Call powersehell with parameters - powershell

I have this in a powershell
if (Test-Path env:\names)
[string[]] $names= (dir env:\names).Value.Split(",") | % { $_.Trim() }
} else {
[string[]] $names= "peter","mikael","Anders","William"
Write-Host -n "names: " ; [string]$names
If I would like to call it from command prompt is that possible?
I have tried this:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -File MainScript.ps1 -PARAM "Peter,Mikael"
I do understand that wont work since I am looking for a env:names but how can I make it work? What I am after is that I would like to send in a parameter with names and that should be caught in something like the code above.

You have a complete mess here. First env:names means value of environment variable names, there shouldn't be \.
Then, if you want you script to accept parameters - just add param(string[] $names) as first line of your script
If you want to run your script with parameters - just start powershell and type: full_path_to_script Peter,Mikael

Like that?
if (Test-Path env:\names)
$names = $env:names.Split(",") | % { $_.Trim() }
$names = $name.Split(",") | % { $_.Trim() }
Write-Host -n "names: $names"


When running a command in powershell how can I prepend a date/time for all output on stdout/stderr?

Is it possible in powershell when running a script to add a date prefix to all log output?
I know that it would be possible to do something like:
Write-Host "$(Get-Date -format 'u') my log output"
But I dont want to have to call some function for each time we output a line. Instead I want to modify all output when running any script or command and have the time prefix for every line.
To insert a date in front of all output, that is stdout, stderr and the PowerShell-specific streams, you can use the redirection operator *>&1 to redirect (merge) all streams of a command or scriptblock, pipe to Out-String -Stream to format the stream objects into lines of text and then use ForEach-Object to process each line and prepend the date.
Let me start with a simple example, a more complete solution can be found below.
# Run a scriptblock
# Test output to all possible streams, using various formatting methods.
# Added a few delays to test if the final output is still streaming.
"Write $($PSStyle.Foreground.BrightGreen)colored`ntext$($PSStyle.Reset) to stdout"
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
[PSCustomObject]#{ Answer = 42; Question = 'What?' } | Format-Table
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
Get-Content -Path not-exists -EA Continue # produce a non-terminating error
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
Write-Host 'Write to information stream'
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
Write-Warning 'Write to warning stream'
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
Write-Verbose 'Write to verbose stream' -Verbose
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
$DebugPreference = 'Continue' # To avoid prompt, needed for Windows Powershell
Write-Debug 'Write to debug stream'
} *>&1 | Out-String -Stream | ForEach-Object {
# Add date in front of each output line
$date = Get-Date -Format "yy\/MM\/dd H:mm:ss"
foreach( $line in $_ -split '\r?\n' ) {
"$($PSStyle.Reset)[$date] $line"
Output in PS 7.2 console:
Using Out-String we use the standard PowerShell formatting system to have the output look normally, as it would appear without redirection (e. g. things like tables stay intact). The -Stream parameter is crucial to keep the streaming output behaviour of PowerShell. Without this parameter, output would only be received once the whole scriptblock has completed.
While the output already looks quite nice, there are some minor issues:
The verbose, warning and debug messages are not colored as usual.
The word "text" in the 2nd line should be colored in green. This isn't working due to the use of $PSStyle.Reset. When removed, the colors of the error message leak into the date column, which looks far worse. It can be fixed, but it is not trivial.
The line wrapping isn't right (it wraps into the date column in the middle of the output).
As a more general, reusable solution I've created a function Invoke-WithDateLog that runs a scriptblock, captures all of its output, inserts a date in front of each line and outputs it again:
Function Invoke-WithDateLog {
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock,
[string] $DateFormat = '[yy\/MM\/dd H:mm:ss] ',
[string] $DateStyle = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightBlack,
[switch] $CatchExceptions,
[switch] $ExceptionStackTrace,
[Collections.ICollection] $ErrorCollection
# Variables are private so they are not visible from within the ScriptBlock.
$private:ansiEscapePattern = "`e\[[0-9;]*m"
$private:lastFmt = ''
& {
if( $CatchExceptions ) {
try { & $scriptBlock }
catch {
# The common parameter -ErrorVariable doesn't work in scripted cmdlets, so use our own error variable parameter.
if( $null -ne $ErrorCollection ) {
$null = $ErrorCollection.Add( $_ )
# Write as regular output, colored like an error message.
"`n" + $PSStyle.Formatting.Error + "EXCEPTION ($($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)):`n $_" + $PSStyle.Reset
# Optionally write stacktrace. Using the -replace operator we indent each line.
Write-Debug ($_.ScriptStackTrace -replace '^|\r?\n', "`n ") -Debug:$ExceptionStackTrace
else {
& $scriptBlock
} *>&1 | ForEach-Object -PipelineVariable record {
# Here the $_ variable is either:
# - a string in case of simple output
# - an instance of one of the System.Management.Automation.*Record classes (output of Write-Error, Write-Debug, ...)
# - an instance of one of the Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format.* classes (output of a Format-* cmdlet)
if( $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] ) {
# The common parameter -ErrorVariable doesn't work in scripted cmdlets, so use our own error variable parameter.
if( $null -ne $ErrorCollection ) {
$null = $ErrorCollection.Add( $_ )
$_ # Forward current record
} | Out-String -Stream | ForEach-Object {
# Here the $_ variable is always a (possibly multiline) string of formatted output.
# Out-String doesn't add any ANSI escape codes to colorize Verbose, Warning and Debug messages,
# so we have to do it by ourselfs.
$overrideFmt = switch( $record ) {
{ $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.VerboseRecord] } { $PSStyle.Formatting.Verbose; break }
{ $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.WarningRecord] } { $PSStyle.Formatting.Warning; break }
{ $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.DebugRecord] } { $PSStyle.Formatting.Debug; break }
# Prefix for each line. It resets the ANSI escape formatting before the date.
$prefix = $DateStyle + (Get-Date -Format $DateFormat) + $PSStyle.Reset
foreach( $line in $_ -split '\r?\n' ) {
# Produce the final, formatted output.
$prefix + ($overrideFmt ?? $lastFmt) + $line + ($overrideFmt ? $PSStyle.Reset : '')
# Remember last ANSI escape sequence (if any) of current line, for cases where formatting spans multiple lines.
$lastFmt = [regex]::Match( $line, $ansiEscapePattern, 'RightToLeft' ).Value
Usage example:
# To differentiate debug and verbose output from warnings
$PSStyle.Formatting.Debug = $PSStyle.Foreground.Yellow
$PSStyle.Formatting.Verbose = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightCyan
Invoke-WithDateLog -CatchExceptions -ExceptionStackTrace {
"Write $($PSStyle.Foreground.Green)colored`ntext$($PSStyle.Reset) to stdout"
[PSCustomObject]#{ Answer = 42; Question = 'What?' } | Format-Table
Get-Content -Path not-exists -EA Continue # produce a non-terminating error
Write-Host 'Write to information stream'
Write-Warning 'Write to warning stream'
Write-Verbose 'Write to verbose stream' -Verbose
Write-Debug 'Write to debug stream' -Debug
throw 'Critical error'
Output in PS 7.2 console:
The code requires PowerShell 7+.
The date formatting can be changed through parameters -DateFormat (see formatting specifiers) and -DateStyle (ANSI escape sequence for coloring).
Script-terminating errors such as created by throwing an exception or using Write-Error -EA Stop, are not logged by default. Instead they bubble up from the scriptblock as usual. You can pass parameter -CatchExceptions to catch exceptions and log them like regular non-terminating errors. Pass -ExceptionStackTrace to also log the script stacktrace, which is very useful for debugging.
Scripted cmdlets such as this one don't set the automatic variable $? and also don't add errors to the automatic $Error variable when an error is written via Write-Error. Neither the common parameter -ErrorVariable works. To still be able to collect error information I've added parameter -ErrorCollection which can be used like this:
$scriptErrors = [Collections.ArrayList]::new()
Invoke-WithDateLog -CatchExceptions -ExceptionStackTrace -ErrorCollection $scriptErrors {
Write-Error 'Write to stderr' -EA Continue
throw 'Critical error'
if( $scriptErrors ) {
# Outputs "Number of errors: 2"
"`nNumber of errors: $($scriptErrors.Count)"
The objects generated by Write-Host already come with a timestamp, you can use Update-TypeData to override the .ToString() Method from the InformationRecord Class and then redirect the output from the Information Stream to the Success Stream.
Update-TypeData -TypeName System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord -Value {
return $this.TimeGenerated.ToString('u') + $this.MessageData.Message.PadLeft(10)
} -MemberType ScriptMethod -MemberName ToString -Force
'Hello', 'World', 123 | Write-Host 6>&1

Powershell Global Variable usage as parameter to argument

$global:af_fp = "C:\Path\to\folder\"
Function function-name {
do things …
$global:af_fp = $global:af_fp + $variableFromDo_things + "_AF.csv"
function-name | ConvertTo-CSV -NoTypeInformation | Add-Content -Path $($af_fp)
Above is the generalized (and abbreviated) script contents for a powershell script.
Every time I run the script in this way, I get the following error:
Add-Content : Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\timeuser\Documents\'.
At C:\Users\timeuser\Documents\get_software.ps1:231 char:51
+ ... ware | ConvertTo-CSV -NoTypeInformation | Add-Content -Path $($af_fp)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (C:\Users\timeuser\Documents\:String) [Add-Content], DirectoryNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetContentWriterDirectoryNotFoundError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddContentCommand
When I run
Get-Variable -Scope global
after running the script and seeing the error, the variable af_fp contains exactly the information I am seeking for the file name, however, the error shows the variable contents ending in ':String'.
To confuse me even more, if I comment out the lines containing '$global:...' and re-run the same script, IT ACTUALL RUNS AND SAVES THE FILE USING THE LINE
function-name | ConvertTo-CSV -NoTypeInformation | Add-Content -Path $($af_fp)
AS INTENDED. Of course, I had to run the script and watch it error first, then re-run the script with the global variable declaration and update commented out for it to actually work. I want to run the script ONCE and still get the same results.
FYI, I am a complete noob to powershell, but very familiar with the concept of variable scope.....but why is this global not working when initially created and updated, but then work the second time around, when, as far as I can tell, the CONTENT AND SCOPE of the global remains the same...…. any assistance to finding a solution to this small issue would be greatly appreciated; I have tried sooooo may different methods from inquiries through here and on Google...…..
EDIT: not sure why this will matter, because the script ran before as intended when I explicitly typed the parameter for -Path as 'C:\path\to\file'. The ONLY CHANGES MADE to the original, working script (below) were my inclusion of the global variable declaration, the update to the contents of the global variable (near the end of the function), and the attempt to use the global variable as the parameter to -Path, that is why I omitted the script:
$global:af_fp = "C:\Users\timeuser\Documents\"
Function Get-Software {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
[String[]]$Computername = $env:COMPUTERNAME
Begin {
Process {
ForEach ($Computer in $Computername) {
If (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -Count 1 -Quiet) {
$Paths = #("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall", "SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall")
ForEach ($Path in $Paths) {
Write-Verbose "Checking Path: $Path"
# Create an instance of the Registry Object and open the HKLM base key
Try {
$reg = [microsoft.win32.registrykey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $Computer, 'Registry64')
Catch {
Write-Error $_
# Drill down into the Uninstall key using the OpenSubKey Method
Try {
$regkey = $reg.OpenSubKey($Path)
# Retrieve an array of string that contain all the subkey names
$subkeys = $regkey.GetSubKeyNames()
# Open each Subkey and use GetValue Method to return the required values for each
ForEach ($key in $subkeys) {
Write-Verbose "Key: $Key"
$thisKey = $Path + "\\" + $key
Try {
$thisSubKey = $reg.OpenSubKey($thisKey)
# Prevent Objects with empty DisplayName
$DisplayName = $thisSubKey.getValue("DisplayName")
If ($DisplayName -AND $DisplayName -notmatch '^Update for|rollup|^Security Update|^Service Pack|^HotFix') {
$Date = $thisSubKey.GetValue('InstallDate')
If ($Date) {
Try {
$Date = [datetime]::ParseExact($Date, 'yyyyMMdd', $Null)
Catch {
Write-Warning "$($Computer): $_ <$($Date)>"
$Date = $Null
# Create New Object with empty Properties
$Publisher = Try {
Catch {
$Version = Try {
#Some weirdness with trailing [char]0 on some strings
$thisSubKey.GetValue('DisplayVersion').TrimEnd(([char[]](32, 0)))
Catch {
$UninstallString = Try {
Catch {
$InstallLocation = Try {
Catch {
$InstallSource = Try {
Catch {
$HelpLink = Try {
Catch {
$Object = [pscustomobject]#{
#Potential Candidate for AssetID in the TIME system
AssetID = $Computer
#String that contains word or word combinations for the product field of CPE WFN; may also contain the valid values necessary for update, edition, language, sw_edition, target_hw/sw fields as well.
cpeprodinfo = $DisplayName
cpeversion = $Version
InstallDate = $Date
cpevendor = $Publisher
UninstallString = $UninstallString
InstallLocation = $InstallLocation
InstallSource = $InstallSource
HelpLink = $thisSubKey.GetValue('HelpLink')
EstimatedSizeMB = [decimal]([math]::Round(($thisSubKey.GetValue('EstimatedSize') * 1024) / 1MB, 2))
$Object.pstypenames.insert(0, 'System.Software.Inventory')
Write-Output $Object
Catch {
Write-Warning "$Key : $_"
Catch { }
Else {
Write-Error "$($Computer): unable to reach remote system!"
$global:af_fp = $global:af_fp + $Computer + "_AF.csv"
Get-Software | ConvertTo-CSV -NoTypeInformation | Add-Content -Path $($af_fp)
NOTE: the ONLY changes I made, that I am asking about, are the global declaration, the global variable update in the function, and the attempt to use the global variable for the -Path parameter....script otherwise runs and will even run WITH THE LAST LINE AS IS if I ran it and errored the first time.....not sure how the addition script will help in any way, shape, or form!
With a little effort, Nasir's solution worked! HOWEVER, I ran across a sample file that had a way of adding to a parameter that inspired me to make a change to my ORIGINAL, that also worked: remove global variable from script entirely and add this code the very end:
$file_suffix = '_AF.csv'
Get-Software | ConvertTo-CSV -NoTypeInformation | Add-Content -Path $env:COMPUTERNAME$file_suffix
In this way, I was able to accomplish exactly what I was setting out to do! Thanks Nasir for your response as well! I was able to also make that work as intended!
Global variables are generally frowned upon, since they often lead to poor scripts, with hard to debug issues.
It seems like your function returns some stuff, which you need to write to a file, the name of which is also generated by the same function. You can try something like this:
function function-name {
#do things
[pscustomobject]#{"DoThings_data" = $somevariablefromDoThings; "Filename" = "$($PathPrefix)$($variableFromDo_Things)_AF.csv"}
function-name -PathPrefix "C:\Path\to\folder\" | Foreach-Object { $_.DoThings_data | Export-Csv -Path $_.Filename -NoTypeInformation }
Or just have your function write the CSV data out and then return the data if you need to further process it outside the function.
Edit: this is just me extrapolating from partial code you have provided. To Lee_Dailey's point, yes, please provide more details.

Possible to use -WhatIf and the invocation operator (&)?

Is it possible to use the -WhatIf argument when executing external commands? I want to be able to run a script with -WhatIf and have it print out a full list of all the external commands and arguments it's going to run without actually running them.
I've tried doing stuff like the following:
Function Invoke-Checked
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($s.ToString(), "Execute"))
Invoke-Command $s
But that won't expand any variables that are present in the scriptblock - doing something like:
$s = { & dir $test }
Invoke-Checked $s
just prints
Performing the operation "Execute" on target " & dir $test ".
not particularly helpful.
Is there any way to do what I want?
First of all - you need to make sure that your 'wrapper' function supports WhatIf.
Another thing: you can expand the scriptBlock, but I'm not really convinced that is smart thing to do: e.g. if $test = 'Some path with spaces', it would stop working after expansion.
That being said: here are two options that work for me: using GetNewClosure() method on scriptBlock, and expanding whole thing:
function Invoke-ExpandedChecked {
SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
ConfirmImpact = 'Medium'
$expanded = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($ScriptBlock)
$script = [scriptblock]::Create($expanded)
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($script.ToString(), "Execute"))
& $script
function Invoke-Checked {
SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
ConfirmImpact = 'Medium'
$newClosure = $ScriptBlock.GetNewClosure()
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($newClosure.ToString(), "Execute"))
& $newClosure
$test = '.\DSCDemo.ps_'
$s = { cmd /c dir $test}
Invoke-Checked $s -WhatIf
Invoke-Checked $s
Invoke-ExpandedChecked $s -WhatIf
Invoke-ExpandedChecked $s
And an example of results for path with spaces:
$test = 'C:\Program Files'
Invoke-Checked $s
Invoke-ExpandedChecked $s
Works fine for one with new enclosure. With expanded:
cmd : File Not Found
At line:1 char:2
+ cmd /c dir C:\Program Files
I'm going to interpret the question to mean, "how do I use -whatif with running external commands?", since that's how I found this question.
# myscript.ps1
Param($path) # put Param() if no parameters
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path, 'creating folder')) { # not -whatif
cmd /c mkdir $path
.\myscript foo -whatif
What if: Performing the operation "creating folder" on target "foo".

PowerShell cmdlet parameter value tab completion

How do you implement the parameter tab completion for PowerShell functions or cmdlets like Get-Service and Get-Process in PowerShell 3.0?
I realise ValidateSet works for a known list, but I want to generate the list on demand.
Adam Driscoll hints that it is possible for cmdlets but unfortunately hasn't elaborated.
Trevor Sullivan shows a technique for functions, but as I understand it, his code only generates the list at the time the function is defined.
I puzzled over this for a while, because I wanted to do the same thing. I put together something that I'm really happy with.
You can add ValidateSet attributes from a DynamicParam. Here's an example of where I've generated my ValidateSet on-the-fly from an xml file. See the "ValidateSetAttribute" in the following code:
function Foo() {
Param ()
DynamicParam {
# The "modules" param
$modulesAttributeCollection = new-object -Type System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
# [parameter(mandatory=...,
# ...
# )]
$modulesParameterAttribute = new-object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
$modulesParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
$modulesParameterAttribute.HelpMessage = "Enter one or more module names, separated by commas"
# [ValidateSet[(...)]
$moduleNames = #()
foreach($moduleXmlInfo in Select-Xml -Path "C:\Path\to\my\xmlFile.xml" -XPath "//enlistment[#name=""wp""]/module") {
$moduleNames += $moduleXmlInfo.Node.Attributes["name"].Value
$modulesValidateSetAttribute = New-Object -type System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($moduleNames)
# Remaining boilerplate
$modulesRuntimeDefinedParam = new-object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter("modules", [String[]], $modulesAttributeCollection)
$paramDictionary = new-object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
$paramDictionary.Add("modules", $modulesRuntimeDefinedParam)
return $paramDictionary
process {
# Do stuff
With that, I can type
Foo -modules M<press tab>
and it will tab-complete "MarcusModule" if that module was in the XML file. Furthermore, I can edit the XML file and the tab-completion behavior will immediately change; you don't have to re-import the function.
Check the TabExpansionPlusPlus module on github, written by a former PowerShell team magician.
Classically, I used regex.
for example,
function TabExpansion {
param($line, $lastWord)
if ( $line -match '(-(\w+))\s+([^-]*$)' )
### Resolve Command name & parameter name
$_param = $matches[2] + '*'
$_opt = $Matches[3].Split(" ,")[-1] + '*'
$_base = $Matches[3].Substring(0,$Matches[3].Length-$Matches[3].Split(" ,")[-1].length)
$_cmdlet = [regex]::Split($line, '[|;=]')[-1]
if ($_cmdlet -match '\{([^\{\}]*)$')
$_cmdlet = $matches[1]
if ($_cmdlet -match '\(([^()]*)$')
$_cmdlet = $matches[1]
$_cmdlet = $_cmdlet.Trim().Split()[0]
$_cmdlet = #(Get-Command -type 'Cmdlet,Alias,Function,Filter,ExternalScript' $_cmdlet)[0]
while ($_cmdlet.CommandType -eq 'alias')
$_cmdlet = #(Get-Command -type 'Cmdlet,Alias,Function,Filter,ExternalScript' $_cmdlet.Definition)[0]
### Currently target is Get-Alias & "-Name" parameter
if ( "Get-Alias" -eq $_cmdlet.Name -and "Name" -like $_param )
Get-Alias -Name $_opt | % { $_.Name } | sort | % { $_base + ($_ -replace '\s','` ') }
Posh-git renames TabExpansion to TabExpansionBackup in GitTabExpansion.ps1.
And posh-git's redifined TabExpansion calls original TabExpansion(TabExpansionBackup) when completions don't match with git commands.
So all you have to do is redefine TabExpansionBackup.
(cat .\GitTabExpansion.ps1 | select -last 18)
============================== GitTabExpansion.ps1 ==============================
if (Test-Path Function:\TabExpansion) {
Rename-Item Function:\TabExpansion TabExpansionBackup
function TabExpansion($line, $lastWord) {
$lastBlock = [regex]::Split($line, '[|;]')[-1].TrimStart()
switch -regex ($lastBlock) {
# Execute git tab completion for all git-related commands
"^$(Get-AliasPattern git) (.*)" { GitTabExpansion $lastBlock }
"^$(Get-AliasPattern tgit) (.*)" { GitTabExpansion $lastBlock }
# Fall back on existing tab expansion
default { if (Test-Path Function:\TabExpansionBackup) { TabExpansionBackup $line $lastWord } }
Redefine TabExpansionBackup(original TabExpansion)
function TabExpansionBackup {
### Resolve Command name & parameter name
### Currently target is Get-Alias & "-Name" parameter

Ouput redirection/capturing issue with Powershell and Try-Catch and external EXE

First off, either A) I'm not investigating into this hard enough or B) I've found a problem that requires some funky hack. By the way this is posh v1.0.
Here it goes:
A week or so ago I asked a question about redirecting the output from the exection of an EXE in powershell that was otherwise not being caught. I was swiftly presented with "2>&1" which solved the problem.
Now I've hit another snag and hope to see what some of you stackoverflowers can throw at it.
I'm using try-catch blocks throughout my code as a good programmer should. When I went to place a call to GPG (, passing it a few commands as follows:
try `
& $gpgExeLocation --import $keyFileName 2>&1 | out-file "theOutput.txt";
} `
-Catch `
write-host "$_";
I get a blank text file (theOutput.txt).
But if I do the same call outside of the try-catch block, the text file gets some text written to it as expected.
What I'm wondering is if there is an issue with output redirection to stdout and the way powershell traps exceptions - or if it is my try-catch code to begin with?
here is my try-catch implementation
function global:try
[ScriptBlock]$Command = $(Throw "The parameter -Command is required."),
[ScriptBlock]$Catch = { Throw $_ },
[ScriptBlock]$Finally = {}
& {
$local:ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
& {
trap { Throw $_ }
Throw $_
$_ | & { &$Catch }
& {
trap { Throw $_ }
It appears you are using a custom Try function with a -Catch parameter. Mind sharing your implementation to see if that could be causing the problem?
BTW I doubt that your catch statement would ever be invoked unless you are converting the non-terminating error condition of $lastexitode -ne 0 to a terminating error. In this case, you may be better off with a function like this. I use it a lot (it's quite handy):
function Get-CallStack {
trap { continue }
1..100 | foreach {
$var = Get-Variable -scope $_ MyInvocation
$var.Value.PositionMessage -replace "`n"
# Helper function to deal with legacy exe exit codes
function CheckLastExitCode {
param ([int[]]$SuccessCodes = #(0), [scriptblock]$CleanupScript=$null)
if ($SuccessCodes -notcontains $LastExitCode) {
if ($CleanupScript) {
"Executing cleanup script: $CleanupScript"
$OFS = $NL = [System.Environment]::NewLine
throw "EXE RETURNED EXIT CODE ${LastExitCode}${NL}$(Get-CallStack)"
Use it like so:
& $gpgExeLocation --import $keyFileName 2>&1 | out-file "theOutput.txt"