Open File Picker in snap view of Metro Style App - microsoft-metro

When I try to open file picker on snap view in Metro Style App, exception occurs and exception dialog box was shown. How to solve that problem? Is there any good idea? I want my app works properly even on snap view.

Before opening the file picker, you must try to leave the snapped mode.
Here is the code I use:
var ready = true;
if (ApplicationView.Value == ApplicationViewState.Snapped)
ready = ApplicationView.TryUnsnap();
if (!ready)

The SDK samples available on msdn use the following snippet
// FilePicker APIs will not work if the application is in a snapped state.
// If an app wants to show a FilePicker while snapped, it must attempt to unsnap first
bool unsnapped = ((ApplicationView::Value != ApplicationViewState::Snapped) || ApplicationView::TryUnsnap());
if (!unsnapped)
// Unsnapping failed


Using uni_links when the app is in the background

My application has the following structure:
- InheritedWidget for dependencies
--> Splash Screen Page
--> Login Pages
--> Main Pages
When the app runs for the first time, I can use var link = await getInitialLink(); to get the value for the link that opened the app.
However, I cannot get the same result if I open the app on the background.
I tried to use
getLinksStream().listen((link) => (link) {
try {
var _latestUri;
if (link != null) _latestUri = Uri.parse(link);
print("=== Formated successfully a link!");
} on FormatException {
print("--- A link got here but was invalid");
For getting the link in the Splash Screen, but if the app is already open in the Login or Main pages, it won't go through the Splash Screen again.
Then, I tried to put it in the InheritedWidget, but alas, didn't get any result whatsoever.
So my question is: Where and how should I set up uni_links so that I can catch all incoming links even if the app is open?
Or better, is there an alternative for App Links/Universal Links that I can use?
Though it's not the best and most elegant way, I got around this.
First, I was not using getLinksStream correctly
Instead of
(link) => (link) {...}
(link) {...}
Then, I need to put this subscription in my Splash Screen and do not dispose of it, so that it can listen to new events.
If anybody has a better solution, please free to add it
For this situation, you need to use both of getInitialUri() and getUriLinksStream(),
If app launchs directly u will get uri from getInitialUri, if app already running on background u will get uri from getUriLinksStream.

Running the google places modal popup in flutter

Looking at the flutter code it seems like I should be able to run the google places modal dialog since it does a full screen thing and doesn't try and overlay on top of flutter.
However I am having an issue where the modal shows up and then disappears again immediately. I am not entirely sure how to solve this...
I am activating it with:
call.method == "openPlacesDialogModal" -> {
val code = GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance().isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(activity)
if (GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance().showErrorDialogFragment(activity, code, REQUEST_GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES)) {
//val intent = Intent(activity,
var intentBuilder = PlacePicker.IntentBuilder()
activity.startActivityForResult(, PLACE_PICKER_REQUEST)
placeResult = result
In the logs I get:
I/FlutterActivityDelegate(18184): onResume setting current activity to this
I/flutter (18184): Opening picker
I/FlutterActivityDelegate(18184): onResume setting current activity to this
I think it is the onResume getting back to the ActivityDelegate that is the issue.
I put this on top of a completely different activity too, which kind of works. It shows the dialog for longer. I made sure I have all the right permissions, I have the fine location, internet permissions. Do I need to setup anything else?
Error here was that I was not setting up the google api correctly and it was erroring immediately. Had to put in some checks to look for this error so I could respond correctly to the app that an error occurred.

RE:Create a button which when pressed it replaces an existing object on the screen to another object in Smartface App Studio?

After seeing #catherinelagoon's post I also having difficulty in quite understand how to replace an object using a button so is it possible to create a button which when pressed it replaces an existing object on the screen to another object in Smartface App Studio?
I tried using the answer provided in the post however I couldn't understand it much due to I'm a beginner in using Smartface App Studio and coding itself.
Thankyou and sorry for any inconvienience
After you create an image you should add it to a Page so it can show on that page. So here is a simple code for creating and showing an image on the page.
var image = new SMF.UI.Image({
visible: false
function Page1_TextButton1_OnPressed(e) {
image.visible = true;

Change backgroundImage of right Nav button in Titanium - iPhone

I am developing an iPhone app using Titanium Alloy.
My problem is that I would like to change the backgroundImage of rightNav button.
I am using the rightNav button as a Filter button. My Filter button is placed in a window which also has a table. Once the filter button is clicked a new window is opened where the user can make some selections. Once the selection is made, the table on the previous page is refreshed based on the selections made and I would like to change the backgroundImage of the rightNav button to show that some selections have been applied. But I am unable to do so.
My code :
if ((screenType === "parentWindow") {
$.rightNav.visible = true;
$.rightNav.backgroundImage = "/images/buttons/filterOff.png";
} else if ((screenType === "childWindow")) {
$.rightNav.visible = true;
$.rightNav.backgroundImage = "/images/buttons/filterOn.png";
The backgroundImage of the rightNav button is set first time and then it is not changed. I have tried to make it null and then set it again but it does not work.
Please help.
Other details :
Titanium Command-Line Interface, CLI version 4.0.0, Titanium SDK version 4.0.0.RC, Mac OS X 10.10
Try using the image property .

Titanium: Youtube video

How can I show a youtube or bits on the run video full screen on my app? Is there a special link I have to naviate to? Or is there a special API that takes care of that to view it fullscreen?
The idea is to click on a link 'show video', then show the video fullscreen, and get a button play pauze and 'done'. When clicked done it goes back to the previous page.
I don't know how to get started on this one. Can anyone help me out?
I'm creating an iPhone app.
#Muhammad has the first part right but to get it to close when you hit the blue done button you'll need the following code.
activeMovie.fullscreen = 1; // this must be defined after you add to the window!;
then add this
activeMovie.addEventListener('fullscreen', function(e) {
if(!e.entering) { // this is run only when exiting fullscreen aka the blue done button
Here is a an example code to show video with controlls
var win = Titanium.UI.currentWindow;
var contentURL = '';
var activeMovie = Titanium.Media.createVideoPlayer({
contentURL: contentURL,
Hope this will help.