How show comments approved by custom form Orchard CMS - forms

Here my question : How can I show, on a page, all the comments I received from a custom form throught Orchard CMS ?
If your not sure to understand my question, here an example of what I want :
Create a Guestbook with a new Content Type named "Gestbook". Add two fields (the name and the comment). Once add it on Forms tab, add comments into the new guestbook page into your website. After that, how can I show them after approved it throught dashboard ?
Thank you very much,

Click on "submissions" on the right of the form in the Forms section of the admin to see what got added by users. You can also trigger additional actions from the Rules module.


Using spfx webparts, would there be a way to either programmatically send an email which has a link to open a modal or using flow?

I want an spfx made webpart that I've made be able to send an email (I'm using IEmailProperties at the moment) which provides a link to a modal form?
For example:
User clicks button in webpart, form loads.
User fills out form and submits it to SP list.
Form sends email on submission. Email has a link to the actual item created, so when the user clicks the provided email link, it opens up the modal form.
I would presume that the user would HAVE to be sent to the SP page where the webpart is unconditionally, but would it be possible to open up the modal corresponding to the SP list item?
Is this feature available in SharePoint framework, because if it isn't, compared to something like InfoPath 2013 or PowerApps it's quite a limitation.
I've researched this with several shallow Google searches and on gitHub for any premade stuff, but alas there is nothing that I've spotted.
I've been told IT IS possible:
"Yeah, they’d have to visit the page. Email clients don’t do JavaScript so you can’t really do interactive stuff there. If you want to take them directly to a page that then displays a modal, that’s plenty possible though. (e.g. display the modal based on if the URL contains a certain string)"
But wouldn't know how to do the above, can anyone start me on the right path?
In the email, pass a query string containing the item ID/list ID etc of the item, then have the webpart read the See: How can I get query string values in JavaScript? If your values exist. If they do exist, then open the modal using some kind of framework like bootstrap or fluent UI. You can write your own form using PnPjs or use an iframe potentially to display the OOTB edit form.
Additionally, you can link to any page in SharePoint provided you use an extension instead of a webpart to host the modal. You can install extensions tenant wide, and have it listen for the query string.

How to add NewForm.aspx to directly into my page in share point 2013 online

I have a custom list in my Share point 2013 site. I need to add the NewForm.aspx of the custom list directly to one of my page , so that users when visit the page, they will be presented with the form.
Once that form is submitted, I need to show a thank you message to the user.
PS: I dont have access to the Share point designer so, looking for a solution in Sharepoint online only.
One way to achieve this is to modify the link you're using to direct users to the form. Send them directly to your form, but modify the default URL so that they are redirected to a thank you page on submit.
Example: http://yoursite/org/hr/Lists/contactUs/Item/newifs.aspx?List=b5b9e317%2D4776%2D4827%2D9d29%2Db4dedc59a75a&Source=http://yoursite/pages/thanks.aspx
Hope that helps.

Joomla Contact Form (from the ground up)

I'm looking to create a customized contact form in a Joomla 3 site I have created. I know how to write the php code for the form, but I'm unsure of where to place the code.
Ok, the form is located at What you see there is only the design, and there is currently no script for the form to submit to. If I wanted to create a new php page for the form to submit to, what is the best method of doing this? For example:
Should I create a completely new php file where the template's index.php file sits, and use a module (instead of an article) to hold the form.
Should I create a new article page, and place my php script in that article?
Should I hard-code my form into a module, and place a php function at the end of the index.php page which gets called when the page is refreshed and the POST values are set.
I'm just looking for any type of guidance I can get right now. I don't want to use a third-party plugin, because I want a little more control than they allow. Thank you for your time.
Just use RS Forms or Contact Enhanced, they are both Joomla extensions available on
There is no need to create your own MVC component.

Generating a dynamic Buy Now button

I am currently speccing out a custom auction plugin for WordPress. One thing I would like to do for each item is to generate a dynamic Buy Now link that will redirect to a PayPal screen with the item name and final price.
From what I can see, the only way to generate one of these buttons is to go to the form that generates the buttons for you. Is there a js file that I can use to generate these buttons from a Wordpress admin area? If so, can someone please provide a link so that I can begin reading up on the documentation?
Thank you
There are several examples of how to create a "pay now" button on stackoverflow (with simple HTML form). I would rather not use the "insecure" forms.
For including it in Wordpress you need to create a PHP Script (Plugin) that creates you the button, either with a library or "by hand".
The second thing I would recommend is to give PayPal an URL they should call after a payment status change (IPN). Some libraries (as the one above) can help you with that.

Can you make a mailchimp form validate on onsite

I've made a mailchimp newsletter form with two fields; Name and Email. When i click it obviously loads the page where the designed form is to on my mailchimp account. How would i go about make it all work on my site and just post the information over to mailchimp.. my goal is not to have the user leaving the splash page.
I did try just including the java include code and that seems to do everthing on the page as i want, but then i can't style the form because it's pulling in all it's styles from Wufoo.