Getting started with Rally REST webservice API - rest

Was after some help on getting started with calling the Rally REST webservice from a .NET MVC webclient.
I've been given the web service info here:
So I can see that I can use a URL to access information from Rally - Similar to:
= and (State != Completed))&order=Rank&fetch=true&stylesheet=/slm/doc/webservice/browser.xsl
However what I'm not clear on is how to authenticate before making my request?
I'm new to REST web services (have done the SOAP/WSDL awhile back) - so it doesn't seem like with REST you're supposed to add a reference to something to get client classes created? Is this correct? That you just create a HTTPRequest using a URI - and make the call, getting back a HTTPResponse (which I can hopefully do something with).
A lot of examples seem to have specific service/api classes that they're calling methods on or accessing properties - so I'm not sure if that's because they're using SOAP rather than REST - or that they created them themselves.
Maybe I'm looking at the wrong documentation as it seems assumed you know how to be authenticated. Or I'm missing a reference?

I know the question is old, but this might help someone else. You need to pass a Basic Authentication header with your base64-encoded username and password as part of your get() request. I found this information on an Atlassian documentation page and successfully applied it with Rally API 3.0 (should also work with 2.0). So in your get() request, include a header similar to the following:
auth_header = 'Authorization : Basic ' + base64_encode('username:password')


HTTP Options method is not working as expected

I have a Jersey 2.x application running in tomcat. All the method implementations are working as expected, and even I am able to get WADL by navigating to http://{host}:{port}/JerseyRESTWebapp/ws/rest/application.wadl.
Everything is great so far.
Now, Out of curiosity I tried navigating to http://{host}:{port}/JerseyRESTWebapp/ws/rest/employees URL using using HTTP OPTIONS method expecting i will get 405 Method not allowed but i got the 200 OK and response body contains the WADL. Can someone let me know why is this happening? I am using POSTMAN chrome extension as REST client.
Also in the Response Allow Header, i am getting POST,GET,DELETE,OPTIONS,HEAD. I am missing PUT method here. why?
This is how the resource discovery works by default. It's implemented to follow the spec in regards to OPTIONS resource discovery
This method allows the client to determine the options and/or requirements associated with a resource, or the capabilities of a server, without implying a resource action or initiating a resource retrieval.
If you want to disable the WADL, you can by setting the property ServerProperties.WADL_FEATURE_DISABLE to true.
If you're curious about how this is implemented, check out the source for the WadlModelProcessor. It goes through all the resource models and adds an extra OPTIONS resource method. You can read more about the ModelProcessor in the Jersey docs Programmatic API for Building Resources

E*Trade API Streaming with CometD

I have been using a .net library to create an oauth session, and submit, modify and cancel orders using the ETRADE api. Now I need to listen for account & order events. As per the ETRADE API documentation, they use CometD & long poling. I did find a .net CometD implementation. However, the ETRADE API docs says that one must pass some oauthHeader to initialize the CometD session. Does anyone know exactly what that oauthHeader is? Any sample code would be appreciated.
I modified to the oauth .net library to provide the same oauth header that gets passed to other API http requests:
public string GetOauthAuthorizationHeader(string url)
NameValueCollection headers = _session.Request(_accessToken).Post().ForUrl(url).GetRequestDescription().Headers;
return headers[Parameters.OAuth_Authorization_Header];
Passing this header to cometd works. I did have to change to a different .net commetd library (nthachus's, though; the one I was previously using was ignoring these headers.

Drupal 8.x POST (create) node via REST doesn't work

I am working with Drupal 8.0 alpha 11. I've been able to follow the Drupal guides for REST services:
POST for creating content entities ( and the related guides, GET on content entities and GET on Views-generated lists
"GET"s work great, but I haven't been able to get any "POST" to work (I've posted the issue on the site, too).
I've tested POST for both a basic page and my own content entity and neither works. I've tried a lot of variations, including removing "entity" from the url as per the recent changes in Drupal 8, but the POST still does not work. I'm using Postman in Chrome for testing and again, I can "GET" a basic page and my own content entity just fine, but with POST, I always get a return code of 200 "OK", never "201" (which is what I should receive according to the guide) and the nodes don't get created.
I've updated the rest.settings.yml for both the basic page and my content type, have established permissions for the user, am using basic auth, and have added Content Type application/hal+json and cross-origin details to the header info.
Any idea what's missing? Do I need to add coding in my create entity form to "receive" the posted data? Where do I do this/in which directories should the files go? Is this required for the default Basic Page content type, too?
Thanks for any help...I've spent weeks on this and can't figure out what I'm missing.
Thank you!
On Drupal 8 alpha 11 it will work but make sure I am assuming that you have enabled REST , HAL, HTTP basic authentication, Serialization module on your site.
You have enabled POST method for 'entity:node' with basic_auth authentication type and hal_json as format
Give enough permission to a admin so that it can create node via REST , To do so navigate to admin/people/permissions on your drupal installation.
now /entity/node is REST end point to create node I am using REST Client to demonstrate POST request
this is link to image that will make it more clear
now make a POST request with Content-Type = hal+json and also set basic_auth header.
change URL according to your site.

What's the correct uri for QBO v3 API update operation?

I'm trying to use the QBO v3 API object update function described here. The API explorer shows a different uri.
I'm trying to update an account with Id 42. Both of the following URIs get me a 401:
As the documentation would suggest:
(the above at least gives me a json blob with the 401)
As the api explorer would suggest:
(here I don't even get the json, just a plain 401)
My request body is successful when I use the api explorer, so I don't believe that's the problem. I also don't believe authentication is the problem, because I can successfully create objects and also make queries with the same headers.
What might I be missing?
Don't put the Account object's ID into the URL. The [?requestid=] from the documentation you mentioned apparently refers to an id related to the request (not the object in question). The API Explorer's URI appears to simply mislead (although I could certainly be missing something here).
In your example, just use this:
Let the headers and request body do the rest.
Correct BASE URI:
you can refer example request/response section of any entity doc.
Ref -
To debug(401 authentication issue), you can use any standard RestClient.
In the following thread, I've explained how to use RestClinet plugin of Mozilla to test any QBO V3 endpoint.
InvalidTokenException: Unauthorized-401
You can download IPP's devkit and using that devkit you can call any endpoints easily.
Hope it will be useful.

How to pass parameters to soap in classic asp

I need to call a web service from my classic ASP website. I have been provided with a URL and three variables from the SOAP provider:
URL of web service:
Parameter1: CustId
Parameter2: PWord
Parameter3: OrderNo
So I'm supposed to send this SOAP request from my classic ASP website, along with the parameter values (which I've been given too) and it's supposed to return a string.
I've tested the SOAP response using, and sure enough if I enter the web service URL and add the paramter values, it returns a string, like it should.
The problem is I just can't find how to do it with classic ASP!! I've found numerous examples of calling a SOAP URL from classic ASP, but none of them mention how to pass parameters.
Can someone please show me a simple-as-possible implementation of how I get the return string from this web service in ASP, passing the parameters in?
Many thanks in advance for any help.
Dan, you have to change the GET for a POST
I don't know much about classic ASP and don't know if it has a SOAP client implementation, but if classic ASP allows you to send an HTTP POST with an arbitrary body and arbitrary HTTP headers, it should be possible to do what you want (in a somewhat hacky way).
Just issue a POST request with the entire SOAP message hard-coded except for your parameters. Make sure to get the Content-Type and SOAPAction headers right.
If you don't know how to properly create a valid SOAP message and to properly set the headers, use a tool like to send a test message, then use a tool like Fiddler to take a look at what was actually sent, and then hard-code it into your app.