creating user login in derby js - derbyjs

It seems that basic functionality such as user login, can not be done in simple manner: to have username and password field in form on client and based on that to create store.readPathAccess model access rights. Also, how to check if user is logged in to implement access rights on routes?
Based on examples and (poor) DerbyJS documentation, if I understood it correctly, you have to implement login in server module (lib/server/*) because:
store.readPathAccess must be used in server side
you want to store data in model session (which can be read only on server side)
But many questions arise:
if it has to be done on server side, how to get and store client form data on server side without having problem with second item below on the list (I have done it with manually submitting data to server-only route, but can not then save it in model with local key because I have to redirect to client route after that and local model data is lost)
how to read later that data if it must be stored in session?
even if the store access rights for model is managed, how to check if this specific user is logged in when in client routes?
I'm quite confused at the moment... liked Derby principles, but this authentication problems are playing with my nerves seriously.
I know I may not be quite clear, but there are many points to go in details and if anyone can help I'll gladly give more required info.
Thank you,

I found this library today called derby-auth.
It uses passport for signing in and has a good example using a simple register and login form.
What it does is to set some routes on the server for logging the user, and a middleware to tell the client if it's logged or not.
It does have some bugs (a few callback calls missing that break some things), so i wrote my own based on that, but must clean a lot of things before uploading anywhere.
i'd be glad to send it to you if you want to, though.

The most current library is
It has been updated pretty regularly and works with derbyjs 0.6


Android data persistence (Room) with different accounts

Let's assume I have a project similar to the google sample code:
I want to add an account system to the app. How can I persist data and make the following scenario work:
go to persistent-data-fragment and load data from backend
log out
log into a different account
go to that same fragment
As a result, I should not be able to see the first user's data and instead load them from backend for the second user. How to use Room for that?
It a generic question, so I can answer with a generic answer :).
1 - on the server side you need to authenticate a user that access to REST services. There are many ways to do this. JWT is a good solution. Start reading this article.
2 - on the client side, probably you need to introduce in your database a user table and link other database's entities to user identity. Using Room you have to declare a user bean and then link them to other room entities.
I hope it helps.

Resource-Server for IdentityServer 4

My task is to implement a resource server(RS) for IdentityServer4(IS4). The RS should fetch data from a database and send the necessary information as a json object back to the caller (client). This is needed because we have to return complex objects.
I already setup IS4 succesfully and its already running in Docker for testing purpose. I also setup the needed database.
My understanding of the flow would be, the user requests data from the RS sending the access-token, the RS then validates the token, checking if the caller is allowed to access the api using the IS4, if everything is okay the RS returns the data to the caller.
My problem is, as I'm new to this subject, how would I implement a RS? Do I create an API which is added as a scope to the user? Or is there a RS already implemented in IS4?
So yes you'll need to write your own API to serve your own resources, IdentityServer will only manage your identities for you (as well as handling external logins if that's what you need). I'd recommend going to the IdentityServer docs and working through the quick starts in order as shown below:
This will give you a good start but you'll then need to go away and research APIs more generally, there's a tonne of good info online about building (RESTful) APIs. You may find it useful to sign up to something like PluralSight and work through a couple of their courses, they're often very good.
One other thing to bear in mind is that IdentityServer is for identity, in other words Authentication and not specifically for Authorisation so you may need to add something for this. You can of course use a users identity for authorisation purposes but in most cases you'll probably need to augment the info you store about their identity to authorise them for access. See this link for more info around this topic.

MeteorJS Removing insecure Security Flaw?

i know this is a question that has been asked many time. but im still concerned about best practice when trying to develop secure code in meteor.
i know you can prevent the client from being able to access the database with the command:
meteor remove insecure
my code currently adds, retrieves records by using Meteor.methods() so although the client is not able to insert data into a collection, it can use the Meteor.method() function. im concerned about holding the login details in the database because would this not mean that the client can use the Meteor.method() function to add/get/remove data from the database.
the client being able to call the Meteor.methods() function seems to still keep the same risk doesn't it? or have i coded me work wrong?
if it help, here is a run down of what my work is doing:
application loads
client calls to get username and password from database
client sends login details to external server (over https) to initiate connection.
step 2 is the risk because it seems to allow the client to get the login details. once it has this, it uses the library and the api to my webservice to login. so meteor remove insecure doesnt seem to have secured it because get methods are still available in the Meteor.methods()?
being able to use these functions are quite crucial to retrieving data from the database, is there a way around this? what would be best practice for communicating to the database without exposing private data to the client?
Meteor's insecure package is just a tool provided by MDG to quickly prototype apps. It is not meant to be runned in a production app and some people think is a best practise to remove it all together from the start.
After you remove this package, if you want to interact with the database on the client using mini-mongo you must create the appropiate allow and deny rules on the collection. Here is the link for the Meteor documentation on this topic. The other way to interact with the database, is as you said, using Meteor.methods().
Meteor methods calls don't trigger allow or deny rules, since they are runned on the server. You must hardwire all the security measures you need on the Meteor Call by yourself. So it can be a security problem if you don't take the time to secure the call.
Regarding authenticating your clients I would suggest you take a look at Meteor's Accounts package. For example you can add this two packages for basic username/password authentication:
meteor add accounts-base accounts-passwords
Then you can just use the methods detailed on the Meteor Documentation.
I hope this helps.
If you are using accounts-password, you can check the source here to see details of how it works. But here's a rough overview of it. When you call Meteor.loginWithPassword, the password is hashed client-side. Then a method is called with the parameters. The password is then salted and checked against the database server-side. If it matches, the client gets logged in. The client then subscribes to their own user data (Meteor.user()). The server only publishes their data. So everyone else's data is save.
A method executes code server-side. So they are generally secure. But you can of course write insecure methods. Just know, that you can't trust the parameters passed by the user.

How to manage session with ember framework?

I have been asked to use ember for front end and java rest services as the backend. I am trying to figure out how to manage session for a particular user.
i know there are couple of options like storing in the local store, cookie but they are error prone as some users might disable those features. I want to know what is the preferred approach in normal enterprise apps.
Mine app is simple 15 page app. i need to capture user, and some profile details.
Session are usually more of server side part. You have to just make sure whether the provided session is available or not for every transformed route and request. There is a library which takes care of authentication and authorization in ember

FOSOAuthServerBundle Create Client

I'm currently trying to setup FOSOAuthServerBundle with my Symfony2 app.
Everything seems to be setup and functional, anyway I'm stuck after the installation.
What is the proper workflow with URLs to get the access_token ?
I tried /oauth/v2/auth, but sounds like I need to define a Client object first.
How to create/generate Client ? Clients are always supposed to be created manually ?
FOSOAuthServerBundle doc is great, but seems to skip all the usage workflow. Am I supposed to check the OAuth2 doc for this ?
Thanks !
In short, yes. You should be using the oAuth2 RFC to determine which workflow you want to use. In regards to client registration the RFC specifically states that the means through which a client registers is beyond the scope of the specification (
With that being said I can give you some insight into how I did this. My application is a mobile phone application that connects to several services running on various servers. I'm also using the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant.
The way I approached this was: when the application loads, the first thing it does is to check if it has an oAuth2 client id. If it doesn't, then it POSTS to a create client endpoint I've setted up with the meta-data I need. The endpoint validates the POST, creates the client and returns the client information. The application stores the client id and the process doesn't have to be repeated the next time.
Application loads;
Application checks for oAuth2 client id;
If there is one, the process ends;
If there isn't, it posts to;
If we get a 200, store the oAuth2 client id.
I could have also created the oAuth2 client when the user created an account in the application, but I wanted to make the registration process as fast as possible. Creating the client would have added some extra waiting time to the process.
Check this:
It's quite simple to convert to Doctrine, whether you use it.
There's a command-line that does exactly what you need: create a Client!