PostgreSQL amount for each day summed up in weeks - postgresql

I've been trying to find a solution to this challenge all day.
I've got a table:
id | amount | type | date | description | club_id
783 | 10000 | 5 | 2011-08-23 12:52:19.995249 | Sign on fee | 7
The table has a lot more data than this.
What I'm trying to do is get the sum of amount for each week, given a specific club_id.
The last thing I ended up with was this, but it doesn't work:
SELECT EXTRACT(WEEK FROM date) AS week, amount FROM club_expenses WHERE club_id = 20 AND EXTRACT(WEEK FROM date) < 10 ORDER BY week
SELECT week+1, amount FROM t WHERE week < 3
SELECT week, amount FROM t;
I'm not sure why it doesn't work, but it complains about the UNION ALL.
I'll be off to bed in a minute, so I won't be able to see any answers before tomorrow (sorry).
I hope I've described it adequately.
Thanks in advance!

It looks to me like you are trying to use the UNION ALL to retrieve a subset of the first part of the query. That won't work. You have two options. The first is to use user defined functions to add behavior as you need it and the second is to nest your WITH clauses. I tend to prefer the former, but you may be preferring the latter.
To do the functions/table methods approach you create a function which accepts as input a row from a table and does not hit the table directly. This provides a bunch of benefits including the ability to easily index the output. Here the function would look like:
Now you have a usable macro which can be used where you would use a column. You can then:
SELECT c.week, sum(amount) FROM club_expense c
GROUP BY c.week;
Note that the c. before week is not optional. The parser converts that into week(c). If you want to limit this to a year, you can do the same with years.
This is a really neat, useful feature of Postgres.


PySpark rolling operation with variable ranges

I have a dataframe looking like this
some_data | date | date_from | date_to
1234 |1-2-2020| 1-2-2020 | 2-2-2020
5678 |2-2-2020| 1-2-2020 | 2-3-2020
and I need to perform some operations on some_data based on time ranges that are different for every row, and stored in date_from and date_to. This is basically a rolling operation on some_data vs date, where the width of the window is not constant.
If the time ranges were the same, like always 7 days preceding/following, I would just do a window with rangeBetween. Any idea how I can still use rangeBetween with these variable ranges? I could really use the partitioning capability Window provides...
My current solution is:
a join of the table with itself to obtain a secondary/nested date column. at this point every date has the full list of possible dates
some wheres to select, for each primary date the proper secondary dates according to date_from and date_to
a groupby the primary date with agg performing the actual operation on the selected rows
But I am afraid this would not be very performant on large datasets. Can this be done with Window? Do you have a better/more performant suggestion?
Thanks a lot,

When do I need to cast a value as a date?

I'm working myself through the Datacamp SQL track, and I'm currently working with date values. I've encountered two examples which seem contradictory to me.
-- Count requests created on January 31, 2017
SELECT count(*)
FROM evanston311
WHERE date_created::date='2017-01-31';
-- Count requests created on February 29, 2016
SELECT count(*)
FROM evanston311
WHERE date_created>= '2016-02-29'
AND date_created< '2016-03-01';
Why do I need to cast the value as date in the first case but not the other?
As with most typed languages, you can rely on implicit type casting... until you can't.
Something like date_created >= '2016-02-29' Postgres can use the type of date_created to figure out how to implicitly cast '2016-02-29'. There's no ambiguity. But sometimes Postgres can't make a guess at all.
OTOH a function like date_part has multiple signatures date_part(text, timestamp) and date_part(text, interval). If you pass it a date string...
test=# select date_part('day', '2019-01-03');
ERROR: function date_part(unknown, unknown) is not unique
LINE 1: select date_part('day', '2019-01-03');
HINT: Could not choose a best candidate function. You might need to add explicit type casts.
...Postgres cannot make a guess because the second string could be interpreted as either a timestamp or an interval type. You need to resolve this ambiguity.
# select date_part('day', '2019-01-03'::date);
Now that Postgres knows you're passing in a date it can correctly guess to use it as a timestamp.
Another reason is as a cheap way to truncate timestamps. In your example date_created::date = '2017-01-31' will truncate date_created to be a date and make the comparison work. Of course, date_created should already be a date...
You can use it on the value being compared if you're not sure if that value will be a date or a timestamp.
select * from table
where date_created = $1::date
This will work the same with '2019-01-02' or '2019-01-02 03:04:05'.
Which brings us to our final reason: making up for bad schemas. Like if date_created is actually a timestamp, or all too common, text. In that case you need to explicitly control how comparisons are made. For example, let's say we had text_created of type text that contained timestamps as strings: naught. And maybe some poorly formatted data crept in that has extra spaces on the end...
-- Text comparison compares the values exactly.
test=# select * from test where text_created = '2019-01-04';
date_created | time_created | text_created
-- Date comparison compares as dates ignoring the extra whitespace.
test=# select * from test where text_created::date = '2019-01-04';
date_created | time_created | text_created
| | 2019-01-04
See Chapter 10. Type Conversion in the Postgres docs for more.

fetch data from and to date to get all matching results

Hello everyone I have to get data from and to date, I tried using between clause which fails to retrieve data what I need. Here is what I need.
I have table called hall_info which has following structure
id | hall_name |address |contact_no
1 | abc | India |XXXX-XXXX-XX
2 | xyz | India |XXXX-XXXX-XX
Now I have one more table which is events, that contains data about when and which hall is booked on what date, the structure is as follows.
id |hall_info_id |event_date(booked_date)| event_name
1 | 2 | 2015-10-25 | Marriage
2 | 1 | 2015-10-28 | Marriage
3 | 2 | 2015-10-26 | Marriage
So what I need now is I wanna show hall_names that are not booked on selected dates, suppose if user chooses from 2015-10-23 to 2015-10-30 so I wanna list all halls that are not booked on selected dates. In above case both the halls of hall_info_id 1 and 2 ids booked in given range but still I wanna show them because they are free on 23,24,27 and on 29 date.
In second case suppose if user chooses date from 2015-10-25 and 2015-10-26 then only hall_info_id 2 is booked on both the dates 25 and 26 so in this case i wanna show only hall_info_id 1 as hall_info_id 2 is booked.
I tried using inner query and between clause but I am not getting required result to simply i have given only selected fields I have more tables to join so i cant paste my query please help with this. Thanks in advance for all who are trying.
Some changes in Yasen Zhelev's code:
SELECT * FROM hall_info
WHERE id not IN (
SELECT hall_info_id FROM events
WHERE event_date >= '2015-10-23' AND event_date <= '2015-10-30'
GROUP BY hall_info_id
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT event_date) > DATE_PART('day', '2015-10-30'::timestamp - '2015-10-23'::timestamp))
I have not tried it but how about checking if the number of bookings per hall is less than the actual days in the selected period.
(SELECT hall_info_id FROM events
WHERE event_date >= '2015-10-23' AND event_date <= '2015-10-30'
GROUP BY hall_info_id
HAVING COUNT(id) < DATEDIFF(day, '2015-10-30', '2015-10-23')
That will only work if you have one booking per day per hall.
To get the "available dates" for the hall returned, your query needs a row source of all possible dates. For example, if you had a calendar table populated with possible date values, e.g.
INSERT INTO cal (dt) VALUES ('2015-10-23')
The you could use a query that performs a cross join between the calendar table and hall_info... to get every hall on every date... and an anti-join pattern to eliminate rows that are already booked.
The anti-join pattern is an outer join with a restriction in the WHERE clause to eliminate matching rows.
For example:
SELECT cal.dt,, h.hall_name, h.address
FROM cal cal
JOIN hall_info h
JOIN events e
ON e.hall_id =
AND e.event_date = cal.dt
AND cal.dt >= '2015-10-23'
AND cal.dt <= '2015-10-30'
The cross join between cal and hall_info gets all halls for all dates (restricted in the WHERE clause to a specified range of dates.)
The outer join to events find matching rows in the events table (matching on hall_id and event_date. The trick is the predicate (condition) in the WHERE clause IS NULL. That throws out any rows that had a match, leaving only rows that don't have a match.
This type of problem is similar to other "sparse data" problems. e.g. How do you return a zero total for sales by a given store on a given date, when there are no rows with that store and date...
In your case, the query needs a source of rows with available date values. That doesn't necessarily have to be a table named calendar. (Other databases give us the ability to dynamically generate a row source; someday, MySQL may have similar features.)
If you want the row source to be dynamic in MySQL, then one approach would be to create a temporary table, and populate it with the dates, run the query referencing the temporary table, and then dropping the temporary table.
Another approach is to use an inline view to return the rows...
SELECT cal.dt,, h.hall_name, h.address
SELECT '2015-10-23'+INTERVAL 0 DAY AS dt
UNION ALL SELECT '2015-10-24'
UNION ALL SELECT '2015-10-25'
UNION ALL SELECT '2015-10-26'
UNION ALL SELECT '2015-10-27'
UNION ALL SELECT '2015-10-28'
UNION ALL SELECT '2015-10-29'
UNION ALL SELECT '2015-10-30'
) cal
JOIN hall_info h
JOIN events e
ON e.hall_id =
AND e.event_date = c.dt
FOLLOWUP: When this question was originally posted, it was tagged with mysql. The SQL in the examples above is for MySQL.
In terms of writing a query to return the specified results, the general issue is still the same in PostgreSQL. The general problem is "sparse data".
The SQL query needs a row source for the "missing" date values, but the specification doesn't provide any source for those date values.
The answer above discusses several possible row sources in MySQL: 1) a table, 2) a temporary table, 3) an inline view.
The answer also mentions that some databases (not MySQL) provide other mechanisms that can be used as a row source.
For example, PostgreSQL provides a nifty generate_series function (Reference:
It should be possible to use the generate_series function as a row source, to supply a set of rows containing the date values needed by the query to produced the specified result.
This answer demonstrates the approach to solving the "sparse data" problem.
If the specification is to return just the list of halls, and not the dates they are available, the queries above can be easily modified to remove the date expression from the SELECT list, and add a GROUP BY clause to collapse the rows into a distinct list of halls.

psql 8.4.1 select all the person born in a specific month

I am supposed to select all the persons born in July (or 07). This did not work:
select * from people where date_trunc('month',dob)='07';
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp with time zone: "07"
LINE 1: ...ct * from people where date_trunc('month',dob)='07';
What is the right way?
to_char() is meant to format dates. For a condition like yours, extract() is simpler & faster:
FROM people
WHERE extract(month FROM dob) = 7;
If you want to search for
a specific year and month too (YYYY-MM)
... like mentioned in the comment, use date_trunc() like you had initially. Just compare it to a date or timestamp, not to a string, which wouldn't make any sense (and was the cause of the error message). To find people born July 1970:
FROM people
WHERE date_trunc('month', dob) = '1970-07-01 0:0'::timestamp;
If performance is relevant, rewrite that to:
FROM people
WHERE dob >= '1970-07-01 0:0'::timestamp
AND dob < '1970-08-01 0:0'::timestamp; -- note the < with the upper limit
Because this form can use a plain index on people.dob:
CREATE INDEX people_dob_idx ON people (dob);
... and will therefore nuke the performance of the previous queries with big tables. Doesn't matter much with small tables.
You could also speed up the first query with a functional index, if needed.
select * from people where to_char(dob, 'MM') = '09';
gives you all people who where born in September, if the date of birth is stored in a timestamp table column called 'dob'.
The second param is the date format pattern. All typical patterns should be supported.
select * from people where to_char(dob, 'MON') = 'SEP';
would do the same.
look here for timestamp format patterns in Postgres:

Select unique values sorted by date

I am trying to solve an interesting problem. I have a table that has, among other data, these columns (dates in this sample are shown in European format - dd/mm/yyyy):
n_place_id dt_visit_date
(integer) (date)
========== =============
1 10/02/2012
3 11/03/2012
4 11/05/2012
13 14/06/2012
3 04/10/2012
3 03/11/2012
5 05/09/2012
13 18/08/2012
Basically, each place may be visited multiple times - and the dates may be in the past (completed visits) or in the future (planned visits). For the sake of simplicity, today's visits are part of planned future visits.
Now, I need to run a select on this table, which would pull unique place IDs from this table (without date) sorted in the following order:
Future visits go before past visits
Future visits take precedence in sorting over past visits for the same place
For future visits, the earliest date must take precedence in sorting for the same place
For past visits, the latest date must take precedence in sorting for the same place.
For example, for the sample data shown above, the result I need is:
5 (earliest future visit)
3 (next future visit into the future)
13 (latest past visit)
4 (previous past visit)
1 (earlier visit in the past)
Now, I can achieve the desired sorting using case when in the order by clause like so:
order by
(case when dt_visit_date >= now()::date then 1 else 2 end),
(case when dt_visit_date >= now():: date then 1 else -1 end) * extract(epoch from dt_visit_date)
This sort of does what I need, but it does contain repeated IDs, whereas I need unique place IDs. If I try to add distinct to the select statement, postgres complains that I must have the order by in the select clause - but then the unique won't be sensible any more, as I have dates in there.
Somehow I feel that there should be a way to get the result I need in one select statement, but I can't get my head around how to do it.
If this can't be done, then, of course, I'll have to do the whole thing in the code, but I'd prefer to have this in one SQL statement.
P.S. I am not worried about the performance, because the dataset I will be sorting is not large. After the where clause will be applied, it will rarely contain more than about 10 records.
With DISTINCT ON you can easily show additional columns of the row with the resulting n_place_id:
SELECT n_place_id, dt_visit_date
SELECT DISTINCT ON (n_place_id) *
,dt_visit_date < now()::date AS prio -- future first
,#(now()::date - dt_visit_date) AS diff -- closest first
FROM place_visit
ORDER BY n_place_id, prio, diff
) x
ORDER BY prio, diff;
Effectively I pick the row with the earliest future date (including "today") per n_place_id - or latest date in the past, failing that.
Then the resulting unique rows are sorted by the same criteria.
FALSE sorts before TRUE
The "absolute value" # helps to sort "closest first"
More on the Postgres specific DISTINCT ON in this related answer.
n_place_id | dt_visit_date
5 | 2012-09-05
3 | 2012-10-04
13 | 2012-08-18
4 | 2012-05-11
1 | 2012-02-10
Try this
select n_place_id
select *,
extract(epoch from (dt_visit_date - now())) as seconds,
1 - SIGN(extract(epoch from (dt_visit_date - now())) ) as futurepast
from #t
) v
group by n_place_id
order by max(futurepast) desc, min(abs(seconds))