Attach a photo to SMS/MMS message - iphone

How can the Apple Photo App attach photos to MMS messages? While everybody assumes that there is no way to do it, is there any work around for this? Some fellows recommend using copy and paste. Has anyone tried that before? If so can you please help me with sample code? I have an idea which I'm not sure can work: if we have the copy and paste code, can we implement it in one method using afterDelay code or something else?

I had a client request this as a feature in an app. Unfortunately, Apple doesn't trust us enough to give us this feature.
We ended up having to use an intermediate service to upload the photo and provide the URL as a link in the SMS. ImageShack and yFrog could be two such services (they have an API available), but it really depends on what you need in terms of security/privacy.


How to scrape Facebook friends' info INCLUDING their real e-mail the way Facebook App does?

I recently found that Facebook App (for Android & iOS, but i'm using Android anyway) downloads almost all friends' information (including FB ID and real e-mail account) to a SQLite database called fb.db. I am trying to do the same thing programmaticaly (using python, perl, bash etc) but with no luck so far. I need a way that will do similar requests with FB APP, and will download all of my friends' info upon login, just like the way FB APP work.
I tried so far to:
Decompile com.facebook.katana and see how it's done - No luck (or just missed it).
Sniff the facebook app with burp - No luck (due to SSL and app's protection when certs have been changed)
I am sure you went through this:
There it is stated:
Android provides full support for SQLite databases. Any databases you create will be accessible by name to any class in the application, but not outside the application.
It was not the answer, it was just a text, which states that you can create a database for your web app. But unfortunately they are not providing any kind of helping material about writing and removing the data from that Database. So lets move to another source!
Related posts:
Please read this:
How to insert data into SQLite database in android?
There is a sweet example of how to add the content to a database in Android.
There is another example on this question too, Downloading data/content into Sqlite database
Why they didn't work:
Decompiling won't work! As they might have editted the app to be only fb-developer-readable on the first place. So you will never have success this way.
And the second thing is same.
All you can do, is to guess the algorithm or ask for it here: and give it a try from scratch! :)
I would try to recommend you to first learn how to:
Access Data connection on the phone.
Access the server from where to download the data.
Create a string or what ever data type to be inserted in database.
Create the connection, and save the data there!
I would now assume that you are a beginner, and want a tutorial! Then the first guess could be to visit their own project sites (SQLite, Android). Visit the developer network. And look for what you get!
Good luck buddy! Cheers.

How to write to a server/URL in iOS?

Basically, how can I store data in a URL that can be accessed by other devices?
This would be similar to how Instagram works, where people can see the pictures that others post, even though the files are not stored locally on the user's device.
This could also be a way to create high score leaderboards in a game without using GameCenter.
Thanks in advance.
NSURLRequest class is better to use to perform request by URL. So, if you have some RESTful backend by the URL that accept POST data you will be able to push binaries. You can find code iOS example for request similar to yours by following URL - Send image to server as binary data
For the server side I would suggest to take a look into node.js direction (
You need some form of server support, like php, asp etc.
Have a look at HTTP POST and for iOS have a look at NSURLConnection Class Reference, or even better, AFNetworking.

Is it possible to have something performed automatically when receiving an email? (google apps free)

Say for example if I receive an email to, is there a way I can trigger that to make a GET or POST call to my own server?
Another use could be email a link and have my server download the link automatically if the email meets certain criteria.
Google Apps Script is perfect to achieve this. You need to use GmailApp, Script Triggers etc from Google Script to automate it.
Best Regards
Apps Script Tutorials
Depending on what you're trying to achieve, a service like ifttt might solve your problem without you having to write ay code.

Login Logout authentication and uploading views and pics in our applcation

I want to create an application in which i want a login logout authentication from the database file that can be handled by web services. This application should always need to be connected with the internet and after login i need to upload images and also give there views about the image and i am not getting any idea how start work on that can anyone help me.... I want to use this application some sort similar like facebook.
There is also a problem that which type of application i create native or web or else. Please help me to start this application.....
Try setting up a server that can handle the requests from your app. Your app can then request content or upload content to the server using NSURLRequest. For further reading refer
I think you are asking the wrong question. What web development language do you know to help you accomplish this? There are many different ways to go, like open source as opposed to paid, which services best handle your specific needs, like Ruby or PHP, which RDBMS to use, etc. If you don't know any programming, then it is going to be a long road. Your first step should be taking what you already know and branching from there, learning what you need to know. In your case, you'll need to learn server side scripting, connect it with a database, how to set up a server to put it all in, as well as client side development like javascript to go with the html.

Sending Data to Website From iPhone

I'm creating an iPhone Game where I want the user to get a unique numeric code when they first launch the app, that way when a friend of that user opens it, he/she can input that code and both users can get rewarded. I haven't encountered any issues regarding that, however what I want to do is make it to where the app registers the code given to every user and saves it to a website of some sort. That way when the other user enters the code, it will load the data from that website and check if it's registered. How would I manage to save the data onto a website? and also What free website could I use for this without having a character limit on the body page?
-Thanks in advance
Your thinking is correct, in that you need to save your data somewhere online, but you don't really "save data onto a website" in the way that you're describing. "Free Website" services usually serve a different purpose entirely - that of serving up public html pages. Sure, they can take the form of a CMS (like or tumblr accounts), but using that as an interface for storing your application's data is not something they're typically designed to do.
For something like this, where you have a public iPhone app that requires secure access to custom strings, you really want to have control over your own web server (different than a domain name, btw), and interface with a database on that server. This will come at a cost, and will involve more code than you're likely to find someone to write for you on here. Sorry to say it, but hey if someone wants to prove me wrong I'd love to see it.
Because all you need to store & retrieve are random strings (basically referral codes... if I'm understanding correctly), your database needs are pretty simple. If you're not familiar with things like PHP / MySQL, and you don't want to learn, it might be worth reaching out to some server-side developers for help. Unless there's more to it than you describe, you can probably find someone to help you for relatively cheap.
Good luck - and I'm sorry there isn't a simpler answer for ya.
You can send data using NSURLConnection. Just create an NSMutableURLRequest and call its -setHTTPMethod: method with “POST” as the HTTP method. Then, set its body and header fields appropriately, and you can use NSURLConnection to send the data.