Whats the best way to extend XMPP Presence stanza - xmpp

We were using openfire 3.7.1 as our XMPP server, and we wanted to extend the Presence stanza to include some extra information like:
<presence from="you#MyServer.com">
Could you please show me some pointers as what would be a better approach to do so? E.g., should I modify or extend some XMPP schema so that openfire will process the above presence packet as usual (currently if I send message like above, openfire seems not taking it as a Presence packet)? And should I create a plugin to intercept all packets so as to process our custom elements?
Thanks in Advance!

This is how it is normally done:
<presence from="you#MyServer.com">
<x xmlms="http://mycompany.com/mycustomnamespace1>
Openfire will route such a packet without any problems.
You only need a server plugin when the server has to process any action on this custom elements. When the server should route the presence only to your contacts then nothing is required on the server.


How to allow Ejabberd external XMPP component to send presence packets on behalf of a user

I wrote an external component for Ejabberd, but when trying to send presence stanzas on behalf of a user i get a 400 error.
The component's name is bot.domain.com and the host name in Ejabberd is domain.com and I have set the "check_from" flag to false for my component.
Below is an example of a presence stanza I am trying to send from the component on behalf of a user:
<presence from="user#domain.com">
<status>Test status</status>
And this is the error message that is returned by Ejabberd:
<presence type="error" to="user#domain.com">
<status>Test status</status>
<error code="400" type="modify">
<bad-request xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/>
If I add to="user2#domain.com" in the package I'm sending, the destination user actually receives the package.
If I add to="domain.com", I don't get the 400 error anymore, but the presence is not broadcast to anyone in the user's roster.
The actual problem seems to be that Ejabberd is not broadcasting the presence packet to everyone in the user's roster.
Any ideas what I might be missing or why I get the 400 error when not specifying the "to" field?
You cannot broadcast roster presence on behalf of a user from a component. Component service does not load the user roster. Only the ejabberd_c2s is taking care of loading roster to broadcast presence. It also takes care of checking privacy list and many important features of XMPP.
As a side note, I do not know what you expect to do with that approach, but you can split presence from user session in XMPP. A user is online first because he has a session open on XMPP and only secondarily because he sent a presence. By faking presence sending from component for a users, you are not guaranteed that that user will have a session opened. In that case, the overall behaviour will certainly not the one you expect.

Strophe XMPP receiving only stanzas with full JID

I'm creating a web XMPP client to connect to an XMPP ejabberd server and I have the following problem:
My client can send messages just alright.
The problem is when I try to receive messages. I only receive stanzas directed to my full JID, that is including the resource I am using, so I don't receive stanzas directed to my user#domain but I do receive stanzas sent to my user#domain/resource.
This is not an ideal situation since the other clients I need to communicate with work with bare JIDs.
I have little experience with Strophe so maybe someone with more experience can illustrate what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance!
Have you checked if your xmpp server offers a setting to route messages to all resources?
OpenFire offers a property named route.all-resources which will forward messages to all resources for a person.
Also, you may want to adjust the priority of your resource, as only the resource with the highest priority will have the message sent to it (if the message does not specify a resource).
Here is an example of setting your resource priority to 10 with Strophe.js
This article describes the intended behaviour, and also this answer from a related question may help you understand what's happening.

How to get acknowledgment for send/receive message in ejabbered/XMPP?

How to know that message is deliver to other user using XMPP framework and ejabberd, we are using XEP-0184 class for Message Delivery Receipts , we send the receipts request while sending with the message but didn’t get any response.
My Query is should i need to configure anything on server (or any changes in ejabberd.cfg file) for that or any client side code we need to do.
No, XEP-0184 is a purely client protocol, so there's nothing to set up on the server.
Among the reasons you're not receiving any acknowledges there might be:
Your clients just do not have XEP-0184 enabled.
Depending on the XMPP libraries you're using (on both clients — the sender and the receiver), the sender might decide to not even request receipts if it discovers (by querying the peer's capabilities) that it has XEP-0184 turned off.
To be may be more clear: XEPs usually suggest the implementations to check if the feature defined by the XEP is supported, and to not attempt to use it if it isn't. Not all libraries and client do this, but some do. This means that some implementations might go like this: OK, I was requested to send delivery receipt requests, so
Do service discovery on the peer I'm about to contact.
Check to see if it has XEP-0184 enabled.
If not, I'll just silently not attach any receipt requests.
Whether a particular XMPP library does this by itself depends on how "smart" is was made.
If by XMPP Framework you mean this library, please try to read its source code to see if it's "smart" and asks the peer for its caps and then checks to see if XEP-0184 is enabled.
Also check to see if you can enable logging of XML streams exchanged by your client. Inspecting them is the best way to debug XMPP-related issues.
You can use XEP-0022 Message events extension to achieve this:
Here your message stanza formate:
<message to='username#domain.com' id='msgId-21102012,12:12:11'>
<body>How are you doing?</body>
<x xmlns='jabber:x:event'>
Based on receipnt status, open fire will respone with message event status. Once look into XEP-022 extension.

Why presence stanza is rejected when there is no "to" attribute

As for XMPP documentation (Example 10) this kind of stanza should be valid:
<presence from="support#im.server.com" />
However ejabberd replies with 400 response. The reason here is a missing "to" field. I wonder why it happens.
Based on a XML schema of a XEP-0114 analysis I guess the reason is in a fact that support#im.server.com is an external component.
Could someone confirm that I am right/wrong, or give a suggestion how to overcome the situation?
XMPP Server: ejabberd 2.1.5.
example 10 which you refer to sends out a user presence to a client and includes a resource. So this is server => client.
If I understand you correct you send this presence from your component to the server (component=>server). Without a to address the server is not able to route this presence to another entity.

Send string to XMPP MuC participants without using "Message" object

In my current project I want to communicate with people in a XMPP Multi User Chat. But also I need to send data to all participants in the conference, but this data should not be seen as a message.
Is it possible to send data (strings) to all participants in a MuC channel by not using a normal chat message?
I'm using Smack API, and I assume, that all participants use my program.
Thanks in advance!
The solution is to use a normal message (with type="groupchat"), but do not include a <body>.
I do not know how this is done in Smack, or if it is possible (I hope it is). An example message would be:
<message to="room#conference.server" type="groupchat">
<yourdata xmlns="your-xmlns">
XMPP clients will ignore this message, as it has no <body> tag.