swt imports in Eclipse RCP failing - swt

I seem to be going round in circles here.
I had a series of related projects that were working, and something has caused it not to work. The symptoms are that any source file using an import from an org.eclipse.swt bundle will not compile, with the red line being under the import statement(s).
Some of the projects have a plugin dependency on org.eclipse.swt jar, but others don't. If I try to add such a dependency, org.eclipse.swt isn't offered as a bundle, but only the platform dependent bundles such as org.eclipse.win32.win32.x86 can be added from the dependencies tab in the Manifest editor.
The build path accessed through right clicking on the source file in the Package Explorer shows the dependency too.
If I explicitly add the org.eclipse.win32.win32.x86 jar to the build path, most of the projects will build, but a couple still have errors ( the offending line in these is
SWTApplicationComposite window = new SWTApplicationComposite(parent);
and the obcection is to parent - as an unrecognised class Composite although it has been declared without a problem!)
I have tried deleting the dependency and then adding it as a new dependency, but the compiler still fails to find it.
Any clues as to what I might have missed (I'm doing this as part of an RCP development)

I think the target platform that is set is not able to recognize platform specific jars( win 64 bit or 32 bit).
Create target configuration file and select win32 as configruation in the editor
you see "set as target platform" link on top right corner of the target config file editor.
click that link. it sets your target platform to win32 specific( recognizes all swt win32 bundles)


When debugging my Eclipse plugin, the repository version of the Java file is chosen over my local version

I'm in the early stages of creating a new Eclipse plug-in in Eclipse 2019-06. I created the plug-in using the "Hello World" wizard option and created a debug configuration that successfully launches a secondary workbench for testing. I can click on my new menu option and step into my new code.
I want to use a modified version of org.eclipse.jdt.junit.wizards.NewTestCaseWizardPageOne, so I added the package to my project and edited NewTestCaseWizardPageOne. However, when I try to debug, the debugger asks for a source location. It seems to want to load the file from the local repository (.p2/pool/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.junit_3.11.400.v20190510-0840.jar), rather than my edited version. Why is that?
There must be some kind of classpath problem, but don't versions of files in the project have precedence over those in the dependent plugins? I've looked at a number of similar questions (1, 2) and other sources, but I haven't yet found the answer. Please help.
Following Alexander Federov's suggestion, I converted my plugin into a fragment. This was fairly easy to do following the advice from this StackOverflow page. The main changes were:
Renamed plugin.xml to fragment.xml and changed the top level xml
element from plugin to fragment.
Added a Fragment-Host entry to MANIFEST.MF
The key advantage that this provided is discussed in an Eclipse Wiki
... a fragment appears much the
same as a normal plug-in. A fragment can specify libraries,
extensions, and other files. When it is loaded by the platform loader,
a fragment is logically, but not physically, merged into the host
plug-in. The end result is exactly the same as if the fragment's
manifest were copied into the plug-in manifest, and all the files in
the fragment directory appear as if they were located in the plug-in's
install directory. Thus, a runtime library supplied by a fragment
appears on the classpath of its host plug-in. In fact, a Java class in
a fragment can be in the same package as a class in the host and will
even have access to package-visible methods on the host's classes.
The last part having to do with access to package-visible methods was what I needed. Thanks, Alexander!

Exporting an Eclipse plugin with a dependency on an external jar

Just recently started using Eclipse and ran into an issue with exporting the plugin I'm working on. I tried to search but so far no luck - but if the answer is already here I'd be grateful if someone can point me to it.
I'm writing a n OSGi/Equinox plugin with Eclipse. The plugin is for a 3rd party system, which allows extensions: basically all jars placed in the application's plugin folder are automatically loaded into the application at startup. I have managed to put together my plugin, it's loading fine and it works.
The issue is that I rely on another plugin which is placed beside mine in the plugins folder. For obvious reasons I do not want to package that plugin into my plugin jar file. I have tried to add the dependency as an external archive, but this breaks the export: when I try to export my plugin project ant complains about missing dependencies and types. (If I actually include the other jar file in my plugin everything works, but obviously this is less then ideal.)
So: how do I set up my plugin project dependency, that it's a) an external dependency and b) doesn't need to be specified with a path or a variable - i.e. how do I tell my exporter to "don't worry, it will be there right beside you"?
Edit: Apparently there's an important detail I didn't mention. The external jar file I depend on is not an OSGi plugin, just a regular jar file with some classes in it. To the 3rd party system it seems all the same (all are under the plugins folder, all are loaded into the application), but for Eclipse the distinction seems important.
If you reference the other plug-in as a dependency in your plug-in's MANIFEST.MF the export should work without errors. The plug-in should be listed in the Require-Bundle list in the MANIFEST.MF.
You can do this in the MANIFEST.MF editor by adding to the 'Required Plug-ins' list on the 'Dependencies' tab of the editor.
Note: When referencing other plug-ins you must always use this method. Do not try adding the plug-in jar to the Java build path or anything like that.
If the jar you want to use is not an Eclipse plug-in you must should include it as part of the plug-in and list the jar in the Bundle-Classpath in the MANIFEST.MF. If you cannot do this you can reference an external jar in the Bundle-Classpath using something like:
Bundle-Classpath: .,external:$LIB_LOCATION$/lib.jar
. is the normal entry in for the plug-in code. external:$LIB_LOCATION$/lib.jar looks for lib.jar in a location defined by the environment variable LIB_LOCATION. This method can be difficult to get right.
In the end the solution to my specific problem was to add the external jar file as an Extra Classpath Entry on the build properties tab (this translated to a "jars.extra.classpath = .jar" entry in the build.properties file). I have also added the jar file to the project itself - after adding the extra class path entry that got changed into an external dependency automatically.
With these two changes I was able to successfully export my plugin, which didn't contain the external jar file, but was able to reference it when loaded into the 3rd party system.

Errors in exporting eclipse deployable plug-ins and fragments

I have an eclipse plug-in working fine within eclipse environment.
I wanted to export it into a jar file, so I chose Export > Deployable plug-ins and fragments.
I could get a jar file, but an error was reported.
Opening the log file, it reports that I have 1242 problems (191 errors, 1051 warnings). This is some copy from the error log.
2. ERROR in /Users/LSclipse/src/lsclipse/LSDiffRunner.java (at line 61)
import edu.washington.cs.induction.OnePipeLineScript;
The import edu cannot be resolved
3. ERROR in /Users/LSclipse/src/lsclipse/LSDiffRunner.java (at line 261)
OnePipeLineScript.getMatchingForRefFinder(projName, proj1, proj1Loc
OnePipeLineScript cannot be resolved
Why I got errors? I had 2049 warnings, but no error when I compile the plugin in eclipse IDE.
The main project references two other projects, and references many external libraries. I attach the package view and Java build path.
There were multiple issues involved for this problem. However, the core issue was that the project apimatching and originanalysis were not eclipse plugins but just java projects. As a result, those two projects were not included in the final jar file to break the build.
Symbolic linking the two projects into the main project
I solved this issue by symbolic link the src directory into the main eclipse plugin project.
ln -s /workspace/seal/edu.ucsc.originanalysis/src /LSclipse/originanalysis
ln -s /workspace/seal/edu.ucsc.apimatching/src /LSclipse/apimatching
From the Java Build Path/Source tab, I added those two included projects as source. Eclipse Java Missing required source folder: 'src'
Now I have eclipse plugin jar file without error.
Then click F-5 to refresh the project explorer and check they are java src directory.
Select the included projects in Build tab.
Updating bin.include and source.. in build.properties tab is important. One should understand that in bin.include the ordering is also critical. lib/cdtparser.jar and lib/cdtcore.jar should be placed prior to the user of them - origin analysis/.
Copying jar files for included project into main project
I also had to copy some jar files in those projects file into the main project, and select them in Binary Build tab.
And add tim in Runtime/Classpath tab.
Select the JavaSE-1.6 in Execution Environments.
I have lots of "Must Override a Superclass Method" errors. With the hint from this post - 'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse , I removed the J2SE-1.5 to resolve this issue.
You can not add third party libraries into class path of Java when developing a plug-in. It is the way to build standard Java application, but plug-in is a kind of OSGi bundle that has itself rule for class loading.
The correct way is adding third party libraries into the class path of your plug-in.
Add below declaration into MANIFEST.MF of your plug-in,
Bundle-ClassPath: lib/log4j-1.2.7.jar,
Check those links [1], [2] for understanding it.
This is what have a question on and see as potential solutions to potential problems.
Is this class comfing from a referenced jar or is it in the actual plugin edu.washington.cs.induction.OnePipeLineScript;
You seem to have a lot of soure folders and wondering if your build.properties file is showing any warnings and that you also have this defined for each of the source folders in your build.properties source.. = src/
Your external jar libraries appear to be in a folder that is of type source which is not correct. It should be a non-source folder (which you can tell a source folder by the package icon decorator) and you should make sure in your manifest editor that for runtime you have the lib checked so that it includes the jars in the build. To unmark it as a source folder select the drop down menu in your navigator view go to filters and uncheck .resources which will then show the .classpath file in that file you will see the folder to be kind="src" (i believe) remove that.
Somehow it also looks like you have linked source folders which is a practice I would not suggest and am not sure if that will cause problems when exporting the plugin. If you can avoid linked source folders that would be better.
Also it seems like you are confusing java build path configuration for plain java applications with plugins running in OSGI which is not configured through java build path but your manifest.editor So as a rule of thumb if its a plugin don't even bother trying to configure the java build path because OSGI is different, that could be causing issues as well
Select "Use class files complied in the workspace" in Options works for me.

Eclipse 3.7 Required Plug-ins

I am currently running Eclipse 3.7 Indigo
My current project is a Plug-in Project
I wanted to try out the product called icePDF in my existing project.
So I downloaded the two required jar files from the binary download.
icepdf-core.jar and icepdf-viewer.jar
So I created a new plug-in project from existing jars. I am added the two jar files and created the plug-in project. I then exported the project and produced a project jar file .
Went back in to my existing project where I want to use the features of icePDF.
Went to dependencies -> Required Plug-ins -> Added my new icePDF plugin.
I am sure that I am missing a key step. Because as soon as I close the icePDF project in Package Explorer. I get a error in my main project.
Error : Missing Required Plug-in
What I don't understand is I have at least 12 other required plug-ins, none of them are open.
Was this the right way to try and add the icePDF jars to my existing project? Was there a way to just incorporate the jars in to the plug-in project without having to create the new project?
Looks like icePDF primarily uses Swing. My project is SWT based, I do not want to use Swing in the project. I am looking for something that will view a existing pdf, convert a pdf and print a pdf to local printer.
Any suggestions??
It is normal behavior that Eclipse reports an error when a required plugin is closed, if this plugin is only available through your workspace. I assume that the other required plugins are 'standard' Eclipse plugins, such as EMF; those do not have to be in your workspace, as they are directly installed into your Eclipse platform.
Another way would be to put the original Jars into your plugin project. Just create a folder, e.g. lib/, paste the Jars there, and add them to the plugin project's class path. The latter is a bit tricky, as you have to add them in the Project Properties as well as in the Manifest.ml (in the 'runtime' tab of the plugin.xml-editor, IIRC) and the build.properties file.
Please read about the Eclipse target platform, as you seem not to be aware of that concept.
Generally speaking, there is an Eclipse environment in which you develop your code (which you use), and there is another Eclipse environment, in which your developed plugin runs (i.e. which a user of your plugin uses). That second one is called "target platform" in Eclipse terms. And they can be different, e.g. you develop in Eclipse 4.2, but your plugins shall run in Eclipse 3.7.
If you don't create a target platform yourself, then Eclipse just assumes its current installation to be the target platform (i.e. your development environment). That is why all "normal" plugins can be used as dependencies without them being in the workspace. But your icePdf plugin is not part of the Eclipse installation (and therefore not part of the target platform), which is why it needs to be available in the workspace.
If you define a target platform, you can then simply add those icepdf plugins to it and don't need to have them in the workspace any longer.

Eclipse classpath and NoClassDefFoundError

I'm going to try to give as much detail as possible here, pardon me if some is irrelevant.
I have two projects in eclipse. Project 1: com.myworkplace.parent, with code in the package of the same name. Project 2: com.myworkplace.child, with code in package of the same name (I moved my code to that package, from the default package, if that makes a difference). Both are located in my workspace folder and structured the way you'd expect them to be, as far as I can tell.
I've added child to the build path of parent in eclipse using Java Build Path -> Projects -> Add. Parent's .classpath file contains the entry:
<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/com.myworkplace.child"/>
I add a reference to a com.myworkplace.child.Child class in parent, import it, compile it with no errors, run and get:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/myworkplace/child/Child
What gives?
Edit: The parent application is an RCP app, maybe OSGI (I really don't know much about RCP and related stuff.) Some googling leads me to believe it might have something to do with this.
Since your application is an RCP app there is a difference between the eclipse classpath that is used while you are editing code and the OSGi classpath that is used at runtime. It sounds like you need to add the com.myworkplace.child plugin to the list of dependencies of the com.myworkplace.parent plugin.
Open either plugin.xml or META-INF/manifest.mf in the parent project. Eclipse should open the PDE plugin editor (a form based editor for the underlying config files). Click the Dependencies tab at the bottom and add your child plugin to the "Required Plug-ins" list on the left hand section of the form. Alternately you could add the com.myworkplace.child package to the "Imported Package" list on the right. The difference between the two is beyond the scope of this answer, but you can read about that in the eclipse docs now that you (hopefully) are moving in the right direction.
We found that even doing all the proper things in the eclipse rcp project, we were still getting such errors. The solution was to delete the application's workspace directory (by default it would store workspace settings under .eclipse, but we've tweaked our code to use another dir that is not shared with other eclipse stuff).
When we removed this dir after a rebuild, our app worked. Apparently it was storing the classpath somehow along with other settings, but we didn't investigate the exact details.
(NOTE: This applies only if you've called the IWorkbenchConfigurer.setSaveAndRestore method passing a boolean value of 'true' - which means that your application will save and restore various rcp settings after a shutdown of the application and subsequent relaunch.)
If your code is running in an application server, you need to configure the Classpath correctly for that application server.
To do that, find your Servers tab, double-click it, click Open Launch Configuration in the new tab that appears in the main editing area, click the Classpath tab and ensure the Classpath there is correct.