Zend_Navigation rendering submenu with partial - zend-framework

I've posted an edit to my question. While working on it I noticed the problem is easy to simplify.
I need a custom format of my submenu so i have to use partial. But then the problem occurs.
The below code shows the INCORRECT level (0):
echo $this->navigation()->menu()
->renderPartial(null, array('partials/menu.phtml', 'default'));
The below code shows the CORRECT menu level (1)
echo $this->navigation()->menu()
Any ideas? Guys please. I would appreciate any help!
My partials/menu.phtml:
foreach ($this->container as $page)
$active = $page->isActive();
echo '<div class="item">';
echo '<a class="'. ($active ? 'active' : '') .'" href="' . $this->baseUrl($page->getHref()) . '">' . $page->getLabel() . '</a>';
echo '</div>';
My understanding of Zend_Navigation was, first to prepare container and than put it through partial.
$nav = $this->navigation()->menu()->setOnlyActiveBranch(true)->getContainer();
echo $this->navigation()->menu()->renderPartial($nav, array('/partials/menu.phtml', 'default'));
What is the point of setting set{Min/Max}Depth, parentRendering at the container when passing it anywehere is useless?

I use this code:
<?=$this->navigation()->menu()->renderPartial(null, 'shared/menu.phtml')?>
you should pass true to the method $page->isActive(true) so that also functions in depth.
in your partial
foreach ($this->container as $page) {
$active = $page->isActive(true);
if (count($page->getPages())) {
foreach ($page->getPages() as $subPage) {
$active = $subPage->isActive(true);
echo '<div class="item">';
echo '<a class="'. ($active ? 'active' : '') .'" href="' . $this->baseUrl($subPage->getHref()) . '">' . $subPage->getLabel() . '</a>';
echo '</div>';
before the second foreach you could add a check if and when to show the submenu.
my 2 cent.
try this:
$partial = array('partials/menu.phtml', 'default');
echo $this->navigation()->menu()

Came across this while searching for an answer to the same problem. Having looked through the code for Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu, it doesn't look like any of the view helper options are passed through to the view partial, although I don't see why they couldn't be... (in ZF 1.12 take look a line 736 of Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu, the only thing passed is the container itself, the options array could easily be passed along with it, or the container prefiltered, may be worth filing a feature request with ZF)
These options are purely a way of filtering the Zend_Navigation_Container for rendering with the default renderMenu method. As you say, it seems you can accomplish the same thing by first filtering the container and then passing it as the first argument of the renderPartial method

In your main view
Find the container of the submenu located in navigation config. Then echo this container using said partial.
$pages = $this->navigation()->findOneBy('label', 'Label of your submenu');
echo $this->navigation()->menu()->renderPartial($pages,module/partials/menu.phtml');
In the partial (module/partials/menu.phtml)
Customise. This example iterates over the top level pages of your chosen container.
foreach ($this->container as $page) {
echo $this->navigation()->menu()->htmlify($page) . PHP_EOL;


Auto complete/Suggest in Wordpress Form

I'm placing a search form of 6 fields on my home page which includes a text box field named course. I want to show course suggestions while user typing. One more is, I want to show/hide some fields according to the option of first field dropdown. Any help would be appreciated.
You can use jQuery Auto Suggest which is included with WordPress : wp_enqueue_script
With this you can write a form that does a Ajax lookup to the the Ajax URL handler. Which you can add_action onto. AJAX in Plugins
So you can ajax lookup and then on the action side you can just perform a get_posts to match titles, or a raw sql Query. And return what is needed. edit your functions.php.
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'se_wp_enqueue_scripts');
function se_wp_enqueue_scripts() {
add_action('wp_head', 'se_wp_head');
function se_wp_head() {
<script type="text/javascript">
var se_ajax_url = '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>';
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('#se_search_element_id').suggest(se_ajax_url + '?action=se_lookup');
add_action('wp_ajax_se_lookup', 'se_lookup');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_se_lookup', 'se_lookup');
function se_lookup() {
global $wpdb;
$search = like_escape($_REQUEST['q']);
$query = 'SELECT ID,post_title FROM ' . $wpdb->posts . '
WHERE post_title LIKE \'' . $search . '%\'
AND post_type = \'post_type_name\'
AND post_status = \'publish\'
ORDER BY post_title ASC';
foreach ($wpdb->get_results($query) as $row) {
$post_title = $row->post_title;
$id = $row->ID;
$meta = get_post_meta($id, 'YOUR_METANAME', TRUE);
echo $post_title . ' (' . $meta . ')' . "\n";
Use ajax for both. You may have to write some mysql query to retrieve the required fields(post titles or whatever it is) from the table.

Zend Framework 2 form element error-class + custom ViewHelper to render form

This is my third question this week (and overall) - hope I don't get banned here :D
Anyway, searched around and couldn't find an exact explanation to solve my issue(s).
A. I've searched around and found a custom ViewHelper to render my forms. What it does is recursively get all fieldsets and when it gets to the element level, it goes like this:
public function renderElement($element) {
$html = '
<div class="row">' .
'<label class="col-md-12" for="' . $element->getAttribute('id') . '">' . $element->getLabel() . '</label>' .
$this->view->formElement($element) .
$this->view->FormElementErrors($element) .
'<div class="clearfix" style="height: 15px;"></div>';
return $html . PHP_EOL;
Form renders ok, except:
1) How can I add an error class to the form element? (like if I use formRow helper in my view, it automatically ads an 'input-error' class, while also keeping the initial class specified in my fieldset when creating the element - 'attributes' => array('class' => 'some-class')), so the element's class attribute becomes "some-class input-error" in case it's invalid.
2) How can I set a class for the 'ul' containing the error messages (the 'ul' rendered by $this->view->FormElementErrors($element))? Hope this is a one-liner and I don't have to go message-by-message and compose the html for the error messages list, but if not so be it (I don't know how to do that either).
B. Let's say that sometimes I don't use this custom ViewHelper to render my form. Zend's formRow view helper can be handy sometimes. This brings me to the following code in my view:
echo $this->formRow($this->form->get('user_fieldset')->get('user_name'));
I've noticed this automatically adds 'input-error' class on my element (in case it's invalid) which is perfect, BUT how can I also tell formRow to give a class to the 'ul' that's displaying the error messages?
I'd go even further and ask how I can turn this:
echo $this->formLabel($this->form->get('user_fieldset')->get('user_name'));
echo $this->formInput($this->form->get('user_fieldset')->get('user_name'));
echo $this->formElementErrors($this->form->get('user_fieldset')->get('user_name'), array('class' => 'form-validation-error'));
into something that ads an error-class to the element as well, not just to the error messages list, but if anyone answers to point A I think it's the same issue.
I've managed to do it like this:
public function renderElement($element) {
$html = '<div class="form-group">';
$html .= '<label class="form-label" for="' . $element->getAttribute('id') . '">' . $element->getLabel() . '</label>';
- Check if element has error messages
- If it does, add my error-class to the element's existing one(s),
to style the element differently on error
if (count($element->getMessages()) > 0) {
$classAttribute = ($element->hasAttribute('class') ? $element->getAttribute('class') . ' ' : '');
$classAttribute .= 'input-error';
* Normally, here I would have added a space in my string (' input-error')
* Logically, I would figure that if the element already has a class "cls"
* and I would do $element->getAttribute('class') . 'another-class'
* then the class attribute would become "clsanother-class"
* BUT it seems that, even if I don't intentionally add a space in my string,
* I still get "cls another-class" as the resulted concatenated string
* I assume that when building the form, ZF2 automatically
* adds spaces after attributes values? so you/it won't have to
* consider that later, when you'd eventually need to add another
* value to an attribute?
$element->setAttribute('class', $classAttribute);
$html .= $this->view->formElement($element);
* Of course, you could decide/need to do things differently,
* depending on the element's type
switch ($element->getAttribute('type')) {
case 'text':
case 'email': {
default: {
// Custom class (.form-validation-error) for the default html wrapper - <ul>
$html .= $this->view->FormElementErrors($element, array('class' => 'form-validation-error'));
$html .= '</div>'; # /.form-group
$html .= '<div class="clearfix" style="height: 15px;"></div>';
return $html . PHP_EOL;
I'm not to fond of this, but I suppose there is no shorter way. I thought ZF2 shoud have something like:
if ($element->hasErrors()) { $element->addClass('some-class'); }
right out of the box. That's the answer I would have expected, that it would simply be a method I missed/couldn't find. But it turns out that ZF2 doesn't have quite anything in the whole world that you might need right out of the box, you end up having to write the (more or less) occasional helpers.
Anyway, if someone ever needs it here's the entire RenderForm view helper:
namespace User\View\Helper;
use Zend\View\Helper\AbstractHelper;
class RenderForm extends AbstractHelper {
public function __invoke($form) {
$html = $this->view->form()->openTag($form) . PHP_EOL;
$html .= $this->renderFieldsets($form->getFieldsets());
$html .= $this->renderElements($form->getElements());
$html .= $this->view->form()->closeTag($form) . PHP_EOL;
return $html;
public function renderFieldsets($fieldsets) {
foreach ($fieldsets as $fieldset) {
if (count($fieldset->getFieldsets()) > 0) {
$html = $this->renderFieldsets($fieldset->getFieldsets());
} else {
$html = '<fieldset>';
// You can use fieldset's name for the legend (if that's not inappropriate)
$html .= '<legend>' . ucfirst($fieldset->getName()) . '</legend>';
// or it's label (if you had set one)
// $html .= '<legend>' . ucfirst($fieldset->getLabel()) . '</legend>';
$html .= $this->renderElements($fieldset->getElements());
$html .= '</fieldset>';
// I actually never use the <fieldset> html tag.
// Feel free to use anything you like, if you do have to
// make grouping certain elements stand out to the user
return $html;
public function renderElements($elements) {
$html = '';
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$html .= $this->renderElement($element);
return $html;
public function renderElement($element) {
$html = '<div class="form-group">';
$html .= '<label class="form-label" for="' . $element->getAttribute('id') . '">' . $element->getLabel() . '</label>'; # add translation here
- Check if element has error messages
- If it does, add my error-class to the element's existing one(s),
to style the element differently on error
if (count($element->getMessages()) > 0) {
$classAttribute = ($element->hasAttribute('class') ? $element->getAttribute('class') . ' ' : '');
$classAttribute .= 'input-error';
$element->setAttribute('class', $classAttribute);
$html .= $this->view->formElement($element);
$html .= $this->view->FormElementErrors($element, array('class' => 'form-validation-error'));
$html .= '</div>'; # /.row
$html .= '<div class="clearfix" style="height: 15px;"></div>';
return $html . PHP_EOL;
User is my module. I've created a 'viewhelper.config.php' in it's config folder:
return array(
'invokables' => array(
'renderForm' => 'User\View\Helper\RenderForm',
and in Module.php:
public function getViewHelperConfig() {
return include __DIR__ . '/config/viewhelper.config.php';
Then, in your view simply call:
Of course, if you don't have many view helpers, you could not create a separate config file just for that, leave Module.php alone and simply add:
'view_helpers' => array(
'invokables' => array(
'renderForm' => 'User\View\Helper\RenderForm',
to any configuration file.
I use getMessages() method to check if an element has an validation message. for eg.
<div class="form-group <?=($this->form->get('user_fieldset')->get('user_name')->getMessages())?'has-error':'';?>">
This question seems to be very old and you must have solved it by yourself. :)

PHP - echo inside an echo

I have a PHP if/else statement. This is the code I'm trying to echo under an else condition.
<?php $locked = ForumData::is_topic_locked($post->topic_id);
if ($locked->topic_locked == 1) {echo '<td align="right"><font color="#FF0000">Topic Locked</font><td>';}
else {
echo '<td align="left"><img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/flyeuro/images/forums/t_reply.gif"/></td>'; }
The bit I'm interested to echo is this.
<img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>
If I try this... 'echo SITE_URL'
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ECHO, expecting ',' or ';'
But this doesn't parse the image, and if I try parsing anything else, it's giving me parsing errors, which I can't fix?
How can I therefore produce an echo inside another echo?
why did you open a <?php tag again, you are already in echo line?
echo '<td align="left"><img src="'.SITE_URL.'/lib/skins/flyeuro/images/forums/t_reply.gif"/></td>';
and what is SITE_URL? Is that a variable, did you forget to put $?
echo prints out the string that you gave as parameter,
echo "foo";
As #hakre mentioned about it, . is used to concatenate strings.
$var = "foo"."bar"; //foobar
So you can use it in echo line,
$var = "foo"."bar"; //foobar
echo "foo "."bar ".$var // foo bar foobar
And It's not important weather variable defined as a string. It would be a constant variable.
define('SITE_URL', 'localhost:8080/phpvms');
echo "my website URL is ".SITE_URL; //my website URL is localhost:8080/phpvms
<?php echo "View"; ?>
" and \
Hope that's enough of a hint!#
Your problem is probably solved this way:
echo '<td align="left"><a href="',
url('Forum/create_new_post?topic_id=' . $post->topic_id . '&forum_id=' . $post->forum_id . '') ,
'"><img src="', SITE_URL,
In PHP you can use constants quite like variables, e.g. to output them. You don't need to stack echoes inside each other or something.

Default checked checkboxes undefined in php

I am having trouble with checkboxes. What I am doing is displaying a list of checkboxes, if previously checked they will show the check mark, then you submit them and another php should recognize which were checked and which weren't. My script works fine for boxes previously unchecked, if you check them the action php recognizes it, but for boxes already checked I get Notice - undefined variable - for the boxes (even if unchecked/checked again). I really can't seem to find my way around this.
My code is
$ind=0; //counting variable
//generating checkboxes from an xml
foreach($xml as $checkbox)
$checks=$xml->checkbox[$ind]->active; //the active tag has a 0 or 1 stored.
echo "Activate ".$ind; // shows activate 0, activate 1, etc...
echo "<form name='checkb' action='show.php' method='post'>
echo "<input type='checkbox' name='checks[]' class='act' value='".$ind."'";
if($checks==0){ echo ">";} else{echo " checked ='checked'>";}
echo "<input type='hidden' name='ind' value=".$ind.">";
echo "<input type='submit' name='sub' value='Submit'/> </form>"; }
On my action php I have
$chks = $_POST['checks'];
$N = count($chks);
echo("Active checkboxes ");
for($i=0; $i < $N; $i++)
echo($chks[$i] . " ");}
All this worked well until I decided to show if the boxes had been previously checked. So I guess the question is, why won't php recognize checked=checked as a true value? Or is there any other way to do this?
Seems like a lot of issues here.
Why are you outputting a form for each checkbox?
Where is your submit for the form?
You need a space in front of checked='checked' where you echo it out - echo " checked='checked'>"
If you move form output out of the loop, you will need to add your incremented value to the hidden input name property as well (or make it an array like checks, otherwise you will
only get one value for the field.
My attempt to try and clean it up a little.
$ind = 0;
echo "<form name='checkb' action='show.php' method='post'>";
foreach($xml as $checkbox){
echo "Activate $ind";
echo "<input type='checkbox' name='checks[]' class='act' value='$ind' ".(($checks == 0) ? " />" : " checked='checked' />";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='ind_$ind' value='$ind' />";
echo "</form>";
Notice, like Mike said before that checked='checked' has the space before so that there is seperation between components. Also, your hidden elements all had the same names, so I added the $ind quantifier.
Hope this helps.

Is it possible with jquery to use the nth-child() selector on an 'a' or an 'a:hover', not just 'li'?

Ive created a navigation bar where the hover state of each link has be a different color so im trying to select the a:hover states with jquerys nth-child() selector. i can get it to select the li element but not the a or the a:hover. Currently all the hovers are blue.
here is the jquery code im trying to use:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('#leftbar li:nth-child(3)').css('border-bottom', '#000000 5px solid');
Hi the navigation is generated with php, here it is:
<ul id="leftbar">
$pagepath = "content/pages/";
$legalpath = "content/legals/";
$mainnavpath = "content/.system-use/navigation/";
$mainnavfile = $mainnavpath."mainnav.inc";
if (file_exists($mainnavfile)) {
require $mainnavfile;
sort ($mainfiles);
for($i=0; $i<count($mainfiles); $i++)
if (!preg_match("/XX-/",$mainfiles[$i])) {
$displayname = preg_replace("/\.inc/i", "", $mainfiles[$i]);
$displayname = substr($displayname, 3);
echo "<li>";
echo "<a ";
if ($page==$displayname) {echo ' class="active"';} else {echo ' class="prinav"';}
echo "title='$displayname' href='";
if ($useredirect=="yes"){echo '/'.$displayname.'/';} else {echo '/index.php?page='.$displayname;}
echo"' ";
echo "><span>$displayname</span></a></li>\n";
else { echo "<strong>No Navigation - Please Login to your Admin System and set the Page Order</strong>"; }
here is the site im working on:
You can't select using a CSS pseudo selector like :hover, but yes, you can select an <a> element.
Whether :nth-child is appropriate depends on your markup. I'm going to assume that each <a> is a child of the <li> elements you're selecting.
If that's the case, then you would just add a to the selector.
jQuery('#leftbar li:nth-child(3) > a').css(...
This uses the > child selector, and is basically saying that I want the <a> element(s) that is a direct child of the <li> element(s) that is the third child of its container and is a descendant of leftbar.