Aggregates in Visual Studio Reports not showing - tsql

I'm trying to create a report that UNIONs two datasets. It takes (1) a bunch of orders for a specific customer within a date range, and UNIONs it with (headers and) (2) the method of shipping following by the average of the time interval between the order being placed and the order being sent.
The screenshot below shows that, in SQL Server, the query works perfectly. However, when I run this exact same query in Visual Studio 2008 to create a report for this, the actual value of the average turnaround time is empty.
As far as I can tell, in SQL Server the query works perfectly for whatever parameters I give it. I just can't figure out why in the report the average turnaround time is always blank.
The query I'm running is:
DECLARE #turnaroundInfo TABLE
[Owner Reference] VARCHAR(48),
[Project] VARCHAR(48),
[Carrier Type] VARCHAR(48),
[Created Date] DATETIME,
[Shipped Date] DATETIME,
[Turnaround Time (hours)] INT
INSERT INTO #turnaroundInfo
SELECT orders.ownerReference AS [Owner Reference], AS [Project], AS [Carrier Type], orders.createdSysDateTime AS [Created Date], shipments.shippedDate AS [Shipped Date], DATEDIFF(HOUR, orders.createdSysDateTime, shipments.shippedDate) AS [Turnaround Time (hours)]
FROM datex_footprint.Orders orders
INNER JOIN datex_footprint.Projects p ON orders.projectId =
INNER JOIN datex_footprint.CarrierServiceTypes types ON orders.preferredCarrierServiceTypeId =
INNER JOIN datex_footprint.OrderLines lines ON = lines.orderId
INNER JOIN datex_footprint.Shipments shipments ON lines.shipmentId =
WHERE IN (#project) AND IN(#carrier)
-- Get only the type and date-ranged turnaround info we want
[Owner Reference] VARCHAR(48),
[Project] VARCHAR(48),
[Carrier Type] VARCHAR(48),
[Created Date] DATETIME,
[Shipped Date] DATETIME,
[Turnaround Time (hours)] INT
FROM #turnaroundInfo
WHERE [Turnaround Time (hours)] >= 0 AND [Created Date] BETWEEN #startDate AND #endDate
ORDER BY [Turnaround Time (hours)], [Carrier Type] ;
-- UNION the relevant turnaround infor with headers
SELECT * FROM #orders o /* All the orders in the date range for this project and the selected carrier(s) */
SELECT 'Carrier' AS [Carrier Type], 'Avg Turnaround Time' AS [Average Turnaround], NULL AS Column3, NULL AS Column4, NULL AS Colummn5, NULL AS Column6
SELECT o.[Carrier Type], CAST(AVG(o.[Turnaround Time (hours)]) AS NVARCHAR(24)) AS [Average Turnaround], NULL AS Column3, NULL AS Column4, NULL AS Colummn5, NULL AS Column6
FROM #orders o
GROUP BY o.[Carrier Type];
Does anybody know or see what I might be missing?
Any help would be appreciated!

It's not blank, it's just might not in the column you expected - I can see the value '24' in your screenshot.

I figured out what my mistake was.
The column about the value 24 and the header and 24 value column were sized differently. In SQL Server, it didn't seem to care, but in Visual Studio it saw the size difference and actually dropped the whole column from displaying.
After I adjusted the average value column to VARCHAR(48), which is what the column above it was sized to, it displayed properly again.


Using min/max values from a CTE in a later query, instead of using a subquery in Postgres

I've got a remedial question about pulling results out of a CTE in a later part of the query. For the example code, below are the relevant, stripped down tables:
CREATE TABLE print_job (
created_dts timestamp not null default now(),
status text not null
CREATE TABLE calendar_day (
date_actual date not null
In the current setup, there are gaps in the dates in the print_job data, and we would like to have a gapless result. For example, there are 87 days from the first to last date in the table, and only 77 days in there have data. We've already got a calendar_day dimension table to join with to get the 87 rows for the 87-day range. It's easy enough to figure out the min and max dates in the data with a subquery or in a CTE, but I don't know how to use those values from a CTE. I've got a full query below, but here are the relevant fragments with comments:
-- Get the date range from the data.
date_range AS (
select min(created_dts::date) AS start_date,
max(created_dts::date) AS end_date
from print_job),
-- This CTE does not work because it doesn't know what date_range is.
complete_date_series_using_cte AS (
select actual_date
from calendar_day
where actual_date >= date_range.start_date
and actual_date <= date_range.end_date
-- Subqueries are fine, because the FROM is specified in the subquery condition directly.
complete_date_series_using_subquery AS (
select date_actual
from calendar_day
where date_actual >= (select min(created_dts::date) from print_job)
and date_actual <= (select max(created_dts::date) from print_job)
I run into this regularly, and finally figured I'd ask. I've hunted around already for an answer, but I'm not clear how to summarize it well. And while there's nothing wrong with the subqueries in this case, I've got other situations where a CTE is nicer/more readable.
If it helps, I've listed the complete query below.
-- Get some counts and give them names.
daily_status AS (
select created_dts::date as created_date,
count(*) AS daily_total,
count(*) FILTER (where status = 'Error') AS status_error,
count(*) FILTER (where status = 'Processing') AS status_processing,
count(*) FILTER (where status = 'Aborted') AS status_aborted,
count(*) FILTER (where status = 'Done') AS status_done
from print_job
group by created_dts::date
-- Get the date range from the data.
date_range AS (
select min(created_dts::date) AS start_date,
max(created_dts::date) AS end_date
from print_job),
-- There are gaps in the data, and we want a row for dates with no results.
-- Could use generate_series on a timestamp & convert that to dates. But,
-- in our case, we've already got dimension tables for days. All that's needed
-- here is the actual date.
-- This CTE does not work because it doesn't know what date_range is.
-- complete_date_series_using_cte AS (
-- select actual_date
-- from calendar_day
-- where actual_date >= date_range.start_date
-- and actual_date <= date_range.end_date
-- ),
complete_date_series_using_subquery AS (
select date_actual
from calendar_day
where date_actual >= (select min(created_dts::date) from print_job)
and date_actual <= (select max(created_dts::date) from print_job)
-- The final query joins the complete date series with whatever data is in the print_job table daily summaries.
select date_actual,
coalesce(daily_total,0) AS total,
coalesce(status_error,0) AS errors,
coalesce(status_processing,0) AS processing,
coalesce(status_aborted,0) AS aborted,
coalesce(status_done,0) AS done
from complete_date_series_using_subquery
left join daily_status
on daily_status.created_date =
order by date_actual
I said it was a remedial question....I remembered where I'd seen this done before:
In my example, I need to list the CTE in the table list. That's obvious in retrospect, and I realize that I automatically don't think to do that as I'm habitually avoiding CROSS JOIN. The fragment below shows the slight change needed:
date_range AS (
select min(created_dts)::date as start_date,
max(created_dts)::date as end_date
from print_job
complete_date_series AS (
select date_actual
from calendar_day, date_range
where date_actual >= date_range.start_date
and date_actual <= date_range.end_date

SQL Time Series Completion Script

Version: SQL Server 2014
Objective: Create a complete time series with existing date range records.
Initial Data Setup:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DataSet') IS NOT NULL
,Col1 FLOAT);
Desired Results:
RowID, StartDt, EndDt, Col1
1234, '01/01/2016', '07/22/2016', 100
1234, '07/23/2016', '07/26/2016', 90
1234, '07/26/2016', '07/31/2016', 80
1234, '08/01/2016', '09/30/2016', 100
1234, '10/01/2016', '12/31/2999', 75
Not an easy task I will admit, If anyone has a suggestion on how to tackle this utilizing SQL alone (Microsoft 2014 TSQL) I would greatly appreciate it. Please keep in mind it is SQL and we want to try to avoid cursors at all costs based on performance for large data sets.
Thanks in Advance.
Also as an FYI I was able to achieve half of this by utilizing a LEAD windows function to set the End Date of the current record to the Startdate-1 of the next. The other half of filling gaps back in from previous records still eludes me.
Updated for the 9/31 to 9/30 date.
The following query does essentially what you are asking. You can tweak it to fit your requirements. Note that when checking the results of my query, your desired results contain 09/31/2016 which is not a valid date.
RankedData AS
SELECT RowID, StartDt, EndDt, Col1,
DATEADD(day, -1, StartDt) AS PrevEndDt,
RANK() OVER(ORDER BY StartDt, EndDt, RowID) AS rank_no
FROM #DataSet
HasGapsData AS
SELECT a.RowID, a.StartDt,
CASE WHEN b.PrevEndDt <= a.EndDt THEN b.PrevEndDt ELSE a.EndDt END AS EndDt,
a.Col1, a.rank_no
FROM RankedData a
LEFT JOIN RankedData b ON a.rank_no = b.rank_no - 1
SELECT RowID, StartDt, EndDt, Col1
FROM HasGapsData
DATEADD(day, 1, a.EndDt) AS StartDt,
DATEADD(day, -1, b.StartDt) AS EndDt,
FROM HasGapsData a
INNER JOIN HasGapsData b ON a.rank_no = b.rank_no - 1
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, a.EndDt, b.StartDt) > 1
ORDER BY StartDt, EndDt;

array_agg group by and null

Given this table:
SELECT * FROM CommodityPricing order by dateField
As of 2004, COPPER was dropped and mercury introduced.
How can I get the value of (array_agg(value order by date desc) ) [1] as NULL for COPPER?
select commodity,(array_agg(value order by date desc) ) --[1]
from CommodityPricing
group by commodity
SQL Fiddle
case when commodity = 'COPPER' then null else price end
order by date desc
from CommodityPricing
group by commodity
To "pad" missing rows with NULL values in the resulting array, build your query on full grid of rows and LEFT JOIN actual values to the grid.
Given this table definition:
commodity text
, value numeric
, ts timestamp -- using ts instead of the inappropriate name date
I use generate_series() to get a list of timestamps representing the years and CROSS JOIN to a unique list of all commodities (SELECT DISTINCT ...).
SELECT commodity, (array_agg(value ORDER BY ts DESC)) AS years
FROM generate_series ('2002-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp
, '2004-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp
, '1y') t(ts)
CROSS JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT commodity FROM price) c(commodity)
LEFT JOIN price p USING (ts, commodity)
GROUP BY commodity;
COPPER {NULL,99.45,96.45}
GOLD {150.45,140.45,130.45}
SILVER {80.45,70.45,60.45}
SQL Fiddle.
I cast the array to text in the fiddle, because the display sucks and would swallow NULL values otherwise.

TSQL - Control a number sequence

Im a new in TSQL.
I have a table with a field called ODOMETER of a vehicle. I have to get the quantity of km in a period of time from 1st of the month to the end.
SELECT MAX(Odometer) - MIN(Odometer) as TotalKm FROM Table
This will work in ideal test scenary, but the Odomometer can be reset to 0 in anytime.
Someone can help to solve my problem, thank you.
I'm working with MS SQL 2012
EXAMPLE of records:
Date Odometer value
datetime var, 37210
datetime var, 37340
datetime var, 0
datetime var, 220
Try something like this using the LAG. There are other ways, but this should be easy.
EDIT: Changing the sample data to include records outside of the desired month range. Also simplifying that Reading for easy hand calc. Will shows a second option as siggested by OP.
DECLARE #tbl TABLE (stamp DATETIME, Reading INT)
--Original solution with WHERE on the "outer" SELECT.
--This give a result of 40 as it include the change of 10 between 2/28 and 3/31.
;WITH cte AS (
SELECT Reading
,LAG(Reading,1,Reading) OVER (ORDER BY stamp ASC) LastReading
,Reading - LAG(Reading,1,Reading) OVER (ORDER BY stamp ASC) ChangeSinceLastReading
,CONVERT(date, stamp) stamp
FROM #tbl
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN Reading = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ChangeSinceLastReading END)
FROM cte
WHERE stamp BETWEEN '03/01/2014' AND '03/31/2014'
--Second option with WHERE on the "inner" SELECT (within the CTE)
--This give a result of 30 as it include the change of 10 between 2/28 and 3/31 is by the filtered lag.
;WITH cte AS (
SELECT Reading
,LAG(Reading,1,Reading) OVER (ORDER BY stamp ASC) LastReading
,Reading - LAG(Reading,1,Reading) OVER (ORDER BY stamp ASC) ChangeSinceLastReading
,CONVERT(date, stamp) stamp
FROM #tbl
WHERE stamp BETWEEN '03/01/2014' AND '03/31/2014'
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN Reading = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ChangeSinceLastReading END)
FROM cte
I think Karl solution using LAG is better than mine, but anyway:
;WITH [Rows] AS
SELECT o1.[Date], o1.[Value] as CurrentValue,
(SELECT TOP 1 o2.[Value]
FROM #tbl o2 WHERE o1.[Date] < o2.[Date]) as NextValue
FROM #tbl o1
SELECT SUM (CASE WHEN [NextValue] IS NULL OR [NextValue] < [CurrentValue] THEN 0 ELSE [NextValue] - [CurrentValue] END )
FROM [Rows]

Best way to get rid of unwanted sql subselects?

I have a table called Registrations with the following fields:
DateStarted (not null)
DateCompleted (nullable)
I have a bar chart which shows the number of registrations started and completed by date.
My query looks like:
WITH Initial(DateStarted, StartCount)
as (
select Datestarted, COUNT(*)
FROM Registrations
GROUP BY DateStarted
select I.DateStarted, I.StartCount, COUNT(DISTINCT R.RegistrationId) as CompleteCount
from Initial I
inner join Registrations R
ON (I.DateStarted = R.DateCompleted)
GROUP BY I.DateStarted, I.StartCount
which returns a table that looks like:
DateStarted StartCount CompleteCount
2009-08-01 1033 903
2009-08-02 540 498
The query just has one of those code smell problems. What is a better way of doing this?
EDIT: so why wont the below work? you could throw coalesce() statements around the counts in the last select statement if you wanted to make the counts zero instead of null. it will also include dates that have completed (or ended in the example below) registrations even though that date doesn't have started registrations.
I am assuming the following table structure (roughly).
create table temp
id int,
start_date datetime,
end_date datetime
insert into temp values (1, '8/1/2009', '8/1/2009')
insert into temp values (2, '8/1/2009', '8/2/2009')
insert into temp values (3, '8/1/2009', null)
insert into temp values (4, '8/2/2009', '8/2/2009')
insert into temp values (5, '8/2/2009', '8/3/2009')
insert into temp values (6, '8/2/2009', '8/4/2009')
insert into temp values (7, '8/4/2009', null)
Then you could do the following to get what you want.
with start_helper as
select start_date, count(*) as count from temp group by start_date
end_helper as
select end_date, count(*) as count from temp group by end_date
select coalesce(a.start_date, b.end_date) as date, a.count as start_count, b.count as end_count
from start_helper a full outer join end_helper b on a.start_date = b.end_date
where coalesce(a.start_date, b.end_date) is not null
I would think the full outer join is necessary since a record can be completed today that started yesterday but we may have not started a new record today so you would lose a day from your results.
Off-hand, I think this does it:
, COUNT(*) as StartCount
WHEN DateCompleted = DateStated THEN 1
) as CompleteCount
FROM Registration
GROUP BY DateStarted
OK, apparently I had the requirements wrong before. Given that the CompleteCounts are independent of the StartDate, then this is how I would do it:
;WITH StartDays AS
SELECT DateStarted
, Count(*) AS CompleteCount
FROM Registration
GROUP BY DateStarted
, CompleteDays AS
SELECT DateCompleted
, Count(*) AS StartCount
FROM Registration
GROUP BY DateCompleted
, COALESCE(StartCount, 0) AS StartCount
, COALESCE(CompleteCount, 0) AS CompleteCount
FROM StartDays
FULL OUTER JOIN CompleteDays ON DateStarted = DateCompleted
Which actually is pretty close to what you had.
I don't see a problem. I see a common table expression being used.
You didn't provide DDL for the tables, so I'm not going to try to reproduce this. However, I think you may be able to directly substitute the SELECT for the use of Initial.
I believe the following is identical in function to what you have:
select DS.DateStarted
, count(distinct DS.RegistrationId) as StartCount
, count(distinct DC.RegistrationId) as CompleteCount
from Registrations DS
inner join Registrations DC on DS.DateStarted = DC.DateCompleted
group by Ds.DateStarted
I'm a bit confused by the name of the column DateStarted in the results. It looks to just be a date where both some things started and some things ended. And the counts are the number or registrations started and completed that day.
The inner join is throwing away any date where there is either 0 starts or 0 completes. To get all:
select coalesce(DS.DateStarted, DC.DateCompleted) as "Date"
, count(distinct DS.RegistrationId) as StartCount
, count(distinct DC.RegistrationId) as CompleteCount
from Registrations DS
full outer join Registrations DC on DS.DateStarted = DC.DateCompleted
group by Ds.DateStarted, DC.DateCompleted
If you wanted to include dates that are neither DateStarted nor DateCompleted, with counts of 0 and 0, then you will need a source of dates and I think it would be clearer to use two correlated sub-queries in select clause instead of joins and count distinct:
select DateSource."Date"
, (select count(*)
from Registrations
where DateStarted = DateSource."Date") as StartCount
, (select count (*)
from Registrations
where DateCompleted = DateSource."Datge") as CompleteCount
from DateSource -- implementation of date source left as exercise
where DateSource.Date between #LowDate and #HighDate