How to make the powershell line-buffered in emacs for Windows - powershell

I want to use powershell in emacs, but it seems that the powershell in emacs is block buffered. For example, when I write the a simple c program like this:
int main()
printf("input the number of a value: \n");
scanf("%d", &num);
I compile it and make it run in Powershell under emacs. It won't print out the line input the number of a value: until I input a number and hit Enter. the c program runs well in powershell outside the emacs. My question is how can I run the PowerShell line buffered in emacs?
edit I use the Powershell.el

The stdout of the C library is line buffered if the stdout of your program is connected to a terminal. The reason you find the behavior in your original program (without fflush) is simply because while running through the GNU EMACS, your program thinks it is not connected to a real terminal. Experiment running your program in M-x term or M-x ansi-term, for example. The solutions given here suggest you using fflush, which is definitely not a solution as you won't change every little program that uses the C library in your system. So the answer to your question is really giving your GNU EMACS a real terminal and not changing your program. Now, the bad news is that neither of these terminals for the GNU EMACS seem to work on Windows. (Sorry.) (Nevertheless, it appears someone claims to run ansi-term on Windows.)

You need to fflush before the fscanf.

This works for me with eshell:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int num;
printf("input the number:\n");
scanf("%d", &num);
printf("inc: %d\n", num + 1);
I couldn't reproduce your problem with powershell.el because I see another: it doesn't wait for the input, "reads" a 0 instead, prints "inc: 1" and exits.


Emacs: How to read command help just as one would read Man pages?

It's nice to run M-x man foo for command foo within Emacs. It's then possible to navigate easily within the man page and to find details quickly.
When the help of a command (such as git) produces limited output, one can just use a terminal instead of emacs.
But occasionally, a command (such as aws help—run in a terminal) produces extensive output. Yet the output is not compatible with the emacs Man mode. An option is to use M-x shell within emacs, but that will not display the page at once. It will report "WARNING: terminal is not fully functional" and require pressing a key endlessly until the complete help appears, or, for Emacs 25, "Could not find executable named 'groff'".
What is a good way to read long manual pages produced by commands within emacs?
I just ran into this exact problem a few days ago.
Type escape + ! then type (for example) “aws ec2 help”. This brings the help text into a new buffer called Shell Command Output, with all of the control-h characters, etc.
Switch to the new buffer with control-x then lowercase ‘o’ (for other buffer)
Type escape + lowercase ‘x’ to run an emacs function, then type ‘man’ and hit Enter. It will prompt for man page entry and default to EC2, just hit Enter. In my case, it displays an error in the status line, “error in process sentinel: Can’t find the EC2 manpage”.
However, the “man page” functions are now available, so now (in that buffer)you can type escape + x and run the function Man-fontify-manpage. The page should now look like a nice man page with bold, etc.
You can then rename the buffer (escape + x then something like ec2) so the buffer isn’t replaced if you run another shell command.
I you just want the output in a buffer, you can simply use:
M-! aws help RET
If you want the output in a shell buffer, you can do git help commit | cat (so no more "terminal is not fully functional").
Probably you can do M-! aws help | cat RET also. I do not have aws, but hopefully the piping will remove the escape characters if aws output formatting is done right. You should try also TERM=dumb aws help. Any command should know better than using fancy output when TERM is set to dumb. If aws is dumb that way itself, you could pipe its output to something that filters out control characters -- try this
For forcing man mode in an arbitrary buffer, M-x Man-mode (yes, uppercase). I am not sure if that will play nice with aws's output.
By the way, for git I suppose you know you can do man git-commit (or man git-any_git_command, in general), so you have a nice alternative to git help when using emacs (output of help and man page is the same).

How to return to prompt after running an exe file compiled with mcc (Matlab compiler)

I have an executable created with mcc. The .m file has a simple function that reads and plots values. After I run it from DOS, it freeze without returning execution to DOS. 2 questions:
1) How can i return execution to dos? I tried "return" and "exit" commands but didnt help
2) How to close the dos windows? is the only way to use a batch file or can I do it with a command in the .m file?
There are 2 scenarii:
If your run your matlab executable from a DOS window, the DOS window will not get control back until the program terminates. If the program generate matlab figures (plot, surf, etc...), the program will not return to the console until all of the figures are closed.
You may think it is a waste for a simple plot, but after all your figure could be a evolved gui with a lot of code to execute. Or even a simple figure with a closeRequestFcn. So in Matlab terms, your program may still have instructions to execute as long as a figure is opened, so it will not return until it sure there is nothing more to do.
If you simply double clicked on your executable, the DOS looking console which open with your program will have the same behaviour. It will not disappear until the program returns (so until all your figures are closed if relevant).
I am not sure about linux, versions, but if you are running on windows, there is a way to suppress the DOS looking console for your graphic applications. Look at the -e switch in the mcc options.
This switch will compile your program in a way that no DOS console is opened when you double click on your executable.
So to summarize, I would recommend:
If your program is a 'command line' type (a function that takes input from the console and return values to the same). => Compile with normal options, and execute it from a DOS window (you do not want the window to disapear as soon as the program terminates.)
If your program is a gui or even simple plotting functions, with no need for console interactions, then compile with the -e switch and execute it by double clicking the .exe file.
note that in case you use the -e switch, it is recommended to direct potential output to a logfile. Look at the mcc documentation for more info.
If you really need the DOS console and some graphic output, run your program form the command window with the following syntax:
start /b YourProgram
This will start the program in "background mode" (use YourProgram & in Linux terminal). You will be able to do anything in this console window, and you will also see the output from your matlab executable.
It can be confusing because the output from your program will be added to the simple dos prompt and you may think you do not have the control but if you type any command it will work. You can even start many program this way and retain control in your console, but all the output will arrive in the same window and they may be difficult to differentiate.

Open file from Emacs terminal without find-file

If I'm in a term-mode buffer and there is a file path displayed, how would I go about making the path "clickable", opening the file in a new buffer? It doesn't have to be mouse-clickable, in fact I'd prefer a key binding that works when the point is on the file path. Other than the common case of using ls, this function could be used when viewing a log file. Some debug info contains the file path and line number. Something like lib/library.rb:34 for example. Ideally, Emacs could open a new buffer and move the cursor to line 34.
The short answer is: don't work against Emacs. Let Emacs work for you.
While you can use find-file-at-point or put together something yourself, you will be much better off running make, grep and other stuff which prints "dir/file:pos" using M-x compile or M-x grep.
If you need to interact with your program which prints "dir/file:pos", you can pass a prefix argument to compile and the compilation buffer will be interactive.
If you have an arbitrary program whose output starts with "dir/file:pos", e.g., rails server, all you need to do is run it as (grep "rails server").

Perl debugger on Emacs: Clear screen (buffer)?

Say I have long debugging session in Perl with perldb on Emacs (M-x perldb). The output piles up, and at some point it becomes difficult to navigate through it.
I can restart the debugger with R, but that doesn't clear up the previous output. Is there a command to clear up the output of the buffer of the Perl debugger without having to kill the debugger and starting a new session?
You can run comint-truncate-buffer. This will remove all but the last 1024 lines from the buffer. The size can be customized by changing comint-buffer-maximum-size.
If you'd like to have the buffer truncated automatically, run this snippet of elisp:
(add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'comint-truncate-buffer)
Debugger input and output is buffer contents like any other — if you want to delete it, just do it. For example, C-x h C-w (mark-whole-buffer followed by kill-region) works in perldb buffers just fine, and is the closest equivalent to a "clear screen" command in a text terminal.

Why do all keys start being interpreted as "." in Emacs?

I am running Emacs on a unix server, which I access using PuTTY. Occasionally, I accidentally type some combination of keystrokes that causes all future input to be interpreted as a period. I'm pretty sure this always starts when I'm in Emacs, but it continues after exiting (ctrl-xc still works), so if I exit and try to enter something at the prompt it just looks like "....".
I have no idea what I'm doing that causes this. Any ideas?
I agree with phils comment to the question. But In emacs whenever you like to see what you have just pressed, There is a C-h l which gives you the history of keystrokes