Concatenating strings to a path - perl

I'm having some trouble with concatenation on strings. I'm tring to create a path that will become a .txt file, but it always ends up as just ".txt" with no name. It ends up in the right fikder though.
This is what I'm doing:
open TEXT, ">/home/admin/www/build/logs/baseline".$ID."/".$platformName.".txt" or die $!;
So I want to create the file.
Where am I messing this up?

You are not messing up in the snippet provided, there are several ways of forming a string including values from variables and you are using one of them (the dot-operator) correctly.
Try checking so that $platformType really contains what you think it, and unless you haven't already; turn warnings (and preferrably strict mode) on.
Turning warnings/strict mode on might give you details of undefined variables which would be helpful in situations such as this (ie. Is $platformType really the name of the variable you are looking for?)
use warnings;
use strict;
Print the value of $platformType before trying to open the file and you will find that it is indeed an empty string (or just containing something weird that would explain the results you are getting).

Step 1:
open TEXT, '>/home/admin/www/build/logs/baseline/' . $ID . '/' . $platformName . '.txt';
Step 2:
open TEXT, ">/home/admin/www/build/logs/baseline/" . $ID . "/" . $platformName . ".txt";
I think like this..........


About searching recursively in Perl

I have a Perl script that I, well, mostly pieced together from questions on this site. I've read the documentation on some parts to better understand it. Anyway, here it is:
use File::Find;
my $dir = '/home/jdoe';
my $string = "hard-coded pattern to match";
find(\&printFile, $dir);
sub printFile
my $element = $_;
if(-f $element && $element =~ /\.txt$/)
open my $in, "<", $element or die $!;
if (/\Q$string\E/)
print "$File::Find::name\n";
last; # stops looking after match is found
This is a simple script that, similar to grep, will look down recursively through directories for a matching string. It will then print the location of the file that contains the string. It works, but only if the file is located in my home directory. If I change the hard-coded search to look in a different directory (that I have permissions in), for example /admin/programs, the script no longer seems to do anything: No output is displayed, even when I know it should be matching at least one file (tested by making a file in admin/programs with the hard-coded pattern. Why am I experiencing this behavior?
Also, might as well disclaim that this isn't a really useful script (heck, this would be so easy with grep or awk!), but understanding how to do this in Perl is important to me right now. Thanks
EDIT: Found the problem. A simple oversight in that the files in the directory I was looking for did not have .txt as extension. Thanks for helping me find that.
I was able to get the desired output using the code you pasted by making few changes like:
use strict;
use warnings;
You should always use them as they notify of various errors in your code which you may not get hold of.
Next I changed the line :
my $dir = './home/jdoe'; ##'./admin/programs'
The . signifies current directory. Also if you face problems still try using the absolute path(from source) instead of relative path. Do let me know if this solves your problem.
This script works fine without any issue. One thing hidden from this script to us is the pattern. you can share the pattern and let us know what you are expecting from that pattern, so that we can validate that.
You could also run your program in debug mode i.e.,
perl -d your_program.
That should take you to debug mode and there are lot of options available to inspect through the flow. type 'n' on the debug prompt to step in to the code flow to understand how your code flows. Typing 'n' will print the code execution point and its result

How can I get perl to correctly pass a command line argument with multiple arguments and complex file paths (spaces and symbols)?

I have a small perl script which collects file paths from an excel file and passes them through the command line to perltex which then compiles a pdf based on the files and paths chosen.
My problem is that the moment I introduce more complex file paths (which is necessary based on the network setup of the final user pool) perltex fails to find the file paths, cutting them at the space.
A MWE is a follows
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.14.2;
use Text::Template;
use Spreadsheet::Read;
use Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX;
use utf8;
use charnames qw( :full :short );
use autodie;
my $row = 5;
my $col = 15;
my $File = "C:/Users/me/Desktop/Reporting-Static/Input-test1.xlsm";
my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX->new();
my $workbook = $parser->parse($File);
my $worksheet = $workbook->worksheet("Input");
my $cell = $worksheet->get_cell($row, $col);
my $Filename = $cell->Value();
my $texfile = "C:/Users/me/Desktop/Reporting-Static/file.tex";
# can't find this file if there are spaces in the address
system("perltex", "--latex=pdflatex", "--nosafe", "--jobname=$Filename", "$texfile");
if ( $? == -1 )
print "command failed: $!\n";
printf "command exited with value %d", $? >> 8;
However, the moment I change the folder name to one with spaces eg. "Reporting Static" it fails to find the tex file.
I have read several other posts regarding this on stack exchange and other websites but for whatever reason the proposed solutions do not appear to work for me. I have tried
my $texfile = "C:/Users/me/Desktop/Reporting Static/file.tex";
my $texfile = C:/Users/me/Desktop/"Reporting Static"/file.tex;
my $texfile = "\"C:/Users/me/Desktop/"Reporting Static"/file.tex\"";
my $texfile = "\"C:/Users/me/Desktop/Reporting Static/file.tex\"";
my $texfile = "C:/Users/me/Desktop/Reporting^ Static/file.tex";
my $texfile = "C:/Users/me/Desktop/Reporting\^ Static/file.tex";
As well as a few other combinations or varioations of the above, all without success. I have also tried replacing the double quote with a single quote so that perl doesn't interpolate the contents.
I have also tried manually typing all of the above into the command prompt to check whether there was a small issue with the way perl passed the commands to the command line but still no luck.
I am aware that I can use the 'dir /X ~1 c:\' command to find system name allocations that avoid spaces but the idea is that the filename and location will be dynamic and change as a funtion of department and site, so I would prefer to avoid trying to write a script which will go and find this pathname and use it to replace all locations using spaces or other special characters.
The final idea that I had is that this problem could be connected ot the way that perltex passes it's arguments yet I am unable to find any documentation (that I can follow...) on the specifics of how this particular aspect of the file functions.
So my questions are, is there something I am missing not metioned in the other answers that I have read regarding how to correctly pass these paths to perltex, is there perhaps some sort of incompatiblity in how I'm trying to go about this, is this more probabl linked to perltex as opposed to perl or cmd or is there something completely different that I am unaware of that is stopping this from working???
from cmd prompt perltex returns a "unable to find path X, please enter another file location". Until now I hadn't really tested retyping the path by by entering 'C:/Users/me/Desktop/"Reporting Static"/file.tex' (no quotes at the beginning) it is subsequently accepted and runs. but initially passing it this path does not work, suggesting that some internal perltex code accepts the inital path differently to being repassed the same path after an error.... not quite sure what to make of this.
The contents of #latexcmdline that I extracted
$VAR1 = [
'\\makeatletter\\def\\plmac#tag{AYNNNUVKQVJGZKKPGPTH}\\def\\plmac#tofile{Perl.topl}\\def\\plmac#fromfile{Perl.frpl}\\def\\plmac#toflag{Perl.tfpl}\\def\\plmac#fromflag{Perl.ffpl}\\def\\plmac#doneflag{Perl.dfpl}\\def\\plmac#pipe{Perl.pipe}\\makeatother\\input C:/Users/me/Desktop/PERLTEST/Perl',
This was done by inserting
use File::Slurp;
use Data::Dumper;
write_file 'C:\Users\me\Desktop\PERLTEST\mydump.log', Dumper( \#latexcmdline );
before the exec command.
I initially recommended that you should use String::ShellQuote but that module is for Linux only so I deleted my answer when I realised that your question was about the Windows system
It seems that there's also a Win32::ShellQuote which does the same thing for Windows, so I am renewing my suggestion
As I said before, the issue is that perltex itself doesn't properly handle paths containing whitespace, even if they are correctly passed as a single element of #ARGV. I believe the solution is to pass the path including enclosing quotes, although I have never been able to test this properly as I have no LaTex installation
Unfortunately, even if I pass qq{"$texfile"}, the quotes are still stripped before they reach the target program, so they must be protected in some way
You need the quote_system function from that module, which will prepare a list of strings so that they retain any quotation marks
Using a parameter of quote_system(qq{"$texfile"}) produces the correct result in my tests. It is the equivalent of passing qq{"\\"$texfile\\""} but less ugly
So your system call should be like this (with no modification to
I have applied the same principle to $Filename as it may well be that this also contains whitespace
use Win32::ShellQuote 'quote_system';
Okay, well I have a solution of sorts
The issue, as I suspected, is that, although the path is passed as a single string to, the latter doesn't handle paths with spaces properly after it has received them
The temporary fix is to hack
Line 82 of my version of (there is no version number in the source) reads
$latexcmdline[$firstcmd] = "\\input $option";
If you change that to
$latexcmdline[$firstcmd] = qq{\\input "$option"};
then all should be well. However this is a solid fix only when it is distributed by the author of perltex. Meanwhile I am looking for a nicer solution from the calling side
There are two steps to solving this problem.
Work out how to get the correct arguments into an external
Work out how to do that from a Perl program.
For step 1, I find a program like this to be useful.
use strict;
use warnings;
print "Received ", scalar #ARGV, " arguments:\n";
for (1 .. #ARGV) {
print "$_: $ARGV[$_ - 1]\n";
It just explains what arguments it receives on the command line. You can use this in place of "perltex" for testing purposes.
You'll see that if you give it an argument that contains spaces, then that is interpreted as the called program as multiple arguments. The way to get round that is to quote the argument that contains a space. And I seem to remember that Windows insists on double-quotes (for reasons that I can never remember).
So I think that you want this:
system('perltex', '--latex=pdflatex', '--nosafe', "--jobname=\"$Filename\"", "\"$texfile\"");
I've double-quoted both of the filenames. Of course, those escaped double-quote characters look really ugly, and Perl gives us qq(...) to make that look nicer.
system('perltex', '--latex=pdflatex', '--nosafe', qq(--jobname="$Filename"), qq("$texfile"));
If that's not quite right, then the program I showed earlier will make it easier to find the solution.
Update: Borodin's comment below about this making no difference to $texfile is accurate. The fact that we're passing a list to system() means that the shell isn't involved at all.

Finding files with Perl

File::Find and the wanted subroutine
This question is much simpler than the original title ("prototypes and forward declaration of subroutines"!) lets on. I'm hoping the answer, however simple, will help me understand subroutines/functions, prototypes and scoping and the File::Find module.
With Perl, subroutines can appear pretty much anywhere and you normally don't need to make forward declarations (except if the sub declares a prototype, which I'm not sure how to do in a "standard" way in Perl). For what I usually do with Perl there's little difference between these different ways of running somefunction:
sub somefunction; # Forward declares the function
somefunction; # Bare word warning under `strict subs`
I often use find2perl to generate code which I crib/hack into parts of scripts. This could well be bad style and now my dirty laundry is public, but so be it :-) For File::Find the wanted function is a required subroutine - find2perl creates it and adds sub wanted; to the resulting script it creates. Sometimes, when I edit the script I'll remove the "sub" from sub wanted and it ends up as &wanted; or wanted();. But without the sub wanted; forward declaration form I get this warning:
Use of uninitialized value $_ in lstat at line 29
My question is: why does this happen and is it a real problem? It is "just a warning", but I want to understand it better.
The documentation and code say $_ is localized inside of sub wanted {}. Why would it be undefined if I use wanted(); instead of sub wanted;?
Is wanted using prototypes somewhere? Am I missing something obvious in Find/
Is it because wanted returns a code reference? (???)
My guess is that the forward declaration form "initializes" wanted in some way so that the first use doesn't have an empty default variable. I guess this would be how prototypes - even Perl prototypes, such as they exist - would work as well. I tried grepping through the Perl source code to get a sense of what sub is doing when a function is called using sub function instead of function(), but that may be beyond me at this point.
Any help deepening (and speeding up) my understanding of this is much appreciated.
EDIT: Here's a recent example script here on Stack Overflow that I created using find2perl's output. If you remove the sub from sub wanted; you should get the same error.
EDIT: As I noted in a comment below (but I'll flag it here too): for several months I've been using Path::Iterator::Rule instead of File::Find. It requires perl >5.10, but I never have to deploy production code at sites with odd, "never upgrade", 5.8.* only policies so Path::Iterator::Rule has become one of those modules I never want to do with out. Also useful is Path::Class. Cheers.
I'm not a big fan of File::Find. It just doesn't work right. The find command doesn't return a list of files, so you either have to use a non-local array variable in your find to capture your list of files you've found (not good), or place your entire program in your wanted subroutine (even worse). Plus, the separate subroutine means that your logic is separate from your find command. It's just ugly.
What I do is inline my wanted subroutine inside my find command. Subroutine stays with the find. Plus, my non-local array variable is now just part of my find command and doesn't look so bad
Here's how I handle the File::Find -- assuming I want files that have a .pl suffix:
my #file_list;
find ( sub {
return unless -f; #Must be a file
return unless /\.pl$/; #Must end with `.pl` suffix
push #file_list, $File::Find::name;
}, $directory );
# At this point, #file_list contains all of the files I found.
This is exactly the same as:
my #file_list;
find ( \&wanted, $directory );
sub wanted {
return unless -f;
return unless /\.pl$/;
push #file_list, $File::Find::name;
# At this point, #file_list contains all of the files I found.
In lining just looks nicer. And, it keep my code together. Plus, my non-local array variable doesn't look so freaky.
I also like taking advantage of the shorter syntax in this particular way. Normally, I don't like using the inferred $_, but in this case, it makes the code much easier to read. My original Wanted is the same as this:
sub wanted {
my $file_name = $_;
if ( -f $file_name and $file_name =~ /\.pl$/ ) {
push #file_list, $File::Find::name;
File::Find isn't that tricky to use. You just have to remember:
When you find a file you don't want, you use return to go to the next file.
$_ contains the file name without the directory, and you can use that for testing the file.
The file's full name is $File::Find::name.
The file's directory is $File::Find::dir.
And, the easiest way is to push the files you want into an array, and then use that array later in your program.
Removing the sub from sub wanted; just makes it a call to the wanted function, not a forward declaration.
However, the wanted function hasn't been designed to be called directly from your code - it's been designed to be called by File::Find. File::Find does useful stuff like populating$_ before calling it.
There's no need to forward-declare wanted here, but if you want to remove the forward declaration, remove the whole sub wanted; line - not just the word sub.
Instead of File::Find, I would recommend using the find_wanted function from File::Find::Wanted.
find_wanted takes two arguments:
a subroutine that returns true for any filename that you would want.
a list of the files you are searching for.
find_wanted returns an array containing the list of filenames that it found.
I used code like the following to find all the JPEG files in certain directories on a computer:
my #files = find_wanted( sub { -f && /\.jpg$/i }, #dirs );
Explanation of some of the syntax, for those that might need it:
sub {...} is an anonymous subroutine, where ... is replaced with the code of the subroutine.
-f checks that a filename refers to a "plain file"
&& is boolean and
/\.jpg$/i is a regular expression that checks that a filename ends in .jpg (case insensitively).
#dirs is an array containing the directory names to be searched. A single directory could be searched as well, in which case a scalar works too (e.g. $dir).
Why not use open and invoke the shell find? The user can edit $findcommand (below) to be anything they want, or can define it in real time based on arguments and options passed to a script.
use strict; use warnings;
my $findcommand='find . -type f -mtime 0';
open(FILELIST,"$findcommand |")||die("can't open $findcommand |");
my #filelist=<FILELIST>;
my $Nfilelist = scalar(#filelist);
print "Number of files is $Nfilelist \n";

Extracting and replacing filename extensions in Perl

Before I start off, I'd like to let you know that I'm no Perl expert. I'm just starting out because of some specific tasks assigned to me.
The requirement of this task is to extract the extension of the file (.dat) and replace it with .trg. The problem is we are zipping the .dat file to make $filename.dat.gz and when we extract the extension and replace it we get $filename.dat.trg while want we would ideally want is $filename.trg.
As for the code (mind you, this seems to be a very old 'legacy' code and I don't want to tinker with it too much as it was/is being maintained by another person), this is how it is put down
#prepare the trigger file
#get the extension
my #contains_extension = split (/\./ , $filename);
my $ext = $contains_extension[-1];
#replace with a ".trg" extension
my $remote_trgfile = $filename;
$remote_trgfile =~ s/$ext$/trg/;
my $trgfile = $out;
$trgfile =~ s/$ext$/trg/;
Remember $filename in the above code is suffixed with .dat.gz i.e., the filename is $filename.dat.gz
I would appreciate if someone could help me out with an easier way to extract both the extensions (.dat and .gz) and replacing it with .trg
So you want to change the 'extension' of a filename, including a optional .gz? Try:
$filename =~ s{\.[^.]*(?:\.gz)?$}{.trg}
$filename =~ s/\..*$/.trg/;
no need to do all of that fancy splitting stuff to try and capture the extension :)
. matches .
.* matches everything (except newline)
$ matches the end of the string
then you're just replacing that with .trg
so you're basically just taking everything after the first "." and replacing with .trg
hope that helps :)

Line numbers with template toolkit

I am using the Perl Template Toolkit to generate C files. I dearly want to be able to include #line directives in my C code so that error messages from the C compiler send me to the right place (the template file) rather than the wrong place (the template output). However, I don't know how to do this. The only result I got from Google was an unanswered message on the Template Toolkit mailing list.
I can imagine a tortured solution like reading the template file myself and adding line numbers, but does anyone have a trick or even a sensible method of getting the line numbers of the original file in Template Toolkit?
Looks to me like Template::Parser's location method returns a suitable #line directive, but there isn't any built in function I see to include that in the output. You'd have to extend Template Toolkit to make it do so.
Since number and "filename" are totally made up (whatever you want) in the #line directive,
I suggest putting #line directives in the template using a slightly different context.
Rather than counting lines in the template yourself, which you could do, even using a template pre-processor. I would 'invent' file names for the different sections of the template and number thos lines with small numbers that you can count.
Then an error message might say "... in line 2 of div id='topleft'"
It doesn't look like Template::Toolkit natively supports this. One thing that you could do is make your program also write a mapping of generated lines to their lines in the appropriate template, so that you can look the errors up the errors with a simple script.
A brute-force solution:
use warnings;
use strict;
my $file = "something.c";
open my $input, "<", $file or die $!;
while (<$input>) {
print "#line $. \"$file\"\n";
close $input or die $!;
Even better, test for [% on the line and only print #lines where necessary.