Cannot add Currency field to Entity after Importing - entity-framework

A custom entity was created in our DEV environment. It originally had a Currency field, but we decided to remove it and use a Float field for simplicity. After exporting the solution and importing it into QA for the first time, I can no longer add a Currency field to the entity in QA (and the "leftover" transactioncurrencyid column in DEV did not get migrated to QA).
The main problem is that I cannot remove the transactioncurrencyid column and now my Filtered views are different between DEV and QA which causes our SharePoint BCS process that relies on Entity Framework to fail.
Is there any way to completely remove a currency field without recreating the entity?
Plan B: Is there a way to restore a past copy of the entity (prior to removing the currency) from a backup and merge it into our presently broken version?
Plan C: any other ideas (convert EF to use Stored Procs, etc)?

Export the entity from Dev into QA again. CRM will see that a column has been added, and will add it to the entity in QA.
Edit 1
So this is an unmanaged solution in QA? You should be able to just add the field to the entity in QA through the Customize Solution interface.

The MSFT approved solution involved manually removing:
the ExchangeRate column from the Base table (e.g. alter...drop column exchangerate)
the rows referencing the attribute's GUID in the system tables: Attribute, localizedlabel, AttributeIds (e.g. delete from tbl where AttributeId = guid)
altering the entity's View to remove the ExchangeRate column (not the Filtered)
Finding the GUID in Step 2 was done by opening the ExchangeRate field in CRM and pressing F11 to extract the AttributeID from the querystring.


.Net 5 EF Core change data type of key in table

I am working on a new application in .Net 5 using EF Core. After creating some entity classes and doing the first few migrations I discovered that I wanted to change the data type of column and make it the key in one of the tables. I was able to do that without issue and the app works just fine with that change - but now if I try to change anything else in that table like add a new column and do a migration I get the following error: "To change the IDENTITY property of a column, the column needs to be dropped and recreated." I have tried even dropping the entire table - but nothing seems to work.
Whenever your migrations get messed up, especially early in a project, just delete the migrations folder, drop the Migration History table and start fresh with a new initial migration.

Web API Entity Framework error - Item with idenity already exists in the metadata collection

I am experimenting with a Web API 2 project in Visual Studio 2012. I used the code first from existing DB option with EF6 to select one table and one view. I then tried to create a controller for the simple table using the profile for Web API 2 OData. The scaffolding of the controller fails telling me that "the item with identity 'Client Last Reveiwed On' already exists in the metadata collection". The problem is not only am I sure that field is unique for this project but that field is part of the view and not the table. Below is the model generated for the simple table (t_Client) that I was trying to create the controller for. As you can see the offending column is not part of the class. I will add below the definition for the column that VS/EF doesn't like which is in the class for the view.
Any ideas why this won't work?
Partial Public Class t_Client
Public Property ClientID As Integer
Public Property ClientName As String
Public Property isActive As Boolean
End Class
Here is the column that is defined in a separate view.
<Column("Client Last Reviewed On", TypeName:="date")>
Public Property Client_Last_Reviewed_On As Date?
I am not sure which of these steps fixed the issue but here are some notes on the topic.
Removing references to the model based on the SQL view eliminated errors.
I went into SQL and updated the view to contain a row number column.
Even with the row number column, EF tagged multiple columns as the key.
I manually edited the model to make the row number column the key.
I also had to update a cast the data type of a few columns in the SQL view to match reality, mainly bigint that was really just integer.
My guess is the fix was the well defined key.

Things to Take Care While Upgrading from EF5 to EF6

Recently i upgraded from EF5 to EF6 and here is list of items which one needs to take care of
EF MiniProfiling: if you were using mini profiling with EF5 you will have broken code as few of the functiionality or variable names had been changed.
Resolution: Upgrade to newer version of EF MiniProfiling
Db-Reindexing: After updating to EF6 it complaints you about change in your model and when you do "Add-Migration" you will see all your index for primary key were getting recreated also its changing name of tables where you have one to one relationship so previously if it generates table name as TableATableB then it will rename table as TableBTableA dont know why.
Resolution 1: Let EF create migrations for create index , just comment out line in
up and down function.
Resolution 2: Copy line of code from down function(i.e. drop index) and try to execute it before it create index , simple rule first drop and then create, you need this else EF will complaint about index already present.
Migrations: This will only affect you if you are doing using some tool to deploy you assemblies and which in turns uses migrate.exe typically found at
...#your project location\packages\EntityFramework.6.1.0\tools\migrate.exe
copy it to your bin folder and things should work fine.
4. Null Handling: In EF6 handling of null values had been changed , my hands on experience says that with ef5 select query was ignoring null cases but is not the case with ef6
e.g. if i have query something like
db.context.entity.where(name != "ab");
and lets say entity table contains two names {"ab",null}
with EF5 it will return 1 row with ef6 it was returning 2 rows
Resolution: If you wanted to work exactly like EF5 you can set
dbContext.Configuration.UseDatabaseNullSemantics = true;
If it helps please don't forgot to mark this post as answered :)

EF code-first migration: SqlCeException altering NTEXT column

My application uses Entity Framework 5.0 code-first on top of a Sql CE database. Until now, we have used Automatic Migrations to manage entity mapping changes. However, I now have a change for which I need to create a custom migration to ensure no data is lost during the update. I made my changes to the entities, and used the Add-Migration command which generated Up() and Down() methods for me. I customized the Up() method to insert my custom sql to preserve the data, and tested my application.
When I run the application, I received the error:
Unable to update database to match the current model because there are pending changes and automatic migration is disabled. Either write the pending model changes to a code-based migration or enable automatic migration. Set DbMigrationsConfiguration.AutomaticMigrationsEnabled to true to enable automatic migration.
Ok, I don't understand this because all of my changes are detailed in the Up() method that got executed.
So I turn Automatic Migrations back on just to see what happens. Now I receive this error:
"Cannot alter column of type NTEXT or IMAGE [ Column Name = LastName ]"
This error comes from a table/entity that hasn't even been touched with my changes. The existing database has this string mapped to nvarchar(4000). If I examine the DB after I receive this exception, I observe that the columns have been changed to ntext. What is EF doing? Why is it touching tables that haven't been changed? How can I get more information on what is going on here?
As a workaround, I attempted to mark each and every string type in my entities with a data annotation as such:
[Column(TypeName = "ntext")]
public virtual string LastName
Now all of my strings are using ntext in the database. This leads to further exceptions when queries are performed:
The ntext and image data types cannot be used in WHERE, HAVING, GROUP BY, ON, or IN clauses, except when these data types are used with the LIKE or IS NULL predicates.
So, to summarize:
Turning off automatic migrations causes EF to detect phantom changes and throw exceptions
Turning on automatic migration in conjunction with a custom migration causes all existing strings to be mapped to ntext
strings mapped to ntext cannot be queried, effectively making them useless in my application
For me, a modification of an Up method worked out.
SerialNumber = c.String(maxLength: 99)
was applied instead of
SerialNumber = c.String()
i had the same issue and i fixed by editing the table column data type manually by opening SQl Server Compact/SQlite Toolbox explorer windows, and then expend the database name, then expend the table you want to edit and right click the column you want to edit, and click drop script, then run the scrip and the column will be dropped from the table, then right click the table and click add column and from here you can choose what data type you want and add the new column that way. I hope this helps some one.

Navigation Properties get overwritten when I update my Entity framework from database

I have a table called Matches and a table called Teams in my database where my Matches table has two foreign key HomeTeamID and AwayTeamID link to Teams table.
When I generate edmx file I got Team and Team1 in my Navigation Properties in my Matches class. I overwrote them to HomeTeam and AwayTeam in the design panel, and everything works fine.
But next time when I update my model from database, their names changed back to Team and Team1.
How can I solve this?
Thank you in advance =)
Add real foreign keys to your DB.