getting latest photos from friends not working - facebook-fql

I tried getting the latest photos fo my friends using a method described here:
FQL - Can i get photos of my friends posted this week
At first it seemed to be working fine but then I noticed that some of the photos of my friends weren't being fetched even though they had a higher timestamp (the photos were being sorted by created field from photo FQL table)...
After a bit of debugging I noticed that the problem is in
SELECT aid FROM album WHERE owner IN
(SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me()
if I pass a short list of my friends' IDs they are being sorted correctly, but when I pass a complete list not all friends are included in the query result...
Any ideas why this isn't working? Are there any limits on how many values can be passed in a "SELECT XXX FROM YYY WHERE ZZZ IN (?)" query?
Thanks in advance for any advice

The limit seems to be about 5000 records returned in any part of an FQL query.
Assuming you have fewer than 5000 friends, you could cut down on the number of albums returned by modifying your query to inspect the modified_major column to only return albums that have had a photo added in the period of interest. You could alternately look at the modified column to return any album modifications.
Also, it looks like aid and pid are on the path to deprecation. New development should use object_id for maximum compatibility.
So to get all albums that have had a photo updated since 2012-10-01, you could use this query:
SELECT object_id FROM album WHERE owner IN
(SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me()) AND modified_major > 1349049600
In your outter query change aid to album_object_id and pid to object_id


Photo tags query response of max 400 elements

i'm using new Facebook SDK 3.0 but it's not relevant since Graph API Explorer has the same behavior.
The problem is that when i try to fetch some user photo tags, like "me/photos" or the equivalent FQL query, i get a response of max 400 elements, using either graph or fql.
I already tried using LIMIT field (for example the FQL query is "SELECT src, src_big FROM photo WHERE pid IN (SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE subject=me() LIMIT 1000) LIMIT 1000")
but nothing change.
I also tried with SINCE and UNTIL, but i understood that FB returns a table of 400 rows and then shrink it according to your query.
Is maybe another way to bypass this limit or for some unknown reason FB wanted it and it's not a bug?
Thank you

FQL - Getting pid of the photos user is tagged in gives different results with different query

I am trying to get the photos a user is tagged in. I am using the query:
FROM photo
IN (SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE subject=me())
The number of results I get is 32. However when I run this query:
SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE subject=me()
The number of results I get is 67. This is the number I expect because I am tagged in 67 pictures, not just 32. What am I doing wrong with the query?
It's possible that you're tagged in photos that are not accessible using the current access_token. Take one of the photo ids from the larger list that you don't see on the smaller list and try accessing it using that access_token.
photo_tag table contains photos in which your are tagged, photo table contains photo uploaded by you
In your situation, you are tagged in 67 photos, and 32 out of 67 photos are uploaded by you, the others are uploaded by someone else (and you're tagged).
I have the same problem. Ownership of the photo does not seem to be the issue. I am able to see some pids (in the outer query) that are owned by my friends.
I run the inner query to get all the pids in which I am a 'subject'. When I try retrieving the details (pid, object_id, subject etc.) for some of these pids , I get an empty string. I don't think it is a permission issue. I have both "user_photos" and "friend_photos" enabled and am using the correct access token.
I tried examining what was different about these few stubborn photos. Some common themes:
1)uploaded from a mobile device
2)Shared with a "Custom" list of friends
But I haven't been able to root cause it yet.

What's the query to get a list of a user's own posts that they have Liked?

Yes, I know that it's unusual for a user to "like" their own posts but that's what I'm looking for. I also know that you can't query the like table by user to get everything they've liked but that's not what I'm after. I just want their own posts (and later, photos) that they've liked.
I've clearly gotten pathetically rusty in my SQL skills--playing around with statements based off of the examples I've found:
SELECT source_id,message,created_time FROM stream WHERE source_id=me()
SELECT actor_id, post_id, message FROM stream WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM like WHERE uid1=me())
I imagine what I want is either trivial to do or currently impossible. I expect the former.
To get the post ids that the user likes, it would be something like:
SELECT post_id
FROM like
WHERE object_id in (SELECT source_id FROM stream WHERE source_id=me())
AND user_id = me()
You could expand this to also include photo ids. And you could nest it another level deep to get more post info by using the like's post_id field.

FQL - How to fetch latest photos of all my friends?

I'm trying to fetch latest photos uploaded by all my friends within last 24 hours using Facebook FQL query:
SELECT pid, caption FROM photo WHERE aid IN
( SELECT aid FROM album WHERE owner IN
( SCV list of all my friends Ids )
AND created > 1299341284 ORDER BY created DESC
1299341284 is 24hours back from time of writing this article
I get only few results (cca 20), not all photos. It seems like there is a limitation in number of statements in IN. I'm trying with 308 friends ids. If I put only few ids it works. Do you have any idea how to solve this in effective way? Probably using multi query? Any ideas?
Use SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me() instead of the SCV list.

Facebook Comments Count

I am trying to write a Facebook query that will return all comments posted by a user to his friends,
however I can't seem to find the correct schema. Its as if there are no 'indexable' fields to build this.
Any suggestions please?
With thanks,
The indirect path for stream comments would be something like
select * from comments where fromid = <my_id> and object_id in (
select post_id from stream where sourceid in (
select uid1 from friend where uid2 = <my_id> ) )
for photos, substitute the middle query with
SELECT pid FROM photo WHERE aid IN ( SELECT aid FROM album WHERE owner IN ( ...
Unfortunately the security settings may restrict the querying your friends wall posts and photos.
I don't believe you can accomplish this in a direct manner as you describe. FQL tables are generally only indexed on a limited criteria (for performance reasons I'm sure). In the case of the Comments FQL Table, you can only select comments via a post ID or an xid.
Unfortunately, this means that you have to know the objects that a user has commented on before you can get the comments for it. You would have to have previously selected all the posts, photos, etc. that you wished to get the comments for before you could retrieve them.