I'm looking at the iPhone 5 specs, and see that the screen resolution is 640x1132 or so, which would break some of my manual+storyboard interface layouts. I'm wandering how to make an app so it would either show on iPhone 5 in 640x960 screen (with black bars), or exclude my app from sale to iPhone 5 at all, as I do not want to worry about the interface breaking. Is this possible for existing apps?
Thank you for your input!
Unless you include a Default-568h#2x.png image in your application, it will not run at full iPhone 5 resolution.
In the Apple keynote on the 12th Sept 2012, they said all current applications in the app store would run on the iPhone 5 with without a problem using the black letterbox at the top and bottom.
The way to remove the letterbox is by providing a Default-568h#2x.png image, like duskwuff mentioned. If its not there, the device will run the application will run at 640x960.

Will my iphone 3gs app work ok on iphone 4?

So I'm currently making an app that supports both iphone 3gs and ipad (this is a universal binary app).
What I'm wondering is how will iphone 4 users view my app, will they see it pixelated? will they not see it full screen since my iphone 3gs is on a smaller resolution?
I don't have an iphone 4 yet but I'd rather just release this app as is - just for 3gs and ipad. Is there anything that I must know / any precautions etc? Oh (i just thought of this) is there an iphone 4.0 simulator so i can check out if my app works okay?
Basically any bitmap graphics (PNG files) will look a little blurry on the iPhone 4's Retina display.
The easiest way to fix this is to make double scaled versions (100x100 becomes 200x200) of all your PNG files and add them to your project suffixed with "#2x.png". In other words, MyBitmap.png will become MyBitmap#2x.png. Luckily your code doesn't have to change. On the iPhone 4 the OS will automatically choose a #2x.png instead of the regular one when you do:
UIImage *myBitmap = [UIImage imageNamed:#”MyBitmap.png”];
Xib files will also use the #2x.png if there is one available.
Other than that there's also launch images and Application Icons to worry about. This blog has a good summary.
Yes you can change your device type, by in the simulator pressing: Hardware->Device->iPhone 4 If you don't have it you might want download the latest devevloper tools.
Also you might have to press Window->Scale->100%