Joomla! system plugin to add extra params to all modules - plugins

I need to create a system plugin with one goal - add extra group fields of parameters to all module available.
There's one solution that I know of - into every XML manifest of every module add extra parameters, but this is bad solution for two reason:
1) It make impossible to update the modules without loosing these
2) Its is lot of work
3) It makes extending of these
parameters almost impossible
What I want to do:
I want to make a systems plugin, that adds to every installed module a group of parameters.
What I am asking for:
I looked through the internet for a solution. I found out that I don't need to create new type of parameter. I want to use built-in type - text or list.
There is some tutorials, which have info about adding parameters to a single module and retrieving them for this single module helper.php. Yes, that's the thing I don't want too.
I asking for a link to bunch of tutorials or advice how to proceed further without tutorials.

this module is using what you are searching for. If you have time you may analise it and maybe you'll find answer.
Advanced module manager


Do I need to create a module for: A user account, to create and save custom "objects" made of choices from a form

I used Drupal for 2 years, building some quiet "standard" sites (mainly "static content", no user logging etc.)
I always found the modules I needed for what I was expecting for (Views, Slideshows etc….)
In the next weeks, I have to build a little more complex project and I wonder if I can achieve it quiet easily with Drupal.
Until yet I never been through the drupal API, neither did I create a module.
But I'm a C++ developer, and I think there is no problem for me to learn rapidly how works an API.
I've been through the tutorial on how to create a Module (module "current_posts"), and I understood the global mechanisms
In the next weeks, I have to build a site with a little more complex parts, and I wonder how to achieve it with Drupal:
The site is compound of:
a "classical section", with contents, videos, etc…
a user section
The user section give a user the possibility to:
Create an account
fill a form to create an custom "object". The object is compound of 5 parts for example. And each part as several possibilities.
Example: Part 1 -> Options A, B, C, D, E, Part 2 -> Option aa, bb, cc, dd etc...
save his object to a collection
fill a second form to give extras infos about the object he has just created
save these extras infos
get some custom infos "built" upon the choices he made in section 2) and 4)
relog later and reload the objects he built previously
I wonder if:
it can be achieved only with existing modules?
…or do I need to develop a custom module?
Do i need although to create some custom Tables in the DB,
…or is it possible to deal only with content types
Do I need to "design" the tables interactions on a paper, like a real DB developer ;).
Is there some special things I should be careful with? Do you have some clues about how to realize this?
And does it seems feasible in a short delay?
And last but not least;) Is Drupal a really good solution for such a project?
Thanx in advance for your help!
Drupal is great for such a project. And you don't need too much extra modules, just core modules.
1) Core user module is fine.
2) Node type A. Create the node with the described fields and a user Role that will be able to add new A nodes as also as edit/delete own A nodes.
4) Node type B. Just add relationship for the Node type A so users can make the connection. Use the EntityReference module here. Similar user role permissions here.
6) This needs more information but it seems you need to use Views module to achieve this.
7) Welcome to Drupal! This is a core functionality also.

SharePoint2010 Feature activation does not act the same if manually or powershell script

I have a SharePoint solution, containing 3 Features. One feature is Site scoped, and two are Web scoped.
The site feature contains different lists, 2 workflows and content types. Two of them are quasi similar, one is called CTTaskAchat, and the other one is called CTTaskAccord
The two web features contains lists definitions, lists instance and event Receiver.
When i deploy the solution with my powershell script and that I enable the feature with the powershell script, almost everything works pretty fine. The problem is that i can't find my content type CTTaskAccord nowhere. And I don't understand why i can't find it whereas i can find the CTTaskAchat content type.
If i deploy the solution with my powershell script, but that I activate the feature manually (i.e. through the Site Settings menu) the content type does appear.
So if you have any idea of where I could find my solution.
For your information, I would love to delete all the site collection and create a new one, but it's an update of the solution, so it's not possible.
EDIT : I've just noticed that some other points of the feature don't get activate (i have a list which doesn't exists with powershell but exists when i activate the feature manually)
You able to find the content type inside : Site Actions -> Galleries -> Site Content Types.
when you activated the site feature just check the feature is activated properly.

How to implement a Configuration Menu with Perl

I am trying to implement some kind of console menu wich has to retrieve a lot of parameters from user in order to build an XML in the end. At every step I need to do some checks on the given parameters but ofcourse those checks are different every step. Is there an easy library that can help me? With easy I mean something that already offers a pattern, I don't want to write thousands lines of codes.
What about one of these modules:

How to extract labels from Symfony forms I18n Extract Task

I am quite aware that the extract task accepts application as a parameter, and thus one can't expect it too look into the forms folder.
However, I referred the link (below) and tried a couple of ways:
1. defining my proxy __() method
2. including the I18n helper in App Configuration
However, both aren't working.
Can anyone tell me how to extract these from the form classes?
You need to use the i18n helper and add the translated strings manually to your XML/XLIFF files. The translations themselves work, it's just the i18n:extract task that doesn't look inside form classes so it has to be done manually. I hope they add this feature in Symfony 2.0.
See the first few paragraphs here:
There's a way to extract it altough it's not recommended by the developers:
In lib/i18n/extract/sfI18nApplicationExtract.class.php add:
to function extract()
In your form class's configure method add:
This way you can use the __() function in your form class.
I'm currently testing it. Will share my findings.

Is Perl's CAM::PDF able to aggregate Annotation objects?

I have several copies of the same PDF file. These copies have annotations in it (Rect type with pop-up comments).
I want to know if I can get all these annotations from these copies and aggregate them into a single master copy using CAM::PDF (or another free tool).
an example to illustrate:
I have file1_userA.pdf and file1_userB.pdf. They are both annotated.
I want to generate file1_allusers.pdf aggregating annotations from both files file1_userA.pdf and file1_userB.pdf.
ps: I have the original un-annotated copy.
-- EDIT (Aug, 4):
I have developed an extension for CAM::PDF, namely CAM::PDF::Annot. It 'use base's CAM::PDF and adds extra functionality regarding Drawing Markup Annotations.
I am in the process of tidying up the code so I can post it to CPAN.
-- EDIT (Aug, 19)
I have finally submitted it to PAUSE, but I am running into some world writable related problems...
In any case, if anyone is interested in taking a look at the code, I will try and make it available somewhere... until then, just PM me and I will mail it to you.
geez, i'm getting such a thrill posting a module to cpan... i found the joy of working in working with Perl...
best regards,
Donato Azevedo
I'm the author of CAM::PDF. I have built only very limited support for annotations to date, specifically just for form field filling. So, no, that's not a supported feature today. The feature you describe is very interesting, though, and I can imagine that others would use it too, so I'd be interested in discussing it further with you offline.