Oddity when encoding large integers using asn.1 - encoding

I have found numerous references to the encoding requirements of Integers in ASN.1
and that Integers are inherently signed objects
TLV 02 02 0123 for exmaple.
However, I have a 256 bit integer (within a certificate) encoded
30 82 01 09 02 82 01 00 d1 a5 xx xx xx… 02 03 010001
30 start
82 2 byte length
0109 265 bytes
02 Integer
82 2 byte length
0100 256 bytes
d1 a5 xxxx
The d1 is the troubling part because the leading bit is 1, meaning this 256 bit number is signed when in fact it is an unsigned number, a public rsa key infact. Does the signed constraint apply to Integers > 64 bits?

BER/DER uses 2s-complement representation for encoding integer values. This means the the first bit (not byte) determines whether a number is positive or negative. This means that sometimes an extra leading zero byte needs to be added to prevent the first bit from causing the integer to be interpreted as a negative number. Note that it is invalid BER/DER to have the first 9 bits all zero.

Yes, you are right. For any non negative DER/BER-encoded INTEGER - no matter its length - the MSB of the first payload byte is 0.
The program that generated such key is incorrect.

The "signed constraint" (actually, a rule) totally applies to any size integers. However, depending on a domain you might find all sorts of oddities in how domain objects are encoded. This is something that has to be learned and accounted for the hard way, unfortunately.


CRC16 (ModBus) - computing algorithm

I am using the ModBus RTU, and I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the CRC16.
I don't need a code example. I am simply curious about the mechanism.
I have learned that a basic CRC is a polynomial division of the data word, which is padded with zeros, depending on the length of the polynomial.
The following test example is supposed to check if my basic understanding is correct:
data word: 0100 1011
polynomial: 1001 (x3+1)
padded by 3 bits because of highest exponent x3
calculation: 0100 1011 000 / 1001 -> remainder: 011
Edit1: So far verified by Mark Adler in previous comments/answers.
Searching for an answer I have seen a lot of different approaches with reversing, dependence on little or big endian, etc., which alter the outcome from the given 011.
Modbus RTU CRC16
Of course I would love to understand how different versions of CRCs work, but my main interest is to simply understand what mechanism is applied here. So far I know:
x16+x15+x2+1 is the polynomial: 0x18005 or 0b11000000000000101
initial value is 0xFFFF
example message in hex: 01 10 C0 03 00 01
CRC16 of above message in hex: C9CD
I did calculate this manually like the example above, but I'd rather not write this down in binary in this question. I presume my transformation into binary is correct. What I don't know is how to incorporate the initial value -- is it used to pad the data word with it instead of zeros? Or do I need to reverse the answer? Something else?
1st attempt: Padding by 16 bits with zeros.
Calculated remainder in binary would be 1111 1111 1001 1011 which is FF9B in hex and incorrect for CrC16/Modbus, but correct for CRC16/Bypass
2nd attempt: Padding by 16 bits with ones, due to initial value.
Calculated remainder in binary would be 0000 0000 0110 0100 which is 0064 in hex and incorrect.
It would be great if someone could explain, or clarify my assumptions. I honestly did spent many hours searching for an answer, but every explanation is based on code examples in C/C++ or others, which I don't understand. Thanks in advance.
EDIT1: According to this site, "1st attempt" points to another CRC16-method with same polynomial but a different initial value (0x0000), which tells me, the calculation should be correct.
How do I incorporate the initial value?
EDIT2: Mark Adlers Answer does the trick. However, now that I can compute CRC16/Modbus there are some questions left for clearification. Not needed but appreciated.
A) The order of computation would be: ... ?
1st applying RefIn for complete input (including padded bits)
2nd xor InitValue with (in CRC16) for the first 16 bits
3rd applying RefOut for complete output/remainder (remainder maximum 16 bits in CRC16)
B) Referring to RefIn and RefOut: Is it always reflecting 8 bits for input and all bits for output nonetheless I use CRC8 or CRC16 or CRC32?
C) What do the 3rd (check) and 8th (XorOut) column in the website I am referring to mean? The latter seems rather easy, I am guessing its apllied by computing the value xor after RefOut just like the InitValue?
Let's take this a step at a time. You now know how to correctly calculate CRC-16/BUYPASS, so we'll start from there.
Let's take a look CRC-16/CCITT-FALSE. That one has an initial value that is not zero, but still has RefIn and RefOut as false, like CRC-16/BUYPASS. To compute the CRC-16/CCITT-FALSE on your data, you exclusive-or the first 16 bits of your data with the Init value of 0xffff. That gives fe ef C0 03 00 01. Now do what you know on that, but with the polynomial 0x11021. You will get what is in the table, 0xb53f.
Now you know how to apply Init. The next step is dealing with RefIn and RefOut being true. We'll use CRC-16/ARC as an example. RefIn means that we reflect the bits in each byte of input. RefOut means that we reflect the bits of the remainder. The input message is then: 80 08 03 c0 00 80. Dividing by the polynomial 0x18005 we get 0xb34b. Now we reflect all of those bits (not in each byte, but all 16 bits), and we get 0xd2cd. That is what you see as the result in the table.
We now have what we need to compute CRC-16/MODBUS, which has both a non-zero Init value (0xffff) and RefIn and RefOut as true. We start with the message with the bits in each byte reflected and the first 16 bits inverted. That is 7f f7 03 c0 00 80. Divide by 0x18005 and you get the remainder 0xb393. Reflect those bits and we get 0xc9cd, the expected result.
The exclusive-or of Init is applied after the reflection, which you can verify using CRC-16/RIELLO in that table.
Answers for added questions:
A) RefIn has nothing to do with the padded bits. You reflect the input bytes. However in a real calculation, you reflect the polynomial instead, which takes care of both reflections.
B) Yes.
C) Yes, XorOut is the what you exclusive-or the final result with. Check is the CRC of the nine bytes "123456789" in ASCII.

How to generate hex sequence in Swift?

Hey guys I am trying to create a tool to calculate how many 6 bytes sequence it generates within a certain time set by me, like 10s or 1min and so on. The sequence, for example, is: 4F B0 33 47 A3 BC.
So it's hex numbers and each 6 bytes all together must be unique and would start from 00 00 00 00 00 00 to FF FF FF FF FF FF.
So the problem is that I can't figure out how I could set the counter to go like from 0 to F and do all the possible combinations.
All I know is that it can't be done randomly because it can generate duplicates during the process and as I said it must be unique 6bytes sequence.
So any one have any idea on how I could do that?
Six bytes represent positive numbers in the range from zero, inclusive, to 248, exclusive*. Each of these values can be uniquely converted to a sequence of six bytes. All these values fit in UInt64 type, so if you would like to generate all possible combinations, start at zero, and keep incrementing the counter until you reach 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF.
You can do the conversion to a hex sequence in many different ways - for example, you could use shifts and bitwise operators to "cut out" each byte, and formatting it as a hex value.
* Other interpretations are possible, too, but positive numbers in the range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF is good enough for the purposes of this task.

typecast to single in MATLAB

What does this call to typecast do in MATLAB?
what does it mean? When I run typecast(3,'single') it gives 0 2.1250.
I don't understand what that is.
I am trying to convert this to Java, how can I do that?
From the MATLAB manual:
single - Convert to single precision
B = single(A)
B = single(A) converts the matrix A
to single precision, returning that
value in B. A can be any numeric
object (such as a double). If A is
already single precision, single has
no effect. Single-precision quantities
require less storage than
double-precision quantities, but have
less precision and a smaller range.
typecast reinterprets the bytes used to represent a value of one type as if those same bytes were representing a different type. For example, the constant 3 in MATLAB is an IEEE double-precision value, meaning it takes 8 bytes to store it. Those eight bytes in this case are
40 08 00 00 00 00 00 00
A value of type single in MATLAB is an IEEE single-precision value, meaning it takes only 4 bytes to store it. So the eight bytes of the double will map to two 4-byte singles, those being
40 08 00 00, and
00 00 00 00
It turns out that 40 08 00 00 is the single-precision representation of the value 2.125, and as you might guess, 00 00 00 00 is the single-precision representation of 0. I believe they come out in reverse order due to the endian-ness of the machine, and on a big-endian machine I think you'd get 2.125 0 instead.
In C++ this would be something like a reinterpret_cast. In Java, there doesn't appear to be as direct a mapping, but the answers to this Stack Overflow question discuss some alternatives such as Serialization.
From running help typecast it looks like it changes the datatype, but keeps the bit assignment the same, whereas single( ) keeps the number the same, but changes the bit arrangement.
If I understand it, you could think of it like you have two boxes, each containing up to 8 balls. Lets say, box 1 is full, whilst box 2 contains 3 balls. We now typecast this into a system where a box holds 4 balls.
This system will need three boxes to hold our balls. So we have boxes 1 and 2 which are full. Box 3 contains 3 balls.
So you'd have [8,3] converted to [4,4,3].
Alternatively, if you converted the number into our new system in the same way as single( ) works (e.g. for changing an int8 to a single), you'd change the number of balls, not the container.

PNG file format endianness?

Im not sure if endian is the right word but..
I have been parsing through a PNG file and I have noticed that all of the integer values are in big endian. Is this true?
For example, the width and height are stored in the PNG file as 32bit unsigned integers. My image is 16x16 and in the file its stored as:
00 00 00 10
when it should be:
10 00 00 00
Is this true or is there something I am missing?
Yes, according to the specification, integers must be in network byte order (big endian):
All integers that require more than one byte shall be in network byte order: the most significant byte comes first, then the less significant bytes in descending order of significance (MSB LSB for two-byte integers, MSB B2 B1 LSB for four-byte integers). The highest bit (value 128) of a byte is numbered bit 7; the lowest bit (value 1) is numbered bit 0. Values are unsigned unless otherwise noted. Values explicitly noted as signed are represented in two's complement notation.
Integers in PNG are in network byte order (big endian).
See: the spec.

Difference between Big Endian and little Endian Byte order

What is the difference between Big Endian and Little Endian Byte order ?
Both of these seem to be related to Unicode and UTF16. Where exactly do we use this?
Big-Endian (BE) / Little-Endian (LE) are two ways to organize multi-byte words. For example, when using two bytes to represent a character in UTF-16, there are two ways to represent the character 0x1234 as a string of bytes (0x00-0xFF):
Byte Index: 0 1
Big-Endian: 12 34
Little-Endian: 34 12
In order to decide if a text uses UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE, the specification recommends to prepend a Byte Order Mark (BOM) to the string, representing the character U+FEFF. So, if the first two bytes of a UTF-16 encoded text file are FE, FF, the encoding is UTF-16BE. For FF, FE, it is UTF-16LE.
A visual example: The word "Example" in different encodings (UTF-16 with BOM):
Byte Index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
ASCII: 45 78 61 6d 70 6c 65
UTF-16BE: FE FF 00 45 00 78 00 61 00 6d 00 70 00 6c 00 65
UTF-16LE: FF FE 45 00 78 00 61 00 6d 00 70 00 6c 00 65 00
For further information, please read the Wikipedia page of Endianness and/or UTF-16.
Ferdinand's answer (and others) are correct, but incomplete.
Big Endian (BE) / Little Endian (LE) have nothing to do with UTF-16 or UTF-32.
They existed way before Unicode, and affect how the bytes of numbers get stored in the computer's memory. They depend on the processor.
If you have a number with the value 0x12345678 then in memory it will be represented as 12 34 56 78 (BE) or 78 56 34 12 (LE).
UTF-16 and UTF-32 happen to be represented on 2 respectively 4 bytes, so the order of the bytes respects the ordering that any number follows on that platform.
UTF-16 encodes Unicode into 16-bit values. Most modern filesystems operate on 8-bit bytes. So, to save a UTF-16 encoded file to disk, for example, you have to decide which part of the 16-bit value goes in the first byte, and which goes into the second byte.
Wikipedia has a more complete explanation.
little-endian: adj.
Describes a computer architecture in which, within a given 16- or 32-bit word, bytes at lower addresses have lower significance (the word is stored ‘little-end-first’). The PDP-11 and VAX families of computers and Intel microprocessors and a lot of communications and networking hardware are little-endian. The term is sometimes used to describe the ordering of units other than bytes; most often, bits within a byte.
big-endian: adj.
[common; From Swift's Gulliver's Travels via the famous paper On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace by Danny Cohen, USC/ISI IEN 137, dated April 1, 1980]
Describes a computer architecture in which, within a given multi-byte numeric representation, the most significant byte has the lowest address (the word is stored ‘big-end-first’). Most processors, including the IBM 370 family, the PDP-10, the Motorola microprocessor families, and most of the various RISC designs are big-endian. Big-endian byte order is also sometimes called network order.
---from the Jargon File: http://catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/index.html
Byte endianness (big or little) needs to be specified for Unicode/UTF-16 encoding because for character codes that use more than a single byte, there is a choice of whether to read/write the most significant byte first or last. Unicode/UTF-16, since they are variable-length encodings (i.e. each char can be represented by one or several bytes) require this to be specified. (Note however that UTF-8 "words" are always 8-bits/one byte in length [though characters can be multiple points], therefore there is no problem with endianness.) If the encoder of a stream of bytes representing Unicode text and the decoder aren't agreed on which convention is being used, the wrong character code can be interpreted. For this reason, either the convention of endianness is known beforehand or more commonly a byte order mark is usually specified at the beginning of any Unicode text file/stream to indicate whethere big or little endian order is being used.