Watch video inside a PDF in iPad - iphone

I have a video embedded PDF file, I need to open it in an iPad application. But the problem now is the PDF files are readable in the iPad app and the video file is just showing as an image. Can i do something in my code to show the video, I mean something like Media Player framework in my app.

It doesn't work. You will not be able to play the video in pdf. I think embedded media is part of the current PDF spec which Adobe has not released into the open yet. Adobe holds onto the newest most advanced version to make a business case for it's Acrobat Pro line.
That being said you can try converting the .pdf to .html and then inserting the code for a video manually.


How to play/open video file embedded with a PDF?

I have created a PDF viewer on iphone. Currently my app is able to detect links to web pages and buttons for navigation within PDF.
But it unable to play Audio/Video contents embedded with PDF.
I creates custom PDf which has button(link to a local video file) to play video file. But iphone can't play the video. (when I tap on button, it says "NULL file ....")
I want to know is it possible to do? and if anyone have done it please give me a help. It will be a huge help for me.
No it is not possible to play a video inside a PDF,
if you cannot play the video on an iPhone, i would suggest to convert it to a file that the iPhone can play
You can do this by using PSPDFKit.
See documentation. Its best. :)
I was able to play the pdf embedef video not by acobat official app but thru thr drop box app! Wonder why acrobat not providing the function.
This is the dropbox pdf file with embeded MP4.

How to get images from slides in ppt file in iPhone or iPad?

I have a ppt file stored in iPad. I want to display that ppt as a slide show. So i will need to convert it to images for best look and feel. How to do it?
I think its basically related to identifying the slides and then storing them as images.
You can use QuickLook framework for generating previews for documents, that can be handled by system (like iWorks or MS Office). See more information about this at

video playing from pdf file in iphone or ipad

I am developing an application, which is reads a PDF file and displays it in webview now we have videos embedded within pdf, how to play those videos within webview like html5 did.
thanks in advance.
Webview will not detect and play the videos embedded inside the pdf. You have to parse the pdf and get the file stream and play it using MPMoviePlayerController.

How to read flash video in Iphone app

Here is my problem, I would like to play flash video in my iphone app.
I'm parsing XML file and I get flash video url like this :
How can I do?
It looks like your video on the page is encoded as an H.264 MP4, so you can pull it in directly - (that's your video path)
I found it!
Dailymotion added a new feature which generates an iframe compatible with Ipad, Iphone and Android.
Go on video page,
Click on Embed button (under video)
Check the checkbox Enable iframe player compatible iPhone, iPad, Android ... (Beta)

iPhone SDK - Play Audio/Video through UIWebView

I want to know if I could play a mp3 file or mp4 (video) file through an UIWebView by loading a simple url request. I have already tried sending the UIWebView to a video link (e.g. but it will flash a quick QuickTime logo and show a black screen. However in MobileSafari it streams fine. Is there anyway to play a media file through an UIWebView??!
Use the HTML5 <audio> tag.