zend search lucence return hit id of search insted id of field - facebook

i have poblem zend search lucence :
zend search lucence return hit id of search insted id of field.for example:
i have this codde in Yii controller for create index of news data:
public function createNewsIndex()
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'de_DE.iso-8859-1');
Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_TextNum_CaseInsensitive::setDefault(new Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Utf8());
Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer::setDefault(new Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Utf8_CaseInsensitive());
$index = new Zend_Search_Lucene(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.' . $this->_indexFiles.'.news'), true);
$news= News::model()->findAll();
foreach ($news as $newsItem) {
$news_doc=new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
i have this code for search news :
public function searchNews($term) {
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'de_DE.iso-8859-1');
Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_TextNum_CaseInsensitive::setDefault(new Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Utf8());
Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer::setDefault(new Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Utf8_CaseInsensitive());
$index = new Zend_Search_Lucene(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.' . $this->_indexFiles . '.news'));
catch(Zend_Search_Lucene_Exception $e)
$index = new Zend_Search_Lucene(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.' . $this->_indexFiles . '.news'));
$query = Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParser::parse($term);
$results = $index->find($term . '*');
$this->render('search', array(
'results' => $results,
and this code in view:
<?php foreach ($results as $result)
print "ID: " . $result->id . "\n";
print "Score: " . $result->title . "\n<br>";
print CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($result->title), array($controller.'/view', 'id'=>$result->id));
i want $result->id be id of this news title but I think this is a hit ID of I think this is a test Aht ID. hit in find function according this link:(see find function)
Sorry for weak English.

i fix problem by rename id field name:
and in view:
<?php foreach ($results as $result)
print "ID: " . $result->news_id . "\n";
print "Score: " . $result->title . "\n<br>";
print CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($result->title), array($controller.'/view', 'id'=>$result->news_id));


Showing course image on custom page in Moodle

I have created a custom page on which all available courses are displayed. I have also uploaded the image for the course and now want to show the name of the course along with the image. I am able to get the names of courses from the database but how to get the image.
Try something like this
// Create a course_in_list object to use the get_course_overviewfiles() method.
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/coursecatlib.php');
$course = new course_in_list($courseid);
$outputimage = '';
foreach ($course->get_course_overviewfiles() as $file) {
if ($file->is_valid_image()) {
$imagepath = '/' . $file->get_contextid() .
'/' . $file->get_component() .
'/' . $file->get_filearea() .
$file->get_filepath() .
$imageurl = file_encode_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/pluginfile.php', $imagepath,
$outputimage = html_writer::tag('div',
html_writer::empty_tag('img', array('src' => $imageurl)),
array('class' => 'courseimage'));
// Use the first image found.
echo $outputimage;
You may get course image directly from 'overviewfiles' files area.
function get_course_image()
global $COURSE;
$url = '';
require_once( $CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php' );
$context = context_course::instance( $COURSE->id );
$fs = get_file_storage();
$files = $fs->get_area_files( $context->id, 'course', 'overviewfiles', 0 );
foreach ( $files as $f )
if ( $f->is_valid_image() )
$url = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url( $f->get_contextid(), $f->get_component(), $f->get_filearea(), null, $f->get_filepath(), $f->get_filename(), false );
return $url;

replace text with url in twitter feed

I have this code:
public function linkify($status_text)
$status_text = preg_replace('/(https?:\/\/\S+)/','\1', $status_text);
$status_text = preg_replace('/(^|\s)#(\w+)/','\1#\2',$status_text);
$status_text = preg_replace('/(^|\s)#(\w+)/','\1#\2',$status_text);
return $status_text;
and display feeds from twitter like this
foreach($feed as $feed_item) {
$html .= '<li>';
$html .= '' . $this->linkify($feed_item->text) . '';
$html .= '' . $this->relativedate((strtotime($feed_item->created_at))) . '';
$html .= '</li>';
echo $html;
result of this code is
<li>Twitter Feed Text http://t.co/TnkNfxCdRu</li>
if anyone can help me, how can I add text inside tag <a></a>. for example, to be exactly like this:
<li>Twitter Feed Text</li>
Thank you so much
Just change your first preg_replace to:
$status_text = preg_replace('~(https?://(\S+))~','$2',$status_text);

how to set a value for Zend_Form_Element_Submit (zendframework 1)

I have am having trouble setting the basic values of a zend form element submit button (Zendframework1). I basically want to set a unique id number in it and then retrieve this number once the button has been submitted.
Below is my code. you will nots that I tried to use the setValue() method but this did not work.
$new = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('new');
I would also appreciate any advice on what I use to receive the values. i.e what method I will call to retrieve the values?
The label is used as the value on submit buttons, and this is what is submitted. There isn't a way to have another value submitted as part of the button as well - you'd either need to change the submit name or value (= label).
What you probably want to do instead is add a hidden field to the form and give that your numeric value instead.
It's a little bit tricky but not impossible :
You need to implement your own view helper and use it with your element.
At first, you must add a custom view helper path :
How to add a view helper directory (zend framework)
Implement your helper :
class View_Helper_CustomSubmit extends Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit
public function customSubmit($name, $value = null, $attribs = null)
if( array_key_exists( 'value', $attribs ) ) {
$value = $attribs['value'];
unset( $attribs['value'] );
$info = $this->_getInfo($name, $value, $attribs);
extract($info); // name, value, attribs, options, listsep, disable, id
// check if disabled
$disabled = '';
if ($disable) {
$disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
if ($id) {
$id = ' id="' . $this->view->escape($id) . '"';
// XHTML or HTML end tag?
$endTag = ' />';
if (($this->view instanceof Zend_View_Abstract) && !$this->view->doctype()->isXhtml()) {
$endTag= '>';
// Render the button.
$xhtml = '<input type="submit"'
. ' name="' . $this->view->escape($name) . '"'
. $id
. ' value="' . $this->view->escape( $value ) . '"'
. $disabled
. $this->_htmlAttribs($attribs)
. $endTag;
return $xhtml;
So, you assign the helper to the element :
$submit = $form->createElement( 'submit', 'submitElementName' );
$submit->setAttrib( 'value', 'my value' );
$submit->helper = 'customSubmit';
$form->addELement( $submit );
This way, you can retrieve the value of the submitted form :
$form->getValue( 'submitElementName' );

Magento - Get list of all Manufacturers with product count

I am using the following code to list all the manufacturers and it works like a charm:
$attribute = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute')
->loadByCode('catalog_product', 'manufacturer');
$valuesCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('eav/entity_attribute_option_collection')
->setStoreFilter(0, false);
$preparedManufacturers = array();
foreach($valuesCollection as $value) {
$preparedManufacturers[$value->getOptionId()] = $value->getValue();
if (count($preparedManufacturers)) {
echo "<h2>Manufacturers</h2><ul>";
foreach($preparedManufacturers as $optionId => $value) {
echo "<li>" . $value . " - (" . $optionId . ")</li>";
echo "</ul>";
What I am looking for is a way to display the number of products associated with each of the manufacturers. Can someone please tell me the way of doing this?
Many thanks
Not all mine, but works for me in 1.6+?
include_once 'app/Mage.php';
$attribute = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute')
->loadByCode('catalog_product', 'manufacturer');
$valuesCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('eav/entity_attribute_option_collection')
->setStoreFilter(0, false);
$preparedManufacturers = array();
foreach ($valuesCollection as $value) {
$preparedManufacturers[$value->getOptionId()] = $value->getValue();
if (count($preparedManufacturers)) {
echo "<h2>Manufacturers</h2><ul>";
foreach ($preparedManufacturers as $optionId => $value) {
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
$collection->addFieldToFilter(array(array('attribute' => 'manufacturer', 'eq' => $optionId)));
$mumberOfProducrt = count($collection);
echo "<li>" . $value . " - (" . $mumberOfProducrt . ")</li>";
echo "</ul>";
This would work but won't be the most efficient:
foreach($valuesCollection as $value) {
$preparedManufacturers[$value->getOptionId()] = $value->getValue();
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
->addAttributeToSelect('*') // '*' not efficient though
->addAttributeToFilter('manufacturer', array('eq' => $value->getOptionId()))
//->addAttributeToFilter('manufacturer', $value->getOptionId())
$count = $collection->->getSize();
It's an extra query for each manufacturer so it's not great, if you have some caching etc it won't be too bad though.
Working code should do it
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()->groupByAttribute('manufacturer')
->addExpressionAttributeToSelect("count",'COUNT({{entity_id}})', 'entity_id');

How do I add a class name to <li> from Zend Navigation XML

Can someone please help me out, I'm totally stuck! I don't know how to add a class name to <li> tag in Zend navigation XML
This is my XML
<label>Home </label>
<label>Quotes </label>
<label>How It Works</label>
<label>Informations </label>
<class> last </class>
<label>Directory </label>
When I add <class>last</class> this is what i get:
<a class="last" href="/directory">Directory </a>
Currently I'm getting <a class="last"> but I need <li class="last">
Thanks so much in advance!
I think that the best way to put css classes into li elements would be to write your own navigation menu helper, called for example My_View_Helper_NavigationMenu that extends original Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu class. For this reason I prepared an example of such a helper that overloads _renderMenu() method. The code of the method seems long, but this is because original code is long. There are only few new/modified lines in overloaded _renderMenu():
File: APPLICATION_PATH/views/helpers/NavigationMenu.php
class My_View_Helper_NavigationMenu extends Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu {
* Renders a normal menu (called from {#link renderMenu()})
* #param Zend_Navigation_Container $container container to render
* #param string $ulClass CSS class for first UL
* #param string $indent initial indentation
* #param int|null $minDepth minimum depth
* #param int|null $maxDepth maximum depth
* #param bool $onlyActive render only active branch?
* #return string
protected function _renderMenu(Zend_Navigation_Container $container,
$html = '';
// find deepest active
if ($found = $this->findActive($container, $minDepth, $maxDepth)) {
$foundPage = $found['page'];
$foundDepth = $found['depth'];
} else {
$foundPage = null;
// create iterator
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($container,
if (is_int($maxDepth)) {
// iterate container
$prevDepth = -1;
foreach ($iterator as $page) {
$depth = $iterator->getDepth();
$isActive = $page->isActive(true);
if ($depth < $minDepth || !$this->accept($page)) {
// page is below minDepth or not accepted by acl/visibilty
} else if ($onlyActive && !$isActive) {
// page is not active itself, but might be in the active branch
$accept = false;
if ($foundPage) {
if ($foundPage->hasPage($page)) {
// accept if page is a direct child of the active page
$accept = true;
} else if ($foundPage->getParent()->hasPage($page)) {
// page is a sibling of the active page...
if (!$foundPage->hasPages() ||
is_int($maxDepth) && $foundDepth + 1 > $maxDepth) {
// accept if active page has no children, or the
// children are too deep to be rendered
$accept = true;
if (!$accept) {
// make sure indentation is correct
$depth -= $minDepth;
$myIndent = $indent . str_repeat(' ', $depth);
if ($depth > $prevDepth) {
// start new ul tag
if ($ulClass && $depth == 0) {
$ulClass = ' class="' . $ulClass . '"';
} else {
$ulClass = '';
$html .= $myIndent . '<ul' . $ulClass . '>' . self::EOL;
} else if ($prevDepth > $depth) {
// close li/ul tags until we're at current depth
for ($i = $prevDepth; $i > $depth; $i--) {
$ind = $indent . str_repeat(' ', $i);
$html .= $ind . ' </li>' . self::EOL;
$html .= $ind . '</ul>' . self::EOL;
// close previous li tag
$html .= $myIndent . ' </li>' . self::EOL;
} else {
// close previous li tag
$html .= $myIndent . ' </li>' . self::EOL;
// ***************** THESE ARE NEW LINES *************** //
$liMyClass = $page->get('liclass') ? $page->liclass : '' ;
if ($isActive) {
$liClass = " class=\"active $liMyClass\" ";
} else {
$liClass = $liMyClass ? " class=\"$liMyClass\" ":'';
// ***************** END OF NEW STUFF *************** //
// render li tag and page (ORGINAL LINE REMOVED)
//$liClass = $isActive ? ' class="active "' : '';
$html .= $myIndent . ' <li' . $liClass . '>' . self::EOL
. $myIndent . ' ' . $this->htmlify($page) . self::EOL;
// store as previous depth for next iteration
$prevDepth = $depth;
if ($html) {
// done iterating container; close open ul/li tags
for ($i = $prevDepth+1; $i > 0; $i--) {
$myIndent = $indent . str_repeat(' ', $i-1);
$html .= $myIndent . ' </li>' . self::EOL
. $myIndent . '</ul>' . self::EOL;
$html = rtrim($html, self::EOL);
return $html;
In your layout.phtml you need to indicate to the navigation view helper to use this new class. You can do this as follows:
<?php $this->navigation()->setDefaultProxy('navigationMenu'); ?>;
Finally in your navigation.xml you could define a class for a li element using liclass tag (you can use whatever name you want for this tag):
<class> last </class>
<label>Directory </label>
Hopefully this will be helpful to you. Ideally, I should have named the new class My_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu (located in APPLICATION_PATH/views/helpers/Navigation/Menu.php). However, I could not make Zend plugin loaders to load it and I went with My_View_Helper_NavigationMenu.