Configuration required to Run Maven project with Eclipse - eclipse

I have a Maven project in SVN with trunk\Config\TestProjConfig folder having all the XML configuration files and all Java code is in trunk\JavaSource\TestProj. When I check out to my local Eclipse there are 2 projects created one for TestProjConfig and one for TestProj.
How do I test this project? Do I have to edit the build path to make a connection between the two projects? Do I have to write a main class which accesses the AppContext file to invoke the Spring injections?
Note:I have the m2eclipse plugin in Eclipse.

I don't understand why you separated XML configuration from Java sources. It could be a good practice only if you want to reuse your conf in other project, but in this case, I'm not sure that's suitable.
Solution 1
Move all your xml config into JavaSource\TestProj\src\main\resources
If you really don't have to share your configuration or don't have any legacy / corporate / mysterious reason, you should not separate them.
Solution 2
If you REALLY want to separate them, put them in a zip with an assembly, and add a dependency from TestProj to TestProjConfig.
Here an example : Maven - Depend on assembled zip


rdf using apache jena on net beans

I want to create a simple RDF graph and then try simple querying using SPARQL. Since I'm familiar with java and net beans, I want to use Apache Jena on NetBeans. I downloaded the related files from .
What should I do next to write RDF codes on net beans? i.e Should I install something or add lib files/jar files somewhere?
(Too long for a comment on Ian's reply)
Maven is easy on netbeans, and a good way to get started with everything you need (as Ian says). Here's a quick guide to start a jena project:
File -> New Project. Choose Maven then Java Application.
Pick project name, location, etc., then Finish.
Netbeans will create a new maven project and open it.
Right click on Dependencies, choose Add Dependency....
Use org.apache.jena as the Group ID, jena-core (or jena-arq if you want SPARQL) as the Artifact ID, and 2.10.1 as the Version.
Open the Dependencies folder. It ought to have a number jars present -- these are jena and its required jars. You might need to right-click on Dependencies again and choose Download Declared Dependencies to ensure jena is ready for use.
Under Source Packages you'll find Try some of the simple jena api tutorials and try running them.
You need to put the .jar files from the Jena distribution where Netbeans will find them. I don't know Netbeans, but in Eclipse I might have a lib directory in my project top-level directory, and then set the Eclipse's project classpath to include each of those .jar files. Netbeans I'm sure has something similar.
Actually what I do in Eclipse is not use downloaded jars at all, but I would use Maven to manage the dependencies for me. So I would create a pom.xml file in my project folder that stated that, among other things, my project depends on Jena, and then Maven takes care of downloading the dependencies for me. Eclipse and Maven work well together; I'd hope the same would be true of Netbeans. Setting up Maven to use Jena is described on the Jena site. However, learning Maven can be a bit of a steep curve, so if you're not ready to take that on just yet then downloading the .jar files to a project lib directory is the way to go.

Eclipse Maven multi project build/deploy process when using a SCM/Audit group

Ultimately we are trying to figure out a build/deploy process at my company. As the developer, I need to provide my source code to an audit group. They review the software for security deviations. If the source passes the audit, then the code goes to the Software Configuration Group. Their job is to archive and compile my app to a WAR. The WAR file is then provided to the IT department who will put the WAR on the server. I think the process would be easy if I had one self contained project.
But in Eclipse I have two Maven projects, where one depends on the other. One project core provides core functionality. I separated it because these core functionalites will be used by all my other (internal) web app projects.
common models (phonebook, employee, etc)
common utilities (Emailing employess, String utils, etc..)
In the other projects, say project1, I add a dependency to core in the POM. Not sure if I need to do this but I also edited the Eclipse project properties and added a reference to the core project. With some finagling (new to Maven) I was able to get Project1 deployed to my local install of JBoss. I opened the WAR and in WEB-INF/lib folder I could see that core-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar was automatically included.
But how do I give SCM my source for project1 which also needs the source for core without manually copying cores source into porject1s source.
I could copy core-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar into Project1 but they should also be reviewing cores source every time I deploy a new app because I may have added or tweaked some core functionality.
You should learn more about maven SNAPSHOT and release repositories. Then install Nexus server as destination for produced jars, wars, javadocs and sources (called artifacts).
After that maybe you will be interested in commercial Nexus version with staged deployment option.
To solve packaging problem you can use Maven Assembly Plugin. You can have all sources and dependencies in one file.
Maybe there are even more suitable for your needs maven plugins.

Automating build tasks using eclipse / maven m2e

I am about to use maven to automate my builds. Unfortunately, I am not able to get all the features I want, even after reading several tutorials :(
I would be glad if somebody could explain a way I can achieve all my goals!
I want to automate 3 specific build tasks with several actions for a project from within eclipse, using m2e:
Build snapshot
define current project version + date as version
build jar file
copy jar file into the local repository in the project path itself (§{project}/builds/)
Debug snapshot
build snapshot as mentioned above
copy jar file to plugins folder of a local test server
build another project the current project depends on, copy its jar file to the plugins folder aswell
launch server / connect to eclipse debugger (I know how to do that, the previous steps are the important ones)
Create release
define current project version as version
build jar file
copy jar file into the local repository in the project path itself
create javadoc
copy source files and javadoc to an archive folder
increase the project version (for example v6 -> v7)
As mentioned I don't need a perfect solution, just a way to realize this ;)
(Annotation: Chaining multiple launch configurations is not a problem.)
Which sections of the pom.xml do I have to modify to realize these steps and how can I invoke them using an eclipse launch configuration?
Hi based on your requirements i can say the following:
Build Snapshots
Building a SNAPSHOT is usually the convention during development cycle.
1.1 just using the conventions.
1.2 Date as version
This is a bad idea, cause Maven has some conventions how a version looks like (1.0-SNAPSHOT or 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT etc.)
1.3 Build jar file
Usually done by the jar life cycle (mvn package)
1.4 The local repository is on your home drive in ${HOME}/.m2/repository for all your projects. Technically you can do what you like but it's against the Maven conventions. The question is why do you need such thing?
2.1 Usual procedure
2.2 Usually a deployment is not a job for Maven but you can do such things by using cargo-maven-plugin (integration testing).
2.3 If you have dependencies between project you need CI solution like Jenkins to do such things otherwise you need to do this manually. But that is different from a multi-module build.
2.4 Integration testing different story. Depends on what exactly you like to do.
The maven-release-plugin will handle such things except copying to the project path itself which is against the conventions. For such purposes you need a repository manager.
I can recommand reading these books:

Grails Project - Common Java Project Dependency in Eclipse

We have standard java projects that contain our common data model, common util classes, etc...
What I can’t seem to figure out is how, to make my Grails project (in Eclipse) have a dependency on the other standard (non Grails) java project in the workspace. When I add the project in the “Java Build Path” the project doesn’t show any compiler errors, but it when I run “Grails Tools -> Refresh Dependencies” or attempt to run the project (run-app) it fails.
This seems like it would be a pretty common thing, but I have searched all over the web and have been unable to find a solution. We are not using maven in our environment. Since we build Eclipse RCP applications on the client side, we use OSGI manifests to manage our project / bundle dependencies.
You can use linked source directories to include the Java or Groovy dependencies in the grails project and you need to set the output directory to Project/target/classes (these configurations go into the grails project preferences in Java Build Path options -> Source Tab).
The change in the output directory allows Eclipse to detect changes in the dependencies and auto load it when running the app using grails run-app.
You can use autocomplete and debug the sources of the dependencies with this configuration.
I prepared a step and step process that includes screenshots for Java and Groovy here
The documentation includes information on customizing the build.
You can add this to your BuildConfig.groovy:
grails.compiler.dependencies = {
fileset (dir:"/path/to/jars")
That should get you started.
If the dependencies are not stored in an Ivy/Maven repository then AFAIK your only option is to copy the dependencies to the lib directory of the Grails project.

Conflicting log4j configuration files in referenced java projects using eclipse. No log output from Spring as a result

I have two projects in eclipse - a Java project (let's call it Project A) and a Dynamic Web Project (Project B). Both projects use log4j and both have their own configuration files(as it is now, Project A uses a file and Project B a log4j.xml file). I require Project A to call code from Project B, so in Project A's build path, Project B is added as a required project. This seems to confuse log4j, as it loads it's configuration from Project B's log4j.xml file instead of Project A's To combat this, I added the line "" in my launch configuration, which seems to work. Indeed, the formatting of the logger output is now as described in Project A's
Both projects also use spring for database connections. The problem I am faced with now is that all logging output from spring seems to be missing. If I remove Project B from Project A's build path the problem goes away and I see the log output from Spring in the console. Is there something inherently wrong with my approach here? If not, any suggestions to make Spring's log output appear in the console while keeping Project B in Project A's build path?
Sorry for the long winded explanation. Any suggestions would be very appreciated.
It sounds like you have have the log4j config file for Project B in the classpath. In both projects, make sure the config file is not in the classpath and use the -Dlog4j.configuration technique instead.
Usually, for things like this I try not to have multiple log4j files. If both projects have standalone Java main()s, then you may want to consider having a 'common' project for both projects that contains common configuration files like log4j.