Bundle Identifier Read Only - iphone

I have an application that has a bundle identifier of my application.
I want to change it but the application won't let me do it as the part is read-only. I really need to change the name to quitchen instead of quitchen_ap. Please check the image below.
Please help.

Thanks to trojanfoe. The answer is in the other link. Let me complete this question answer.
1. Chose the Build Target your application.
2. Then click on the Build Settings.
**3. Then Look for the Packaging section and change the name of the product. **"Product Name"****
4. You will see the name changed in the SUMMARY tab of the application.
THANKS #trojanfoe


The test may not have the latest project changes. Try again later

While clicking on the test "The test may not have the latest project changes. Try again later." an error is coming
Go to the "Develop" tab and change the Display Name.
So, while testing you will be saying "Talk to " rather than "Talk to my test app"
Finally, after doing multiple try i am able to resolve it by using following steps.
I found the answers by searching the solution for warning "The test may not have the latest changes.." in action console help.
Pick a display name that is short, unique, and memorable. Your brand or product name is usually a good choice. This name is used as the way users invoke your Action, and it serves as the title of your listing in the Assistant directory.
Caution: If you have multiple Actions projects that use the same display name, the simulator chooses one at random. For consistent testing results, use unique names or release channels for each Action.
Reference Link: https://support.google.com/actions-console/answer/9613473?hl=en
Now how to give display name or change display name.
Go to develop tab and give display name or change display name as follows

NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription does not appear in the list

I want to add a NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription to Info.plist , but does not come out in the list
Just try to manually enter the string in your info.plist, like editing a plan text.
In the end your list will look like this
I am assuming you mean that Xcode is not providing auto completion for that particular key when editing the project info. Which if that is the case, the yes, you will not see auto completion for either in use or always keys. You must manually enter them.
For some reason the Xcode team has not added those into whatever settings file is necessary to provide auto completion in the info lane of the project settings.

Changing author name in Sign Key -BB10

I need to change the author name so is it possible if I change it in MANIFEST.MF file will it update the product in appworld?
If I sign with the a different sign key and change the package id of previous MANIFEST.MF I had so will that update the build I have in appworld?
Please tell me which of the above process would help me update the product with a different author name.
You can change the author in your IDE. Go to Windows | Preferences | BlackBerry | Signing and click Create Certificate giving the new Author name. This should allow you to upload your app using the same keys to BlackBerry World.
Make sure you back up your keys first, just in case anything goes wrong!
I'm not sure, but if you change any of those details you will need to upload as a new application, or BlackBerry World will reject it. If I were you I would
Contact BlackBerry World Vendor Support, they will help you out. They can reset those details

App validation error

“ScenesAndLayers” does not contain a single–bundle application or contains multiple products. Please select another archive, or adjust your scheme to create a single–bundle application.
This is the error I am getting when I have archived my app and go to validate it. What is happening here? How do I fix this?
This is because your app probably uses static libraries that are marked with Skip Install = NO.

How can I configure my iPhone project to use a seperate application icon for beta releases

What I am trying to achieve is for the application icon to be different in builds that I send out to my beta testers, to that of the application that will be submitted for approval. This will allow me and my beta testers to easily identify the app is a beta version.
I was not sure if I should be adding a build script to modify the info.plist and change the application icon specified there. For this I guess I would have to conditional check the build type (DEBUG/RELEASE/DISTRIBUTION etc) and write the appropriate value to the plist file.
Alternatively I thought I might need to create a separate target for beta releases and specify the new BETA application icon there.
If anyone has done this kind of procedure before, any tips and ideas about how best to do it would be very much appreciated.
Outdated: As of September 2017, my answer is probably outdated now. Please use latest Apple developer guides relating to Asset Catalogs. Asset Catalogs are the new way of specifying image/icon resources for your app.
Original answer:
Both ways you have mentioned can be used for this purpose (Through a separate Target or using Build settings). In my opinion, the more logical way would be to use a different build configuration and set the plist file to dynamically get the icon file name from the build configuration.
Here is how I would do it:
In project build settings, create a new user-defined variable called ICON_FILE (for "All Configurations")
Set the value of the variable to "Icon.png" (for "All Configurations")
Create a new build Configuration called "Beta".
Set the value of the ICON_FILE variable to "Icon-beta.png" for "Beta" configuration.
(this will make all the configurations have the value "Icon.png" except Beta config)
In the Info.plist set the value of "Icon file" attribute to ${ICON_FILE}. This will make the info.plist dynamically get the filename from the variable you defined earlier.
In your application resources, include the beta icon with the name "Icon-beta.png" in addition to "Icon.png" you already have.
If you build the app using "Beta" config, the app will have the beta icon as the app icon.
Hope this helps!
Asset catalogs can be used without creating another target.
Here are the steps I use:
1 - Create two (or more) app icon set in images.xcassets
2 - Create another configuration from project settings
3 - Go to Target -> Build Settings and search for app icon.
You will see Asset Catalog App Icon Set Name under Asset Catalog Compiler - Options. Change the asset catalog name that will be used in new configuration.
4 - Build for different configurations.
The accepted answer is not working for xcassets.
So, if you already started to use xcassets catalog here is the steps:
You need to create 2 different targets of your application.
To do this:
Right click on your target. -> Click Duplicate (or Cmd+D)
Set name of new target like MyApp-beta
Create separate icon:
Go to your xcasset catalog.
Right click on column with list of images -> click New App Icon
Name it like icon-beta, add place here your beta icons
Click on your beta-target
Go to tab General -> App Icons -> select your asset icon-beta
Here it is. Now you can build your beta application!
Another advantage of this method over that described in the accepted answer - is that you can install both versions at the same time of your Application. (you need to set different Bundle Identifier for this).