Enterprise Library 4.1 Apps and Enterprise Library 5 apps run on the same server? - enterprise-library

Are there any issues with having some apps utilizing EL 4.1 and some 5? Meaning if I decide that a new app will use 5.0 and the majority of the web apps existing is using 4.1, when I deploy to production or even in any situation would there be conflicts or problems if you have apps using different versions?

You cannot use multiple versions in the same application, but I have never had an issue using multiple versions of Enterprise Library in separate applications. There is only one thing I can think of that you might need to watch out for. If any of the web applications using the new version is a child of another using the old version, you might run into some issues due to configuration inheritance.


Simple deployment solution without using Windows Store

We have a system which has Windows 8.1 store app and iPad solutions as frontends and a MVC web as the backend.
We have lot of clients and they prefer hosting the web on premise due to sensitivity of the data. (So no cloud hosting)
Each client runs on different versions of the backend and for those we provide according frontend version as well.
Eg: 3.15.5 backend we have 3.15.5 frontend iPad app. (Backend provides a download link to iPad app, it will automatically update the existing app in the iPad)
(We can't make the frontend apps backward compatible due to high maintenance)
But for our Windows 8.1 app also we have relevant versions but we don't know how to deploy it simply.
We can't ask the customer to run powershell scripts either.
We can't use the Windows store because every time we publish the latest version of the app all our backends need to upgrade as well. Which is not possible due to large no of clients we have.
So my question is how do I provide a simple download solution for Windows 8.1 app that can be operate by a non IT personal?

Multiple MobileFirst apps in one APK

We are working with a team of multiple developers in a MobileFirst project. The issue is that we have only one APK for a multi-app development.
What is the best approach?
Work with one APK in development on a single MobileFirst app?
Work with multiple APKs on multiple MobileFirst apps, and then merge all the code into one MobileFirst app?
Is there any example of how to divide the code in a project like this?
The best option will be to work on a single project, single app and move your project under some kind of version control (git, svn, cvs, rtc or any version control system). This will reduces headaches later when trying to manually merge code into a single app.
Since you are working on a single project in a team you may need to stub/mock some of the dependencies that other people are working on.
For more info on which files you should check into version control check Integrating with source control systems in IBM Knowledge Center

Does Heroku support side-by-side application deployment?

I'm trying to learn about Heroku's deployment capabilities. I've used Google App Engine in the past and have found its support for multiple simultaneously-accessible live application versions useful, for example, in order to test a new version in the production context before making it the default, running a specially-instrumented version in parallel with the default version to debug a problem specific to the production environment (e.g. production data), for A/B testing, traffic splitting, gradual rollout, etc.
Does Heroku have support for this kind of thing? My Googling has not turned up anything.
No, it doesn't offer support for this right now.

View TouchDB mobile database in desktop

I launch TouchDB database from my iOS application. It works as http server via TouchDB framework class - TDListener and it provide REST API for external access.
How can I view database from my desktop?
Are there some frontend applications which can be adopted for viewing my mobile database?
I've considered couchdb-futon but I don't know how tune it for my issue.
There are a few options mentioned here:
Your best best is probably TouchDB Viewer:
"TouchDB Viewer — "Official" GUI app for viewing TouchDB databases. Runs on Mac OS. Can view local database files (including ones in the iOS Simulator) or remote ones given their URL (useful if you enable the listener in your iOS app.)"
-- https://github.com/couchbaselabs/TouchDBViewer
I'm sure you could get futon talking to TouchDB, but it'd probably involve delving into the futon codebase.
TouchDB is the legacy 1.0 version of the project now named Couchbase Lite. So, the "TouchDB Viewer" has been converted to support Couchbase Lite databases (which has '.cblite' extension) and also it has been renamed to "CouchbaseLiteViewer - Mac app for viewing/modifying Couchbase Lite databases".

Can trinidad (running as a daemon) cope with multiple versions of rails (and rack)?

Forgive me if this is a silly question!
But to run trinidad as a daemon does it need to be in the system gems?
Or can you install just the daemon extension to the system gems?
If the former is true is it still possible to run different versions of rails?
My thinking is that Trinidad requires JRuby-Rack which requires Rack and naturally each version of Rails uses a differen version of Rack!
To put this into context i am considering using bundler's --deployment option to manage different versions of gems for each application.
I ended up emailing David Calavera (the project lead) about this.
TL;DR Yes ya can!
Here's his response:
Yes, you can. Trinidad uses different runtimes for each application, what in other servers is called "workers", and so each application runs in its own isolated jruby runtime.
Check the wiki to know how to load your apps: