make a background work on all iphones ios - iphone

I've just begun playing around with XCode and currently reading on Objective-C!
I have made a dark background and a book-ish "background" on top of it. Example here.
But how do I set it in a constant position on every iOS device and every iPhone screen-sizes?

From the looks of your image I assume that you want it to be fixed to the bottom.
To do that place your image view in the bottom of its superview and change the autosizing to be fixed to the bottom like in this image below.
The little red box in the view labeled "example" shows you how the image view will behave when the superview is resized.
If you want your image view to have a constant position anywhere else, just position it where you want it and set the appropriate autosizing for it (once again, look at the red box to see how it will behave when resized).
If the right pane is not visible press the right pane button in the tool bar (image below) or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘+⎇+0 to display the right pane or ⌘+⎇+5 to go directly to the size inspector.


ScrollView shows content not right

What may I have done wrong so that my ScrollView is not shown correctly in Simulator?
The Storyboard shows everything fine. The ScrollView is also scrollable.
Scroll View Screenshot
The simulator shows you what you get based on your "Auto-layout" constraints.
Looks like you have a lot of "hard-coded" distances which will not work well in different screen sizes.
Your scroll view is squeezed between 300 & 390 points which results in less space for "lastgames" image, so it gets scaled.
Try to play with Xcode's preview settings to see various screen sizes.
In storyboard you can stretch the uiviews bounds which may not be the true dimensions because of your constraints. When that happens a little yellow arrow pops up (which is also visible in your screenshot). Try clicking this button to restore the bounds to you specified constraints (screenshot attached). try this

Getting button image to stick to left side swift xcode

Currently trying to add a login with facebook button with xcode 7 beta. However, I have noticed that whenever I readjust the image's width, it seems to leave to left side which is where I want it to stay to the left margin. I am getting this image through the image option when I used the button.
I met the same situation before. In that time, I adjust image inset in storyboard option.
Change image in Edge, and then adjust inset as you like.
But sometimes it doesn't work in my case(ex. the image size is so big). If so, you adjust the original image size.

jssor slide transition options

Clicking an arrow transitions with the incoming image "pushing" the current image out of the viewing area. All of the _SlideshowTransitions options used so far seem to "overlay" the current image. Is there a _SlideshowTransitions option available that will "push" the current image out of the viewing area like clicking an arrow does?
Check out the transition code,
or the transition code with fade,

Looking to mimic the iPhone lock screen camera drag

I've been searching and searching on how apple makes the dragging motion on the lock screen to open the camera so clean. I'm trying to do a similar thing with an app where you drag from the bottom up to reveal a menu, but i cant quite get it right. Anyone know how to, or of any tutorials that show how to do this? Thanks in advance!
To follow up what's been mentioned by Hejazi I believe you can achieve this in 3 steps:
create a background rectangle with some corner radius (this is a property of CGRect).
create a top view, corresponding to the part you want to be able to slide. Attach a pan gesture to this view so you will be able to handle the animation for this view.
for the text part being highlighted I think you need another two views: I will apply a mask corresponding to the text to a view so you get some transparency only for the letters of your text and animate a white round view behind it.

View Behind View rolldown effect on iOS (Like folders on home screen)

What would be the best way to accomplish the home screen folder roll-open effect with views in Objective C?
I tried something similar to what MaxFish has described. You can check it here iOS Open Folder Animation Sample Code
If you take a look at the images inside the in your iPhone in "/System/Library/CoreServices" you can have an idea of how the animation works.
A simple version of the effect can be done this way:
Take a screenshot of the screen you want to "cut" and save it in an image
Create two imageviews each of which has a part of the screenshot (e.g. the first has the first upper part of the image as background, the second the rest), you could alternative use the same background image for both views, you have only to play with content alignments.
Place the two views on the original screen in the exact position to make them seem like one entire image perfectly aligned with the original screen.
Create a view (folder content) with its own background and whatever you want to put inside, place it at the same Y of the bottom imageview but beneath it.
Make the bottom image view scroll down for the entire size of the content view, you will see the folder content appear.
iOS version put on the sliding images some nice borders and applies fade effect which make the overall animation really cool. You can sure try and make it nice looking.
Hope this helps