Can't save state in windows 8 [ Error The type or namespace name 'Common' - microsoft-metro

Can't save state in windows 8
Error The type or namespace name 'Common' ...does not exist in the namespace 'ProjectName' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
Everything below is the default code in my App.Xaml.cs file the only line I added was
ProjectNameSpace.Common.SuspensionManager.RegisterFrame(rootFrame, "appframe");
which is from the windows 8 tutorial here and I have followed part 1 before attempting this I have it working in another project that has the same references and using statements. There is only one namespace in the project and I even Rebuilt/Cleaned. Does anybody have any extra information?
protected override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs args)
Frame rootFrame = Window.Current.Content as Frame;
if (rootFrame == null)
rootFrame = new Frame();
ProjectNameSpace.Common.SuspensionManager.RegisterFrame(rootFrame, "appframe");
if (args.PreviousExecutionState == ApplicationExecutionState.Terminated)
Window.Current.Content = rootFrame;
The problem was that I needed to add a basic page in my blank template. This auto generates some classes needed to do basic functionality. Below is a screenshot of the minimum items that the common folder needs to contain.

Do you have the Common folder present in your project? This folder is usually included in the Visual Studio 2012 App project templates (except the Blank App template) which contains a bunch of classes with boilerplate code for layout, styles and other functionality.
If you created your project with a Blank App template, you may not have this. To get it included, create a new Basic Page (Right-click on your Project > Add > New Item > (Visual C#)* > Basic Page), and Visual Studio will ask if you would like to create these files.
*I'm not sure what this is for VB .NET or WinJS, but I assume it would be the same structure.


How to exclude UnityEditor reference from asmdef?

How to exclude UnityEditor reference from asmdef?
Why I need it:
I have an asmdef file. For example, it is MyAssembly/MyAssembly.asmdef. The MyAssembly contains a lot of features and each feature staff is placed in its own folder. And some of these features has a code that is needed only in editor, and it refers to UnityEditor namespace. Such editor code is placed into an Editor folder.
But as you know, Editor folder name means nothing in terms of asmdef usage. So I add AssemblyDefenitionReference in each folder and refer it to the MyAssemblyEditor.asmdef assembly definition. So the paths looks like this:
MyAssembly/Editor/MyAssemblyEditor.asmdef - this folder contains no code. It's needed just to place asmdef, because it's not allowed to place two asmdefs in a single folder.
MyAssembly/SomeFeature/Editor/*feature editor staff*
MyAssembly/SomeFeature/Editor/Editor.asmref - refers to MyAssemblyEditor.asmdef
MyAssembly/SomeFeature/*feature staff*
All this works good. But the problem is that, when some developer adds a new feature, he can forget to add a reference to the MyAssemblyEditor.asmdef in the editor folder. And there are no any errors will be shown in this case. This mistake will be revealed only when the build will be cooked. But I'd like that using of UnityEditor in MyAssembly will be instantly marked as an error.
Feel free to suggest other solution for this problem.
This thread got me thinking I can use CsprojPostprocessor to remove all references to UnityEditor from my csproj file. I wrote such class:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEditor;
// ReSharper disable once CheckNamespace
public class CsprojPostprocessor : AssetPostprocessor
public static string OnGeneratedCSProject(string path, string content)
if (!path.EndsWith("Editor.csproj") && !path.EndsWith("Tests.csproj"))
var newContent =
Regex.Replace(content, "<Reference Include=\"UnityEditor(.|\n)*?</Reference>", "");
return newContent;
return content;
It also can be done with an xml parser or something.
The only thing, that confuse me is that this mechanism is badly documented and doesn't look like something simple users should use. So I use it at my own risk, but looks like there is no guarantee it will be strongly supported in future.

How to read html files on Vapor with Leaf when not using the tau version?

There was a version of Leaf that I was using to load .html files instead of .leaf ones from my Vapor project, which would make syntax coloring for those same files done automatically.
The version of Leaf was 4.0.0-tau.1 and the one for LeafKit was 1.0.0-tau.1.1
When using this particular version, I could setup leaf in the configure.swift file this way:
/// Change the classic .leaf extension to .html for the syntax
/// coloring option of Xcode to work each time the app is being load up.
fileprivate func leaf(_ app: Application) {
if !app.environment.isRelease {
LeafRenderer.Option.caching = .bypass // Another issue from the update
let detected = LeafEngine.rootDirectory ??
LeafEngine.rootDirectory = detected
LeafEngine.sources = .singleSource(
NIOLeafFiles(fileio: app.fileio,
limits: .default,
sandboxDirectory: detected,
viewDirectory: detected,
defaultExtension: "html"))
In this code, the LeafRenderer.Option.caching = .bypass and the code used with LeafEngine do not work anymore since having updated Leaf to 4.1.3 and LeafKit to 1.3.1.
How can I successfully make this code work as before with the updated Leaf and LeafKit frameworks?
You can use this Xcode plugin:
It adds Vapor Leaf language support to Xcode IDE. Provides syntax highlighting for Leaf tags as well as HTML tags with auto-indentation all together.
At the moment the plugin supports Xcode up to 13.2 beta. Future Xcode versions will require small update (add new DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUID) but it can be easily handled even on already installed plugin.

Virtual File System and Areas

I'm trying to use Areas in my ASP.NET Core ABP project like so:
Folder Structure
I'm trying to add a single file bundle like this:
<abp-script src="/Areas/Community/Pages/Mentors/Index.js" />
When I try running the page I get the following error:
AbpException: Could not find the bundle file '/Areas/Community/Pages/Mentors/Index.js' from IWebContentFileProvider
The documentation says the files can be located in Pages, Views, Components, and Themes but it seems limiting if it doesn't also support areas. Do I need to add a route somewhere so the virtual file system can find it?
I found the source code in \Volo.Abp.AspNetCore\Volo\Abp\AspNetCore\VirtualFileSystem\AbpAspNetCoreContentOptions.cs
where it sets the AllowedExtraWebContentFolders list:
AllowedExtraWebContentFolders = new List<string>
Is there any way to add to this list?
You can configure it in the module's ConfigureServices method.
public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
Configure<AbpAspNetCoreContentOptions>(options =>

issue changing properties on project items using multi-project vstemplate with IWizard

I am creating a VSIX extension that generates a multi-project solution to be distributed. I would like to do several things to individual items I include in each projects vstemplate but think I may be taking the wrong approach. I have created a IWizard and am able to debug the solution. I added a custom item type to the project items in vstemplate in order to identify which ones I want to flag. I am then doing the following to change a ProjectItems Build Action from Content to Compile. I am still learning Visual Studio Extensability and have very limited experience using the objects so I apologize if the below is horrendous!
public void ProjectFinishedGenerating(Project project)
var myproject = (VSProject)project.Object;
foreach (ProjectItem pi in myproject.ProjectItems)
var myBuildAction = pi.Properties.Item("ItemType").Value;
if myBuildAction == "CompileContent")
pi.Properties.Item("ItemType").Value = "Compile";
This is my item in vstemplate
<VSTemplate Version="3.0.0" Type="Project" xmlns="" xmlns:sdk="">
<ProjectItem TargetFileName="MyFolder\$ext_safeprojectname$\$ext_safeprojectname$_CodeFile.cs" ReplaceParameters="true" ItemType="CompileContent">CodeFile.cs</ProjectItem>

How can I create a custom project layout based on another eclipse plugin?

My ultimate goal is to create an eclipse plugin that sets up a PDT project, but with some added builders (and custom build scripts) as well as a specific folder layout (and different folders should be treated as source and some as regular folders).
I've looked at / followed eclipse plugin development tutorials, and ok. I get the gist of creating a wizard that creates a file, but I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to create a project, and more importantly, make that project associated with the PDT (PHP Development Tools) feature.
I did stumble upon a solution myself before the answer was given, but it's quite similar.
First, WizardNewProjectCreationPage was used as the first page of my wizard.
Second, on performFinish() I ran the following code:
IProgressMonitor m = new NullProgressMonitor();
IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
IProject project = root.getProject(_pageOne.getProjectName());
if (!project.exists())
IProjectDescription desc = project.getWorkspace().newProjectDescription(project.getName());
URI projectLocation = _pageOne.getLocationURI();
// desc.setLocationURI(projectLocation);
String[] natures = desc.getNatureIds();
String[] newNatures = new String[natures.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(natures, 0, newNatures, 0, natures.length);
newNatures[natures.length] = PHPNature.ID;
project.create(desc, m);;
how to create a project
Take a look at BasicNewProjectResourceWizard.createNewProject() method.
make that project associated with the PDT (PHP Development Tools) feature
You need to add "org.eclipse.php.core.PHPNature" to the project (that's what Add PHP Support... action does). Use IProjectDescription.setNatureIds().