Is it possible to use external DLL inside of Metro app - microsoft-metro

I am a new in developing Metro application. And I have a question regarding external DLL for Metro.
As I understand project which implemented DLL(extension) should be include in solution for Metro application. And I should specify dependency into Package.appxmanifest. Only after that action I can use this extension in my Metro application.
But what about external DLL(extension)?
How to use DLL installed on system (something like load library for Desktop)?
Could somebody clarify this issue?
Thanks in advance.

A Windows Store App is sand boxed and can't access any system DLLs, or DLLs other than the ones provided in your project.
Also DLLs referenced by your project need to be WinRT DLLs built specially for WinRT.


Microsoft Click-Once and Obfuscated DLLs

I have a Windows Form application that deploys using Microsoft Click-Once. I would like to add a new feature to the application that in part utilizes a third-party DLL that happens to be obfuscated. During an initial test release of the application, the application wouldn't install. Initial research seems to indicate that Microsoft Click-Once and Obfuscated DLLs don't play well together. Is that the case? If not, is there a special way to get an Obfuscated DLL to install/work in a Microsoft Click-Once deployment?

Can a gwt app be converted/packaged as windows universal app?

I have a gwt developed website that already runs 100% client-side (by which I mean no server-side javascript is used)
As one of the options for windows universal app development is javascript, is it possible to somehow turn a online gwt app into a offline uwp one?
I am aware there are solutions to package websites together with browser+installer, but if windows can run js 'natively' now (I assume via Edge) it seems a better route.
You can use UWP Javascript project from Visual Studio. This project allows you to add any HTML/CS/JS requires files. You can also use the Hosted model, where your files are downloaded from a URL (but then the app will require connectivity).
I've not tried the scenario, but I don't see any impediments, it should work.

How to create a UWP Package that`s shipping Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0 with it

I`m struggling with the following issue:
I try to deploy my uwp app with a Mobile Device Management System (MobileIron). it's only accepts .appxbundle, no .appxupload files. When i try to install/deploy the app on a device, i get the error
Can not install package XY because the package xy has a dependency to Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0. This package is needed for the installation. Deploy this Framework together with your package
(my custom translation ;) )
The problem is, I dont know how to create a package, that's shipping the needed CoreRuntime within. When i create a DEBUG Package, i get a appxbundle and a folder with the missing CoreRuntime.appx, but only the powershell script is shipping the CoreRuntime Framework to the Device, not the bundle itself.
When i create a RELEASE Package, it`s running agains .NET Native, in this case i have no CoreRuntime...
Hope i explained my problem good enought and someone can help me or give me a hind.
You need to enable .NET Native, From your Project Properties:
Make sure that your configuration is for Release. And check
Compile with .NET Native tool chain
Optimize code
finally make sure to create your packages from Store->Create App Packages. With the following configurations:

Single Development for Blackberry and Nokia Java enabled device with J2ME

I have 1+ years development with iOS and now looking for work with Blackberry and Nokia Java enabled devices. Just started work with Netbeans 7.1 IDE with LWUIT.
Can I Use the file created by Resource Editor (ect.res) in both projects?
if Yes - then please provide some information.
if No - then is there any way for this and which one should be better?
I created one file with Resource Editor (etc.res) then how I can use this resource file with Netbeans in my project? Because after adding the file project showing same as it was without adding.
Yes you can use the same res file to both platforms using lwuit in both apps. Be carefull in BB with the http connections, they need some parameters more than j2me normal app.
To use the res file from the code tou will need to open the res using the Resource object
To do that:
Resources res ="path of your res");
later you can use many things of your resource (Containers, fonts, localization...)
I think that you can use for some projects. When you build the project the res file write into binary code that save in dist file. but you need to add the files to project. In my lwuit projects is added under source packages or Resources and is working.
Resources defaultTheme =;

Do DNN support ajax control tool kit.?

Do DNN support ajax control tool kit.
If not then why, and how can i make DNN support Ajax Control Tool kit?
I made my module work with the Ajax Control Tool Kit. I added a reference to my module and included the dll in the package as a dependency.
The dll is already loaded with the dnn installation.
You can use it in your project like this
First Register the dll
Then access the control list as
More on this on codeplex