Notification when use delete shared facebook link from your app - facebook

It simple question, if user give me permission to post on his wall by api and then user delete that post, can i have notification for that?

As far as I know no, you'd need to poll the post ID using the user's access token to see if it's still there


Does Facebook send notifications to my web page by the fb app?

I have searched on Google and Fb's documentation about this but didn't find anything.
I've already shared content of my page on Facebook with the Share button provided by FB's api and also made an app on Facebook.
Now I want to receive notifications in my page when someone comments the publication or likes it.
I know that I can consult the posts/comments/likes if the user gives me the permissions, but I don't want to do this every 5 minutes. I want that facebook notifies me like a push notification.
How can I do that if it's possible?
After the user shared something on his wall, there is no way for you to get notified about comments/likes on that wall post, unless you authorize the user with user_status or read_stream.
That being said, there is the Realtime API with the feed and statuses fields to subscribe to:
That´s probably the best option, although you must authorize the user with the correct permissions too.

How to show a post also on the user stream?

I developed a simple app on Faceobok that posts something on user wall. My issue is that the post isn't seen on wall stream, so he/she will probably never read it.
I developed this app in PHP with Facebook PHP-SDK and to post on user's wall i use: $facebook->api($userId .'/feed/','post',$attachment).
Is it possible to show the post also on user' stream? (Maybe I forget to add a key/value in the attached array...)
Alternatively, is it possible to send a notification to the user in place of post or a notification linking to the wall post?
The post is personalized, so this is why I don't use a facebook page.
Thanks in advance.
Maybe you want to send them an app-to-user request …?
But keep in mind that you have to delete these requests yourself, once the user followed them.
Posting on the user stream is not possible (posts are visible just on user's friends stream).
Notification are not allowed, just for requests.

Unable to Receive Wall Posts after OAuth

First off, I am new to using Facebook's Graph interface but I've read the documentation and am still unable to retrieve the desired result. First I was able to set up an app account and retrieved my App ID and App Secret, I then set up and advance OAuth Dialog that will ask the user for read_stream permissions (accessing the news feed). I have successfully had three users go throught the authenticator and it allows me to see more of their data but still no wall post (which I assume is the news feed). Below are the steps I followed if someone can help. Thanks. (Sidenote - All urls below came straight from the facebook documentation.)
returned: state and code=1XXXXXXXX, I then used that to get the OAuth Token
returned access_token = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and expires = 9875067805, I then tried to query the data for that user
The end result is more data than what is publicly available but I still don't have access to the users wall data. Another thing I want to do with this is to use it with an infinite session key so that once the user does this once they will have continued access to their data but that I can work out later, Thanks for any help in advance.
Are you accessing /me/feed correctly, and if so are you receiving an error message when you do so, or just nothing back?
/me/feed should work for this.
You can also request /me/permissions to check if the correct permissions were granted which may help you solve the issue

How to post to a user's wall at a later date

I'm trying to figure out how, after a user has opted into my Facebook Application, to retain their credentials so as to post to their wall at a later time. I see apps doing this all the time, but I'm unclear where/how they store the user's login (I'm guessing they're not actually holding on to U/P but rather just have some key to post to the user's wall), and then do the post at some later time.
I'm unable to find the documentation for how to do this at the facebook developer site and am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
Ask for publish_stream permissions then post to that user's wall using your "app" access token if the user access token has expired.
Facebook documentation here:
Enables your app to post content, comments, and likes to a user's
stream and to the streams of the user's friends. With this permission,
you can publish content to a user's feed at any time. However, please
note that Facebook recommends a user-initiated sharing model.

facebook app, post to user and notify him

I've searched for many many hours on this topic through google and also read a lot of questions here, but nothing solved my problem.
I'm making a facebook application, the application has offline_access and publish_stream permissions.
I can successfully post to users' wall.. but the user doesn't get any notification that the app posted to their wall.
I want the user do receive a notification whenever the app on their wall.
also is it possible to make the application post without user's name, (i.e with page name or application name)..
you will have to use another social channel to generate
notifications such
as send a request.
To my knowledge, neither a page or application can post to a users wall. You can however have one user post to another users wall, or a user to a page/app wall.