Whoisxmlapi API is not running - whois

This API http://www.whoisxmlapi.com/whoisserver/WhoisService?domainName=xxxxxx is returning an error message as xml format.
IP Address has 0/50 queries available, please refill
Can any one help me to sort this out. I need proper xml for a registered domain.

You're only allowed 50 queries for a free account. Check this page for options if you want to upgrade.


Extracting raw message in Gmail apps-script

In my Gmail-addon, I want to be able to read the raw (MIME) message of the current email.
How can I do that?
You can retrieve the message ID of the current message using e.messageMetadata.messageId at function buildAddOn(e){}. I cannot uderstand about raw (MIME) message in your question. So I propose 2 patterns.
If you want the raw data of Byte[], you can retrieve it from message ID using Gmail.Users.Messages.get() of Advanced Google Services as follows.
Gmail.Users.Messages.get("me", messageId, {format: "RAW"}).raw
If you use this, please enable Gmail App at Advanced Google Services and API console.
If you want the raw data of String, you can retrieve it from message ID using GmailApp.getMessageById() as follows.
Note :
If you use this, please set "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.addons.execute", "https://mail.google.com/" to the scopes.
If other scopes are required to be added, please also add them.
References :
Gmail Add-on
If I misunderstand your question, I'm sorry.

error: Failed to run the post merge process

I'm trying to generate documents using conga composer 8 from apex code but its failing with error Failed to run the post-merge process. I have looked into url and its same as the one I used initially in another salesforce org. I couldn't find any help online or on conga-composer form.
Here is my conga endpoint URL:
https://composer.congamerge.com/Composer8/Index.Html? sessionId=00D41000000dorw!ARQAQKbinH5TXMR_70s3XCShQh5GuSVdrFcq0Fg9OidZLo9MLxzWSby8QY1B4xM8e72DPawVziclnXBjTzpG41RiCAPKQqOt
&ESRecipient3=003410000078zVhAAI, Method=GET]
Any insight what might be causing this issue.
I had the same problem and was able to solve it using permissions. In this case make sure the user id whose sessionID is passing to Conga has the correct CRUD access to the primary object in your conga call (id=a1J410000012BwS). My guess is that this is something to do with Conga not being able to write the attachment back to salesforce.
Apart from what Greg has mentioned, there are 2 more observations for this error:
Under Email Administration -> Deliverability -> Access to Send Email (All Email Services) should be set to All email.
In case you are using the EmailTemplateId parameter then the classic email template must be available for use.
Also mostly this error is also because of some discrepancy in the URL.

In IBM Connections can you retrieve another users activity feed?

In IBM Connections 4.0 is there any way to get another users activity stream. I can get my steam with #me but if I try my connections id or another users id I get the following error:
This works:
This returns an error - my id:
Error 400: The user ID(s) [7AF0B251-9F97-CA6D-8525-61370072A674] is/are not recognized by the system.
And I know this is my ID....
Any suggestions...the manual says the following which doesn't sound good but doesn't totally close the door either:
As per the OpenSocial standard, a given users Activity Stream is retrievable by:
1. Specifying that user (#me in the URLs below, IBM Connections does not generally allow retrieval of other users streams).
Any help would be appreciated....
This should do it: https://connections.ibm.com/common/opensocial/basic/rest/activitystreams/urn:lsid:lconn.ibm.com:profiles.person:91ae7240-8f0a-1028-8400-db07163b51b2/#involved/#all?rollup=true&shortStrings=true&format=atom (plug in the right user id)

How to specify additional action for rest URI

I am working on a gateway project. Several devices gets connected on communication bus of this gateway.
URI '[GET] /devices' gets list of devices.
List of devices is populated by scanning the bus. As scanning is a time consuming operation list is cached in gateway. Normally users access cached information.
But user has an option to get list of devices by forcing a scan. Please suggest me correct REST style representation for scanning. I could think of following options
1) '[GET] /devices/scan'
2) '[GET] /devices' with payload as {"action" : "scan"}
I am not so convinced with option1, as 'scan' is an action, thinking it as a resource is not making sense.
And with option2 I will end up having a payload to parse.
What is the correct way of representing scan scenario?
You can make it a query parameter as in GET /devices?scan=1. You can't have any payload in the content with a GET. You'd have to use a POST.

Need help with Zend Framework dynamic Namespaces

I want to make my system redirect unknown requests such as
to the adress
www.address.com/companies/company/ and display the company a_company if it exists in the database, otherwise throw the user to a 404 not found page.
So in detail, I want to make namespace that is as the first example dynamically, if the company exist in the database, I have no problem connecting to the database and retrieving information or finding a way to parse a company name, I just need help how to make my system check and run a function every time the address doesn't exist and show the second page (/companies/company/)..
I am using an Acl as well, but I think it should be fine if the page is /companies/company and then possibly add /?c=a_company or similar.
Thank you.
simply create a front controller plugin which checks the request params agains the database before the request is dispatched.