Writing a custom NAnt task able to use filters - nant

I'm trying to write a custom NAnt task that does some file-based operations. One of the things that would be incredibly useful would be the ability to run the <expandproperties> filter on one of the input files.
In the interest of keeping the task suitably generic, I simply want to enable support for the <filterchain> element (similar to how the <copy> task works).
I've been using the source for the <copy> task to guide me, however I keep on running into methods that are internal when it comes to writing the tasks. I know I can use reflection to break encapsulation, but I'm reluctant to do this.
Does anyone know of any useful articles, or have any experience with this?

I started going down the road of creating a private Filter subclass that took a TextReader (basically re-creating the PhysicalTextReader inside the NAnt source). However I realised that, actually, there was a much easier way of reading a file through a filter chain:
public class MyTask : Task
/// <summary>
/// Chain of filters used to alter the input file's content as it is read.
/// </summary>
public FilterChain Filters { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The input file.
/// </summary>
public FileInfo InputFile { get; set; }
protected override void ExecuteTask()
Log(FileUtils.ReadFile(InputFile.FullName, Filters, null));
Then you can use this exactly as you would expect:
<mytask input="foo.txt">
<expandproperties />


How to implement a rule-based decision maker for an agent-based model?

I have a hard time understanding how to combine a rule-based decision making approach for an agent in an agent-based model I try to develop.
The interface of the agent is a very simple one.
public interface IAgent
public string ID { get; }
public Action Percept(IPercept percept);
For the sake of the example, let's assume that the agents represent Vehicles which traverse roads inside a large warehouse, in order to load and unload their cargo. Their route (sequence of roads, from the start point until the agent's destination) is assigned by another agent, the Supervisor. The goal of a vehicle agent is to traverse its assigned route, unload the cargo, load a new one, receive another assigned route by the Supervisor and repeat the process.
The vehicles must also be aware of potential collisions, for example at intersection points, and give priority based on some rules (for example, the one carrying the heaviest cargo has priority).
As far as I can understand, this is the internal structure of the agents I want to build:
So the Vehicle Agent can be something like:
public class Vehicle : IAgent
public VehicleStateUpdater { get; set; }
public RuleSet RuleSet { get; set; }
public VehicleState State { get; set; }
public Action Percept(IPercept percept)
VehicleStateUpdater.UpdateState(VehicleState, percept);
Rule validRule = RuleSet.Match(VehicleState);
VehicleStateUpdater.UpdateState(VehicleState, validRule);
Action nextAction = validRule.GetAction();
return nextAction;
For the Vehicle agent's internal state I was considering something like:
public class VehicleState
public Route Route { get; set; }
public Cargo Cargo { get; set; }
public Location CurrentLocation { get; set; }
For this example, 3 rules must be implemented for the Vehicle Agent.
If another vehicle is near the agent (e.g. less than 50 meters), then the one with the heaviest cargo has priority, and the other agents must hold their position.
When an agent reaches their destination, they unload the cargo, load a new one and wait for the Supervisor to assign a new route.
At any given moment, the Supervisor, for whatever reason, might send a command, which the recipient vehicle must obey (Hold Position or Continue).
The VehicleStateUpdater must take into consideration the current state of the agent, the type of received percept and change the state accordingly. So, in order for the state to reflect that e.g. a command was received by the Supervisor, one can modify it as follows:
public class VehicleState
public Route Route { get; set; }
public Cargo Cargo { get; set; }
public Location CurrentLocation { get; set; }
// Additional Property
public RadioCommand ActiveCommand { get; set; }
Where RadioCommand can be an enumeration with values None, Hold, Continue.
But now I must also register in the agent's state if another vehicle is approaching. So I must add another property to the VehicleState.
public class VehicleState
public Route Route { get; set; }
public Cargo Cargo { get; set; }
public Location CurrentLocation { get; set; }
public RadioCommand ActiveCommand { get; set; }
// Additional properties
public bool IsAnotherVehicleApproaching { get; set; }
public Location ApproachingVehicleLocation { get; set; }
This is where I have a huge trouble understanding how to proceed and I get a feeling that I do not really follow the correct approach. First, I am not sure how to make the VehicleState class more modular and extensible. Second, I am not sure how to implement the rule-based part that defines the decision making process. Should I create mutually exclusive rules (which means every possible state must correspond to no more than one rule)? Is there a design approach that will allow me to add additional rules without having to go back-and-forth the VehicleState class and add/modify properties in order to make sure that every possible type of Percept can be handled by the agent's internal state?
I have seen the examples demonstrated in the Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach coursebook and other sources but the available examples are too simple for me to "grasp" the concept in question when a more complex model must be designed.
I would be grateful if someone can point me in the right direction concerning the implementation of the rule-based part.
I am writing in C# but as far as I can tell it is not really relevant to the broader issue I am trying to solve.
An example of a rule I tried to incorporate:
public class HoldPositionCommandRule : IAgentRule<VehicleState>
public int Priority { get; } = 0;
public bool ConcludesTurn { get; } = false;
public void Fire(IAgent agent, VehicleState state, IActionScheduler actionScheduler)
state.Navigator.IsMoving = false;
//Use action scheduler to schedule subsequent actions...
public bool IsValid(VehicleState state)
bool isValid = state.RadioCommandHandler.HasBeenOrderedToHoldPosition;
return isValid;
A sample of the agent decision maker that I also tried to implement.
public void Execute(IAgentMessage message,
IActionScheduler actionScheduler)
_agentStateUpdater.Update(_state, message);
Option<IAgentRule<TState>> validRule = _ruleMatcher.Match(_state);
validRule.MatchSome(rule => rule.Fire(this, _state, actionScheduler));
I see your question as containing two main sub-questions:
modeling flexibility, particularly on how to make it easier to add properties and rules to the system.
how to come up with the right set of rules and how to organize them so the agent works properly.
so let's go to each of them.
Modeling Flexibility
I think what you have now is not too bad, actually. Let me explain why.
You express the concern about there being "a design approach that will allow me to add additional rules without having to go back-and-forth the VehicleState class and add/modify properties".
I think the answer to that is "no", unless you follow the completely different path of having agents learning rules and properties autonomously (as in Deep Reinforcement Learning), which comes with its own set of difficulties.
If you are going to manually encode the agent knowledge as described in your question, then how would you avoid the need to introduce new properties as you add new rules? You could of course try to anticipate all properties you will need and not allow yourself to write rules that need new properties, but the nature of new rules is to bring new aspects of the problem, which will often require new properties. This is not unlike software engineering, which requires multiple iterations and changes.
Rule-based Modeling
There are two types of way of writing rules: imperative and declarative.
In imperative style, you write the conditions required to take an action. You must also take care of choosing one action over the other when both apply (perhaps with a priority system). So you can have a rule for moving along a route, and another for stopping when a higher-priority vehicle approaches. This seems to be the approach you are currently pursuing.
In declarative style, you declare what the rules of your environment are, how actions affect the environment, and what you care about (assigning utilities to particular states or sub-states), and let a system process all that to compute the optimal action for you. So here you declare how taking a decision to move affects your position, you declare how collisions happen, and you declare that reaching the end of your route is good and colliding is bad. Note that here you don't have rules making a decision; the system uses the rules to determine the action with the greatest value given a particular situation.
One intuitive way to understand the difference between imperative and declarative styles is to think about writing an agent that plays chess. In an imperative style, the programmer encodes the rules of chess, but also how to play chess, how to open the game, how to choose the best movement, and so on. That is to say, the system will reflect the chess skills of the programmer. In a declarative style, the programmer simply encodes the rules of chess, and how the system can explore those rules automatically and identify the best move. In this case, the programmer doesn't need to know how to play chess well for the program to actually play a decent game of chess.
The imperative style is simpler to implement, but less flexible, and can get really messy as the complexity of your system grows. You have to start thinking about all sorts of scenarios, like what to do when three vehicles meet, for example. In the chess example, imagine if we alter a rule of chess slightly; the whole system needs to be reviewed! In a way, there is little "artificial intelligence" and "reasoning" in an imperative style system, because it is the programmer who is doing all the reasoning in advance, coming up with all the solutions and encoding them. It is just a regular program, as opposed to an artificial intelligence program. This seems to be the sort of difficulty you are talking about.
The declarative style is more elegant and extensible. You don't need to figure out how to determine the best action; the system does it for you. In the chess example, you can easily alter one rule of chess in the code, and the system will use the new rule to find the best moves in the altered game. However, it requires an inference engine, the piece of software that knows how to take in a lot of rules and utilities and decide which is the best action. Such an inference engine is the "artificial intelligence" in the system. It automatically considers all possible scenarios (not necessarily one by one, as it will typically employ smarter techniques that consider classes of scenarios) and determines the best action in each of them. However, an inference engine is complex to implement or, if you use an existing one, it is probably very limited since those are typically research packages. I believe that when it comes to real practical applications using the declarative approach people pretty much write a bespoke system for their particular needs.
I found a couple of research open source projects along those lines (see below); that will give you an idea of what is available. As you can see, those are research projects and relatively limited in scope.
After all that, how to proceed? I don't know what your particular goals are. If you are developing a toy problem to practice, your current imperative style system may be enough. If you want to learn about declarative style, a deeper reading of the AIMA textbook would be good. The authors maintain an open source repository with implementations for some of the algorithms in the book, too.

c#, web api, swashbuckler/swagger

This is my first web api, first web app, and first time Ive used swagger via swashbuckler.
I'm using TPH for my equipment db table.
For example, I have base class called equipment with several child classes inherited from equipment. (This isnt real code so Ive not put in all the publics etc)
As I sorta expect, the model description when I run swagger in my browser, just returns the model for the equipment class
I've googled how to show all possible models but can't understand the replies as they don't relate to c#, or api controllers using comments for documentation, or they're written for people who understand this more than I do.
is anybody able to post an example, or point me to a beginner tutorial please, on how to get swagger display all possible models. I've had to write several different api calls to get around this, just so the models are shown.
class equipment
public int id{get;set;}
public int foo{get;set;}
public int bar{get;set;}
class bucket : equipment
public int booboo{get;set;}
class mop : equipment
public int lala{get;set;}
// equipmentcontroller class get function
/// <summary>
/// Returns a piece of equipment.<br/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[Route(#"{id:int}"), ResponseType(typeof(equipment))]
public IHttpActionResult GetMop(int id)
return result != null ? (IHttpActionResult)Ok(GetMop[id]) : NotFound();
What you're suggesting isn't possible. In Swagger, the definition of responses for an operation is basically a mapping of different HTTP status codes to specific response objects. (Have a look at http://swagger.io/specification/#responsesObject)
It's not going to be possible for you to represent that a 200 OK for an operation could either return a response representing a mop or a response representing a bucket.
You mention "I've had to write several different api calls to get around this, just so the models are shown.", this is what I'd expect from a RESTful API. Different kinds of resources are handled by different endpoints.

Why are classes generated by EF Power Tools not partial?

I'm using Reverse Engineered Code First code and see stubs like:
public class User
public User()
this.Addresses = new List<Address>();
public int ID { get; set; }
When, based on this question, i'd expect to see partial classes.
Wouldn't this change the preferred way of extending the generated classes with my own code (which is very nicely summarized in the linked answer, btw)?
Our aim was to generate the simplest classes possible, as close to what you would write by hand as we could. There is no problem changing them to be partial - that's exactly the kind of reason we made the generation customizable.
There is a way to customize the output of the entity objects by changing the TT files.
Rowan Miller has an excellent blog post on how to do it.
In your example, you can update the Entity.TT file that's int he template
From this:
public class <#= efHost.EntityType.Name #>
To this:
public partial class <#= efHost.EntityType.Name #>
and it will create the partial classes you're looking for.

How to detect whether fileset is defined?

My custom NAnt task relies on a certain fileset. It is considered to be defined by the time the task executes. I'd like to make sure fileset was defined before using it. I'm thinking of something similar to property::exists('property').
I failed to find the appropriate function.
Is it possible with NAnt (or NAntContrib) out of the box?
Generally, tasks should not depend on filesets or properties. Instead, they should take explicit parameters. An existing fileset can be reused using refid, so there's no redeclaration resulting from this. Example syntax:
<myTask><filesetParameter refid="compileUs"/><myTask>
If the referenced fileset is not defined, NAnt will throw an exception - this is proper (expected) behaviour, as the build cannot continue at this point.
Inside your task, the property would be defined as follows:
public class MyTask : Task
[TaskAttribute("filesetParameter", Required = true)]
public FileSet FilesetParamter
{ get; set; }

Dependency Injection/Property Injection on an asp.NET MVC 2 ActionFilter: Help!

I've been trying to wrap my head around the topics posted at this similar question:
Is it possible to use Dependency Injection/IoC on an ASP.NET MVC FilterAttribute?
However, I'm just not getting anywhere. Not to mention, all the solutions appear to have dependencies on other libraries which I'm not able to use (MvcContrib, Unity).
Can anyone toss together some code to explain how to make this property injection work? Or if there is another way to make this happen?
Thanks much!
Relevant code 1: Controller
namespace TxRP.Controllers
public class BaseController : Controller
Relevant code 2: ActionFilter
public class GetMasterPageData : ActionFilterAttribute
private IEmployee emp; //<--Need to inject!
private ICache cache; //<--Need to inject!
/// <summary>
/// ActionFilter attribute which inserts the user name, access level and any error/warning messages to the MasterPage
/// Session variables which are consumed primarily by the LogOnUserControl.
/// The MasterPage will display any warning or error messages.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filterContext"></param>
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
It's not possible to use DI with attributes because they are statically compiled into your classes, so nothing can ever be injected. Some people may tell you that you can use a sort of static factory to get your dependencies, but that's not Dependency Injection - that would be Service Location - which is an anti-pattern.
However, it's possible to combine DI with action filters if you abandon the idea of attributes, but not particularly easy. You'll need to create a custom IActionInvoker, although the easiest way to do that is to derive from ControllerActionInvoker and override its GetFilters method. Here's a blog post that explains how to do that for error handling - you should be able to extrapolate from that.
When you get tired of doing that I'd advice you to switch to composing cross-cutting concerns out of Decorators and other design patterns. In that way you can implement your cross-cutting concerns independently of constraining technology.