mongodb DBException - mongodb

Any clue on this exception?
[conn1026] DBException in process: could not initialize cursor across
all shards because : can't map file memory #
this is happening after I lost some mongoD instances and they are up again..

So I figured what was the problem.
In that set1, the second machine had a file database files were owned by root and not by mongodb user. Dont ask me why this was like that, anyways, I just changed the permissions on those files and everything was back to normal..


MongoDB WiredTiger error: WiredTiger.turtle: handle-open: open: operation not permitted

MongoDB was working beautifully for me for several months until I had an unexpected shutdown a week or two ago. Since then, I've been getting the error in the title that snowballs into an invalid argument, then a library panic, then some fatal assertions which cause MongoDB to crash.
Now, I've done my research: the normal answers are to run the repair function and to make sure SELinux isn't screwing up the process. Neither of those have worked. The error gets thrown during WiredTiger's checkpoint process, so reads/writes to the database aren't the issue, and because it's during the checkpoint process, it guarantees that MongoDB won't stay up for more than a day.
To be clear: all the files in the database are owned by mongod:mongod, have permissions set to 600 (default, and I tried setting them to 755 to see if that fixed it, and it didn't). I'm running mongodb as a service on a CentOS 7 box, and the service file specifies that it should run as user mongod. The mongod.conf file specifies a mounted filesystem as the database, and it was happy with that until the unexpected shutdown. I'm running MongoDB version 4.0.1, so WiredTiger really doesn't like it if I disable Journaling either (disregarding the fact that I shouldn't disable it in the first place).
I feel like I've exhausted all my options, and that the only thing I can do is backup my data and reinstall MongoDB. Are there any that I've missed?
After creating a backup of my data via mongodump, shutting down mongo, removing the entire database with rm -rf 'path-to-database', rebooting mongo (without the replication config), and restoring the data with mongorestore, mongodb still crashes. This time, however, it's with an Invariant failure after the open: operation not permitted. The only conclusion I can think of is that the data itself has become corrupted in some way. Thankfully, this isn't "mission critical" data, so to speak, and I can easily obtain new data.
Unfortunately, this doesn't answer my original question of "what other options do I have?". However, I'm still posting this in case others run into this same kind of issue.
EDIT: invariant issue was caused by me forgetting to re-initialize my replication set. After fixing that, it's clean. Because of this, I no longer believe it was a data corruption issue, but a checkpoint corruption issue.
EDIT 2: So the issue arose again after about a week, and after another week of trying various debugging methods, I tried simply moving the mongo process to another server. So far, that's been working. The previous server was acting up (I couldn't even run top at one point - another process had a lock on a necessary library file to run it), so here's to hoping that the current server doesn't follow suite.

Mongo DB Invariant failure

Our DB of +- 400Gb is stopping on our one server.
From the logs:
2015-07-07T09:09:51.072+0200 I STORAGE [conn10] _getOpenFile() invalid file index requested 8388701
2015-07-07T09:09:51.072+0200 I - [conn10] Invariant failure false src/mongo/db/storage/mmap_v1/mmap_v1_extent_manager.cpp 201
2015-07-07T09:09:51.082+0200 I CONTROL [conn10]
Any idea in what are I should start looking? Storage issue?
I am just answering this question in case some people make the same non-technical mistake again:
I tried to scp all the files in the /data/db directory to the server. As the files are many (dbname.1 to dbname.55, about 100GB), it was interrupted in the middle (last successful file dbname.22), and I restarted and uploaded dbname.23 to dbname.55. And when I run queries in mongo client, it worked for some cases, and failed for some others showing the error message the same as in the question. I thought it might be some file broken in the file transferring, but the md5 check was all right. Only after I spent a long time finishing all the md5 check I found the reason.
It turned out to be that scp uploads dbname.21 to dbname.29 after it uploads dbname.2, so dbname.3 to dbname.9 was never uploaded to the server. I am going to upload them, and this should solve the problem.
I ran into a variant of this today as well. Mysteriously one of my data files disappeared (or didn't make it in a migration from another server). None of the repair/recovery procedures would work, failing on the same error you reference. Luckily I have a separate mongod that has a collection with the same name, so as a cheap hack I copied the (admittedly wrong) data file to the other server, and while I knew I wouldn't get any data back, the repair tools (such as mongod --repair) were then able to work their magic, but as expected, they recovered some data from the bad file I copied in, so I had to weed out some docs. Luckily it was the "mycollection.1" file, which is only 128MB.
I don't think this applies in your case since index of the missing data file your log is talking about is ridiculously high. Your log is essentially saying it can't find /data/dbname/mycollection.8388701. You said your data-set is only 400GB, so an index that high just doesn't make sense. You should have only roughly 200 data files since most of them are 2GB each by default. What is the result of db.stats() (specifically the fileSize attribute)?
This mongolab blog entry helped me understand the data file structure.
My advice for where you should start looking:
run the db.stats() command to get an idea of how big your data on
disk actually is.
Does it make sense for your server to be looking for a data file with a crazy high index? If not, the issue isn't really with storage, but with the extents and the metadata of your collection/database.
Do your repair tools work? If you have at least enough free disk space as the size of your data set (on disk), try the mongod --repair, or db.repairDatabase() tools to start a repair. I'm assuming it won't work since my repair attempts crashed with the same invalid file index requested error.
Try copying a "bad" file like I did that roughly matches what the missing file would look like (keeping in mind how the file sizes of the data files aren't all the same, do your best to match it up and try a repair). If this works, your data files will be cleaned up (but it does take a lot of disk space).
Hope that helps point you in the right direction.
In my case this happened in a development setting with MongoDB 3.6.20 on macOS 10.14.6. Another program restarted the mac and close any open terminals, including the terminal that ran the mongod process. After the OS restart, I could not restart the mongod because the Invariant failure. The error also mentioned a bad lockfile.
I was able to solve the issue with the following steps, yet I am not exactly sure which did the job:
remove corrupted lock file: rm -rf data/db/mongod.lock
direct outcome: mongod still failed due to Invariant failure but at least no mention about the lockfile anymore.
run mongod --repair
direct outcome: repair still failed due to Invariant failure. Error output mentions SocketException: Address already in use.
restart the machine again to free the socket.
direct outcome: mongod starts and runs without problems. Yay.
The first successful mongod run after the issue gave the following output:
[ftdc] Unclean full-time diagnostic data capture shutdown detected, found interim file, some metrics may have been lost.
Thus, it runs smoothly again. Maybe I was fortunate. I hope the same approach helps some of you.

Make data visible to MongoDB in copied files

Sorry if my question is nooby, but I can't find any info about it over the net.
My situation is that I have only three files left from my previous DB (they are db_name.0, db_name.1 and db_name.ns), everything else from that system is lost. The DB version was 1.8 and the files were in /data/db.
Now I have a new DB (which is 2.0) on the new system, so I tried to put them to the new DB path, it seems that DB sees them, but doesn't eat (it doesn't say there's something wrong with DB, but records are nil). I know well there was some data. And I have it in app specs from the customer, so I can type manually this data in new DB again, but I'd like to know if there's a way to make this new DB see the old data in these files (not to do the work that had been done). I restarted mongod, tried mongod --repair — nothing. Is there a way to make MongoDB see these files?
And, now I have two pathes, /data/db and /var/lib/mongodb (which one is right to use?).
which one is right to use?
There is no "right one". When you start MongoDB, you have to point it to a DB folder by setting the --dbpath folder. It can really be any folder you want as long as the user who starts the mongod process also has access to that folder.
Is there a way to make MongoDB see these files?
The files you have listed are the default files created when a new DB is created. MongoDB allocates files in advance of needing them. So it's quite possible that these files are indeed empty.

Is it normal for MongoDB whole /data/db to be gone after a electric trip that result in crash

I have a single machine that has MongoDB and its data is at /data/db as usual.
When my machine crashed due to an electric power trip, my MongoDB refuse to start at launch (Mac OS X Server via LaunchAgent) and also /data/db mysteriously disappear!
Also all log file are wipe out. This happen on my development SSD MBA and I thought is just a weird SSD case. But my XServe server is getting it as well when the power trip.
Am I missing some data protection articles somewhere? For sure it can't be this unreliable by just deleting /data/db!!??
MongoDB will never ever remove your database files!
In case of a crash you have to start mongod using the --repair option.
In addition: using the new journaling option of MongoDB in V 1.8+ that should help a lot when you run MongoDB as standalone service.
No that is not normal.
If it won't start, it's likely mongodb is indicating that you need to run a repair because mongod.lock is present and has a certain state in /data/db. But that would mean /data/db exists.
If /data/db exists but were empty (which in this case would be bad obviously), it would start right up.
If you log(s) are missing, sounds like a more general disk issue.
So check the startup message if about mongod.lock there is data there. Also with v1.8+ use journaling. (albeit you wouldn't lose all datafiles even without journaling)

Hard to think of a reason why MongoDB doesn't create /data/db for us automatically?

I installed MongoDB both on Win 7 and on Mac OS X, and both places, I got mongod (the server) and mongo (the client).
But at both places, running mongod will fail if I double click on the file, and the error message was gone too quickly before I can see anything. (was better on Mac because Terminal didn't exit automatically and showed the error message).
Turned out it was due to /data/db not exist and the QuickStart guide says: By default MongoDB will store data in /data/db, but it won't automatically create that directory
I just have a big question that MongoDB seems to want a lot of people using it (as do many other products), but why would it not automatically create the folder for you? If it didn't exist... creating it can do not much harm... especially you can state so in the user agreement. The question is why. I can think of one strange reason, but the reason may be too strange to list here...
One good reason would be that you do not want it in /data/db. In this case, you want it to fail with an error when you forgot to specify the correct directory on the command line. The same goes for mis-spelled directory names. If MongoDB just created a new directory and started to serve from there, that would not be very helpful. It would be quite confusing, because databases and collections are auto-created, so there would not even be errors when you try to access them.