deleting facebook requests - facebook

The facebook docs here say "it is the Developers' responsibility to delete a Request once it has been accepted". As far as I understand, when someone sends a request to multiple users on facebook like this:
function sendRequestViaMultiFriendSelector() {
FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',
message: 'test message'
}, requestCallback);
only one request_id is returned via requestCallback() function.
Then, if I delete the request when someone accepts it, how would other users accept the deleted request?

when user comes following the app request, you can get request id's using
then retrieve all the request ids with which you can call graph api to delete the corresponding requests like below:
$request_ids = $_GET['request_ids'];
$request_ids = explode(",", $request_ids);
foreach($request_ids as $request_id)
$full_request_id = $request_id."_".$fbid; //$fbid is current user facebook id

Check out the Request ID Format section of the FB request overview page.
The actual graph path for a request actually sent to specific user is "request-id"_"recipient-user-id".

you can access to facebook on mobile mode (
1-access the invitation panel
2-display all the invitations
3-open console mode in chrome
4-activate jquery by cpying and pasting all the jquery.min code into console
and excecute this script :
that will cancel or the invitation sent


Parsing the response object from sending a Facebook Invite Friend Request

I am working with the Facebook Javascript SDK and I am trying to set up a rewards system for sending invites to Friends. Basically, I want to give the user points for simply sending invites to their friends using the friend invite dialog provided by the Facebook Javascript SDK. That said, I set everything up based on the Friend Smash tutorial on the FB developers website and I am creating a custom, multi-friend selector to send invites. The invite dialog comes up properly and the invite sends correctly.
The Javascript that sends the invite looks like this:
function sendRequest() {
// Get the list of selected friends
var sendUIDs = '';
var mfsForm = document.getElementById('mfsForm');
for(var i = 0; i < mfsForm.friends.length; i++) {
if(mfsForm.friends[i].checked) {
sendUIDs += mfsForm.friends[i].value + ',';
// Use FB.ui to send the Request(s)
FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',
to: sendUIDs,
title: 'Help me get some points!',
message: 'Help me get some points by coming over to XXX and registering to play!',
}, callback);
However the request's response object looks like this when sending to one friend:
{request: "412752342228182", to: Array[1]}
And it looks like this when inviting two friends:
{request: "414967121961627", to: Array[2]}
The object contains the "request" field which is the unique request ID for the invite, as expected. The Facebook documentation states I am supposed to get an array of user IDs of the recipients in the response object's "to" field but that strange Array[X] is there instead. Is this the correct response? Am I missing something?
Any help on this is appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time.
Nevermind, I figured it out. The Array[X] is more of a placeholder for the actual array so if you parse to[0] or to[1], you get the actual userids for those that you invited.

How to reward members for having their invites accepted in Facebook canvas app?

I'm using the following Javascript for my users to send requests to "invitable friends" from my Facebook app:
method: 'apprequests',
message: 'Come play with me etc.',
to: str_ids
function requestCallback(response){
//show error to user
Where str_ids is a string containing the IDs returned by the invitable friends API. This all works fine.
When I invite a single user, let's say his Facebook ID is 1593894704165626, I get the following response:
So here I have a unique request ID and the invited person's Facebook ID. I can now store this data in my database along with the inviter's ID, so I have all the necessary info.
However, now I want to reward the inviter after the invitee accepts the invitation and I'm running into a problem.
If user A and user B both invited user C, then when user C joins the game, how do I know whether to reward A or B?
I see from this question that it's possible to pass another parameter along with the invitation, which should help identify the inviter:
Facebook tracking who Invited whom
The first answer here suggests that you can pass such a custom parameter, but doesn't say how. Facebook's convoluted documentation is driving me insane.
Another thing - even if I send that additional parameter, I think there's a problem - for new users the app redirects to the Facebook page that checks whether they want to allow access to the app, and by the time they're redirected back to the app, the additional parameter will be lost.
Is there any solution to this?

Facebook Requests ID(s) retrieve and delete

So I'm developing a small web app, that implements the Requests Dialog(User-to-User).
I'm able to send an invite and also successfully to save data as request id and user id. But when the user gets redirected to my app, after clicking on the request, i can't retrieve request id as shown here: and then delete it.
But i see the request id in the address bar of the browser and it looks like this: and REQUEST_URI is: /halten/?fb_source=request&request_ids=210655195715938
i tried with javascript:
function getMultipleRequests(requestIds) {
FB.api('', {
"ids": requestIds
}, function(response) {
or with php:
if(isset($_REQUEST['request_ids'])) {
$requestIDs = explode(',' , $_REQUEST['request_ids']);
foreach($requestIDs as $requestID) {
try {
$delete_success = $facebook->api('/' . $requestID, 'DELETE');
} catch(FacebookAPIException $e) {
but the request_ids is always empty but my browser shows the request_id
So the question is how to handle the problem?
Thanks in advance
A User to User Request is actually notified to the user in 4 levels.
1) Jewel notification
2) Bookmarks counter
3) Right top counter
4) Weird location notification inside the app(I did not know what this was called sorry)
All of these request will take the user to the app but unfortunately on the Jewel notification(#1) request url will contain all the request IDs and the remaining will contain only a single request ID.
Say you send 4 requests (1,2,3,4)
#1 in url will have 1&2&3&4
#2,#3,#4 will have one of those depending on which notification you response to
Hope this makes sense and answers the question.

How to get ids of facebook invited friends by user in my asp.net4.0 web application

I am developing an ASP.NET application. I implemented Facebook JavaScript API in my application, for connect with Facebook and get FB friend list of user. I had done this successfully.
Now, I want to count how many friends are invited by user. Is it possible with facebook API. User can select multiple friends and i want to count how many friends selected and invited by user, Invited friends Id is bonus if We can get.
Please don't forget that facebook changed its Oauth settings for security reasons.
I'm also trying to get ids values after Send Invitation button clicked and page post back to
if (Request.Form["ids"] != null)
span1.InnerHtml = "ids";
//put success code here..
span1.InnerHtml = "oops no id";
if (Page.PreviousPage != null)
span1.InnerHtml = "ids";
//put success code here..
span1.InnerHtml = "oops no id";
but in this case program control always goes to else condition it means after page is post back form return null value.
Is there any way to get ids of invited friends.
If you using Facebook Requests to send invites (you really should, it's intended for this), the only way to get invited friends is via Facebook Requests Dialog callback:
FB.ui({method: 'apprequests', message: 'Whoa!'}, callback);
function callback(response){
// now contain array of invited users ids
console.log('Invited friends ids',;
if (response.request) {
console.log('Efficient Request id', response.request);
} else {
console.log('Requests Ids', response.request_ids);
There is no way to get request sent by user via Graph API or FQL, you only can get requests received by user. You may save all requests sent by your users and rely on this data if you need aggregated count of invitation sent...
Ok finally I resolve this issue and get invited friends ids..
As we know we use javascript sdk for FB connect so my solution is in concern of Java script:
Just make on change in your .js file where you put your facebook connect javascript code. Use Get or Request Method instead of Post Method in fb:request-form tag.
<script type="text/javascript>
var fbhtml = "<fb:serverFbml width=\"" + width_of_invitation_div + "\">
<script type=\"text/fbml\"><fb:fbml><fb:request-form action=" + window.location + " method="REQUEST" invite="true" type="" + type_of_fb_request_form + "" hold=" /><br mode="></fb:request-form></fb:fbml></script></fb:serverfbml>"
After invitation send to users selected friends you get ids[] in url.
you can get these ids through query string and split ids by comma(,) and store in array.
Hope this will help for other devs.

posting reply to inbox message?

I'm trying to post a reply to an inbox message by sending a POST request to /message_id/comments. Is this the correct way to send a reply to an inbox message ?
I'm getting the following error:
"error": {
"type": "OAuthException",
"message": "(#3) App must be on whitelist"
The token has every possible permission.
Do I have to ask that my app is added on a whitelist ? how to do so ?
I'm doing this in javascript+jQuery:
var params = {
access_token: token
, method: 'post'
, message: 'hi'
$.getJSON('$message_id/comments?callback=?', params, function(json) {
Facebook apps by default aren't allowed to send messages on behalf of users. There is no permission you are missing. This is an extra level to prevent spam (beyond prompting the user who). You will have to contact Facebook to get your application whitelisted. I would try their developer group.
opened a support ticket right here:
Tried all I can think of and googled for, still getting this issue
Like others have pointed out, there isn't a way to do this programmatically unless you are on Facebook's whitelist. However, I did find a way around this for my app. What I do is use Oauth to display messages from a user's FB inbox like normal. When the user clicks 'Reply' on a message, I just send them to the reply page on Facebook Mobile, like this:
$('.reply').click(function() {
var popup_window =''+message_id, '_blank');
Where message id is the Facebook id for the message they are replying to. In my case, I use PHP to echo the message id into a javascript variable or data-attribute when the page loads. Since the Facebook mobile page opens in a new tab, they don't even really leave my app. Since Facebook mobile has a very streamlined interface it isn't too distracting. It's not perfect, but it works and it's easier than trying to get whitelisted.