lagranges method - matlab

I found following code on internet. I am new to matlab. Now the problem whenever i copy-paste this code then it shows me error message.
function[p] = lagrange_interpolation(X,Y)
Error: Function definitions are not permitted in this context.
The code snippet is:
function[p] = lagrange_interpolation(X,Y)
L = zeros(n);
p = zeros(1,n);
% computing L matrice, so that each row i holds the polynom L_i
% Now we compute li(x) for i=0....n ,and we build the polynomial
for k=1:n
multiplier = 1;
outputConv = ones(1,1);
for index = 1:n
if(index ~= k && X(index) ~= X(k))
outputConv = conv(outputConv,[1,-X(index)]);
multiplier = multiplier * ((X(k) - X(index))^-1);
polynimialSize = length(outputConv);
for index = 1:polynimialSize
L(k,n - index + 1) = outputConv(polynimialSize - index + 1);
L(k,:) = multiplier .* L(k,:);
% continues

In all likelihood, you are probably attempting to mix random code along with your function. There are two types of M files:
scripts - have "random" code that is executed independent of anything else
functions - are the "classic" definition of functions
You cannot mix the two (that's a lie, but for now a good one). So if you are defining a function, that should be the only code in your .m file.
You should later use this function in either the command window or another function or a script by calling it via p = blahblah(bleaurgh);.
TL;DR: Make sure the function code is the only code in the script file, save it with the same name.m, call the function from somewhere else.


Body of this Matlab function works, but not the function itself (interp1 error)

I've written the following piece of subcode (with parameters commented) for an Euler policy iteration algorithm. When I try to run the body of the function (everything below global) for say, a1 = 1, it works, and returns a scalar. However, when I call the function as euler_diff_test(1), I get an error. (Pasted below)
function diff = euler_diff_test(a1)
%the following comments are example parameters. They are in the global line originally.
% r = 0.2, a = 0.5, y = 1.1, a_grid = linspace(0.5,7,100)
%policy_guess = zeros(2,N);
%policy_guess(1,:) = 0.3*a_grid;
%policy_guess(2,:) = 0.3*a_grid;
% M = zeros(2,2); %M for markov transition kernel
% M(1,1) = p;
% M(2,2) = p;
% M(2,1) = 1-p;
% M(1,2) = 1-p;
% j = 1
global r a y a_grid policy_guess M j;
c = (1+r)*a + y - a1; %consumption formula
if c<=1e-02 %don't care about consumption being negative
diff = 888888888888888888888;
policy_func = interp1(a_grid', policy_guess', a1, 'linear');
diff = 1/c - beta*(1+r)*(1 ./ policy_func)*M(j,:)';
Error Reads:
Any help is much appreciated!
The problem is that you dont understand globals nor how they work!
You seem to be doing something like:
N=100; p=0.1;
r = 0.2, a = 0.5, y = 1.1, a_grid = linspace(0.5,7,100)
policy_guess = zeros(2,N);
policy_guess(1,:) = 0.3*a_grid;
policy_guess(2,:) = 0.3*a_grid;
M = zeros(2,2); %M for markov transition kernel
M(1,1) = p;
M(2,2) = p;
M(2,1) = 1-p;
M(1,2) = 1-p;
And this is causing the error you show. Of course it is!
First, you need to learn what a global is and what worskpaces are. Each fucntion has its own worskpace or "scope". That means that only variables defined within the workspace are visible by the function itself.
A global variable is one that exist for all workspaces, and everyone can modify it. You seem to want all those variables defined outside the function, inside your function. But realise! when the variables are defined, they are not global. The function starts, and in its first line, it does only know about the existence of a1. Then, later, you define a bunch of variables as global, that the function did not know about. So what does the function do? just create them empty, for you.
If you want your the variables that you create in the main script scope to be global, you need to declare them as global then, not inside the function. So cut your line global ... from the fucntion, and put it on top of the script where you declare all your variables, i.e. on top of
% here!
N=100; p=0.1;
in my example.
Now, the important stuff: Global variables are bad. When you have globals, you don't know who modifies, and its super easy to lost track of what is happening to them, because every function that uses a variable a will modify the global a, so its a pain to debug. Almost no one uses globals because of this. The best way is to pass them to the function as input, i.e. define your function as:
function diff = euler_diff_test(a1,r, a, y, a_grid, policy_guess, M, j)

How can I execute my Thomas Algorithm function using Matlab?

I have created a function to execute the thomas algorithm. I'm trying to use my function to solve a system with the following arrays:
b = -4ε + 2αh^2
a = 2ε - h(1+α(n+1)h)
c = 2ε + h(1+αnh)
g = 4kπh^2sin(kπnh)
where α=1.2, k=2, ε=0.02, R=4
I've inserted my function (below), but I'm not completely sure how to enter in these parameters in the command window as I'm pretty new to Matlab. Any help would be much appreciated.
function y = ThomasAlgorithm(a,b,c,f)
% obtain values
m = length(f);
f(1) = f(1)/b(1);
% Forward Substitution
for j = 1:m-1
c(j) = c(j)/b(j);
b(j+1) = b(j+1) - a(j)*c(j);
f(j+1) = (f(j+1) - a(j)*f(j))/b(j+1);
% Backwards Substitution
for k = m-1:-1:1
f(k) = f(k) - c(k)*f(k+1);
% Output
y = f;
I tried to put this into the command window (below) but I got the error:
Error in ThomasAlgorithm (line 11)
b(j+1) = b(j+1) - a(j)*c(j);
I'm not really sure where I'm going wrong at the moment or how to solve it and I've kind of hit a wall.
>> m=10;
x0=0, xm=1;
y0=R, ym=0;
for ic=1:n
Put all of the stuff you've put in the command window into a separate script (.m file) instead, then run it. This allows you to get the actual full error message, and keeps the command window clutter free!
When running the script with your code in, you see the following error:
Undefined function or variable 'R'.
Error in myScript (line 3)
y0=R, ym=0;
Now your (first) problem is clear! You set y0=R when R doesn't exist.
It's good practise at times like this to run clear before you run your script, so your workspace is emptied and you know what you've not defined in the script.
So we add R = 1 or something to the start, then run it again. Now we have an indexing error!
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in ThomasAlgorithm (line 8)
b(j+1) = b(j+1) - a(j)*c(j);
This is because you defined b as
b=[-4*eps+2*alpha*h*h]; % a SCALAR not a vector!
Then passed it to ThomasAlgorithm and expected to be able to index it, when it isn't a vector.
Hopefully that points out the immediate problem, and how to better diagnose issues. Also when your code is in a script you can step through it to debug things.

Memory-Allocation for function calls of form x = f(x) in MATLAB

In my code, I have lots of places where I invoke functions of the form
X = f(X)
and X can be a rather large matrix. In my special case, I have mostly calls like
X = feval(somefunc, X)
X = obj.myfunc(X)
It would be bad if, every time the function is called, there is new space allocated for X. Is MATLAB smart enough to deal with such function calls? Is there a way to tell?
The answer to this question helps would help very much with a design descision. I like to program in object oriented style and if MATLAB is not smart enough for this, it might pay off for me to add another member for X in the class, although I would rather not do this otherwise.
Whether a copy is made of the input arguments or not when calling a function in MATLAB depends upon what happens inside of the function.
MATLAB uses a system referred to as copy-on-write. This means that if you pass a large variable to a function as an input, as long as you do not modify the variable within that function, the variable will not be copied into the workspace of the function and the function will instead read the data from it's current location in memory.
function Y = func(X)
Y = X + 1;
If you are modifying the variable within the function, then a copy of the input variable is made and placed into the local workspace of the function.
function X = func(X)
X = X + 1;
There is more information on Loren's Mathworks blog.
An easy way to determine if a copy of the data is made or not is to use the undocumented format debug mode which will show you where the data for a given variable is stored in memory.
format debug
%// Create a variable a and show where debug info
a = [1,2]
%// Structure address = 141f567f0
%// m = 1
%// n = 2
%// pr = 7f9540b85e20
%// pi = 0
%// 1 2
%// Assign b = a but don't modify
b = a
%// Structure address = 141f567f0
%// m = 1
%// n = 2
%// pi = 0
%// 1 2
%// Modify (Will create a new copy)
b = b + 1
%// Structure address = 141f55b40
%// m = 1
%// n = 2
%// pr = 7f953bcf1a20 <= POINTER TO DATA CHANGED (COPY)
%// pi = 0
%// 2 3
If you prefer you can use this little anonymous function I've created to inspect the memory location of any particular variable.
memoryLocation = #(x)regexp(evalc('disp(x)'), '(?<=pr\s*=\s*)[a-z0-9]*', 'match')
a = [1,2];
%// 7f9540b85e20
b = a;
%// 7f9540b85e20
b = b + 1;
%// 7f953bcf1a20
As a bit of a side-note, I would recommend against using feval throughout your code and instead just use the function names directly.

How to adjust the size of in Matlab?

I have tried to generate a square pulsed clock. But it gives error. I tried this:
function pll( block)
function setup(block)
% Register number of ports
block.NumInputPorts = 1;
block.NumOutputPorts = 1;
% Override input port properties
block.InputPort(1).Dimensions = 1;
block.InputPort(1).DatatypeID = 8; % boolean
block.InputPort(1).Complexity = 'Real';
block.InputPort(1).DirectFeedthrough = false;
% Override output port properties
block.OutputPort(1).Dimensions = 1;
block.OutputPort(1).DatatypeID = 0; %double
block.OutputPort(1).Complexity = 'Real';
block.NumDialogPrms = 1;
block.DialogPrmsTunable = 0;
ts = 1/24000000'; %'
block.sample times= [ts 0];
block.SimStateCompliance = 'DefaultSimState'
function Outputs(block)
t = [0:1/(24000000):0.000001];
l = 0.1*exp(-6);
c = 220*exp(-9) + 60*exp(-9);
f = 1/(2*pi*sqrt(l*c));
block.OutputPort(1).Data = square(2*pi*f*t);
function Terminate(block)
But it gives me the error
"Error evaluating registered method 'Outputs' of M-S-Function 'pll' in
'untitled/Level-2 M-file S-Function'. Invalid assignment in
'untitled/Level-2 M-file S-Function': attempt to assign a vector of
width 24001 to a vector of width 1."
the error indicates on the line
block.OutputPort(1).Data = square(2*pi*f*t);
so what can be done to overcome this error?
It seems from your example that you're not really familiar with the way Simulink works. At each time step, each block in a Simulink model outputs a value (i.e the block's output value) corresponding to the current simulation time. In your case, within the block.Output function you are trying to output all time points at every simulation time step.
It appears that what you really want is to replace
t = [0:1/(24000000):0.000001];
t = block.CurrentTime;
And replace
block.OutputPort(1).Data = square(2*pi*f*t);
block.OutputPort(1).Data = sign(sin(2*pi*f*t));
Also, some other things to consider:
you don't seem to be registering the block's output method using:
Why have you defined the block to have an input when it doesn't seem to require one?
Why are you doing this in an S-Function when a From Workspace block (or one of the many other ways to get data into a model) would seem to make more sense?

First input must be function handle error using arrayfun()

I'm trying to use arrayfun() to map a function over a cell array. The following is happening:
>> arrayfun(solveFunc, equArray)
Error using arrayfun
First input must be a function handle.
Error in solve>genGuess (line 33)
funcVals = abs(arrayfun(inFunc, xValues));
Error in solve (line 8)
x = genGuess(inFunc, varargin{1}, varargin{2});
Error in makeSolveFunc>#(func)solve(func,start,stop) (line 3)
sFunc = #(func) solve(func, start, stop);
But, the first input IS a function handle. Also... if I manually apply the function to each element of the provided cell array, everything works fine:
>> solveFunc(equArray{1})
ans =
>> solveFunc(equArray{2})
ans =
Does anyone know why this would be happening? I assumed that if I could manually apply the function to each element of my array, and the return type of the function was consistent and one of the allowed types (you can't for example have arrayfun return an array of function handles... I already tried doing that), it should work. Perhaps that is not the only requirement.
Here is some code that generates this error:
function solution = solve(inFunc, start, stop)
%SOLVE solve an equation using Newton's Method
x = genGuess(inFunc, start, stop);
for i = 1:100
m = getSlope(inFunc, x);
x = (m*x - inFunc(x))/m;
solution = x;
function slope = getSlope(inFunc, x)
%SLOPE calculate the slope at a given point
inc = 1e-5;
if x ~= 0
inc = inc * x;
slope = (inFunc(x + inc) - inFunc(x - inc))/(2*inc);
function guess = genGuess(inFunc, start, stop)
%GENGUESS get an initial guess to the solution
xValues = linspace(start, stop, 101);
funcVals = abs(arrayfun(inFunc, xValues));
[~, minIndex] = min(funcVals);
guess = xValues(minIndex);
function equ = charEqu(a)
%CHAREQU create a KP model characteristic equation with provided p
equ = #(x) x + a;
function sFunc = makeSolveFunc(start, stop)
%MAKESOLVEFUNC return a function that solves an equation
sFunc = #(func) solve(func, start, stop);
pArray = 1:5;
equArray = cell(1,arrayLen);
for i = 1:5
equArray{i} = charEqu(pArray(i));
solveFunc = makeSolveFunc(1.1*pi, 2*pi);
alphaAArray = arrayfun(solveFunc, equArray);
I have narrowed down the error to something in genGuess(). For some reason, in the line funcVals = abs(arrayfun(inFunc, xValues)); the variable inFunc is a 1x1 cell array containing a function handle. I have no idea why that would be the case. I traced this back to the anonymous function call #(func) solve(func, start, stop); in the makeSolveFunc() function. There it is still a 1x1 cell array containing a function handle. I'm not really sure where that cell array is coming from as that function is getting called from arrayfun().
Background information on what I'm trying to do in case someone wants to suggest a better way:
I'm trying to solve equations using Newton's method. I have written a function that can solve an equation given an initial guess range. This function is the solve() function you can see in the first error message. It takes a function, and the guess range and returns a function that I'm calling solveFunc(). solveFunc() takes a function and solves it using the initial guess range previously provided.
Maybe I'm just too used to functional programming and should just use a loop.
If the arguments passed to the function handle are contents of elements of a cell array, you need to use cellfun instead of arrayfun:
cellfun(solveFunc, equArray)
This is equivalent to
for i=1:length(equArray)
out(i) = solveFunc(equArray{i});
since solveFunc is already a function handle.
Check where the error comes from. This line causes the error:
funcVals = abs(arrayfun(inFunc, xValues));
The first input argument is a 1x1 cell containing one function handle. This is caused because equArray is a cell, thus use cellfun as Jonas already mentioned:
pArray = 1:5;
equArray = cell(1,arrayLen);
for i = 1:5
equArray{i} = charEqu(pArray(i));
solveFunc = makeSolveFunc(1.1*pi, 2*pi);
alphaAArray = cellfun(solveFunc, equArray);