BIRT Chart API setting caption to string with equal sign in it truncates value on left - charts

I'm attempting to use the Chart API directly and am running into a problem with an expression.
If I attempt to do the following
chart.getTitle().getLabel().getCaption().setValue("Day of Week (M=1)");
The resulting label is:
If I remove the '=' from the value it works fine no problems but that '=' appears to be triggering an expression evaluation.
Note this is using the Chart Engine API, and this chart is NOT associated with a BIRT Report.
Anyone have any suggestions?
EDIT It looks like while generating the chart, it attempts to resolve the chart title as a key for an externalized message. RunTimeContext.externalizeMessage(...) because of the fact that my title contains an '=' sign. Is there a way to escape this to prevent it from attempting to render it as this?

I took a deeper look into this and was able to fake it out by implementing an externalizer and just keying it to concatenate the key & default values together with the '=' token constant.
as this is for demo purposes it worked ... granted not the most optimal solution but it got what I needed.


Grafana: Overrriding series with metric named `/var(avail_MB)`: "Panel rendering error '/var(avail_MB)' is not a valid regular expression."

An Icinga2 plugin (written by myself) returns performance data with metrics named /var(avail_MB), /var(total_MB) and similar. Data is forwarded to an InfluxDB with Grafana as Frontend.
I'm using "GROUP BY" "tag(metric)" and "ALIAS BY" "$tag_metric" in a dashboard's panel query.
The metric names are displayed correctly below the graph then.
However when I try to override series by specifying "alias or regex" /var(avail_MB) it does not seem to work, and when going back from panel configuration to dashboard, I get an error message saying "Panel rendering error '/var(avail_MB)' is not a valid regular expression.".
I tried to put a backslash in front of ( and ), but that didn't help.
To make matters worse, the whole graph disappeared, and when trying to open the "Query Inspector", the frontend seems to take forever (Query never appears).
What is the problem, and how could I fix it?
I'm new to Icinga2, Grafana and InfluxDB (I'm just a "user" not administrator of those).
The color change is not applied to the graph.
Here is an example of plugin output:
OK: /var: 3114/5632MB (55.30%), slope is NaN|/var(total_MB)=5631.56MB;;;0 /var(avail_pct)=55.30%;25;5;0;100 /var(avail_MB)=3114.12MB;10;5;0;5632 /var(est_avail_MB)=nanMB;10;5;0;5632
(The "nanMB" was a bug in the plugin that has been fixed already, but that data wasn't from the machine in question.)
The problems seems to be the beginning of the string ("/var").
Grafana seems to treat every string starting with / as regular expression, and it expects any regular expression to start with /, too (it seems).
So the fix was to add a trailing /, and escape the literal / as \/.
Unfortunately this only removes the error message, but doesn't make the override work (match).
It is also required to backslash-escape the parentheses and the slash(es):
Instead of /var(total_MB) you need to write /\/var\(total_MB\).
The original problem has two origins:
The monitoring plugin specification at states: "2. label can contain any characters except the equals sign or single quote (')") states that any character except = and ' is allowed as metric name.
Grafana v6.7.3 proposes the incorrect (i.e.: unescaped) values for "alias or regex".
That is how I had created the problem.

Alpha Vantage error when symbol has digits

I'm trying to get quotes for an Australian stock with ticker A200.AX (aka A200.AUS) from Alpha Vantage.
I have no issues getting other symbols from the AX market, e.g.:
...returns data as expected
However when a symbol has digit(s) in it, it seems to return an error:
Invalid API call. Please retry or visit the documentation ( for TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY.
Same result for F100.AUS
I checked to make sure the ticker was valid: A200.AUS shows up if I search for it:
I'm aware of some questions related to URL encoding, but I can't see any URL special characters in A200.AUS . Besides, using the search endpoint works with the ticker passed on literally.
Does anyone know how to download this stock's information or what I'm doing wrong?
Your use of the search endpoint is great, however A200.AUS is an ETF. Alpha Vantage has some ETFs, but currently, only 100% supports stocks.

Azure APIM Policy Editor

I would very much like to be able to set Azure API Policy attributes based on a User's Jwt Claims data. I have been able to set string values for things like the counter-key and increment-condition but I can't set all attributes. I imagined doing something like the following:
calls="#((int) context.Variables["IdentityToken"].AsJwt().Claims.GetValueOrDefault("/LimitRate/Limit", "5"))"
renewal-period="#((int) context.Variables["IdentityToken"].AsJwt().Claims.GetValueOrDefault("/LimitRate/Duration/InSeconds", "60"))"
increment-condition="#(context.Response.StatusCode == 200)"
However there seems to be some validation happening when I save the policy as I get the following error:
Error in element 'rate-limit-by-key' on line 98, column 10: The 'calls' attribute is invalid - The value '#((int) context.Variables["IdentityToken"].AsJwt().Claims.GetValueOrDefault("/LimitRate/Limit", "5"))' is invalid according to its datatype '' - The string '#((int) context.Variables["IdentityToken"].AsJwt().Claims.GetValueOrDefault("/LimitRate/Limit", "5"))' is not a valid Int32 value.
I even have trouble setting a string parameter (albeit one with a strict format)
renewal-period="#((string) context.Variables["IdentityToken"].AsJwt().Claims.GetValueOrDefault("/Quota/RenewalPeriod", "P00Y00M01DT00H00M00S"))"
Which gives the following when I try and save the policy:
Error in element 'quota-by-key' on line 99, column 6: #((string) context.Variables["IdentityToken"].AsJwt().Claims.GetValueOrDefault("/Quota/RenewalPeriod", "P00Y00M01DT00H00M00S")) is not in a valid format. Provide number of seconds or use 'PxYxMxDTxHxMxS' format where 'x' is a number.
I have tried a large set of variations casting, Convert.ToInt32, claims that are not strings, #{return 5}, #(5) etc but there seems to be some validation happening at save time that is stopping it.
Is there away around this issue as I think it would be a useful feature to add to my API?
calls attribute on rate-limit-by-key and quota-by-key does not support policy expressions. Internal limitations block us from treating it on per-request basis unfortunately. The best you can do is categorize requests into a few finite groups and apply rate limit/quota conditionally using choose policy.
Or try using increment-count attribute to control by how much counter is increased per each request.

Apply Command to String-type custom fields with YouTrack Rest API

and thanks for looking!
I have an instance of YouTrack with several custom fields, some of which are String-type. I'm implementing a module to create a new issue via the YouTrack REST API's PUT request, and then updating its fields with user-submitted values by applying commands. This works great---most of the time.
I know that I can apply multiple commands to an issue at the same time by concatenating them into the query string, like so:
Type Bug Priority Critical add Fix versions 5.1 tag regression
will result in
Type: Bug
Priority: Critical
Fix versions: 5.1
in their respective fields (as well as adding the regression tag). But, if I try to do the same thing with multiple String-type custom fields, then:
Foo something Example Something else Bar P0001
results in
Foo: something Example Something else Bar P0001
The command only applies to the first field, and the rest of the query string is treated like its String value. I can apply the command individually for each field, but is there an easier way to combine these requests?
Thanks again!
This is an expected result because all string after foo is considered a value of this field, and spaces are also valid symbols for string custom fields.
If you try to apply this command via command window in the UI, you will actually see the same result.
Such a good question.
I encountered the same issue and have spent an unhealthy amount of time in frustration.
Using the command window from the YouTrack UI I noticed it leaves trailing quotations and I was unable to find anything in the documentation which discussed finalizing or identifying the end of a string value. I was also unable to find any mention of setting string field values in the command reference, grammer documentation or examples.
For my solution I am using Python with the requests and urllib modules. - Though I expect you could turn the solution to any language.
The rest API will accept explicit strings in the POST
import requests
import urllib
from collections import OrderedDict
URL = 'http://youtrack.your.address:8000/rest/issue/{issue}/execute?'.format(issue='TEST-1234')
params = OrderedDict({
'State': 'New',
'Priority': 'Critical',
'String Field': '"Message to submit"',
'Other Details': '"Fold the toilet paper to a point when you are finished."'
str_cmd = ' '.join(' '.join([k, v]) for k, v in params.items())
command_url = URL + urllib.urlencode({'command':str_cmd})
result =
# The command result:
# http://youtrack.your.address:8000/rest/issue/TEST-1234/execute?command=Priority+Critical+State+New+String+Field+%22Message+to+submit%22+Other+Details+%22Fold+the+toilet+paper+to+a+point+when+you+are+finished.%22
I'm sad to see this one go unanswered for so long. - Hope this helps!
After continuing my work, I have concluded that sending all the field
updates as a single POST is marginally better for the YouTrack
server, but requires more effort than it's worth to:
1) know all fields in the Issues which are string values
2) pre-process all the string values into string literals
3) If you were to send all your field updates as a single request and just one of them was missing, failed to set, or was an unexpected value, then the entire request will fail and you potentially lose all the other information.
I wish the YouTrack documentation had some mention or discussion of
these considerations.

How to correctly add a variable's value to parameters in Postman?

I'm learning Chrome Postman now and my issue now is:
I need to generate a new value of a parameter for each request.
So each request (I make a POST) must have a unique value of this parameter.
So far I thought to manage it with environment variables and I have done it like this:
I add a new environment variable with a unique value
I use this variable in the "value" field on a parameter
And it doesn't work - I get error 401 Authorization Required.
Seems that the error is not connected to the parameter at all but as soon as I change the parameter and manually input a unique data it works well!
So this will work for me:
Please suggest what I'm doing wrong here and advice how to do it right. Thanks!
Spent some more hours investigating I found my problem!
The problem is the value I put into a variable - it included ":" sign and this sign simply changed my URL.