Entity Framework validation with partial updates - entity-framework

I'm using Entity Framework 5.0 with DbContext and POCO entities. There's a simple entity containing 3 properties:
public class Record
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public bool IsActive { get; set; }
The Title field is always unmodified, and the UI simply displays it without providing any input box to modify it. That's why the Title field is set to null when the form is sent to the server.
Here's how I tell EF to perform partial update of the entity (IsActive field only):
public class EFRepository<TEntity>
public void PartialUpdate(TEntity entity, params Expression<Func<TEntity, object>>[] propsToUpdate)
var entry = _dbContext.Entry(entity);
foreach(var prop in propsToUpdate)
contextEntry.Property(prop).IsModified = true;
and the call:
repository.PartialUpdate(updatedRecord, r => r.IsActive);
Calling SaveChanges method, I get the DbEntityValidationException, that tells me, Title is required. When I set dbContext.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false, everything is OK.
Is there any way to avoid disabling validation on the whole context and to tell EF not to validate properties that are not being updated?
Thanks in advance.

If you use partial updates or stub entities (both approaches are pretty valid!) you cannot use global EF validation because it doesn't respect your partial changes - it always validates whole entity. With default validation logic you must turn it off by calling mentioned:
dbContext.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false
And validate every updated property separately. This should hopefully do the magic but I didn't try it because I don't use EF validation at all:
foreach(var prop in propsToUpdate) {
var errors = contextEntry.Property(prop).GetValidationErrors();
if (erros.Count == 0) {
contextEntry.Property(prop).IsModified = true;
} else {
If you want to go step further you can try overriding ValidateEntity in your context and reimplement validation in the way that it validates whole entity or only selected properties based on state of the entity and IsModified state of properties - that will allow you using EF validation with partial updates and stub entities.
Validation in EF is IMHO wrong concept - it introduces additional logic into data access layer where the logic doesn't belong to. It is mostly based on the idea that you always work with whole entity or even with whole entity graph if you place required validation rules on navigation properties. Once you violate this approach you will always find that single fixed set of validation rules hardcoded to your entities is not sufficient.
One of things I have in my very long backlog is to investigate how validation affects speed of SaveChanges operation - I used to have my own validation API in EF4 (prior to EF4.1) based on DataAnnotations and their Validator class and I stopped using it quite soon due to very poor performance.
Workaround with using native SQL has same effect as using stub entities or partial updates with turned off validation = your entities are still not validated but in addition your changes are not part of same unit of work.

In reference to Ladislav's answer, I've added this to the DbContext class, and it now removes all the properties that aren't modified.
I know its not completely skipping the validation for those properties but rather just omitting it, but EF validates per entity not property, and rewriting the entire validation process anew was too much of hassle for me.
protected override DbEntityValidationResult ValidateEntity(
DbEntityEntry entityEntry,
IDictionary<object, object> items)
var result = base.ValidateEntity(entityEntry, items);
var falseErrors = result.ValidationErrors
.Where(error =>
if (entityEntry.State != EntityState.Modified) return false;
var member = entityEntry.Member(error.PropertyName);
var property = member as DbPropertyEntry;
if (property != null)
return !property.IsModified;
return false;//not false err;
foreach (var error in falseErrors.ToArray())
return result;

This is a remix of previous #Shimmy response and it's a version that I currently use.
What I've added is the clause (entityEntry.State != EntityState.Modified) return false; in the Where:
protected override DbEntityValidationResult ValidateEntity(DbEntityEntry entityEntry, IDictionary<object, object> items)
var result = base.ValidateEntity(entityEntry, items);
var falseErrors = result
.Where(error =>
if (entityEntry.State != EntityState.Modified) return false;
var member = entityEntry.Member(error.PropertyName);
var property = member as DbPropertyEntry;
if (property != null) return !property.IsModified;
return false;
foreach (var error in falseErrors.ToArray())
return result;


Entity Framework - Replace child collection using a detached model

I have a many-to-many relationship between Entity A and Entity B. Entity Framework has automatically created a junction table in SQL Server after running the migration. (I don't have this junction table defined anywhere in the code.) For example:
class EntityA
// ...
public ICollection<EntityB> Foo { get; set; }
class EntityB
// ...
public ICollection<EntityA> Bar { get; set; }
I need to replace the Foo collection on EntityA using a (detached) list coming in from a client application. I've spent the better part of a day trying to figure this out. Here is what I've tried:
public async Task<IActionResult> Update(EntityA someEntity)
var entry = context.EntityA.Attach(someEntity);
entry.State = EntityState.Modified;
var collection = entry.Collection(x => x.Foo);
collection.IsModified = true;
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
I've also tried changing the CurrentValue property of collection, and obviously I've also tried replacing Foo directly, but nothing seems to work -- the junction table remains empty. How can this child list be entirely replaced without having to Include() / load the entire list into memory for manual tracking / removal?
Ivan (in the comments above) is right. After some trial and error, I ended up writing an extension method that works for my case. Before I get to that, I want to credit this answer for pointing me in the right direction, which I ended up modifying to get it working with auto-generated EF junction tables. First, the extension method:
// assuming your models inherit from a base class or implement an interface
public interface IEntity
Guid Id { get; set; } // or int or whatever your ID field is
public static class DbExtensions
// Updates the many-to-many child collections of an entity (for an auto-generated EF junction table)
public static async Task UpdateJunctionTableAsync<T, Y>(this DbContext baseContext, T entity, Expression<Func<T, IEnumerable<Y>>> property)
where T : class, IEntity
where Y : class, IEntity
// scope these calls to a new context -- working off the base context
// tends to cause issues down the line with the change tracking
using var context = new DbContext();
// EF internally compares with DB entities, so we'll do the same
var dbEntity = await context.FindAsync<T>(entity.Id);
var dbEntry = context.Entry(dbEntity);
// access the collection entry that resulted in a junction table
var dbItemsEntry = dbEntry.Collection(property);
// get its associated CLR collection accessor
var accessor = dbItemsEntry.Metadata.GetCollectionAccessor();
// load the entry's items
await dbItemsEntry.LoadAsync();
// build a dictionary to track what needs to be added vs removed
var dbItemsMap = dbItemsEntry.CurrentValue.ToDictionary(e => e.Id);
// get the current items in the entity (not DB)
var items = (IEnumerable<Y>)accessor.GetOrCreate(entity, false);
// add them to the DB as needed
foreach (var item in items)
// if this already exists, no need to process it.
if (dbItemsMap.ContainsKey(item.Id))
// otherwise, add a tracked version of it.
accessor.Add(dbEntity, item, false);
// anything still left here has been deleted from the entity
foreach (var oldItem in dbItemsMap.Values)
accessor.Remove(dbEntity, oldItem);
// we have to clear the junction table from the incoming model's collection,
// otherwise EF will try to attach to it again, which will cause errors
// further down the line
var memberSelectorExpression = property.Body as MemberExpression;
if (memberSelectorExpression != null)
var propertyInfo = memberSelectorExpression.Member as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo != null)
propertyInfo.SetValue(entity, null, null);
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
Using this is simple:
public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateFoo(EntityA model)
// update the junction table first
await context.UpdateJunctionTableAsync(model, x => x.Foo);
// then update whatever else you want
// e.g., if we were updating the whole row:
// context.EntityA.Attach(model).State = EntityState.Modified;
// save
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
return Ok();

How to query in LINQ & Entity Framework the unmapped property

So I partially followed from an SO answer on how to store a property with array datatype in Entity Framework. What I didn't follow on that answer is setting the string InternalData to be private instead of public as I find it a code smell if it is set to public (not enough reputation to comment there yet).
I also managed to map the private property in entity framework from this blog.
When I perform CR (create, read) from that entity, all goes well. However, when my LINQ query has a where clause using that property with array datatype, it says that "System.NotSupportedException: 'The specified type member is not supported in LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties are supported.'".
How to work around on this? Here are the relevant code blocks:
public class ReminderSettings
public string UserID { get; set; }
private string _remindForPaymentStatusCSV { get; set; }
private Status[] _remindForPaymentStatus;
public Status[] RemindForPaymentStatus
return Array.ConvertAll(_remindForPaymentStatusCSV.Split(','), e => (Status)Enum.Parse(typeof(Status), e));
_remindForPaymentStatus = value;
_remindForPaymentStatusCSV = String.Join(",", _remindForPaymentStatus.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray());
public static readonly Expression<Func<ReminderSettings, string>> RemindForPaymentStatusExpression = p => p._remindForPaymentStatusCSV;
public enum Status
NotPaid = 0,
PartiallyPaid = 1,
FullyPaid = 2,
Overpaid = 3
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuuilder modelBuilder)
//This query will cause the error
public IEnumerable<ReminderSettings> GetReminderSettingsByPaymentStatus(Status[] statusArray)
var query = ApplicationDbContext.ReminderSettings.Where(x => x.RemindForPaymentStatus.Intersect(statusArray).Any());
return query.ToList(); //System.NotSupportedException: 'The specified type member 'RemindForPaymentStatus' is not supported in LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties are supported.'
Entity Framework can not translate LINQ expressions to SQL if they access a property that is annotated as [NotMapped]. (It also can not translate if the property contains custom C# code in its getter/setter).
As a quick (but potentially low performance) workaround, you can execute the part of the query that does not cause problems, then apply additional filtering in-memory.
// execute query on DB server and fetch items into memory
var reminders = dbContext.ReminderSettings.ToList();
// now that we work in-memory, LINQ does not need to translate our custom code to SQL anymore
var filtered = reminders.Where(r => r.RemindForPaymentStatus.Contains(Status.NotPaid));
If this causes performance problems, you have to make the backing field of your NotMapped property public and work directly with it.
var filtered = dbContext.ReminderSettings
.Where(r => r._remindForPaymentStatusCSV.Contains(Status.NotPaid.ToString("D"));
To handle multiple Status as query parameters, you can attach Where clauses in a loop (which behaves like an AND). This works as long as your Status enum values are distinguishable (i.e. there is no Status "11" if there is also a Status "1").
var query = dbContext.ReminderSettings.Select(r => r);
foreach(var statusParam in queryParams.Status) {
var statusString = statusParam.ToString("D");
query = query.Where(r => r._remindForPaymentStatusCSV.Contains(statusString));
var result = query.ToArray();

Generic repository to update an entire aggregate

I am using the repository pattern to provide access to and saving of my aggregates.
The problem is the updating of aggregates which consist of a relationship of entities.
For example, take the Order and OrderItem relationship. The aggregate root is Order which manages its own OrderItem collection. An OrderRepository would thus be responsible for updating the whole aggregate (there would be no OrderItemRepository).
Data persistence is handled using Entity Framework 6.
Update repository method (DbContext.SaveChanges() occurs elsewhere):
public void Update(TDataEntity item)
var entry = context.Entry<TDataEntity>(item);
if (entry.State == EntityState.Detached)
var set = context.Set<TDataEntity>();
TDataEntity attachedEntity = set.Local.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Id.Equals(item.Id));
if (attachedEntity != null)
// If the identity is already attached, rather set the state values
var attachedEntry = context.Entry(attachedEntity);
entry.State = EntityState.Modified;
In my above example, only the Order entity will be updated, not its associated OrderItem collection.
Would I have to attach all the OrderItem entities? How could I do this generically?
Julie Lerman gives a nice way to deal with how to update an entire aggregate in her book Programming Entity Framework: DbContext.
As she writes:
When a disconnected entity graph arrives on the server side, the
server will not know the state of the entities. You need to provide a
way for the state to be discovered so that the context can be made
aware of each entity’s state.
This technique is called painting the state.
There are mainly two ways to do that:
Iterate through the graph using your knowledge of the model and set the state for each entity
Build a generic approach to track state
The second option is really nice and consists in creating an interface that every entity in your model will implement. Julie uses an IObjectWithState interface that tells the current state of the entity:
public interface IObjectWithState
State State { get; set; }
public enum State
First thing you have to do is to automatically set the state to Unchanged for every entity retrieved from the DB, by adding a constructor in your Context class that hooks up an event:
public YourContext()
.ObjectMaterialized += (sender, args) =>
var entity = args.Entity as IObjectWithState;
if (entity != null)
entity.State = State.Unchanged;
Then change your Order and OrderItem classes to implement the IObjectWithState interface and call this ApplyChanges method accepting the root entity as parameter:
private static void ApplyChanges<TEntity>(TEntity root)
where TEntity : class, IObjectWithState
using (var context = new YourContext())
foreach (var entry in context.ChangeTracker
IObjectWithState stateInfo = entry.Entity;
entry.State = ConvertState(stateInfo.State);
private static void CheckForEntitiesWithoutStateInterface(YourContext context)
var entitiesWithoutState =
from e in context.ChangeTracker.Entries()
where !(e.Entity is IObjectWithState)
select e;
if (entitiesWithoutState.Any())
throw new NotSupportedException("All entities must implement IObjectWithState");
Last but not least, do not forget to set the right state of your graph entities before calling ApplyChanges ;-) (You could even mix Modified and Deleted states within the same graph.)
Julie proposes to go even further in her book:
you may find yourself wanting to be more granular with the way
modified properties are tracked. Rather than marking the entire entity
as modified, you might want only the properties that have actually
changed to be marked as modified.
In addition to marking an entity as modified, the client is also
responsible for recording which properties have been modified. One way
to do this would be to add a list of modified property names to the
state tracking interface.
But as my answer is already too long, go read her book if you want to know more ;-)
My opinionated (DDD specific) answer would be:
Cut off the EF entities at the data layer.
Ensure your data layer only returns domain entities (not EF entities).
Forget about the lazy-loading and IQueryable() goodness (read: nightmare) of EF.
Consider using a document database.
Don't use generic repositories.
The only way I've found to do what you ask in EF is to first delete or deactivate all order items in the database that are a child of the order, then add or reactivate all order items in the database that are now part of your newly updated order.
So you have done well on update method for your aggregate root, look at this domain model:
public class ProductCategory : EntityBase<Guid>
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public class Product : EntityBase<Guid>, IAggregateRoot
private readonly IList<ProductCategory> _productCategories = new List<ProductCategory>();
public void AddProductCategory(ProductCategory productCategory)
it was just a product which has a product category, I've just created the ProductRepository as my aggregateroot is product(not product category) but I want to add the product category when I create or update the product in service layer:
public CreateProductResponse CreateProduct(CreateProductRequest request)
var response = new CreateProductResponse();
var productModel = request.ProductViewModel.ConvertToProductModel();
Product product=new Product();
catch (Exception exception)
response.Success = false;
return response;
I just wanted to show you how to create domain methods for entities in domain and use it in service or application layer. as you can see the code below adds the ProductCategory category via productRepository in database:
now for updating the same entity you can ask for ProductRepository and fetch the entity and make changes on it.
note that for retrieving entity and value object of and aggregate separately you can write query service or readOnlyRepository:
public class BlogTagReadOnlyRepository : ReadOnlyRepository<BlogTag, string>, IBlogTagReadOnlyRepository
public IEnumerable<BlogTag> GetAllBlogTagsQuery(string tagName)
throw new NotImplementedException();
hope it helps

Changing EF6 source code for conversion of short to bool

What is the feasibility of modifying the mapping code to convert a short of value zero or non-zero to false or true, if the boolean destination property is marked with an attribute in the POCO model?
I mean, this is supposed to be one of the advantages of EF being open sourced, and would be for in house use only.
Any tips on where in the code I would look would be appreciated, but this question is really more general and I'd like to hear anything anyone has to say on this.
With regard to the General comments please.
I dont know to make the EF change, but dealing with similar issues is not an uncommon issue in EF.
Not all standard types are supported by EF.
You can have a helper field in your POCO class.
So one field is the actual DB field, but no used outside of POCO.
The help field is NOTMAPPED or ignored in fluent API.
You access the DB via you helper and execute any required casting.
A simple example. Or the reverse if I got helper and DB field types back to front.
public virtual bool IsVisible { set; get; } // Helper Field NOT on DB
public int Test { get { return IsVisible ? 1 : 0; } // on DB, but set and get via helper only.
set { IsVisible = (value != 0); } }
Edit: Power Fluent API
Here is a snippet that outlines how you have code that runs for every mapped poco in a consistent way.
public class MyDbContext : DbContext
// model building, set breakpoint so you know when this is triggered
// it is important this ISNT called everytime, only on model cache.
// in my case that is app pool recycle.
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// use the CONFIG add feature to better organize and allow use of inheritance when mapping
// I will use snippets and statics to keep it simple.
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(XYZMap.Map()); // POCO map
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(ABCMAP.Map()); // poco map
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(XXXMap.MAP()); // poco map
// etc for your POCO set
// Note, no need to declare DBset<xyz> XYZs {get;set;} !!!!
public static class XYZMap {
public static BaseEntityIntConfiguration<PocoXYZ> Map() {
//see return object !
var entity = new BaseEntityLongConfiguration<PocoXYZ>();
//entity.Property()... // map away as usual POCO specifc
///entity.HasRequired()...// property and relationships as required
// do nothing for default
return entity;
// all tables with int key use this base config. do it once never again
public class BaseEntityIntConfiguration<T> : BaseEntityConfiguration<T> where T : BaseObjectInt {
public BaseEntityIntConfiguration(DatabaseGeneratedOption DGO = DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity) {
// Primary Key
this.HasKey(t => t.Id);
// Properties
//Id is an int allocated by DB
this.Property(t => t.Id).HasDatabaseGeneratedOption(DGO); // default to db generated
// optimistic lock is also added here, Specific to out poco design
this.Property(t => t.RowVersion)
// any other common mappings/ rules ??
public class BaseEntityConfiguration<T> : EntityTypeConfiguration<T> where T : BaseObject {
public BaseEntityConfiguration() {
this.ApplyAttributeRules(); // <<<<< Here is where I apply SYSTEM WIDE rules
public static void ApplyAttributeRules<T>(this EntityTypeConfiguration<T> entity) where T : BaseObject {
// so this will be called for each mapped type
foreach (var propertyInfo in typeof (T).GetProperties()) {
// I use reflection to look for properties that meet certain criteria.
// eg string. I want as NVARCHAR 4000 not NVCAHR max so i can index it.
if (propertyInfo.UnderLyingType().FullName == "System.String") {
SetStringLength(BosTypeTool.StringLengthIndexable, propertyInfo.Name, entity);
SetStringLength(4000, propertyInfo.Name, entity);
private static void SetStringLength<TModelPoco>(int length, string propertyName,
EntityTypeConfiguration<TModelPoco> entity) where TModelPoco : BaseObject {
var propLambda = DynamicExpression.ParseLambda<TModelPoco, String>(propertyName);
// dynamic library from Microsoft.... http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/vstudio/bb894665.aspx
// get underlying type incase it is nullable
public static Type UnderLyingType(this PropertyInfo propertyInfo) {
return Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(propertyInfo.PropertyType) ?? propertyInfo.PropertyType;

Using .Find() & .Include() on the same query

I have the following method automatically generated from the scaffold template with repository:-
public Group Find(int id)
return context.Groups.Find(id);
But since the Groups object has two navigation properties which I need , so I wanted to include the .Include, so I replace the .find with .where :-
public Group Find(int id)
return context.Groups.Where(c=>c.GroupID==id)
.Include(a => a.UserGroups)
.Include(a2 => a2.SecurityRoles)
But my question is how can I apply the .Include with the .find() instead of using .Where()?
I was just thinking about what find actually does. #lazyberezovsky is right include and find cant be used in conjunction with each other. I think this is quite deliberate and here's why:
The Find method on DbSet uses the primary key value to attempt to find
an entity tracked by the context. If the entity is not found in the
context then a query will be sent to the database to find the entity
there. Null is returned if the entity is not found in the context or
in the database.
Find is different from using a query in two significant ways:
A round-trip to the database will only be made if the entity with the given key is not found in the context.
Find will return entities that are in the Added state. That is, Find will return entities that have been added to the context but have
not yet been saved to the database.
(from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj573936.aspx)
Because find is an optimised method it can avoid needing a trip to the server. This is great if you have the entity already tracked, as EF can return it faster.
However if its not just this entity which we are after (eg we want to include some extra data) there is no way of knowing if this data has already been loaded from the server. While EF could probably make this optimisation in conjunction with a join it would be prone to errors as it is making assumptions about the database state.
I imagine that include and find not being able to be used together is a very deliberate decision to ensure data integrity and unnecessary complexity. It is far cleaner and simpler
when you are wanting to do a join to always go to the database to perform that join.
You can't. Find method defined on DbSet<T> type and it returns entity. You can't call Include on entity, so the only possible option is calling Find after Include. You need DbSet<T> type for that, but Include("UserGroups") will return DbQuery<T>, and Include(g => g.UserGroups) will also return DbQuery<T>:
public static IQueryable<T> Include<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, string path)
where T: class
RuntimeFailureMethods.Requires(source != null, null, "source != null");
DbQuery<T> query = source as DbQuery<T>;
if (query != null)
return query.Include(path); // your case
// ...
DbQuery<T> is not a child of DbSet<T> thus method Find is not available. Also keep in mind, that Find first looks for entity in local objects. How would it include some referenced entities, if they don't loaded yet?
You can try to do this:
public static class DbContextExtention
public static TEntity FirstOfDefaultIdEquals<TEntity, TKey>(
this IQueryable<TEntity> source, TKey otherKeyValue)
where TEntity : class
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "x");
var property = Expression.Property(parameter, "ID");
var equal = Expression.Equal(property, Expression.Constant(otherKeyValue));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(equal, parameter);
return source.FirstOrDefault(lambda);
public static TEntity FirstOfDefaultIdEquals<TEntity>(
this ObservableCollection<TEntity> source, TEntity enity)
where TEntity : class
var value = (int)enity.GetType().GetProperty("ID").GetValue(enity, null);
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "x");
var property = Expression.Property(parameter, "ID");
var equal = Expression.Equal(property, Expression.Constant(value));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(equal, parameter);
var queryableList = new List<TEntity>(source).AsQueryable();
return queryableList.FirstOrDefault(lambda);
public virtual TEntity GetByIdInclude(TId id, params Expression<Func<TEntity, object>>[] includes)
var entry = Include(includes).FirstOfDefaultIdEquals(id);
return entry;
Method include EntityFramework Core (look here(EF6 and EF Core)):
protected IQueryable<TEntity> Include(params Expression<Func<TEntity, object>>[] includes)
IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, object> query = null;
if (includes.Length > 0)
query = DbSet.Include(includes[0]);
for (int queryIndex = 1; queryIndex < includes.Length; ++queryIndex)
query = query.Include(includes[queryIndex]);
return query == null ? DbSet : (IQueryable<TEntity>)query;